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To Charge or Not to Charge? A Study on Admission Policy of National Museums Wen-Ling Lin* Yung-Neng Lin** Abstract The policy debate on museum admission charges has a long history. Since offering free admission in 2001, almost all the national museums in UK have twice more the numbers both in visitor and in revenue. It becomes a current trend of the world, museums in Denmark and Australia have followed to offer free admission to their visistors. Even France and China have announced that they will free the charge for museum admission in 2008. On the contrary, however, many of Taiwan, s national museums have increased admission fee recently. The article explores not only the history of UK admission policy, but also the debate and impact of the policy. And then, compare UK museums admission policy to that in Taiwan. Taking the experience of UK as an example, the study suggests that (1) government could reduce admission fee step by step, (2) national museums could go forward firstly, (3) the missions of museums should be insisted, and (4) the impact of free admission should be assessed from time to time. Keywords: admission policy, equality of opportunity, national museum * Ph.D. student, Graduate School of Art-Culture Policy and Management, National Taiwan University of Arts **Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Art, Culture Industry, Design and Management, National Taipei University of Education 71