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Cómo puedo decirte quién soy? How Can I Tell You Who I Am? curator/curatora: 郭昭蘭 Jau-lan Guo 2 May, 2012 31 May, 2012 Adora Calvo Galería artists/artistas: 吳天章 姚瑞中 余政達 陳敬元 Wu Tien Chang Yao Jui Chung Yu Cheng-Ta Chen Ching Yuan

The Situated Body Text Jau-lan Guo Performance, even its dazzling physical immediacy, drifts between present and past, presence and absence, consciousness and memory. Every Performance, if it is intelligible as such, embeds features of previous performance: gender conventions, racial histories, aesthetic tradition-political and cultural pressures that are consciously and unconsciously acknowledged. 1 The body is engraved with totemic symbols related to the collective memory. These totems that are invisibly imprinted on the body are sometimes related to time, sometimes to location. Simply put, if the performance art of the body is defined as movements of the body as performance, then the performers body is in dialogue with their specific physical memory, displaying the totems on their body; on the other hand, performance is often an attempt to undertake a type of exercise at this intersection between the individual body and the collective body, with a desire to exhaust to the fullest extent that which cannot be controlled by the self. Although the video works of the four artists exhibited here in How Can I Tell You Who I Am? are not usually categorized as physical performance art, the physicality and performance inherent in their works, as well as the contextual attributes of their individual artistic creativity, and the appearance of the body in these images, all nonetheless reflect the temporal and spatial totems that have been etched onto the bodies of the performers. This exhibition attempts to answer "How Can I Tell You Who I Am?" with "The Situated Body", and to sketch out traces of the body within the cultural context from the silhouettes of the situated body projected in their work. While these traces reflect how the artists address historical and systemic issues of representation, negotiation, obstruction and rotation between the individual and the collective, they also project these silhouettes onto the midst of a larger history, memory, locale, politics and exchange. In other words, their work open up the crisscrossing axes of time, space, language, culture and systems that surround the body, and enable this to be seen as a visual form. Yao Jui-Chung s new video work Long Live continues the trajectory of his earlier Phantom of History series, and moves the collective memory of Strongman Mythologies further toward a reflection of the Cold War Era global geopolitical layout. Long Live opens with the camera pulling out to a wide shot of the wartime construction of rows of anti-landing rail stick bars on the beach in Kinmen, one of the islands closest to China. Subsequent to the August 23rd Bombings, the Taiwanese military erected these steel bars at a 50 degree angle on the beach so that ships approaching the island at high-tide would be trapped by the rail stick bars. Here, the rail stick bar becomes a point of departure for contemplating the absurdities of history and the realities of geography. The first part of the film depicts remaining ruins of the fortifications of war that are a common sight in Kinmen: tanks, bunkers, underground bomb tunnels, and shelters. The scene transitions to the Beishan Psychological Warfare Broadcast Tower -- the largest of its kind in the world. The noise of alarm from the tower is so gigantic that it awakes the militaristic body which has been trained in every air-defense drill and is ready to be mobilized. But here, directional sound is momentarily cut off in the film, and instead, turns inward to the depths of the speaker itself in search of the source of the sound: Jieshou Hall in the long abandoned Qindi Military Camp adjacent to Chungshan Great Hall in Yangmingshan in Taipei. The artist stands in the middle of the crumbling ruin of a conference hall, seemingly possessed by the spirit of a dictator and bellows out Long live! The film then takes a second turn, the camera pans out and the wide shot reveals that the grand hall is a projection on the screen of an abandoned cinema. Billboards hung over the cinema s door flap and bang against the wind; and two shafts of light from outside the window lock this phantom image onto the thin membrane of the silver screen. The film Long Live can be said to juxtapose two different spaces through the slogan Long live which symbolizes dictatorship: that of Kinmen and of Chungshan Hall in Taipei s Yangmingshan. Kinmen is both familiar and strange to people living in Taiwan; Kinmen s geopolitics represents the psychological schema of antagonism. Kinmen was the last district in Taiwan for Martial Law to be lifted, indicating the physical embodiment of militarization as 1 Elin Diamond: Performance and Cultural Politics, Rutledge, London and New York, 1996, p.1.

