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Abstract The objective of this research is to discuss the scientific story intergrated in science curriculum about the students attitude towards science and conceptions of the nature of science. This research made use of the Static-group comparison design method for use in quasi-experimental research. The first step was to collect the related scientific background and a scientists information, and then create a fictitious story according to the situation in an experimental teaching process, and finally issue a questionnaire in order to understand the students experience and conviction. Our research samples were 4 grade 5 classes from a school in Kaohsiung, selected as our test group. Our control groups were 5 classes chosen from another school in Kaohsiung City. We made use of both quantitative and qualitative analysis to collect the data and analyze the information, and the research included the original Questionnaire on the nature of science, Questionnaire on learning science, and an interview information sheet. The questionnaire on the nature of science was analyzed using descriptive statistics and the t-test to obtain a quantitative analysis. The questionnaire on learning science uses percentiles and inductive analysis to obtain a quantitative analysis, with an interview providing qualitative information. The research results indicated that the students enjoyed the fictitious story curriculum, and especially enjoyed hearing about the scientists background, as the students believed the stories could assist them in their learning. The students attitudes were found to be positive, as the stories were thought to assist them in their learning. Thus, the students were highly interested in the curriculum, though the attitude towards the image of the scientists was not as positive, as was their attitude towards science career planning. On the point of the nature of science, students in the test group were modern minded, and the test group achieved more than the control group. On the quantity and quality of the students knowledge, there were significant differences between the test group and the control group. Therefore, the recommendation of this research is that teachers, if interested in this VI

teaching approach, should attempt to collect information on the scientists and their backgrounds. Also, the history of science should be taught to training teachers during their teaching training program. This will assist the teacher in becoming an effective aid towards the students learning of science. VII

2001 STS 1998 1995 1996 Dushl Dushl,1990 1998

1997 1998 1999 2000 1999 2

1996 1995Kauffman, 1991Klopfer & Wastson,1957Schecker, 1992 2000 2000 2001 1996 3

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 1 2 4

1999 Collete Chiappetta 1994 5

8ardner,1975 2001 6


Schecker, 1992 2000 Matthews1994 1996 1. 2. 3. 4. 8

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 2000 2000 2001 2002 2003 9

10 2000 Andersen,1969 1981 2002 1999

11 1999 2000 1999

12 2002 1995


2. 5. 2001 1. 2. 14



17 Method

18 almquist, 1993 1999 2-3-2



21 6.

3. 22


2001 24


26 2001


28 9 Palmquist, 1993

2-3-4 29

30 2-3-4 12

31 17 2001 18 2001 19 20 21 2001 22

32 36 2001 23 24 37 38

33 25 26

34 2-3-5 2-3-5 27 41

35 29 30 31 40 32 33

42 1997 Brush1989 36

4. 1997 Solmon Duveen1992 1. 2. 3. 4.. 37


1995 1 2 3 2000 2002 Matthews, 1994McCoMas & Almazroa, 1998 39

3-1-1 3-1-1 40

3-2-1.. 3-2-1 A B C D E 35 34 33 34 34 170 140 41

45 3-3-1 ronbach a.8238 42

4 6 40 43

3-4-1 44

45 3-4-1 91.07 91.08 91.09 91.10 91.11 91.12 92.01 92.02 92.03

t AB A -04 B -05C -08D -09E -10 A0502 46

S A -04B -05C -08D -09E -10 S09 D 47

A 12 B 12 48

4-1-1 A B C D E 33 31 31 34 30 159 29 25 28 27 23 132 88.70% 80.65% 90.32% 79.41% 76.67% 83.02% A 4-1-1 76%~90% D E C 83% 4-1-2 23% 4%. 30% 9% 6% 3% 1% A213 A231 A0907 A1120 49

1. 37 23.27% 2. 7 4.40% 3.. 45 28.30% 4. 2 1.89% 5. 15 9.43% 6. 9 5.66% 7. 4 2.52% 8. 2 1.26% 9. 10 6.29% 132 83.02% 27 16.98% 11 6.92% 10 6.29% 6 3.77% 50

4-1-3 134 84.28%A 85%B 74%C 68%D 100%E 93% C D 100% A B C D E 33 31 31 34 30 159 28 23 21 34 28 134 84.85% 74.19% 67.74% 100% 93.33% 84.28% A 2 4-1-4 27 % 20% 18% A0509 A0432 51

