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2 linguistic turn

3 3

4 4 4 4


6 1991 6


8 8 8 8

9 text understanding interpretation

10 Hermeneutic Hermeneutics Schleiermacher Dilthey Heidegger Gadamer 12 system of signs signifier signified Lacan Gadamer 12 Richard E. Palmer Hermeneutics

11 13 14 Erlebnis Logocentrism Michel Foucault p Royaumont

12 12

13 Heidegger 1946 Weg Tao Das Wesen der Sprache Unterwegs zur Sprache p , 1990 p.28 13

14 Derrida différance différence Jacques Derrida, Dissemination, translated, with an introduction and additional notes, by Barbara Johnson, Chicago: University Press,

15 20 post-structuralism de-construction 20 15

16 logocentrism phonocentrism Roland Barthes Formal Logic Ideographical de-construction Jacques Derrida Heidegger Destruktion Jacques Derrida, Of Grammatology, trans. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Baltimoke: John Hopkins Univ. Press, p

17 différance of Grammatology Leibniz 25 Hermes Hermes R. E. Palmer hermèneuein hermènia 25 Jacques Derrida, Of Grammatology, trans. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Baltimore: John Hopkins Univ. Press,

18 p Dialogue and deconstruction the Gadamer-Derrida encounter / edited by Diane P. Michelfelder & Richard E. Palmer, Albany State University of New York Press,


20 Hermeneutics Deconstruction Gadamer Derrida fusion of horizons logocentrisem différance logos writing 1 Diane P. Michelfelder & Richard E. Palmer (eds.): Introduction Dialogue and Deconstruction The Gadamer-Derrida Encounter, Albany State University of New York Press, 1989,p.1 20

21 21

22 Vorhanden Zuhanden Zeug In-der-Welt-sein

23 23

24 3 3 Phaedrus Theuth logos 24




28 7 A B B A A B :5= p : p

29 29



32 sich in der Sprache Verständigen 11 Gementes Geteiltes Gemeinsames p p.23 32

33 G. Geffory 33

34 13 14 a b R. E. Palmer Hermes 1992 p.33 34

35 p p

36 Babel Voltaire Ba Bel Babel 36

37 Babel Babel 17 Jacques Derrida, Des Tours de Babel, trans. Joseph F. Graham, in J. F. Graham, ed., Difference in Translation. Ithaca: Cornell Univ. Press, 1985, p

38 discourse validity totality 19 Leibniz Russell Gillian Rose, Architecture to Philosophy the Post-Modern Complicity, Theory, Culture & Society 5(1988): p Hans-Georg Gadamer: Gesammelte Werke, Tübingen, J. C. B. Mohr. Band 2: Hermeneutik, p

39 Babel Jacques Derrida, Des Tours de Babel, trans. Joseph F. Graham, in J. F. Graham, ed., Difference in Translation. Ithaca: Cornell Univ. Press, 1985, p

40 transport 22 supplement overabundance Dissemination Speech and p Jacques Derrida, Structure, Sign, and Play trans. Alan Bass, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, Jacques Derrida, Positions trans. Alan Bass, Chicago: University of Chicago Press p.48 40

41 Phenomena Of Grammatology Spivak Unübersetzbarkeit 25 G. C. Spivak, Translator s Preface, in Jacques Derrida, Of Grammatology, trans. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Baltimore: John Hopkins Univ. Press, 1976, p.lxxxvi p.xxviii 41

42 27 28 its necessity as impossibility p p p

43 30 31 interpretation reproduction re-creation p

44 faithful Nachbildung Auslegung Mitvollzug 32 Schleiermacher intuition p p James Joyce Ulysses 44


46 p Schelling Cassirer 46

47 p.9 47

48 Frazer 48

49 p

50 mythological archetype p

51 p

52 52

53 Ernst Cassirer Mythical Consciousness The Myth of The State 48 Philology Linguistics

54 54

55 p p

56 51 51 E. Betti E. D. Hirsch mening significance What is J. Habermas P. Ricoeur metapher 1971 Suhrkamp Hermeneutik und Ideologiekritik

