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97 10 49-69 * α=.05 1. 2. 3. 3.8 3.79 3.68 2.79 2.734. 5.

50 97 10


52 97 10 Cronbach s α. Cronbach s α. SPSS for Windows 12.0

53 Tukey α=.05 12.5% BC C

54 97 10 67 76.1 21 23.9 20-30 45 51.1 31-40 27 30.7 41-50 11 12.5 51-60 5 5.7 32 36.4 25 28.4 31 35.2 38 43.2 8 9.1 26 29.5 9 10.2 7 8.0 A 24 27.3 B 45 51.1 C 13 13 6 6 31 35.2 32 36.4 11 12.5 6 6.8 8 9.1 8 9.1 1-5 34 38.6 6-10 29 33 11-15 8 9.1 16 9 10.2 20000 14 15.9 20000-30000 12 13.6 30001-40000 27 30.7 40001-50000 14 15.9 50000 21 23.9 10 4 4.5 11-20 32 36.4 21-30 35 39.8 31-40 12 13.6 41 5 5.7

55 A B C N 3 12.5% 16 35.6% 9 69.2% 4 66.7% 32 36.4% N 8 33.3% 13 28.9% 3 23.1% 1 16.7% 25 28.4% N 13 54.2% 16 35.6% 1 7.7% 1 16.7% 31 35.2% N 24 45 13 6 88 N 5 16.1% 9 28.1% 8 72.7% 5 83.3% 5 62.5% 32 36.4% N 7 22.6% 13 40.6% 2 18.2% 1 16.7% 2 25.0% 25 28.4% N 19 61.3% 10 31.3% 1 9.1% 0.0% 1 12.5% 31 35.2% N 31 32 11 6 8 88

56 97 10 3.68.58 3 2.79.66 4 2.73.55 5 3.79.64 2 3.84.53 1

57 F 20-30 (1) 3.63.56 31-40 (2) 3.66.60 41-50 (3) 51-60 (4) 3.67.36 20-30 (1) 2.90.58 31-40 (2) 2.64.82 41-50 (3) 2.71.68 1.04 51-60 (4) 2.78.28 20-30 (1) 2.87.41 31-40 (2) 2.61.66 41-50 (3) 2.32.56 3.06 * 1>3 51-60 (4) 2.96.39 20-30 (1) 3.92.58 31-40 (2) 3.58.74 41-50 (3) 3.82.61 1.39 51-60 (4) 3.73.35 20-30 (1) 3.89.53 31-40 (2) 3.82.50 41-50 (3) 51-60 (4) 3.89.41 * p<.05

58 97 10 F * P<.05 (1) 3.68.63 (2) 3.70.55 (3) 3.65.67 (4) 3.65.74 (5) 3.60.28 (1) 2.81.49 (2) 2.82.74 (3) 2.99.55 (4) 2.70 1.09 (5) 2.35.66 (1) 2.69.58 (2) 2.83.54 (3) 2.74.39 (4) 2.50.63 (5) 2.58.62 (1) 3.70.53 (2) 3.99.73 (3) 3.41.63 (4) 3.97.57 (5) 3.74.44 (1) 3.82.49 (2) 3.91.58 (3) 3.78.54 (4) 3.82.63 (5) 1.20.83 2.91 * 2>3.17

59 F * P<.05 3.60.50 1-5 3.63.56 6-10 3.66.63 11-15 3.78.66 16 3.88.53 2.60.52 1-5 2.97.62 6-10 2.63.74 11-15 2.60.44 16 2.96.72 2.76.37 1-5 2.93.37 6-10 2.52.73 11-15 2.53.35 16 2.74.50 4.01.82 1-5 3.89.46 6-10 3.54.77 11-15 3.97.60 16 3.91.47 4.00.37 1-5 3.81.54 6-10 3.85.55 11-15 3.62.60 16 1.86 2.97 * 1.12

60 97 10 F * P<.05 10 (1) 3.00.20 11-20 (2) 3.70.64 21-30 (3) 3.70.53 31-40 (4) 3.58.57 41 (5) 4.09.24 10 (1) 2.56.22 11-20 (2) 2.71.80 21-30 (3) 2.83.57 31-40 (4) 2.93.71 41 (5) 2.87.45 10 (1) 2.56.16 11-20 (2) 2.70.63 21-30 (3) 2.62.49 31-40 (4) 2.95.50 41 (5) 3.20.36 10 (1) 3.05.09 11-20 (2) 3.73.76 21-30 (3) 3.83.48 31-40 (4) 3.91.63 41 (5) 4.29.60 10 (1) 2.96.16 11-20 (2) 3.82.51 21-30 (3) 3.90.49 31-40 (4) 3.88.57 41 (5) 4.23.34 2.14 2.81 * 2>1 3>1 4>1 5>1


62 97 10


64 97 10


66 97 10


68 97 10 1.Seefeldt, V. D. 1987. Handbook for youth sports coaches. Teston, VA: AAHPERD. 2.Vroom, V. H. 1964. Work and motivation. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

69 The Study on the Badminton Coaches Satisfaction at Work of the Elementary Training in Taiwan Area Lin Kuo Chin * Providence University Abstract The main idea of this research focuses on getting more understanding of the badminton coaches who work on elementary training and the current situation of their working satisfaction. Furthermore, we want to know the divergences of the coaches satisfaction at work under different backgrounds. The main objects of this research are the coaches whose teams participate the championship game at the 2007 Victory Cup of Badminton for Teenagers and Primary School Students. The research method used is questionnaire investigation and frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation, reliability analysis, efficiency analysis, and one way ANOVA are also used to examine the whole questions in this research. The noticeable standard is set as α=.05. The results of the research are: 1. male coaches and physic teachers are mostly part-time coaches; 2. the coaches of the primary school teams mostly own coach certificates of lower levels or are mostly players whose performances are not so high; 3.the orders of their working satisfaction are as follow: colleagues (3.8), boss (3.79), job (3.68), salary (2.79), promotion (2.73); 4.the coaches whose performances are better have good relationship with their boss; 5. coaches whose working hours are longer has better feedback from their colleagues. Key words: badminton coaches for the primary school, working satisfaction * Corresponding author E-mail Tel0932790957