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10389144 2006 5 30 2006 5 30

ED ED IIEFEFOF SDISOS ED 10 2 2 1 10 4 1 1 4 4 IIEF SD EFOFISOS EF 2 1 1 4 1 ED ED

Study on the effect of Sex Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction Patients ABSTRACT Objective The aims of this research were to investigate the effect of sex therapy for Erectile Dysfunction (ED) patients, the obstacles that restricted clinical application and effect of sex therapy. Methods The researcher recommended free sex therapy to ED patients and their partners at outpatient department. The effect of sex therapy was estimated by interviews and the results of International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) before and after the therapy. During the course of therapy, the researcher studied the problems of sex therapy and the factors affecting its clinical use by observation and interview. Results Only 10 pair volunteers participated the research. Besides ED, 2 male also had organism disorder, another 2 male were lack or loss of sex desire, and 1 female had vaginismus. It was showed that sex therapist had to frame different projects and use different methods according to the problems of every couple. Only 4 pairs finished the whole therapy. 1 pair is still in the course of therapy. During the course of sex therapy, 4 pairs quitted by themselves, and 1 pair ceased because of the decision of the therapist. For the 4 pairs who finished the whole therapy, the sex relationship and general relationship became more satisfying than before. Except sex desire (SD), all other factors of IIEF improved especially erectile function (EF). For the 4 pairs who quitted the therapy, 2 pairs quitted because they thought their problem was because of some organic reasons, and they needed some drugs. 1 pair quitted because the patient s girlfriend broke up with him. Another 1 pair quitted just because they lived in another city which too far away from the clinic. All of them quitted partly because they were busy and had no time and energy to participate sex therapy. The pair who ceased by therapist was because of the breakup of their marriage.

Conclusions This study partly verified sex therapy as an effective treatment for ED. Sex therapy can deal with EDother sexual dysfunctions of patients, sexual dysfunctions of their partners, and improve the general relationship of the couples. Sex therapists should combine several methods and arrange the project flexibly according to the couples. Many factors affect clinical use of sex therapy for ED patients. Besides lack of professionals and some shortcomings of sex therapy, some factors of the patients and their partners are also at work, for example, stress from work, lack of time, location of their home, educational level, general relationship of the couple, attitude to sex therapy, etc. Key Words erectile dysfunction, sex therapy, effect, influence factors, clinical research

1 3 3 3 4 7 8 8 10 27 27 29 29 30 32 32 33 34 37 48 52 53

Erectile DysfunctionED / [1] ED 80 ED MMAS ED 1987~1989 11 1290 40~70 ED 52.0%ED 17.2%25.2% 9.6% [2] Vandend Berg 1999 2,000 3,000 ED [3] Ansong 2000 5198 50~76 44.7%ED 46.3% 21.3% 50~5455~5960~6465~69 70~76 26.0%34.9%46.9%57.8% 69.4% [4] Marco 2001 1688 50~78 ED 50~54 3% 70~78 26% [5] Rudolf Mak2002 40~69 ED 26.6%24.7% 10.1% 38.7%ED [6] FranÇois Giuliano2002 31.6% 40 ED [7] E Akkus2002 40 40 1982 40 69.2% 33.2% 27.5% 8.5% [8] Alfredo Nicolosi 2003 1997~1998 ED 2400 600 ED 34% 22% 17% 15%ED 40~44 9% 45~49 12%50~54 18%55~59 29%60~64 38%65~70 54% [9] E D Moreira2003 1

EDED 65.6 /40~49 33.3 /50~59 53.7 /60~69 189.5 / 40~69 ED 1,025,600 [10] 20031247 ED 39.1 %,40 54.5 %60~69 ED 50~59 5 [11] Anton Ponholzer2005 2869 ED 32.2% ED 23.7% 5.0% 2.2% 1.3% 20~50 ED 26~29%51~60 37.5% 71~80 71.2%ED 0.4% (20~30 ) 0.5% (41~50 ), 1.3%(51~60 ) 71~80 9.6% [12] ED EDED [13] ED 70 80 ICI VCDED [14] [15] Sex Therapy [16] Surrogate Sexual PartnersMasturbation Therapy Sexual Attitude RestructuringAssertiveness 2

Training [16] ED 1990 [17] 1997 [18] 2004 [19] ED 2005 4 ~2005 7 2005 8 ~2006 1 ED 3 Chinese Classification and Diagnostic Criteria of Mental Disorders 3CCMD-3ED [20] 5International Index of Erectile Function 5, IIEF 5 20~60 1 ED ED 5IIEF-5 IIEF IIEF-5 5 25 21 17~21 12~16 8~11 5~7 ED [16] 6 ED International Index of Erectile FunctionIIEF 3

EF 30 OF 10 SD 10 IS 15 OS 10 5 [21] 1 1 1~2 1 2 [22] 1 IIEF-5 ED IIEF 150 2 4

1~3 30 1 5

2 1 / / 6

2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. // 1. 2./ 3. 4. 5~10 30~40 20 [23] 3 IIEF 23 1h ED 10 4 1 1 4 7

31.906.20 46 24 30.407.04 46 21 2 1 1 3 2 1 2 2 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 9 1 8 2 4.566.75 20 5 3 ED 1.861.06 4 4 IIEF-5 ED1 1 2 6 2 2 1 10 4 1 1 4 1 4 4 1 30 7 1 38 13 1 48 15 1 7 1 1 1 2 1 4 1 5 1 10 1 4 4 IIEF 3~6 4 IIEF 5 EFOFSDISOS 1 SD-1 EF 8

3 1 IIEF - EF 15 24 9 OF 5 10 5 SD 6 5-1 IS 6 7 1 OS 3 8 5 4 2 IIEF - EF 3 21 18 OF 0 7 7 SD 2 5 3 IS 0 8 8 OS 2 6 4 5 3 IIEF - EF 9 22 13 OF 2 7 5 SD 4 8 4 IS 0 11 11 OS 4 8 4 6 4 IIEF - EF 26 29 3 OF 6 9 3 SD 6 7 1 IS 10 12 2 OS 7 8 1 9

2 IIEF IIEF 7 7 5 IIEF - EF 4 9 5 OF 3 6 3 SD 6 7 1 IS 3 0-3 OS 4 7 3 5 IIEF 4 IS 0-3 3 4 2 1 2 1 10 1 4 ED ED 1 1 4 1 5 1 26 26 38 13 1 10