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i 411 88 1. 2140 12 2. 3. 4.

Title of ThesisA Study of Quality of Work Life and Organizational Commitment on the Employee of Tourist Hotel Industry Name of InstituteDepartment of Tourism Management, Nan Hua University Graduate DateJuly, 2007 Degree Conferred: M.B.A Name of StudentCHIU, I-SHAN AdvisorCHANG, CHING-PIAO Ph. D. Abstract Due to the constant expansion of the domestic international tourist hotel industry, it is in urgent need of more human capital to involve the employment market of tourist hotel industry. In addition, the hotel industry is the core of recreation and tourism industry, the international tourist hotel industry is the main trend of the market of tourist hotels in Taiwan. This research attempts to explore the impact of quality of work life and organizational commitment from the attribute of the personal characteristics of employee of tourist hotel industry. This research was surveyed by interviewing the farmers with questionnaire. Survey questionnaires were sent to the employee of tourist hotel industry. The content of the questionnaires include: the personal portfolio (basic information), quality of work life and organizational commitment. Quality of Work Life Variable is divided into three domains: material, spiritual, and community dimension; Organizational commitment consists of three parts: Value Commitment, Effort Commitment, and Continuance Commitment. 5-point Likert-type scale was adopted as the measurement method. In total there were 411 valid questionnaires returned, and the response rate was 88%. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, analysis of variance, and correlation analysis. The findings in this research are as follows: 1. For the socio-economic background, the age of these respondents range from 21-year-old ~ 40-year-old. Speaking of the marital status, most of them are single. Most of their working experiences are from 1 to 2 year and the most respondents are rotating shift workers. Moreover, they most has their own business as tourist hotel industry. 2. Of Quality of Work Life, the community count for higher scores in the subscales while there is no significant differences on gender, marriage, children, position, type of job, age, work departments, revenue, and seniority. The spiritual dimension has distinctive differences on the educational levels. 3. Of Organizational Commitment, the effort commitment count for higher scores in the subscales while there is no significant differences on gender, marriage, children, position, type of job, age, work departments, revenue, and seniority. Having children or not has distinctive differences on the effort commitment. The educational levels has distinctive differences on the value commitment. 4. The quality of work life of employee of tourist hotel industry have significant positive relation to organizational commitment. KeywordsTourist Hotel, Quality of Work Life, Organizational Commitment ii

iii vii 1 1.1 1 1.2 2 1.3 4 1.4 4 1.5 4 1.6. 5 1.7. 5 7 2.1 7 2.1.1 7 2.1.2 9 2.1.3 11 2.2 15 2.2.1 15 2.2.2 16 2.2.3 19 2.2.4 20 2.2.5 22 2.3 23 2.3.1 23 2.3.2 25 i ii v iii

26 3.1 26 3.1.1 26 3.1.2 27 3.2 27 3.2.1 27 3.2.2 27 3.3 28 3.3.1 28 3.3.2 29 3.3.3 29 3.4 29 31 4.1 31 4.1.1 31 4.1.2 34 4.1.3 35 4.1.4 37 4.2 37 4.2.1 37 4.2.2 49 4.3 62 63 5.1 63 5.2 65 67 73 iv

1.1 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 3.1 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9... 6... 10... 13... 14... 17... 18... 19... 27... 33... 34... 35... 36... 36 t 38 t 39 t 39 t 40 4.10 t... 41 4.11... 42 4.12... 44 4.13... 45 4.14... 47 4.15... 48 4.16 t... 49 4.17 t 50 4.18 t 51 v

4.19 t. 52 4.20 t 53 4.21 t 54 4.22... 55 4.23... 56 4.24... 57 4.25... 59 4.26... 61 4.27 t. 62 4.28... 62 vi

2.1 2.2 3.1 Steers 21 MowdayPorter Steers 22 26 vii

1.1 2005 2005 2005 2004 ( ) 2008 2005 2005 325 2004 10.17% 2005 2005 90 2004 92 2,130 24 22 22 17 12 5.39 51 37 1

2 73 87 1.2 (QWL) QWL Organ(1988)

(Porter et al.,1974) ( ) (1987 Porter et al. (1974)Steers (1977) QWL QWL ( ) 3

1.3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1.4 1. 2. 3. 1.5 4

5 1.6 1. 2007128228 2. 3. 1.7 1.