57 : p

58 58

59 p

60 2 2 vergegenständlichend Anverwandlung p.371 Wirkungsgeschichte p

61 61


63 p p p

64 p p

65 p

66 p p

67 p : p

68 p p

69 p

70 p

71 p p p.428 p.377 p.xiii a. b. c

72 p

73 32 C. G. Jung Collective Unconscious p.357 p.9 73

74 33 P. Ricoeur 34 J. Habermas Vorverstandnis 1993 p Vorhabe Vorsicht Vorgriff p Apel, Habermas, Gadamer, Ricoeur p

75 36 37 Frankfurt school neo-marxism p p p p

76 39 40 p p p

77 p

78 78




82 p

83 83


85 p p p.93 85


87 87

88 88

89 89

90 p


92 57 p

93 p


95 95


97 4 p Zeitenabstand strangeness familiarity




101 101

102 p

103 universality 103

104 particularity

105 15 substance being logos p

106 p


108 Heidegger and Asian Thought, edited by Graham Parkes, University of Hawaii Press, 1987 Heidegger and Our Translation of the Tao Te Ching

109 109

110 Saussure arbitrary signifier signified 20 relational identity langue parol langue parol

111 111


113 25 25 cosmology or cosmogony ontology or theory of being 113

114 p

115 p

116 idea

117 117


119 p p.339 p

120 p p

121 p

122 p p Transcendental Metaphysics

123 metaphysics in the line of being vision metaphysics in the line of vision p p

124 p p

125 p p p

126 p p

127 p.74 7: p Seinsprinzip Sollensprinzip 127

128 128

129 p

130 E. Eco 49 Paul de Man intentional operis Interpretation and Overinterpretation, Embero Eco with Richard Rorty, Jonathan Culler and Christine Brooke-Rose, ed. Stefan Collini, Camgridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992, p : p

131 131


133 3 4 3 p

134 Chinese Philosophy: Its Sprint and Its Development, Linknig Publishing, Taipei,

135 Martin Heidegger Sein 8 das Seiende 9 8 sein 9 Martin Heidegger Sein und Zeit 1993 p.9 135


137 Dasein 10 Dasein Dasein p Dasein Dasein Da Sein Dasein Dasein Sein Daein Dasein

138 Ereignis 138

139 14 Dasein In-der-Weli-sein - dash Vorhanden Woraufhin Woin p p

140 dichterisch 15 Zuhanden 15 Chad Hansen A Daoist Theory of Chinese Thought A Philosophical Interpretation, New York, Oxford University Press,

141 p

142 : p : p

143 p

144 p p

145 p

146 Potentiality Actuality p

147 double character p p

148 transmetaphysics p

149 29 Dasein :11= p

150 30 Dasein In-der-Weli-sein Dasein p p J. J. Kockelmans Washington, 1986, p p

151 33 substance being logos p

152 Weg Laotze Tao 34 Weg Tao Alles ist Weg p


154 36 a

155 37 b. 38 c. d. 39 e. f. g

156 40 h. 41 i. 40 p

157 j. k. l. 42 m. 43 n. o. a g d f j l o

158 das Geläut der Stille Sagen Sprache, Langue Language Sprache Sein Sagen Sprechen 44 Die Sprache spricht p

159 p R. M. Rilke Hölderlin das Vollbringen ist Offenheit des Seins

160 sagen Stillt das Stillen der Stille die Ruhe 47 Ding-Welt Welt-Ding das Wesende Zeige Sage 48 Van p p

161 Gogh 49 Ereignis Ereignis logos Tao Identitäet und Differenz, Pfullingen: Neske, p.656 Ereignis Ereignen Ereignis Sein Dasien Ereignis Ereignis Ereignis 161

