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BIOSECURITY AND HEALTH MANAGEMENT THROUGH FEED IN SWINE PRODUCTION 通过饲料管理来保证猪生产中的生物安全及动物健康 Updates on the latest developments from feed sanitation to feed formulation 饲料卫生安全及配方的最新进展报告 NEOVIA, Fabien GUILLARD 2016 LEMAN 李曼猪业大会 Nanjing 南京, CHINA 中国

Introduction 介绍 Biosecurity and health issues are always the main focus in animal production sector 生物安全和动物健康是动物生产中的关注点 In recent years, viral swine diseases have had a significant impact on human health and people s livelihoods 近年来, 病毒性猪病已对人类健康和人民生计的影响显著 African swine fever to the Caucasus 传入高加索地区的非洲猪瘟 Porcine high fever disease in Asia 亚洲流行的并入高热病 Classical swine fever and foot-and-mouth disease in Europe and Taiwan Province of China 在欧洲及台湾爆发的猪瘟及口蹄疫 (FAO, 2010. 英文 :, 中文 : ) Biosecurity and health issues can be controlled by good practice, such as 生物安全及健康可以通过良好的规范管理来控制 Segregation (creation and maintenance of barriers to limit the potential opportunities for infected animals and contaminated material to enter uninfected site) 隔离 ( 建立围栏以显示受感染的动物与污染的原料进入非疫区 ) Cleaning of materials on farm (vehicles, equipment, etc ) 清洁进入猪场的材料 ( 运输工具, 设备等 ) Disinfection 消毒 Necessary vet practice 兽医检测监控及治疗 Also by water and feed management to ensure a high biosecurity and good animal health 同时, 通过加强对家畜饮用水及饲料的管理也可以保证良好的生物安全以及动物健康 Water / feed sanitation solutions to reduce the risk of diseases contaminations 水 / 饲料卫生的解决方案 ( 以减少疾病污染的风险 ) Feed formulation solutions to reduce health issues (lameness in sows, diarrhea in weanling piglets ) 通过改善饲料配方来减少健康问题 ( 母猪蹄病, 断奶仔猪腹泻等 ) Selected Feed additives to improve sanitary conditions 通过饲料添加剂来提高卫生安全

Water / feed sanitation solutions to reduce the risk of diseases, contaminations (Salmonella ) 减少疾病, 细菌 ( 沙门氏菌等 ) 污染风险的饮用水 / 饲料卫生的解决方案

Safe feed and drinking water for animals 安全的家畜饲料及饮用水 Animal need to eat and drink in order to grow. From raw materials to feed for animals, there is a high risk contamination of different bacteria and fungi. 动物需要采食及饮水才可以生长 从原材料到动物饲料, 很多环节都有被污染的可能 Moreover, water is the most important nutrient that animals drink 2-3 times more than they eat important to maintain a good sanitation 同时, 饮用水是很重要的营养元素 ( 动物需要摄入的饮用水是饲料的 2-3 倍 ) 保证卫生安全很重要 Contaminated feed / drinking water 被污染的饲料或饮用水 : Higher possibility of enterobacteriaceae strains, yeast growth and Bio film inside the water lines 增加感染风险 ( 肠道细菌, 酵母, 水管生物膜 ) Lower resistance of animal (infection disease) 动物抵抗力降低 ( 感染 疾病 ) More usage of medication/antibiotics in production 生产中使用更多的药物 / 抗生素 Higher cost of production 增加生产成本 Salmonella contamination is a major issue in swine production 沙门氏菌污染是猪生产中的严重问题 From pig to pork 从生猪到猪肉 Salmonella prevalence and levels in the GI tract 沙门氏菌患病率及肠道水平 Farm 农场 Transport 运输 Lairage 围栏 Harvest & processing 屠宰加工 Source: emedia/dr-marcos-rostagnopreharvest-risk-factors-forsalmonella-in-pork-productionpip-26063572 Picture: m/safety- Legislation/Symposium-seeks-totackle-pig-salmonella

