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34 BIBLID1012-8514(2004)34p.87-147 2004 12 87~147 2004.11.1200 4.12.3


89 1 2 1 2003 2004 60 2 1964 6~8 1937~1942 1942~1944

90 1901~1903 1913~1914 1923~1926 1937~1942 1942~1944 3 20/28 24/36 32/42 28/50 22/56 23/64 18/68 17/76 17/82 17/90 20/90 18/96 4 3 2003.10 31~33 4

91 1901~1945

92 1898 31 32 5 6 7 1 5 539 7 6 1927 1997 177 7 I-1-1 4b-5a I 1 1

93 2-1 9 3-1 3-2 10 11 12 13 6-1 6-2 8 8 539 7 9 2-1 3 12 2-2 I-1-7[2] [2] I-4-4[2] 10 3-1 I-2-2 3-2 I-2-12[1] I-4-2 11 I-4-2 12 I-6-8 13 I-4-4[1]

94 6-3 6-4 14 7 15 8-1 8-2 16 17 9-1 9-2 18 1901~1912 56.93 19 20 14 6-1 I-2-8 6-2 I-2-4 6-3 I-3-11[2] 15 I-1-2[1] 16 8-1 I-2-9 8-2 I-2-5[1] 17 9-1 I-4-6[1] 9-2 I-4-9 18 2001 34 19 1995 42 20 I-2-4 I-2-8 I-3-2

95 21 22 23 24 1 25 26 27 21 I-9-13 32 22 1988 465~466 23 1994 202 1989/1992 496 24 66 25 1914 1 1899 1901 26 170 416 465~466 27

96 28 10-1 10-2 10-3 29 7 30 1857~ 1929 1898~1906 1897-1947 1989 28 I-1-1[1] I-2-1[1] I-1-3[1] I-2-2 I-1-5[1] I-1-4[1] I-3-3 I-3-8 I-2-13 I-4-17[2] I-2-8 I-3-4 I-3-17[1] I-3-17[2] 29 10-1 I-3-17[2] 10-2 I-3-6 10-3 I-1-3[1] 30 419 1937.6 4

97 31 1851~1917 32 33 31 I-8-16 32 1958 593 33 1926

98 11 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 34 I-1-2[2] I-1-3[2] I-1-4[2] 11 I-1-10[2] 35 I-2-5[2] I-2-10[2] I-2-11[2] I-2-12[2] I-2-14[2] 12 I-2-5[2] 36 I-3-7 37 I-3-12 38 I-3-8 I-3-10 I-5-16 39 I-2-9 I-3-5 I-3-10 40 I-10-7 I-10-6 I-6-8 I-6-15

99 14 41 15-1 15-2 42 16-1 16-2 43 44 45 46 41 II-2-6 42 15-1 II-3-4 15-2 II-1-p18 18 18 II-1-p28 I-1-p31 43 II-1-p27 II-2-10 44 42 45 II-2-14

100 47 56.93% 46 II-2-3 II-2-14 47 1914 22~23

101 17.36% 48 0.30 3.48 49 50 45 51 1910 52 48 1992 248~252 256~264 269~272 294~296 2001 28~30 71 49 71 50 266 51 1914 1 52 1897-1947 74~75

102 53 54 55 53 265~269 54 II-1-p2~3 55 II-5-10 II-5-16

103 56 1936 57 56 II-6-16 II-8-8 57 1922 1923 6

104 58 59 18-1 18-2 60 1 61 19 62 20-1 20-2 58 7 59 III-2-2 III-2-12 60 18-1 II-1-p6 18-2 III-1-p5 61 2004 82 62 III-6-16

105 63 64 65 66 63 20-1 II-1-p22 20-2 III-1-33 64 III-2-21 III-3-20 65 III-8-7[3] [4] 66 82

106 67 68 69 70 21 71 72 67 1897-1947 202 208~214 216~219 216~219 110 111 68 567 69 III-1-p2~3 III-1-p15 70 71 III-1-p30 72 III-1-p39

107 22-1 22-2 73 74 ( ) 75 73 22-1 II-3-17 22-2 III-3-15 74 I-6-9[2] 75 III-1-p40-41 III-2-12 III-2-17 III-4-2

108 76 77 10 1931 9 18 1931~1945 78 76 III-5-9 III-6-12 III-6-14 77 III-3-19 III-3-20 III-6-1 78 12

109 79 23-1 23-2 23-3 80 81 24 82 25 83 26 84 85 86 87 79 2004 9 22 80 23-1 IV-1-p47 23-2 IV-2-p4 23-3 IV-3-18 IV-1-p44 IV-3-9 IV-5-7 81 IV-2-p18~19 82 IV-1-p29 83 IV-1-p53 IV-2-p10 IV-2-p20 IV-2-p30 84 IV-2-p42 85 IV-4-11 IV-3-16 86 IV-5-8 IV-10-8 87 IV-5-21 IV-6-21 IV-7-5 IV-4-17

110 88 89 90 27 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91 92 88 IV-1-p34 89 IV-1-p34 90 IV-1-p35 91 IV-1-p40~41 92 420 1937.7 52

