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參 加 第 二 次 pesta 的 我, 在 是 次 交 流 營 上 除 了, 與 兩 年 沒 有 見 面 的 朋 友 再 次 相 聚, 加 深 友 誼 外, 更 獲 得 與 上 屆 不 同 的 體 驗 和 經 歴 比 較 起 香 港 和 馬 來 西 亞 的 活 動 模 式, 確 是 有 不 同 特

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芭 乐 的 种 植 和 管 理 (Part 1) 1 Flower, fruit and uses 花, 果 实 和 用 途 2 Health benefits 健 康 益 处 3 Climate and Photoperiod 气 候 和 光 周 期 4 Soil 土 壤 5 Planting 种 植 6 Fertilizing 施 肥 7 Watering 浇 水 8 Tree Care 果 树 管 理 9 Overwintering 过 冬 保 护 10 Propagation 繁 殖 11 Pest management 虫 害 处 理 12 Disease management 病 害 处 理

( 番 石 榴, 芭 乐 ) (Guava, Psidium guajava) 1. 芭 乐 的 花, 果 实 和 用 途 Guava flower, fruit and uses

两 性 花 单 性 花

芭 乐 的 花 雌 雄 同 株 Guava flower is bisexual

$4.00 芭 乐

$3.00 芭 乐

菠 萝 芭 乐

Pineapple Strawberry

$5.00 无 籽 芭 乐

$5.00 芭 乐

$8.00 巨 大 番 石 榴

更 大 更 美 味

更 大 更 美 味


芭 乐 的 花, 果 实 和 用 途

芭 乐 : 维 生 素 C 之 王

芭 乐 2. 健 康 益 处

Medicinal properties of Guava fruit

1. Cancer prevention( 防 癌 ) 2. Lower Blood pressure( 降 血 压 ) 3. Reduce Blood sugar( 降 血 糖 )

1. ( 防 癌 ) Cancer prevention

纤 维 Xiānwéi 钾 叶 酸 番 茄 红 素

http://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/lycopene/safety/hrb-20059666 叶 酸 Some studies have found that folic acid taken by women before they become pregnant and during early pregnancy may reduce the chances of certain birth defects (neural tube defects).

番 茄 红 素 Lycopene may cause low blood pressure. Caution is advised in people who have low blood pressure or those taking drugs or herbs and supplements that lower blood pressure. Cancer prevention (general) Although it has not been well studied in humans, early research suggests that lycopene may help prevent a number of different cancers, including bladder cancer and skin cancer. However, the reason behind this potential benefit remains unclear.

Intravenous (IV) vitamin C was studied in patients with breast cancer who were treated with adjuvant chemotherapy and radiation therapy. The study found that patients who received vitamin C had better quality of life and fewer side effects than those who did not. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved the use of highdose vitamin C as a treatment for cancer or any other medical condition. http://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/treatment/cam/patient/vitamin-c-pdq#link/_18

维 生 素 C is unstable

Vitamin C is unstable

存 储 对 蔬 菜 的 维 生 素 C 含 量 的 影 响 冷 却 室 内 温 度 The effect of storage on the vitamin-c content of vegetables

但 是, 我 们 没 有 直 接 证 据 吃 番 石 榴 可 以 预 防 癌 症 But we do not have direct evidence that eating guava could prevent cancer

2. 降 血 压 Lower Blood pressure

J Hum Hypertens. 1993 Feb;7(1):33-8. Direct evidence: Can guava fruit intake decrease blood pressure and blood lipids? Singh RB1, Rastogi SS, Singh NK, Ghosh S, Gupta S, Niaz MA. Author information Abstract A randomized, single-blind, controlled trial was conducted to examine the effects of guava fruit intake on BPs and blood lipids in patients with essential hypertension. Of 145 hypertensives that entered the trial, 72 patients were assigned to take a soluble fibre and a potassium-rich diet containing 0.5-1.0 kg of guava daily (group A) and 73 patients to their usual diet (group B), while salt, fat, cholesterol, caffeine and alcohol intake were similar in both groups. Mean age, mean body weight and male sex, were similar, and so were risk factors, mean BPs, mean serum sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, triglycerides, cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol in both groups. Dietary adherence to guava intake was checked by a questionnaire. After four weeks of follow-up on an increased consumption of dietary potassium and low sodium/potassium ratio, group A patients were associated with 7.5/8.5 mmhg net decrease in mean systolic and diastolic pressures compared with group B. Increased intake of soluble dietary fibre (47.8 +/- 11.5 vs. 9.5 +/- 0.85 g/day) was associated with a significant decrease in serum total cholesterol (7.9%), triglycerides (7.0%) and an insignificant increase in HDL-cholesterol (4.6%) with a mild increase in the ratio of total cholesterol/hdl-cholesterol in group A patients compared with group B. It is possible that an increased consumption of guava fruit can cause a substantial reduction in BPs and blood lipids with a lack of decrease in HDL-cholesterol due to its higher potassium and soluble fibre content, respectively.