Use of organic acid in swine production to reduce contamination 添加有机酸以减少污染风险 Organic acid (Sorbic-, formic-, acetic acid etc ) and sometimes combination with minerals (zinc and copper) or natural extracts are commonly used in practice to fight against the contamination through drinking water or feed on the farm level. 有机酸 ( 山梨酸, 甲酸, 乙酸等 ), 以及与矿物 ( 锌和铜 ) 或天然提取物的组合产品在实践中常被添加到饮用水或饲料中来减少污染 Feed / water effect secured feed 安全的饲料 good stable water quality 稳定的饮用水品质 avoid contamination 避免污染 animal effect reduction of stomach ph 降低胃 ph decline bacterial growth 减少细菌生长 improve absorption of nutrients 提高营养吸收 The antimicrobial effects and beneficial effects growth performance of organic acids have been confirmed in several studies (appendix). 有机酸的抗菌作用和对生长及生产性能的有利影响已经在很多研究中被证实 ( 见附录 ) Reduction of gastric ph 降低胃内酸碱值 Increase enzymes activity Increase of nutrient digestibility 提高消化酶活性 提高营养消化率 Promotion of beneficial bacterial growth 促进有益细菌生长 Reduction pathogens growth / balancing the microbial population 减少病原菌的生长从而平衡微生物菌群 Salmonella positive % 沙门氏菌阳性检出率 Effect of the formic acid or lactic formic acids on Salmonella carriage 饲料中添加甲酸及甲酸乳酸混合物对沙门氏菌携带的影响 30 25 20 15 10 5 a a b 0 Mesenteric lymph nodes Faeces 粪便肠系膜淋巴结 Formic-0.8 11.6 3.3 Lac-Formic-0.8 8.3 5 STD 25 16.6 a a b (Creus et al., 2007)

Feed formulation solutions to reduce health issues 通过改善饲料配方来减少健康问题

Feed formulation solutions to reduce health issues in swine production 通过改善饲料配方来减少猪生产中的健康问题 Fibre 纤维 Fat 脂肪 animal requirements 动物营养需求 feed formulation 饲料配方 Important points 关键点 : Sensitive period in animal production life 动物生产中的敏感时期 Nutrition value of RM 原材料的营养值 Final price of final feed 饲料最终价格 Example 1 Formulating diet with specific premix for reducing the risk of lameness in group housing sows 饲料配方中使用特定的预混料来降低群养母猪出现跛足问题的风险 Cause of lameness in group housing sows 引起群养母猪蹄病的原因 Healthy status: infectious lameness 健康情况 : 感染性跛足 Legs and claws injuries (due to fighting or farm facilities ) 由于农场设施或打架造成的腿部或蹄部的损伤 Osteochondritis 软骨炎 How formulation solutions can help to face the challenge? 如何通过饲料配方来改善? Specific premix with 特定的预混料 : Chelated trace-elements (like copper, zinc and manganese, which are identified as key minerals in the process of keratinization) 螯合微量元素 ( 如在角化的过程中起关键作用的铜, 锌, 锰等 ) Vitamin D 3 (25-OH D 3 ) 维生素 D3

Example 1 Formulating diet with specific premix for reducing the risk of lameness in group housing sow 饲料配方中使用特定的预混料来降低群养母猪出现跛足问题的风险 Trial results: claws situation (score) before and after using specific premix 实验结果 : 使用特定预混料前与后的蹄部评分结果 a b a. Naïma farm 农场 1, with 240 sows 母猪, ESF dynamic group 母猪电子群饲系统动态组, 4 batches 批次 b. Naïma farm 农场 2, with 210 sows 母猪, ESF dynamic group 母猪电子群饲系统动态组, 4 batches 批次 *Foot first score 肢蹄损伤识别评分 (0-3 分 ) method was used in the 2 studies 在两个实验中使用, from 0 分 no lesion 没有损伤 to 3 分 sever lesions 严重损伤 (INZO unpublished data, 2011)

Example 2 Protein level in the formulation for weanling piglets 断奶仔猪饲料配方中的蛋白含量 Dietary protein and AAs are indispensable in order to: 膳食中蛋白质和氨基酸是必不可少的 : Support lean growth of pigs 生猪瘦肉生长 Support some metabolic pathways linked to maintenance (synthesis of enzymes, hormones, cells regeneration,.) 支持代谢途径 ( 酶合成, 激素, 细胞再生 ) Ensure to cover AA and protein requirements to ensure optimization of health and performance in pigs 确保氨基酸及蛋白质的需求, 从而保证猪的健康及生长性能 In the same time, protein fraction may negatively affect the gut health: 然而, 蛋白质也可以对肠道健康造成负面影响 Indigestible protein is preferably used by pathogens in the descending colon (ph=8) while indigestible carbohydrates are preferably used by commensal bacteria in the ascending colon (ph=7). 未消化的蛋白质会被病原菌在降结肠优先使用 (ph 值 = 8), 未消化的碳水化合物, 会在升结肠被共生菌优选使用 (ph 值 = 7) Protein as a prebiotic for pathogens!! 蛋白质是病原体 益生元! Fermentation of protein leads to production of toxic metabolites: toxic amines, nitric oxide as prooxydant,. 蛋白质的发酵导致生产有毒代谢产物 : 有毒胺, 一氧化氮,... Need to find a compromise in order to optimize performance without negatively affecting gut health in weanling piglets 需要找到折中点 : 既优化性能又不对断奶仔猪肠道健康产生负面影响