111 93 28-1 94 95 28-2 28-3 96 97 98 1935~1937 26 93 IV-1-p49 94 III-5-15 95 96 IV-2-p13~15 97 421 1937.8 7 98 1991 313~322

112 99 100 101 102 103 99 IV-12-20 100 IV-1-p31~32 101 9 102 Yorkshire 103 11

113 104 105 12 8 106 107 29-2 108 104 432 1938.7 29 105 1939.7 9 III-6-5 18 106 79~95 107 33 108 29-1 V-1-p28 29-2 V-2-p56~57

114 30 109 31-1 31-2 110 111 112 32 113 33 34 114 109 V-1-p38 110 31-1 V -2-4 31-2 V-3-16 111 V-1-p66 112 V-4-19 V -4-7 113 V-1-p24 114 V-1-p66-67 V-2-p46-47


116 35-1 35-2 35-3 115 36-1 36-2 36-3 36-4 36-5.1/5.2 116 117 118 115 35-1 I-3-9 35-2 II-3-8 35-3 III-3-10 116 36-1 I-4-16 36-2 II-3-11 36-3 III-3-16 36-4 IV-3-11 36-5.1/5.2 V-3-11 117 118 I-6-9 I-6-10 II-5-3 III-7-26 IV-3-7

117 *

118 1 2-1 2-2

119 3-1 3-2

120 4 5

121 6-1 6-2

122 6-3 6-4 7

123 8-1 8-2

124 9-1 9-2

125 10-1 10-3 10-2

126 11 12 13

127 14 15-1 15-2

128 16-1 16-2

129 17 18-1 18-2

130 19 20-1 20-2

131 21 22-1

132 22-2 22-3

133 23-1 23-2

134 23-3 24

135 25 26

136 27-1 27-2 28-1

137 28-2 28-3

138 29-1 30 29-2

139 31-1 31-2

140 32 33

141 34 35-1

142 35-2 35-3

143 36-1 36-2

144 36-3 36-4

145 36-5.1 36-5.2

146 Between Reality and Norm: The Images of Taiwanese as Illustrated in the Japanese Language Readers for Elementary Schools in Colonial Taiwan Chou, Wan-yao * Abstract Japan took over Taiwan as its first colony in 1895. The colonial government in Taiwan soon established an elementary school (kogako) system for Taiwanese children in 1898. The National Language (i.e. Japanese; kokugo) was considered the most important subject taught. Until Japan ended its rule in Taiwan in 1945, the colonial government had issued five editions of the Japanese readers. These Japanese readers were abundant in illustrations. Taiwanese were depicted in different ways in each edition. What were the basic variations that outlined the images of Taiwanese in the five editions of Japanese readers? What kind of self-images did the colonial educators intend the Taiwanese children to acquire? How were these images related to actual social scene? Can we grasp changes in the cultural policies adopted by the colonizer through the images of Taiwanese illustrated in those readers? These are the questions this article sets out to answer. A careful examination of these readers reveals that the images of Taiwanese shifted between what Taiwanese were commonly known to be and what Taiwanese should become in the eyes of the colonial government. It is a story of reality and norm. In the first edition, the images of Taiwanese reflected to a great extent what Taiwanese usually were, although normative attitudes can be detected. Thus, we see women with bound feet, men wearing plaited hair (a queue) and traditional Taiwanese (Manchu-Chinese) clothes, but girls of tender ages were not foot-bound and opium-smoking was nowhere to be seen. The Taiwanese appearing in the second edition had new images men and boys cut their hair short (Western style), while women and girls no longer bound their feet. This did not * Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica.

147 reflect the real situation at that time. Although men would soon discard the traditional hair-style, the practice of foot-binding took longer time to disappear. The third edition illustrated Taiwanese boys in Western clothes, and the so-called Japanese life style (naichi fu) also gained visibility. For instance, Taiwanese children started wearing kimono. In other words, the self-image of Taiwanese children was Japanized to some extent. The fourth edition began to appear in 1937. Soon there would come the fifth (and final) edition in 1942. The images of Taiwanese illustrated in these two editions were strongly normative. The Taiwanese wore either Western clothes or kimono, living a Japanese way of life. This was the period (1937-1945) when the colonial government fervently carried out the movement of making Taiwanese the imperial subjects (kominka undo). In textbook illustrations, it became almost impossible to discern who was Taiwanese and who was Japanese. In sum, the Taiwanese depicted in earlier editions of Japanese readers reflected more of the social reality on the island, while later ones more of the images expected of the colonized by the colonizer. The images of Taiwanese illustrated in the Japanese readers also reveal to a large degree the cultural policies adopted by the colonial government at different stages during its 51-year rule of Taiwan. The policies started from one that respected Taiwanese native customs (kyukan onzon) and ended in one that campaigned to make Taiwanese into true Japanese. Keywords: colonial education in Taiwan, Japanese language readers (kokugo tokuhon), illustrations in textbooks, images of Taiwanese, kominka movement.