162 162 Gewesenheit Gegenwart Zukunft 51 In-der-Weli-sein Zeit Zeitlichkeit p.26

163 52 paradox A B A B A B A a A p

164 Hölderlin

165 54 55 Schriftahigkeit p p p p p

166 57 58 Anschauungskraft 57 p p

167 59 59 p

168 p

169 61 Vorhanden Zuhanden p

170 170

171 interpretation understanding explanation différance 171

172 p

173 p

174 5 5 R. E. Palmer Geisteswissenschaften p

175 p

176 7 7 Ernst Cassirer An Essay on Man 1985 p

177 8 8 p


179 transcendent immanent 179

180 :6= p :2=

181 25:11= p

182 182










192 Ernst Cassirer Paul Ricoeur Richard E. Palmer 1992 Hans-Georg Gadamer

193 Martin Heidegger Ferdinand de Saussure 1980 Jonathan Culler 1998 Jacques Derrida E. D. Hirsch 1991 Michael Payne

194 1 Chad Hansen A Daoist Theory of Chinese Thought A Philosophical Interpretation, New York, Oxford University Press, 1992 Ernst Behler Confrontation: Derrida/Heidegger /Nietzshe, translated, with an afterword, by Steven Taubeneck, Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1991 Hans-Georg Gadamer Philosophical Apprenticeships, translated by Robert R. Sullivan, Cambridge Mass. MIT Press, 1985 Truth and method, 2nd rev. ed. translation revised by Joel Weinsheimer and Donald G. Marshall, New York :Crossroad, 1989 Jacques Derrida Des Tours de Babel, trans. Joseph F. Graham, in J. F. Graham, ed., Difference in Translation. Ithaca: Cornell Univ. Press, 1985 trans. Alan Bass, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, Dialogue and Deconstruction The Gadamer-Derrida Encounter, Diane P. Michelfelder & Richard E. Palmer (eds.), Albany State University of New York Press,

195 Heidegger and Asian Thought, edited by Graham Parkes, University of Hawaii Press, 1987 Interpretation and Overinterpretation, Embero Eco with Richard Rorty, Jonathan Culler and Christine Brooke-Rose, ed. Stefan Collini, Camgridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992 The Hermeneutic Tradition from Ast to Ricoeur, edited by Gayle L. Ormiston and Alan D. Schrift, Albany State University of New York Press,

196 :5= :12= :1= :4=

197 5: :6= :3= : :2=

198 20:

199 Apel, Habermas, Gadamer, Ricoeur : : :11= : :


201 201

图 书 在 版 编 目 (CIP) 数 据 中 国 园 林 创 作 的 解 释 学 传 统 / 庄 岳, 王 其 亨 著. 天 津 : 天 津 大 学 出 版 社, 2015.5 ( 中 国 古 典 园 林 研 究 论 丛 / 王 其 亨 主 编 ) ISBN 978-7-5618-5318-4 Ⅰ

图 书 在 版 编 目 (CIP) 数 据 中 国 园 林 创 作 的 解 释 学 传 统 / 庄 岳, 王 其 亨 著. 天 津 : 天 津 大 学 出 版 社, 2015.5 ( 中 国 古 典 园 林 研 究 论 丛 / 王 其 亨 主 编 ) ISBN 978-7-5618-5318-4 Ⅰ 庄 岳 王 其 亨 著 中 国 园 林 创 作 的 解 释 学 传 统 中 国 古 典 园 林 研 究 论 丛 丛 书 主 编 王 其 亨 图 书 在 版 编 目 (CIP) 数 据 中 国 园 林 创 作 的 解 释 学 传 统 / 庄 岳, 王 其 亨 著. 天 津 : 天 津 大 学 出 版 社, 2015.5 ( 中 国 古 典 园 林 研 究 论 丛 / 王 其 亨 主 编 ) ISBN

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