1. 15 9.43% 2. 14 8.81% 3. 14 8.81% 4. 8 5.03% 5. 22 13.84% 6.8 5.03% 7. 2 1.26% 8. 2 1.26% 9. 26 16.35% 10. 23 14.47% 134 84.28% 5.03% 4.40% 2.52% 6 3.77% 15.72% 16% 8 5% A0428 A0829 7 4% 52


A B C D E 33 33 33 34 32 165 30 32 33 31 27 153 90.91% 96.97%100.00%91.18% 84.38% 92.73% 54

1. 56 33.94% 2. 16 9.70% 3. 14 8.48% 4. 13 7.88% 5. 12 7.27% 6. 9 5.45% 7. 8 4.85% 8. 5 3.03% 9. 3 1.82% 10. 17 10.30% 153 92.73% 1.21% 3.03% 3.03% 55

56 1. 2.



AB 3 A 3 A 5 B 3 B A 5 A 3 4-2-1 159 154 97% A E 100% C D 97% B 90% 4-2-1 A B C D E 33 31 31 34 30 159 33 28 30 33 30 154 100.00% 90.32% 96.77% 97.06% 100.00% 96.86% 4-2-2 24% A0515 A0916 13% 59

A0419 A1124 A1129 13% A0426 12% A0831 A0410 8% A1123 A0427 5% A0518 4% A0915 2% A0410 A0507 4-2-2 1. 39 23.61% 2. 22 13.32% 3. 21 12.71% 4. 20 12.11% 5. 14 8.47% 6. 8 4.84% 7. 7 4.24% 8. 4 2.42% 9. 25 15.13% 160 96.86% 5 3.14% 60

4-2-3 159 136 86% B 74%C E 8 A D 9 4-2-3 A 5 4-2-4 21% A0405 A1127 14% A0429A0431 A0511 61

A0802 12% A0903 A0902 6% A1126 A0930 6% A0816 5% A1123 A0519 A0410 15% A0502 A0503 A0519 62

1. 34 20.92% 2. 22 13.54% 3. 20 12.31% 4. 9 5.54% 5. 9 5.54% 6. 8 4.92% 7. 37 22.77% 139 85.53% 6.29% 1.26% 1.26% 4. 0.63% 5. 5.03% 14.47% 63

B 165 152 92% C 33 32 97% D E 2 94% A 88% A B C D E 33 33 33 34 32 165 29 29 32 32 30 152 87.88% 87.88% 96.97% 94.12% 93.75% 92.12% B 3 4-2-6 29% A527 A0519 A0909 14% A0411 A0904 A0911 12% A0815 A0908 A0523 7% A0427 A0931 7% 64

A0401 A0402 A0826 5% A0833 2% A0423 A0429 A0529 A0922 A0932 1. 48 28.71% 2. 24 14.36% 3. 20 11.96% 4. 11 6.58% 5. 11 6.58% 6. 8 4.79% 7. 3 1.79% 8. 29 17.35% 154 92.12% 65

23.61% 25.85% 28.71% 26.06% 26.03% 20.92% 20.94% 22.63% 8.47% 5.54% 6.58% 6.86% 12.11% 5.54% 11.96% 9.87% 4.84% 4.92% 4.79% 4.85% 66

A 4-3-1 159 74% A 85%B C E 7 D 68% 4-3-1 A B C D E 33 31 31 34 30 159 28 22 22 23 22 117 84.85% 70.97% 70.97% 67.65% 73.33% 73.58% A 4 67

68 4-3-2 16% A0506 A0910 A0403 12 A0426 A0914 12% A0508 A0424 A0930 8% A0502 A0519 A0429 A0405 A0405 A0404 A0915 A1120 A0529 A0419 10% 7% A0830A0517 4% 2% A1115 A0802 A0921

1. 25 15.72% 2. 19 11.95% 3. 19 11.95% 4. 12 7.55% 5 9 5.66% 6.. 6 3.77% 7. 3 1.89% 8. 24 15.09% 119 73.58% 16 9.61% 11 6.60% 6 3.60% 3 1.80% 8 4.80% 26.42% - 2000 2000 69

A 4-3-3 159 138 87% A C E 9 D 85% B 7 A B C D E 33 31 31 34 30 159 31 22 29 29 27 138 93.94% 70.97% 93.55% 85.29% 90.00% 86.79% A 6 4-3-4 23% A0911 A0429 18% A0917 A0810 A1107 A0426 14% 9% 6% A0914 A0928 70

