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了明代中国处于当时世界经济体系中心的观点 属或实物作为发钞准备 宝钞在流通中投放多而 可惜在他的宏大体系中 并无对明代白银货币化 回笼少 初行钞法时 明朝也未规定旧币更新办 的具体研究 万明从历史学角度对明代白银 货币化进行了初步考察 法 直到洪武九年七月 实际上已经出现了旧钞 迄今为止 学术界尚

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奥 巴 马 执 政 后 的 大 国 关 系 奥 巴 马 执 政 后 的 大 国 关 系 一 美 俄 : 危 中 有 机 待 重 启 度 崛 起 的 左 膀 右 臂 9 11 事 件 发 生 后, 美 国 发 现 北 约 这 个 组 织 又 有 了 新 的 用 武 之 地 : 可 以 打 着 反 恐

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ABSTRACTS (3)LandFinanceandtheTax-SharingSystem:AnEmpiricalExplanation Sun Xiulinand Zhou Feizhou 40 (4)ThePsycho-physiologicalMechanismofEducationalInequalityandItsIntervention Strategies:WiththeExampleofMigrantChildren Gao Minghua 60 observethefolowingprinciples:first,thechineseequivalentforbeingshouldreflect theliteralmeaningoftheword;andsecond,thechineseequivalentcanandshould runthroughalbeing-relateddiscussions.inthisregard,only " meetsbothre- quirements.intheprocessoftranslating Westernphilosophyinto Chinese,there doesexisttheproblemofhowtomakethetranslationclearandeasytounderstand, namely,incompliancewiththe mother-tongueintuitions.suchaprobleminvolves boththepeculiarcharacteristicsoftranslationitselfandsometranslationskils.so longastheycanbreakthroughtheexistingdefectiveknowledgestructureand transcendtheconventionalconstrictedview,thechinesepeoplearefulycapableof expressingandgraspingthebeing-relatedissue,therebygainingabeterview of Westernphilosophy. Theregionalcompetition betweenlocalgovernmentshasfacilitatedtherapid growthofchineseeconomy.however,theworkingmechanismforitstilneedstobe explored.localgovernmentalbehaviorisinfluencedbythecentral-localrelationship, particularlybythereforminfiscalandtaxationsystemssincetheimplementationof thetax-sharingsystem.bycentralizingthefinancialpower,thetax-sharingsystem gradualyledlocalgovernmentstoadoptthedevelopmentmodeloflandappropriation, developmentandtransfer,hencetheemergenceoflandfinance;ourstudyverifiesthe closetiesbetweenthetwobyusingannualprovincial-leveldata.inalcaseswhenthe developmentmodelrepresentedbylandfinanceisevaluated,thetax-sharingsystem isamorerationalreformthanthefinancialcontractingsystem,forithasestablished astableframeworkofinteractionbetweenthecentralgovernmentandlocalgovern- ments.andyet,theland-centeredurbanexpansion modelwasanunexpectedoutcome ofthisreform. Thisstudyemploys multiple methodsofquestionnaires,in-depthinterviews, participantobservationsandon-the-spotexperiments,anddiscoverstwosocio-psy- chologicalmechanismsofeducationalinequality:theself-fulfilingprophecyefectarising 205