1998 L o u i s 2 Pierre Althusser A l t h u s s e r, Hans Abbing A b b i n g, 2002 Jesse Helms 1989 N E A Robert Mapplethorpe S o u t h e

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15 To Subsidize or Not to Subsidize? Reflections and Debates on the Issue of Museum Subsidies Wen-Ling Lin* Abstract The museum of the day is facing financial difficulties due to government grant cuts and decentralization. Most museums need to raise funds for their operation / survival. This paper discusses museum subsidy issue by examining the arguments on both positive and negative sides and rethinks the responsibility and value of museums to the society, so as to ponder how the subsidy mechanism was formed. Finally, the study indicates that a subsidy will help a museum display its public benefit and keep it from financial pressure, so that the museum can concentrate on its functions like research, collection, education and promotion as well as on displaying its cultural diversity. Sound subsidy mechanism and active responses from museums will lead to create dialogues among government, citizen and museum. Keywords: policy of subsidy, cultural policy, museum * Ph D. Student, Graduate School of Art-Culture Policy and Management, National Taiwan University of Arts; mishardo17@gmail.com 61

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