1.1 : 2. 80 30 40 3.5 6

7 2.1 2.1.1 QWL Mayo Roethlisberger 1993 Herzberg, 1959 Hygiene Factors Motivator1960 Job Redesign QWL

1950Trist Tavistock 970 Nadler & Lawler1983 1969 1973 Working in American-MIT press: 1973 1970 1970 QWL 1970 QWL QWL Z QWL Nadler & Lawler, 1983 QWL QWL 8

QWL QWL QWL QWL QWL QWL 2.1.2 1. 2. 3. 9

2.1 2.1 Delomotte& walker 1974 Seashore 1975 Ahmed 1981 Davis 1981 Delamotte&Takezawa 1984 Cummings & Huse 1985 Nirenberg 1986 R.S.M.Lau 2000 1993 1993 1995 10

11 2.1 1997 89 2.1.3 90 Delphi hierachical clustering analysis 89

12 90 1. Taylor,1973 2. Shamir & Salomon,1985 3. Smith,1994 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

13 6. 7. 2.2 Kahn(1972) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Walton(1974) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

14 2.2 Guest(1979) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Stein(1983) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2.3 1987) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. (1993) 1. ( ) ( ) 2. ( )

2.3 (1993) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (1996) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 2.2 2.2.1 Organization Commitment 60 Job Satisfaction Job Involvement Whyte 1956 The Organization Man Whyte1956 15

16 2.2.2 (Mowday,PorterSteers1982) Mowday et al.1982 1. 2. 3. 2.4 2.5

2.4 1986 1 2 3 4 1987 1989 1 2 3 1991 1993 1994 1994 1995 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 91 17

2.5 1960 Becker 1966 Grusky 1968 1970 Kanter Hall, Schneider&Mygren 1971 Scheldon 1972 Hrebiniak&Alutto 1973 1974 1977 1978 1981 Hrebiniak&Alutto Porter, Steers, Mowday&Boulion Buchanan Salancik Yiener&Gechman Angle&Perry Koch&Steers Farnell&Rusbult Morris&Sherman 93 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 18

19 2.2.3 2.6 Becker (1960) Kanter (1968) Hall (1974) Staw and Salanick (1977) Kanter (1968) Morris and Shenman (1981)

20 2.6 Reichers (1985) / Allen and Meyer (1990) (91) 2.2.4 2-7 1. Steers Steers1977 382 119

2.1 Steers Steers1977 2. Mowday, Porter, and Steers Mowday, et al.(1982) (personal characteristics)( ) (role related characteristics)( ) (structural characteristics)( ) (work experience)( ) (job performance) (tenure) (tardiness) (absenteeism) (turnover) 2-2 21

2.2 MowdayPorter Steers Mowday R. T.,et al.1982 2.2.5 1. 77 Herbiniak&Alutto1972 90 Buchanan1974 Steers1977 82 90 88 22

2. AnglePerry1981) Meyer et al.1998 7881 83 93 2.3 2.3.1 1. (74) (71) (90) 2. (74Hrebiniak, 1972) (71) (73) Meyer and Allen(1984) 23

Mathieu and Zajac(1990) ( ) 3. (71) (73) (74) (90) 4. (73) (71) (90) 5. Mathieu and Zajac (1990) (85) 24

2.3.2 Macy(1980) Harmon Bolivar UAW 72%Efraty & Sirgy(1990) 219 Sherwin-Willins 63% Havlovic(80) 129 (80) (83) (83) (84) 25

3.1 3.1.1 3.1 H1 H2 H3 3.1 26

3.1.2 1. H1 2. H2 3. H3 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 2007 1 28 2 28 250 500 440 411 93 3.1 3.1 250 219 198 250 221 213 500 440 411 27

3.3 3.3.1 1 2 20 21~30 31~40 41~50 50 3 4 5 ( ) 6 18,000 18,001~20,000 20,001~25,000 25,001~30,000 30,001~35,000 35,001~50,000 50,000 7 7 8 9 ( ) 10 1 ()~2 2 ()~3 3 ()~5 5 () 11 : 28

3.3.2 18 93 Cronbach s.76~.83.86 Likert 1-5 3.3.3 15 93 Cronbach s.74 Likert 1-5 3.4 SPSS 10.0 29