1. Cancer prevention( 防 癌 ) 2. Lower Blood pressure( 降 高 血 压 ) 3. Reduce Blood sugar( 降 血 糖 )?

Note this is Tea and not Guava fruit

True for Guava Tea But not guava fruit!!

3. 气 候 和 光 周 期 Climate and photoperiod

芭 乐 树 销 售 地 带 Guava Tree for Sale

Minimum temperature

芭 乐 树 1. 热 带 到 亚 热 带 (Tropical to sub-tropical) 2. 可 达 20 英 尺 的 高 度 3. 冷 天 和 冰 冻 时 需 要 保 护

3. 气 候 和 光 周 期

光 合 作 用 Photosynthesis

Stomata located underneath the leaf

水 肥 可 以 从 气 孔 进 入 叶 子 吸 收 Water and fertilizer could enter the leaf via the Stomata Water Fertilizer

Various points of entry of Iron and phosphorus as foliar spray

Minimum 6 to 8 hrs of sunlight

Knowledge of time of stomatal opening allows one to determine what day of sunlight is optimum for plant growth

6 am to 3 p.m 叶 子 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 3, 6, 9, 12

Stomata opening and photosynthesis share same rhythms :-Time of opening of stomata is the same as time of food synthesis Best time is 6 am to 3 p.m

需 要 至 少 6-8 个 小 时 的 光 照 时 间 最 好 的 光 照 时 间 是 6am-3pm 位 置 向 东 南 避 免 西 北 冷 风

4. 土 壤 The guava will tolerate many soil conditions, but will produce better in rich soils high in organic matter. They also prefer a well-drained soil in the ph range of 5 to 7. The tree will take temporary waterlogging but will not tolerate salty soils.

休 斯 顿 的 粘 土 层 可 达 20 feet 深

Houston Clay soil, up to 20 feet deep

N03- PO4- K+

A grapefruit tree could bear 300 fruit every year with good compost and mulch

A grapefruit tree could bear 300 fruit every year with good compost and mulch

A grapefruit tree could bear 300 fruit every year with good compost and mulch 用 1-2 英 寸 的 有 机 腐 殖 土 环 绕 果 树 One to two inches of Organic compost around the tree

Different grades of gardening sol earthworm

地 膜, 以 保 持 水 Mulch to keep moisture

5. 种 植 (Planting)

昨 天 看 了 种 树 积 水 的 讨 论, 赶 紧 把 新 种 的 三 角 梅 挖 出 来 重 种 果 然 是 水 坑 呀

新 移 栽 的 果 树 要 在 土 壤 线 以 上 New plant should be placed above the soil line in Houston

Plant receive water, oxygen and nutrient via small root hairs

Break up the root system Almost no soil

Break up the root system

Good root system 1. Buy small plant 2. Break up root 3. Do not buy root bound plant

用 Mulch 保 持 湿 度 Where to buy rice straw?

STANDLEE PREMIUM WESTERN FORAGE CERTIFIED STRAW GRAB & GO COMPRESSED BALE, 50 LB. BALE 2.1 out of 5 stars. Read reviews. $10.99; SKU #102619099 Tractor Supply Co (TSC) Free UPS Ship to store Where to buy rice straw?

树 皮 Tree bark

树 的 间 距 : 距 其 它 的 树 15-25 英 尺 Spacing: Guava trees in the home landscape should be planted 15 to 25 ft (4.6-7.6 m) away from other trees

6 am to 3 p.m 叶 子 Plant at site with lots of morning Sunlight 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 3, 6, 9, 12