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1 2 3 1

Abstract Since English proficiency is highly valued in Taiwan, many universities require their students to pass English proficiency tests before they graduate. For those who cannot successfully achieve the required score, they need to take a remedial course as an alternative. In this study, we aim to find out whether the remedial course in National Taiwan University, which is designed on a blended learning basis, can improve students English proficiency and promote self-learning. General English Proficiency Test (GEPT) is adopted to evaluate participants English proficiency; and a questionnaire is conducted to collect participants view on the course and their learning pattern. The result suggests that blended learning courses may improve students English proficiency. Also, the GEPT score is positively related with participants self-regulated learning from extra-curricular materials. The result of this study may serve as an example for English education programs designed for college and university students. 2

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clinical teaching 2001 2009 2010 2001 2003 Hancock 19922001 2001 2011 2008 2011 2012 1984 2011 Ko&Rossen, 2001 4

Garrison &Kanuka 2003 2008 Yoon &Lee 2010 2008 Yi-Wen Luo 2009 2006 2012 2002 5

Ali &Zahari, 2005 102 102 G101/2 317 272 72 200 GEPT L G L101/2 L201/2G101/2 G201/2 G301/2 G 1 2 G101/G102 G101 G102 49 ( ) G201/G202 G201 G202 G101/G102 G201/G202 64 ( ) G301/G302 G301 G302 1) 65 ( ) 2) 65 ( ) 79 ( ) 64 ( ) L 1 2 6

L101/L102 L101 L102 80( ) 60( ) L201/L202 L201 L202 80( ) 61 ( ) 79 ( ) 49( ) 50( ) 64 65( ) 79 80( ) 49( ) G101/G102 G201/G202 G301/G302 G301/G302 50( ) 64 G201/G202 G201/G202 G301/G302 G301/G302 65( ) 79 G301/G302 G301/G302 G301/G302 G301/G302 80( ) 0~60 61~79 80 ( ) 80( ) L101/L102 L201/L202 7

L201/ 202 North Star 4: Listening & Speaking online North Star 4 Lab exercises Real Talk Grammar: Correct Writing GEPT Drills L101/ 102 VOA BBC anecdote listening GEPT Drills Drill Exercise G301/ 302 For Your Information 4: Reading and Vocabulary Skills (2 nd edition) Real Talk G301/302 extended reading graded novel Grammar Correct Writing GEPT Drills G201/ 202 For Your Information 4: Reading and Vocabulary Skills (2 nd edition) Real Talk graded novel 8

Grammar: Correct Writing GEPT Drills G101/ 102 * Real Reading 4 Grammar GEPT Drills *G101/102 103 6 27 28 SPSS 18 reliability analysis factor analysis 87.9% 14 SPSS 18 Paired-samples T-test 9

Independent T-test Spearman's rho 10

317 272 Paired-samples T-test 102 M = 58.56-->M = 74.50, p <.001 15.94 M = 63.85-->M = 68.33, p <.001 4.48 M = 58.61-->M = 76.96, p <.001 18.35 M = 58.54-->M = 73.62, p <.001 11

L101 L201 p <.05 L101 (23.24 ) L201 (13.97 ) L101 L201 12

G201 G301 p >.05 G201 3.53 M = 54.56-->M = 58.09 G301 4.98 M = 68.63-->M = 73.61 G201 G301 p <.05 G201 11.7 M = 52.29-->M = 63.99 G301 16.83 M = 61.75-->M = 78.58 13

102-1 102-2 102-1 102-2 102-2 102-2 L1 51.00 74.24 80 80 L2 65.42 79.39 L1+L2 58.61 76.96 G2 52.29 54.56 63.99 58.09 G3 61.75 68.63 78.58 73.61 G2+G3 58.54 63.85 73.62 68.33 58.56 74.50 + SPSS 18 p <.05 [ ] 13 14

84% 76% 103 6 1 7 8 90% 85% 2 2 3 87% 83% 4 5 68% 70% 6 11 1.14 3 9 10 84% 76% 12 13 66%12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 15

1. 2. 3. 4. [] - 1 2 3 1. 2. 3. 4. 1.14 272 16

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103-2 OEP L202-Friday [] 1. A) B) 2. ( ) A) C) D) 3. ( ) A) C) D) 4. A) C) D) 5. A) C) D) 19

6. A) C) D) E) ( ) F) G) 7. A) C) D) 8. A) C) D) 9. A) C) D) 10. A) C) D) 11. ( 0 0.5 1.5 ) 12. A) ( 13 ) B) ( 14 ) 20

13. ( ) A) B) C) D) E) F) G) H) I) ( ) 14. 21

[] ( ) Q1 A) B) Q2 ( ) A) C) D) Q3 ( ) A) C) D) 22

Q4 A) C) D) Q5 A) C) D) Q6 A) B) C) D) E) ( ) F) G) 23

Q7 A) C) D) Q8 A) C) D) Q9 A) C) D) 24

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Q13 ( ) A) B) C) D) E) F) G) H) I) ( ) 26

Correlations Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q2to5 Q12 Q910 Spearman's rho Correlation Coefficient 1.000.220 ** -.003.050.075 -. *.106 Sig. (2-tailed)..002.968.487.292.896.784.393.041.134 N 200 200 199 198 199 199 199 200 197 200 Correlation Coefficient.220 ** -.051.000 -.078 -.006 -.053.069 Sig. (2-tailed).002..569.778.472.999.271.930.460.335 N 200 200 199 198 199 199 199 200 197 200 Q2 Correlation Coefficient -.003.041 1.000.242 **.227 **.155 *.037.552 **.289 **.403 ** Sig. (2-tailed).968.569.. N 199 199 199 198 199 199 199 199 197 199 Q3 Correlation Coefficient.050.020.242 ** 1.000.142 *.231 **.160 *.580 **.128.209 ** Sig. (2-tailed).487.778.001.. N 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 196 198 Q4 Correlation Coefficient.075 -.051.227 **.142 * 1.000.107 -.021.693 **.099.085 Sig. (2-tailed).292.472.001.045..132.766.000.168.232 N 199 199 199 198 199 199 199 199 197 199 Q5 Correlation Coefficient -.009.000.155 *.231 **.107 1.000.155 *.575 **.165 *.169 * Sig. (2-tailed).896.999.028.001.132.. N 199 199 199 198 199 199 199 199 197 199 Q6 Correlation Coefficient.020 -.078.037.160 * -.021.155 * *.131 Sig. (2-tailed).784.271.602.024.766.029..180.021.065 N 199 199 199 198 199 199 199 199 197 199 Q2to5 Correlation Coefficient.061 -.006.552 **.580 **.693 **.575 **.095 1.000.247 **.306 ** Sig. (2-tailed).393.930. N 200 200 199 198 199 199 199 200 197 200 Q12 Correlation Coefficient.145 * -.053.289 **.128.099.165 *.164 *.247 ** 1.000.382 ** Sig. (2-tailed).041.460. N 197 197 197 196 197 197 197 197 197 197 Q910 Correlation Coefficient.106.069.403 **.209 **.085.169 *.131.306 **.382 ** 1.000 Sig. (2-tailed).134.335. N 200 200 199 198 199 199 199 200 197 200 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). *. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed). 27