1. Descriptive Statistics Analysis 2. one-way ANOVA F p0.05 3. Pearson product-moment correlation 30

4.1 4.1.1 4.1 1. 194 47.2 217 52.8 2. 21~30 147 35.8 31~40 119 29 20 () 85 20.7 41~50 35 50 () 25 8.56.1 3. 181 44.04 230 55.96 4. 31

173 42.09 238 57.91 5. () 182 44.3 94 22.9 ( )77 18.7() () 51 12.47 1.7 6. 18,001~20,000 99 24.1 20,001~25,000 83 20.2 18,000() 79 19.2 25,001~30,000 69 16.8 30,001~35,000 44 10.7 35,001~50,000 21 5.11 50,000 ()16 3.89 7. 329 80 82 20 8. 120 29.2 95 23.11 58 14.1 45 10.9 27 6.6 24 5.8 21 5.11 16 3.89 5 1.22 9. 263 64 ( ) 148 36 10. 1 101 24.6 1 ()~2 98 23.8 2 ()~3 80 19.5 3 ()~5 72 17.5 5 ()60 14.6 32

11. 227 55 184 44.7 4.1 N=411 1 194 47.2 2 217 52.8 120 () 85 20.7 221~30 147 35.8 331~40 119 29.0 441~50 35 8.5 550 () 25 6.1 1 181 44.04 2 230 55.96 1 173 42.09 2 238 57.91 1() 51 12.4 2 () 182 44.3 3 94 22.9 4 ( ) 77 18.7 5 () 7 1.7 118,000() 79 19.2 218,001~20,000 99 24.1 320,001~25,000 83 20.2 425,001~30,000 69 16.8 530,001~35,000 44 10.7 635,001~50,000 21 5.11 750,000() 16 3.89 1 329 80.0 2 82 20.0 1 120 29.20 2 95 23.11 3 58 14.1 4 45 10.9 5 21 5.11 6 27 6.6 7 24 5.8 8 16 3.89 9 5 1.22 33

4.1 N=411 1 263 64 2( ) 148 36 11 101 24.6 21 ()~2 98 23.8 32 ()~3 80 19.5 43 ()~5 72 17.5 55 () 60 14.6 1 227 55.23 2 184 44.77 4.1.2 5 1 4.2 4.3 2.97 3.01 2.98 2.94 1. 3.15 5. 2.84 4.2 2.98.63 2 2.94.64 3 3.01.62 1 2.97.55 34

4.3 N411 1 26 108 194 69 14 3.15.89 1 2 23 102 190 80 16 3.14 1.29 2 3 22 82 171 113 23 2.91.95 9 4 16 95 175 97 28 2.94.95 5 5 20 66 189 100 36 2.84.96 12 6 25 71 183 93 39 2.88 1.00 10 7 21 69 206 99 16 2.95.88 7 8 20 84 172 113 22 2.92.94 8 9 20 91 185 87 28 2.97.95 6 10 23 86 179 105 18 2.98.93 5 11 17 69 200 92 33 2.87.93 11 12 21 80 196 86 28 2.95.94 7 13 49 81 130 82 69 3.10 1.24 3 14 22 89 183 91 26 3.02.95 4 15 26 84 182 91 28 2.97.98 6 16 34 77 176 96 28 2.98 1.01 5 17 21 90 188 82 30 2.98.96 5 18 26 72 207 78 28 2.98.94 5 4.1.3 1 5 1 4.4 4.5 3.27 3.11 2.85 3.08 3. ( ) 4.30 11. ( )13. 14. 2.66 35

4.4 3.11.45 2 3.27.57 1 2.85.63 3 3.08.41 4.5 N411 1 18 77 199 96 21 2.94.89 8 2 18 77 1999 96 21 2.94.89 8 3 (162 225 17 0 7 4.30.71 1 ) 4 22 78 202 88 21 2.98.91 6 5 21 79 201 92 18 2.98.89 6 6 22 71 216 76 26 2.97.91 7 7 27 96 187 76 25 3.06.96 3 ( ) 8 22 65 218 77 29 2.94.92 8 9 30 65 222 68 26 3.01.93 5 ( ) 10 22 95 186 85 23 3.02.94 4 11 20 35 170 156 30 2.66.91 10 ( ) 12 14 58 236 81 22 2.91.83 9 ( ) 13 20 35 170 156 30 2.66.91 10 14 20 35 170 157 29 2.66.91 10 15 185 133 90 0 3 4.21.83 2 ( ) 36

