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1 Theory of Planned B e h a v i o r, TPB A j z e n LISREL T P B Bryce & Rutter, B e r k o w i t z, 1990; Creasey & Myers, 1986; Griffiths, 1998; Lo, Wang, & Fang, 2005; Ng & Wi e m e r-hastings, 2005; Spence, 1993 Bryce & Rutter, 2002 B r y c e R u t t e r * 2002 K T V NSC H

2 258 H i N e t , Korea Entertainment System Industry Association, KESA, A j z e n Ajzen & Driver, 1992 T P B Goodale, 2005 Acohido, % A n o n y m o u s, Chou & Ting, 2003; Griffiths, Davies, & Chappell, 2003; Griffiths & Hunt, 1998 Ng & Wi e m e r-hastings, 2005; Phillips, Rolls, & Rouse, 1995 B e r k o w i t z, 1990; Scott, 1995 Murphy, Alper, Moes, & Somes, Chak & Leung, 2004; Lo et al., 2005; Whang, Lee, & Chang, 2003 Trotter, 2005 Funk, 1992; Funk & Buchman, 1995; Gentile, Lynch, Linder, & Walsh, 2004; Uhlmann & Swanson, 2004; Va s t a g,

3 Berkowitz, 1990; Funk & Buchman, 1995; Scott, 1995 Funk, 1992 Funk & Buchman, 1995 S h e r e r, 1998 G r i ffiths, 2005 Masendorf, 1995 Doolittle, 1995 Lim & Wang, 2005; Macedonia, 2005 Appelman, 2005; Kiili, % 50% Dorman, 1997 Creasey & Myers, 1986 Littleton, Light, Joiner, Messer B a r n e s g e e k j o n a h Ya t e s L i t t l e t o n p. 578 G r i ff i t h s G r i ffiths et al., Mannell & Kleiber, C h e n, Wigand N i l a n flow experience C s i k s z e n t m i h a l y i, 1988 Jackson, 1999 C h o u Ti n g A j z e n F i s h b e i n Ajzen, 1985; Ajzen & Madden, 1986 a t t i t u d e subjective norms i n t e n t i o n Ajzen, Timko, & White, 1982; Manstead, Proffitt, & Smart, 1983 Ajzen 1982

4 260 T P B perceived behavioral control Ajzen, 1987; Ajzen & Madden, 1986 T P B Ajzen, 2002 Armitage C o n n e r T P B T P B A j z e n Ajzen, 1991; Doyle-Baker, 2000; McMillan, Higgins, & Conner, Cordano, 1998; Hagger, Chatzisarantis, & Biddle, 2001; Honkanen, Olsen, & Verplanken, 2005 T P B Ajzen & Driver,

5 % % % % % % D r. Ajzen behavioral beliefs e v a l u a t i o n s 13 3 normative beliefs motivation to comply control beliefs control power LISREL 8.3 S E M S E M

6 262 manifest variables l a t e n t v a r i a b l e s SEM maximum likelihood, ML M L M L Ding, Ve l i c e r, & Harlow, 1995 M L Marsh, Balla, & McDonald, over identified H a i r, Jr., Anderson, Tatham, & Black, 1998 modification indices Anderson & Gerbing, 1988 c o n v e rgent validity discriminant validity Bagozzi Yi individual item reliability factor loading ~ Hair Jr composite reliability, CR C R Fornell L a r c k e r ~0.946 variance extracted, VE V E V E Fornell L a r c k e r V E X X X VE 0.579~0.746

7 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Ahire, Golhar Wa l l e r H a t c h e r confirmatory factor analysis, CFA nested CFA model 2 L I S R E L = 0. 05

8 264 Anderson, 1987; Anderson & Gerbing, 1988; Ve n k a t r a m a n, X X X X X X N.A N.A X X X N.A N.A. X X X N.A N.A. X X X X X X N.A. 2 model fitness

9 265 B a g o z z i Yi B e n t l e r Jöreskog Sör b o m G F I AGFI root mean square error of approximation, RMSEA comparative fit index, CFI 3 2 Chi-square P< degrees of freedom < df=293 goodness of fit index, GFI > adjusted goodness of fit index, AGFI > RMSEA root mean square error of approximation < comparative fit index, CFI > P-value < Bagozzi Yi Chin & Todd, 1995; Hair Jr., et al., G F I A G F I Hair Jr G F I A G F I Baumgartner H o m b u rg S E M 184 G F I A G F I % 48% S E M 7 6 = X 11 = X 22 = X 33 = = = = = X 0.67** 2 X 0.47** 3 X 0.87** ** ** ** ** p<0.01

10 266 5 t X N.A ** 0.16 N.A ** X N.A ** 0.06 N.A ** X N.A ** 0.11 N.A N.A ** N.A ** N.A ** N.A :N.A. ** p <.01 S E M X X X X X 2 R

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18 274 Bulletin of Educational Psychology, 2006, 37(3), National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. Constructing an Intentional Model of Visiting Internet Café: A Selected Group of College Students YI-CHUNG HSU Institute of Tourism and Recreation Management National Dong Hwa University TAI-KUEI YU Department of International Business Southern Taiwan University of Technology Due to the popularity of internet café and on-line computer games for youngsters, this study intended to develop an intentional model of visiting internet café through structural equation modeling. The sample for this study was drawn from the undergraduate population in a university in eastern Taiwan. The survey instrument, with permission of Dr. Ajzen of the University of Massachusetts, was translated into Chinese and pilot tested. A total of 378 valid questionnaires were collected in March The data were analyzed using LISEREL 8.3 software. The results indicated that (1) the more positive the attitude toward visiting internet c a fé, the stronger the intention; (2) the stronger the subjective norms, the weaker the intention of visiting internet café; (3) the intention was not influenced by the students perceived behavioral control; and (4) the more the past experience of visiting internet café, the stronger the intention. Three conclusions were drawn regarding TPB theoretical framework: (1) The intentional model effectively predict the respondents intention of visiting internet café; (2) In making prediction on one s intention to visit internet café, past behavior was more influential than perceived behavioral control; (3) In terms of intention of visiting internet café, there seems to be a trend of rising individualism and falling normative influences. Suggestions and recommendations were made for future research and practice. KEY WORDS: computer games, internet café, past behavior, SEM, theory of planned behavior


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