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Emperor Qianlong s integration of Tibetan Buddhism into the way he rule the country achieved an impressive result. Thus this dissertation also attempt


2004 11 179 ~ 222 * 92.9.15 93.10.20 *

180 From Rough Overview to Subtle Narrative : Narrational Differences in Two Stories Appearing in both Zhiguai and Chuanqi Texts Kang, Yun-mei * Abstract This paper will attempt to flesh out the view, now considered authoritative, put forth by Lu Xun that the transition from zhiguai stories of the Six Dynasties to chaunqi of the Tang dynasty can be characterized one from rough overview to subtle narrative. By borrowing the concepts of story and narrative from narratology, two stories that appear in both formats are analyzed in order to demonstrate how the narration change from one format to another. Specifically, in terms of the stories organization and how they are narrated, we can see from the fact that the chuanqi versions develop more complex mechanisms than those appearing in the zhiguai versions that chaunqi expands on and surpasses the framework of zhiguai. Our look at the change in narration between these two formats brings out the realistic narrative characteristic of zhiguai on the one hand and the overlaying of fictional elements thereon in chaunqion on the other,as well as the weaker foundation (vis-à-vis chuanqi texts) for constructing meaning in zhiguai texts. We will also see that while zhiguai texts focus on presenting a collective and widespread cultural prejudice, chuanqi texts are usually a vehicle for authors own expression of their individual points of view. These three elements, i.e., the nature of the texts, construction of meaning within the texts, and authorial intention, all go to * Associate Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Taiwan University.

181 show the specifics of the narrational transition between these two formats. Keywords: zhiguai, chuanqi, yanglin, houjue, Zhenzhongji, Bujiangzongbaiyuanzhuan, narrative


183 1 2 1 1992 35-49 59-76 1991 9 307-312313-318 2 1996 312-318 1998 5-9 3 1995 67-76

184 3 4 5 6 3 59-58 4 1999 6 34-49 500 3 1981 37-47 5 886 1983 379 11 1995 6 33-34 1995 341 6 886 387

185 7 8 9 7 500 3 77 13 1981 344-345 1994 184 9 1999 89 8 5 9 1980 10 1998 170

186 10 11 12 10 3-9 11 1995 32 12 3 60

187 13 14 15 16 13 2003 348-349 14 1992 1-83 15 1990 12 1997 1522 16 1991 4 46-49 1995 4 28-32 17 1 1998 56-5964

188 17 18 19 20 21 11 1995 6 31-3562 1991 1 41-44 17 184 18 Gerard Genette 1990 6-7 19 Steven.Cohan Linda.Shires Telling Stories A Theoretical Analysis of Narrative Fiction 1997 55 20 1988 105-106 21 1987 21

189 22 23 24 22 474 10 1988 190199 23 173175 24 13 334

190 25 26 27 28 29 25 12 1999 196 26 15-17 27 134 283 126 741-742 1981 283 2254 28 833 82 7 19 37-39 29 176-177196- 197 3 11 1975

191 30 31 event 166-179 30 1998 13-15 31 13-32

192 32 33 34 1. 1 A kernel satellite 35 32 19 57 33 34 Shlomith Rimmon-Kenan 1989 10 35 eventuality 19 5861

193 1. 2. 3.

194 36 37 38 36 19 61 37 19 60-61 38 19 58

195 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

196 1. 2. 3. 1. 2.

197 B 39 39 enchained embeded joined / 19 61-62

198 40 41 40 41

199 2 42 43 44 45 46 42 19 70 43 placement 19 71 44 diplacement 45 replacement 43 46 43

200 47 48 47 AT 19 73 48


202 2.

203 49 50 1 subject object sender receiver opponent helper 51 multiple functions 52 49 19 74 50 19 78-79 51 19 75 52 19 77

204 changing functions 53 2 53

205 54 55 咤 54 19 80 55 19 81

206 56 57 56 57 3 11 172-175

207 58 59 1 58 19 84 59 19 91

208 60 (1) anachronies 61 analepsis 62 (2) frequency 60 1990 12-103 61 19 92 62 19 93

209 63 64 65 66 63 19 92-93 64 singular 19 94 65 repeated iterative 66 19 94

210 (3) duration 67 68 69 70 71 72 67 19 95 68 pause 19 97 69 summary 19 96 70 scene 71 69 72 69

211 73 2 1 74 75 73 ellipsis 69 74 19 98 75

212 76 77 2 78 79 : 絙 76 19 102 77 74 78 19 103-104 79 external figural 19 105

213 80 80 76

214 81 fixed variable 82 83 81 82 19 105 83 19 113

215 84 3 speaking subject subject of speech 85 narrating subject subject of narration narrated subject 86 implied 84 85 19 115 86 19 117

216 ahthor 87 88 89 90 87 W.C. 1987 75-98 88 19 119 89 356-360 90 17-18 20 2 2002 400

217 91 92 91 1984 360 39 357-358 92 5 2 1966 1-28 1973 37-46 1983 34-35 1991 1-10 1 1 1991 10--16

218 93 93 159

219 94 282 1981 886 1983 1999 94 19 55

220 1999 1973 1989 1988 1995 1998 1980 1984 1998 1998 1987 1996 1997 1990 1994 1995 1991 1992 1992 3 1981 Gerard Genette 1990 Shlomith Rimmon-Kenan 1989 Steven Cohan Linda M. Shires

221 1997 W.C. 1987 1988 3 1995 1999 1 1991 5 2 1966 1991 1 1 1991 4 1995 6 1999 11 6 1995 3 11 1975 4 1991 20 2 2002 2003

222 17 1 1998 13 1981