4.1.4 1. M2.97SD=.55 2. M 3.08SD=.41 3. 284 127 4.2 one-way ANOVA t t-test scheffe method 4.2.1 1. (1) t 4.6 (t=.99p<.05) 2.98 2.97 2 37

89 4.6 t t 194 2.96.63 -.45 217 2.99.63 194 217 2.91.64 194 217 3.00.64 194 217 2.97.55 * p<.05 2. 1 4.7 (t=-.63p<.05) (t=.62p<.05) (t=.84p<.05) 2.98 2.97 2.99 2.96 2.92 3.03 2.98 2 89 93 38

4.7 t t 181 2.96.58 -.63 230 2.99.67 181 230 2.92.65 181 230 2.98.67 181 230 2.97.59 * p<.05 3. 1 4.8 (t=-.13p<.05) (t=1.20p<.05) (t=1.40p<.05) 3.00 2.95 2.98 2.97 2.98 2.91 3.05 2.97 2 4.8 t t 173 2.97.58 -.13 238 2.98.66 173 2.98.63 1.20 238 2.91.64 173 3.05.60 1.40 238 2.97.65 173 238 2.95.57 * p<.05 39

4. 1 4.9 (t=-.16p<.05) (t=-.38p<.05) (t=.59p<.05) 2.97 2.97 2.99 2.98 2.96 2.93 3.01 2.97 2 93 91 89 4.9 t t 329 2.98.60 -.16 82 2.99.71 329 2.93.64 -.38 82 2.96.63 329 82 2.97.60 329 82 2.97.57 * p<.05 40

5. 1 4.10 (t=.48p<.05) (t=-.23 p<.05) (t=1.10p<.05) 2.99 2.96 2.99 2.96 2.95 2.93 3.04 2.97 2 91 4.10 t t 227 184 2.96.61 227 2.93.69 -.23 184 2.95.57 227 3.04.62 1.10 184 2.97.61 227 * p<.05 184 2.96.52 41

6. 1 4.11 2.97.55 20 3.05 20 ( 3.08) 50 ( 3.05) 20 ( 3.05) 2 89 93 4.11 F P 1.20 ()85 2.21-30 147 2.97.61 124.17 406.40 3.31~40 119 2.92.59 124.86 410 4.41~50 35 3.01.70 5.50 ()25 2.94.64 411 2.98.63 1.20 ()85 2.21-30 147 2.88.59 124.17 406.40 3.31~40 119 2.93.62 124.86 410 4.41~50 35 2.92.67 5.50 ()25 3.05.82 411 2.94.64 42

4.11 1.20 ()85 2.21-30 147 2.99.58 124.17 406.38 3.31~40 119 2.99.57 124.86 410 4.41~50 35 3.02.70 5.50 ()25 2.97.56 411 3.01.62 1.20 ()85 2.21-30 147 2.95.51 124.17 406.31 * p<.05 3.31~40 119 2.95.53 124.86 410 4.41~50 35 2.99.62 5.50 ()25 2.99.58 411 2.97.55 7. 1 4.12 () 3.04 () 2 () 3.04 () 12.41%91 91 43

4.12 F P ()51 3.01.67 2.61 4.65 1.67 () 182 3.01.60 158.99 406.39 94 2.93.64 161.60 410 ( ) 77 2.98.63 () 7 2.43.63 411 2.98.63 ()51 3.04.74 4.25 4 1.06 2.67.03 () 182 3.00.61 161.28 406.40 94 2.89.65 165.53 410 --- ( ) 77 2.84.59 () 7 2.40.48 411 2.94.64 ()51 3.07.64 2.12 4.53 1.40.23 () 182 3.03.63 153.40 406.38 94 2.95.56 155.52 410 ( ) 77 3.03.65 () 7 2.55.32 411 3.01.62 ()51 3.04.60 2.66 4.67 2.21.07 () 182 3.01.55 122.20 406.30 p 94 2.92.54 124.86 410 ( ) 77 2.95.54 () 7 2.46.43 411 2.97.55 8. 4.13..16 44