Formulating diet with digestible protein level 配方中使用可消化蛋白值 Formulating the diet with accurate protein level: 制定精准蛋白质水平的日粮配方 : Lower quantity of protein and peptides entering the hindgut 减少进入后肠蛋白和多肽的含量 Beneficial effects on gut health in weaned piglets 对断奶仔猪肠道健康具有有益影响 NEOVIA trial with high and low digestible protein in the post weaning diet for piglets 实验 : 在仔猪配方中使用高消化率蛋白 ( 对照 ), 和低消化率蛋白 ( 实验组 ) Decrease the protein digestibility induced an increase of fecal scores (= more liquid feces) and had a numerical increase on mortality after weaning 降低蛋白质消化率会造成粪便评分的升高 (= 更多液体状粪便 ) Table 2 trial results 实验结果 Control 对照组 Trial 实验组 No. piglets 仔猪数量 (d0 断奶 0 日 ) 208 208 粪便评分 No. dead 1 st phase 第 1 阶段死亡数 2 4 1 st phase mortality,% 第 1 阶段死亡率 0.96 1.92 No. dead 2 nd phase 第 2 阶段死亡数 2 3 2 nd phaese mortality,% 第 2 阶段死亡率 0.97 1.47 Post weaning mortality,% 断奶期死亡率 1.92 3.37 断奶后天数 第 1 阶段 :28 日龄 ( 断奶 ) 至 42 日龄第 2 阶段 :42 日龄至 70 日龄 (NEOVIA unpublished data)

Selected feed additives to improve sanitary conditions 通过饲料添加剂来提高卫生安全

Example 1 Use of toxin binder and antioxidant against mycotoxin and its negative effects 使用毒素吸附剂及抗氧化剂来对抗霉菌毒素及其负面影响 Raw material contains a large amount of mould spores 原材料中还有大量霉菌孢子 Normal feed processing conditions can t fully destroy these spores which could finally lead to a producing of mycotoxins 普通饲料加工条件不能完全摧毁这些孢子, 这可能最终导致霉菌毒素的产生 Mycotoxins contaminated feed are very harmful for animals, even at very low concentrations 即使在非常低的浓度, 霉菌毒素污染的饲料对动物也非常有害 Table 3 Mycotoxin and its negative effects 霉菌毒素及其负面影响 Mycotoxin 霉菌毒素 Aflatoxins 黄曲霉毒素 Zearalenone 玉米赤霉烯酮 T-2 Toxin T-2 毒素 Ochratoxin 赭曲霉毒素 Raw material 原材料 Corn-products, Soybean, Groundnut 玉米产品, 大豆, 花生 Corn, Hay, Pelleted feed 玉米, 干草, 颗粒饲料 Corn, Wheat 玉米, 小麦 Cereals 谷物 Problems in pig production 猪生产中会造成的问题 Immune system, Growth/ performance, Liver 免疫系统, 生长 / 性能, 肝 Hormonal problems, Fertility 荷尔蒙问题, 生育 Lesions, Performance, Immune system 病变, 生产性能, 免疫系统 Kidney, Immune system 肾脏, 免疫系统 > 10 ppb > 100 ppb > 200 ppb Levels 毒素含量 > 1000 ppb

General pathway of mycotoxin 霉菌毒素作用的一般途径 Where should we target to reduce its negative effects? 我们应该如何减轻其负面影响? Gut 肠道 Enterocyte 肠细胞 Portal vein 门静脉 Liver 肝脏 Phase 2 第二阶段 Phase 1 第一阶段 Phase 1 第一阶段 General bloodstream 血液循环 Excretion 排泄途径 Immune disbalance Inflammation, lesions 免疫失衡炎症, 病变 Bile 胆汁 Entero-hepatic circulation 肝肠循环 Oxidative stress 氧化应激 Kidney 肾脏 Other tissues 其他组织 Mammary Gland 乳腺 Feces 粪便 Urine 尿液 Milk 乳汁 Mycotoxin 霉菌毒素 Metabolite 1 代谢物 Metabolite 2 代谢物 (Pancosma & Associates)