A0924 1. 37 22.61% 2. 29 17.73% 3. 23 14.06% 4. 14 8.56% 5. 10 6.11% 6. 10 6.11% 7. 6 3.67% 8. 3 1.83% 9. 10 6.11% 142 86.79% 5 3.14% 3 1.89% 2 1.26% 11 6.92% 13.21% 71

4-3-5 166 73%121 C 88%A 74% 6 A B C D E 33 33 33 34 32 165 24 24 29 22 22 121 72.73% 72.73% 87.88% 64.71% 68.75% 73.33% B5 4-3-6 18% 17% A0414 A0805 10% A0818 A0419 8% 2% 72

1. 27 17.52% 2. 26 16.87% 3. 15 9.73% 4. 13 8.44% 5. 3 1.95% 6. 29 18.82% 113 73.33% 73

74 4-3-7 165 51 30.71% 48%

A B C D E 33 33 33 34 32 165 10 16 9 11 5 51 30.30% 48.48% 27.27% 32.35% 15.63% 30.91% B 6 4-3-8 9% A0401 A0901 A0506 3% A0506 A0419 3% A0532 A0408 A0415 A0517 A0518 13% A0404 A1102 A0502 75

4-3-8 1. 14 8.48% 2. 4 2.42% 3. 5 3.03% 4. 2 1.21% 5. 3 1.82% 6. 2 1.21% 7 21 12.73% 51 30.91% 1. 27 16.36% 2. 24 14.55% 3. 22 13.33% 4. 8 4.85% 5. 5 3.03% 6. 28 16.97% 114 69.09% 24% 21% 19% 7% 4% 76

1. 77

78 11 44.11 5.54 Max=55Min=22 4.01 Q10: M=4.45SD=.83 Q11: M=4.36SD=.92 Q2: M=4.35SD=.96 15 64.42 8.15 Max=75Min=42 4.29 Q13: M=4.66 SD=.74 Q22: M=4.54SD=.82 Q24: M=4.54SD=.87 7 28.94 4.27 Max=35Min=11 4.13 Q32: M=4.54SD=.86 Q29: M=4.46SD=.87

33 137.46 15.30Max=165Min=58 4.17 4-4-1 1~11 158 44.11 5.54 4.01 12~26 158 64.42 8.15 4.29 27~33 158 28.94 4.27 4.13 158 137.47 15.30 4.17 79

80 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Q11 Q12 Q13 Q14 Q15 Q16 Q17 4.28 4.35 3.40 3.10 4.06 4.09 4.01 3.66 4.35 4.45 4.36 4.27 4.66 4.31 4.08 4.49 1.26 1.54 1.10 1.05 1.08 1.41 1.25.92 1.00 Q18 Q19 Q20 Q21 Q22 Q23 Q24 Q25 Q26 Q27 Q28 Q29 Q30 Q31 Q32 Q33 4.09 4.44 4.32 4.32 4.54 4.04 4.54 4.07 4.02 3.85 3.72 4.46 4.36 3.81 4.54 4.19 1.14.87 1.21 1.06 1.19 1.19.86 1.07

S05 S05 S05 S08 (S08) S08 S05 S08 81

. S09 S08 S08 S08.. S08 S05 S05 S05 82

S05 S05 S09 S08 80 S04 S05 S05 S05 S08 S11 S09 S09 S08 S09 S08 S08 83

M=4.17 M =4.29> M =4.13> M =4.01 MQ10=4.45 MQ11=4.36 MQ1=4.28MQ2=4.35 3 MQ3=3.40MQ4=3.10 MQ20=4.32MQ21=4.32MQ22=4.54 MQ12=4.27MQ13=4.66MQ14=4.31MQ15=4.08MQ16=4.49 4 MQ32=4.54MQ33=4.19 MQ27=3.85MQ28=3.72 84

one-way 4-5-1 1.248 p>.05 ig t 44.11 42.06 64.42 85

63.20 t=1.43p>.05 28.94 M1=137.46 M2=133.48 4-5-2 **p<.01 ***p<.001 Q1: M1=4.28>M2=3.88 Q8: M1=3.66>M2=3.41 Q11 86

M1=4.36>M2=4.01 Q12: M1=4.27>M2=4.02 Q15: M1=4.08>M2=3.87 Q17: M1=4.21>M2=3.94 Q27: M1=3.85>M2=3.58 Q33 M1=4.19>M2=4.01 87

2000 88



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.1408.8248.5342.8109.3295.8202.4086.8168.4614.8136.4838.8130.3518.8184.4691.8156.2392.8217.2502.8216.3460.8185.5299.8136..4445.8148.2047.8233.4059.8167.3962.8167 105


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