3.06 3.11 3.06 3.13 2 87 4.13 F P 120 2.94.58 3.90 8.49 1.24.27 95 3.11.61 157.70 402.39 58 3.00.70 161.60 410 45 2.93.59 21 2.72.41 27 2.89.58 24 2.94.56 16 3.09 1.05 5 2.80.86 411 2.98.63 120 2.90.58 4.46 8.56 1.39.20 95 3.06.70 161.07 402.40 58 2.95.65 165.53 410 45 2.89.65 21 2.70.64 27 3.07.52 24 2.95.63 16 2.77.67 5 2.60.60 411 2.94.64 45

4.13 120 3.00.62 1.25 95 3.02.66 154.27 402.38 58 3.02.65 155.52 410 45 2.97.56 21 2.99.43 27 3.03.55 24 3.13.69 16 2.83.65 5 2.77.45 411 3.01.62 120 2.95.51 2.00 95 3.06.57 122.86 402.31 * p<.05 58 2.99.60 124.86 410 45 2.93.56 21 2.80.44 27 3.00.50 24 3.01.55 16 2.90.70 5 2.72.64 411 2.97.55 9. 1 4.14 40,001~50,000 2 46

4.14 F P 18,000 79 3.04.66 2.47 6.46 1.16.33 18,000~20,000 99 2.96.69 158.56 404.39 20,001~25,000 83 3.05.58 161.60 410 25,001~30,000 69 2.91.60 30,001~35,000 44 2.92.53 35,001~50,000 21 3.11.56 50,000 16 2.72.71 411 2.98.63 18,000 79 3.04 3.04 2.97 6.50 1.23.29 18,000~20,000 99 2.83 2.83 162.56 404.40 20,001~25,000 83 3.01 3.01 165.53 410 25,001~30,000 69 2.90 2.90 30,001~35,000 44 2.95 2.95 35,001~50,000 21 3.05 3.05 50,000 16 2.78 2.78 411 2.94 2.94 18,000 79 3.03.72 4.00 6.67 1.78.10 18,000~20,000 99 2.96.58 151.51 404.38 20,001~25,000 83 3.12.63 155.52 410 25,001~30,000 69 2.99.59 30,001~35,000 44 2.97.53 35,001~50,000 21 3.08.59 50,000 16 2.60.41 411 3.01.62 18,000 79 3.03.61 2.77 6.46 1.53.17 18,000~20,000 99 2.92.56 122.09 404.30 20,001~25,000 83 3.06.56 124.56 410 25,001~30,000 69 2.93.55 30,001~35,000 44 2.95.42 35,001~50,000 21 3.08.50 50,000 16 2.70.53 411 2.97.55 1 4.15 47

5() 1()~2 3.07 2 90 4.15 F P 1. 101 4.59 1.50.20 1 ()~2 98 2.96.63 164.56 406.39 2 ()~3 80 2.92.58 165.53 411 3 ()~5 72 2.87.49 5 ()60 3.10.72 411 2.98.63 1. 101 1 ()~2 98 2.95.66 164.56 406.41 2 ()~3 80 2.88.62 165.53 411 3 ()~5 72 2.91.58 5 ()60 3.03.59 411 2.94.64 1. 101 3.06.68 2.28 4.57 1.51.20 1 ()~2 98 3.07.64 153.24 406.38 2 ()~3 80 2.97.56 155.52 411 3 ()~5 72 2.87.50 5 ()60 3.02.64 411 3.01.62 48

4.15 1. 101 3.02.62 1.44 4.36 1.18.32 1 ()~2 98 2.99.56 123.42 406.30 * p<.05 2 ()~3 80 2.92.52 124.86 411 3 ()~5 72 2.88.46 5 ()60 3.05.56 411 2.97.55 1 4.16 t1.33p<.05 t-3.94p<.05 t-2.97p<.05 4.16 t t 284 3.00.64 1.33 127 2.92.60 284 2.93.61 -.31 127 2.95.69 284 127 3.00.63 284 127 2.96.56 * p<.05 4.2.2 1. 1 t 4.17 49

3.09 3.08 3.28 3.26 2.88 2.81 2 91 4.17 t t 194 3.11.46 -.02 217 3.11.44 194 217 3.26.56 194 2.81.63-1.09 217 2.88.62 194 3.08.42 -.30 217 3.09.40 * p<.05 2. 1 4.18 (t=-.77p<.05) (t=1.39p<.05) (t=.02p<.05) 3.08 3.08 3.13 3.09 3.31 3.23 2.85 50