Example 2 Plant extracts 植物提取物 The swine production industry has a growing interest in the use of plant extract 养猪生产行业对于使用植物提取物的兴趣越来越大 Studies showed more and more proved beneficial effects 越来越多的研究证明其有益效果 Nowadays, there are many different plant extracts products on the market, what can we use to improve the feed sanitation and maintain animal health? 如今在市场上, 有许多不同的植物提取物产品, 我们可以用哪些来提高饲料的卫生并确保动物健康? Liu et al. (2013) published in J.Anim.Sci. article about the effect of 3 plants on the weaned piglets health:3 种植物提取物对断奶仔猪健康效果 : Turmeric / Curcuma oleoresin 姜黄提取物 Capsicum oleoresin 辣椒提取物 garlic metabolite 大蒜提取物 FREQUENCY OF DIARRHEA 腹泻率 (%) 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Sham E. coli CON CAP GAR TUR CON vs. PE P < 0.05 * * * CON vs. PE P < 0.05 d0-11 d0-11 * * * CAP = 10 ppm capsicum oleor. GAR = 10 ppm garlic metabolite TUR = 10 ppm turmeric oleor. Sham vs. E. coli: P < 0.05 Liu et al. (2013, J. Anim. Sci.)

Existing commercial products (combination of plants extracts) 市场上可见的产品 ( 植物提取物混合产品 ) Effect on sow performance at farrowing 对母猪生产性能的作用 Treatment effect 实验统计 Treatment*party effect 实验及胎次统计 产活仔 % 产活仔 % 对照提取物 Effect on colostrum 对初乳的影响 对照提取物对照提取物 头胎及二胎三胎及以上总蛋白白蛋白球蛋白 对照提取物对照提取物对照提取物 (Pancosma & Associates, 2015)

CONCLUSION 总结 What we have discussed today: 今天我们讨论了 : Feed sanitations solutions to reduce the risk of diseases contaminations (Salmonella ) 饲料卫生的解决方案 Use of organic acid in feed and drinking water 在饲料及饮用水中使用有机酸 Feed formulation solutions to reduce health issues 通过改善饲料配方来减少健康问题 Specific premix for group housing sows 特定预混料解决群养母猪跛足问题 Protein level for weanling piglets 断奶仔猪饲料蛋白水平 Selected Feed additives to improve sanitary conditions 通过饲料添加剂来提高卫生安全 Toxin binder and antioxidant against mycotoxin and its negative effects 使用毒素吸附剂及抗氧化剂来对抗霉菌毒素及其负面影响 Effect of plants exacts on weaned piglets diarrhea and sow performances 植物提取物对母猪生产性能及仔猪腹泻的作用 It is possible and important to manage biosecurity and health through feed in swine production! 通过饲料来改善猪生产的卫生安全集健康是可行并且重要的!

谢谢! Thank you for your attention! QUESTIONS?

Appendix Summary of literature on the benefit effect of acid in swine production 文献总结 : 使用有机酸对猪生产的有益影响 Table 1 Beneficial effects of most common acids in swine production. Acid 酸 Acetic- 乙酸 Formic- 甲酸 Beneficial effects 有益影响 Antimicrobial activity 抗菌作用 Improvement of growth performance 提高生长性能 E. coli, Salmonella spp. 大肠杆菌 沙门氏菌 Piva et al. (2002) and Valencia (2002) Jensen et al. (2001) Partanen and Mroz (1999) E. coli, Salmonella spp. 大肠杆菌 沙门氏菌 Canibe et al. (2005), Jongbloed et al. (2000), Mroz, et Creus et al. (2007), Jensen et al. (2001), Knarreborg et al. al. (2000), Partanen et al. (2001a,b, 2007), and (2002), Naughton and Jensen (2001), Øverland et al. Tsiloyiannis et al. (2001a), Cesari et al. (2008) (2007) and Tsiloyiannis et al. (2001a) Propionic- 丙酸 Lactic- 乳酸 Sorbic- 山梨酸 Benzoic- 苯甲酸 E. coli, Salmonella spp. 大肠杆菌 沙门氏菌 Jensen et al. (2001), Knarreborg et al. (2002), Naughton and Jensen (2001) and Tsiloyiannis et al. (2001a) E. coli, Salmonella spp., moulds and yeasts 大肠杆菌 沙门氏菌 孢子和酵母 Creus et al. (2007), Jensen et al. (2001), Naughton and Jensen (2001), Piva and Grilli (2007) and Tsiloyiannis et al. (2001a, b) E. coli, Salmonella spp., yeasts, moulds, fungi 大肠杆菌 沙门氏菌 孢子 酵母 真菌 Jensen et al. (2001), Øverland et al. (2007) and Piva and Grilli (2007) E. coli, Salmonella spp. 大肠杆菌 沙门氏菌 Papatsiros et al. (2011) and Piva and Grilli (2007) Partanen et al. (2007) and Tsiloyiannis et al. (2001a) Jongbloed et al. (2000), Tsiloyiannis et al. (2001a, b), Cesari et al. (2008) Kirchgessner et al. (1995) Kluge et al. (2006) and Maribo et al. (2000) (Adapted from Papatsiors et al. 2012)