2 9189 4.18 t t 181 3.09.43 -.77 230 3.13.46 181 3.31.55 1.39 230 3.23.59 181 * 230 2.84.64 181 230 3.08.42 * p<.05 3. 1 4.19 4.18 (t=-.64p<.05) (t=.64p<.05) (t=.18p<.05) 3.08 3.12 3.09 3.29 3.25 2.85 2.84 2 51

* p<.05 4.19 t t 173 3.09.44 -.64 238 3.12.46 173 238 3.25.59 173 238 2.84.65 173 3.08.42 -.02 * 238 3.08.41 4. 1 4.20 (t=-.01p<.05) (t=-2.03p<.05) (t=.72p<.05) 3.10 3.08 3.11 3.38 3.24 3.03 2.80 2 91 91 52

* p<.05 4.20 t t 329 3.11.44 -.01 * 82 3.11.50 329 3.24.57-2.03 82 3.38.60 329 82 2.80.63 329 3.08.40 -.47 5. 1 4.21 (t=.75p<.05) (t=1.17 p<.05) (t=.70p<.05) 3.10 3.06 3.13 3.09 3.30 3.23 2.87 2.82 2 53

4.21 t t 227 184 3.09.43 227 3.30.60 1.17 184 3.23.54 227 184 2.82.65 227 3.10.42 1.10 184 3.06.40 * p<.05 6. 1 4.22 3.08.41 50 3.14 50 ( 3.21) 41-50 ( 3.39) 50 ( 2.95) 2 91 91 54

4.22 F P 1.20 ()85 3.21.51 1.67 4.42 2.08.08 2.21-30 147 3.06.41 81.42 406.20 3.31~40 119 3.08.42 83.09 410 4.41~50 35 3.12.53 5.50 ()25 3.21.47 411 3.11.45 1.20 ()85 3.26.65 1.27 2.21-30 147 3.21.49 133.94 406.33 3.31~40 119 3.13.59 135.20 410 4.41~50 35 3.39.66 5.50 ()25 3.22.56 411 3.27.57 1.20 ()85 2.21-30 147 2.85.64 159.77 406.39 3.31~40 119 2.85.59 160.20 410 4.41~50 35 2.81.66 5.50 ()25 2.95.58 411 2.85.63 1.20 ()85 * p<.05 2.21-30 147 3.04.38 69.10 406.17 3.31~40 119 3.08.40 69.54 410 4.41~50 35 3.11.48 5.50 ()25 3.14.46 411 3.08.41 7. 1 4.23 () () 55

2 () 9191 4.23 F P ()51 3.24.52 2.65 4.66 3.35.01 () 182 3.14.44 80.44 406.20 94 3.04.44 83.09 410 --- ( ) 77 3.09.41 () 7 2.71.49 411 3.11.45 ()51 3.40.66 1.29 () 182 3.26.57 133.91 406.33 94 3.23.54 135.20 410 ( ) 77 3.27.54 () 7 3.07.70 411 3.27.57 ()51 2.91.63 1.15 () 182 2.84.65 159.05 406.39 94 2.87.57 160.20 410 ( ) 77 2.83.62 () 7 2.50.82 411 2.85.63 56

4.23 ()51 3.20.48 1.58 4.40 2.36.05 * p<.05 () 182 3.09.39 67.96 406.17 94 3.04.42 69.54 410 ( ) 77 3.07.38 () 7 2.75.58 411 3.08.41 4.24 4.24 F P 120 3.05.43 2.21 8.27 1.37.21 95 3.19.46 80.88 402.20 58 3.16.46 83.09 410 45 3.09.40 57

4.24 21 2.95.30 27 3.17.41 24 3.18.54 16 3.03.58 5 2.94.65 411 3.11.45 120 3.22.54 2.63 8.33 1.00.44 95 3.34.59 132.57 402.33 58 3.23.68 135.20 410 45 3.28.49 21 3.06.39 27 3.38.50 24 3.35.60 16 3.22.68 5 3.00.97 411 3.27.57 120 2.79.63 4.51 8.56 1.46.17 95 2.93.58 155.69 402.39 58 2.92.62 160.20 410 45 2.73.66 21 2.77.62 27 3.02.66 24 2.71.61 16 2.67.66 5 3.20.72 411 2.85.63 120 3.03.38 2.02 8.52 1.50.15 95 3.16.42 67.52 402.17 58 3.12.42 69.54 410 45 3.04.36 21 2.93.30 27 3.19.43 24 3.10.44 16 2.98.57 5 3.03.70 411 3.08.41 58

9. 1 4.25 18,000 35,001~50,000 20,001~25,000 2 91 4.25 F P 18,000 79 3.20.48 1.74 6.29 1.44.20 18,000~20,000 99 3.05.47 81.35 404.20 20,001~25,000 83 3.18.42 83.09 410 25,001~30,000 69 3.05.42 30,001~35,000 44 3.08.43 35,001~50,000 21 3.14.37 50,000 16 3.06.55 411 3.11.45 18,000 79 3.24.67 3.20 6.53 1.63.14 18,000~20,000 99 3.13.55 132.01 404.32 20,001~25,000 83 3.32.53 135.20 410 25,001~30,000 69 3.33.62 30,001~35,000 44 3.30.43 35,001~50,000 21 3.45.55 50,000 16 3.31.57 411 3.27.57 59

4.25 18,000 79 18,000~20,000 99 2.83.62 159.70 404.40 20,001~25,000 83 2.88.57 160.20 410 25,001~30,000 69 2.87.69 30,001~35,000 44 2.86.55 35,001~50,000 21 2.85.58 50,000 16 2.70.81 411 2.85.63 18,000 79 * p<.05 18,000~20,000 99 3.01.42 68.58 404.17 20,001~25,000 83 3.13.37 69.54 410 25,001~30,000 69 3.07.43 30,001~35,000 44 3.08.37 35,001~50,000 21 3.14.34 50,000 16 3.03.55 411 3.08.41 10. 1 4.26 1 () 5 () 3 ()~5 2 91 1-5 91 60

4.26 F P 1. 101 1 ()~2 98 3.09.47 82.84 406.20 2 ()~3 80 3.09.44 83.09 410 3 ()~5 72 3.13.41 5 ()60 3.10.47 411 3.11.45 1. 101 3.24.62 2.34 4.58 1.78.13 1 ()~2 98 3.22.51 132.87 406.33 2 ()~3 80 3.22.58 135.20 410 3 ()~5 72 3.26.50 5 ()60 3.45.66 411 3.27.57 1. 101 2.86.60 2.34 4.58 1.50.20 1 ()~2 98 2.78.66 157.87 406.39 2 ()~3 80 2.81.54 160.20 410 3 ()~5 72 3.00.67 5 ()60 2.79.64 411 2.85.63 1. 101 1 ()~2 98 3.04.41 69.06 406.17 2 ()~3 80 3.05.39 69.54 410 3 ()~5 72 3.13.39 5 ()60 3.11.46 411 3.08.41 11. 1 4.27 4.27 t-.06p<.05 t.43 p<.05 t.04p<.05 -.45p<.05 61

4.27 t 4.3 4.28 N=411. 4.28 (r=.64p.<01).17.64 Efraty & Sirgy(1990) ( 80) 62

5.1 1. 2130 1 2 18,001~20,000 2. 4.2 4.3 2.97 3.01 2.98 2.94 4.4 4.5 3.27 3.11 2.85 3.08 63

64 3. 14.12 () 3.04 2 4.18 34.20 44.23 () () 5

65 5.2 1. 1 2 3

1 2 3 66

1. 82 2. 96 3. 80 4. 95 5. 81 : 6. 82 17 1 7. 75 535583 8. 89 19131-79 9. 87 : 10. 76 11. ISO 12. 91 67

13. 92 14. 85 15. 85 -- 16. 90 17. 801990 40-5 18. 77 19. 69 : 20. 91 21. (78) 22. 91 23. 86 24. (88 68

25. 92 26. 88 27. 81 28. 76 29. 1984 30. 83 31. 82 32. 93 33. 81 34. 83 69

35. 90 36. 80 37. 91 38. 90 39. 1982 40. 95 41. 91 A 42. 90 43. 74 44. 90 500 45. 89 70

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