a physical space, with Kinmen at the frontlines, and Taiwan as the home front. However, in the film Long Live, the industrial sites of war are overgrown with weeds, and military bases have been converted to a port for the advancement of Chinese capitalism and trade, the front lines of direct cross-strait links. Similarly, Chungshan Hall was once the exclusive conference center for the National Assembly. Before the Assembly was permanently abolished in 2005, this was the site where the Chinese delegates to the National Assembly exercised their constitutional mission as a foreign power. The ruins of these two sites represent an enormous satire in the collective and spatial memory. Yao s work has always ridiculed the ambiguities of Taiwan s nation status and the KMT s mythmaking execution on history and the legal system since World War II. He is most often quoted for the phrase the helpless absurdities of human history. This describes a feeling of powerlessness that individuals can neither parry with nor rid themselves of in the face of history. In 1949, Taiwanese society entered into the longest period of martial law in human history. When the Korean War broke out the following year, Taiwan was firmly planted on the side of the U.S. in its Cold War with the U.S.S.R., in the camp touting liberty and capitalism. The imprint made by those years of martial law, lifted in 1987 by Chiang Chingkuo, has been blended into the time-space of the Cold War and remains residual in the individual body to this day. Yao s film Long Live ends in a jocular guise of doing precisely what is forbidden. It seems that the past is not rational material for explicating the present, but rather, an unseen yet un-removable chiseled mark carved into the corporeal consciousness in temporal and spatial form. The film concludes with light shining in from the doorway, and the heavy thud of the door being shaken by a strong gusts of wind, finally locking away this phantom of history in a Plato s cave, a prison of endlessly rotating past and present. If Yao Jui-Chung s Long Live touches on a form of possession by the collective memory, then Wu Tien-Chang s photographic series, including The Blind Men and the Street and Being in the Same Boat, works from the basis of the repressed body in the regime of the distribution of the sensible, and progresses a counter-attack by the repressed. This series of images was created as tableau photography; where the artist designed the props and costumes, actors held choreographed poses, and computers post-produced the images. A treacherous atmosphere permeates Wu s photographic series, depicting the strange, the grotesque, the absurd, the garish, the deviant, and death. The characters in these photographs are either physically dysfunctional or handicapped. These figures would be marginalized in modern society, segregated in hospitals or psychiatric institutions, but in Wu s world of imagery, they make their whimsical debut. They make a ritualistic salute to decent society, and prove their existence with an ambiguous smile toward the heavily guarded world of officialdom. Within Wu s creative context, the fantasy figures series represents a progression from his earlier painting work that were critical of home, country, and history; the series takes the corporeal world that began with Farewell! Spring Autumn Pavilion and A Dream on a Spring s Night, first toward Lust, and then a step further toward the abject: of madness, the unheimlich, the grotesque, and the strange. The garish and grotesque in Wu s photography is related to his personal experiences. In one interview, Wu recalled how, in high school, he was taunted by his peers as Taike. The label carried a derogatory connotation during the martial law era, with a hostile nuance similar to whites referring to blacks as negro ; it carries strong overtones of ethnic prejudice. With the progression of time and changes in political regime, Taike has now entered popular culture as a trendy term used in promoting merchandise. The artist himself is pleased to be labeled a Taike artist now. But the bodily experience of exclusion as a Taike has finally achieved a reversal of status through the performance of the abject body, and through symbolic modes of repressing the flesh body through clothing and accessories that are phoney, garish, and high-artifice. The two artists mentioned above were active in Taiwan s contemporary art scene right after the time of martial law rule, and a good 15-25 years older than the two artists introduced below. There were tremendous social changes in the years between them. The phenomenon of globalization brought on the migration of labor; foreign brides have since integrated into Taiwan s society; the intensive exchange on the world-wide-web has replaced the unidirectional flow of information. In the world of art, establishment of national museums and art schools in the north and south have become the main incubator for young artists. Contemporary art is firmly implanted as an institution. Cross-straits relationship between Taiwan and China continues to be a point of contention in every presidential election. The flight of industry and the seismic economic shifts that result from globalization have

made economic development an additional variable in deciding affinities in cross-strait relations. Ventriloquists-Introduction is a set of videos Yu Cheng-Ta recorded on the streets of Taipei where he stands behind non-chinese speaking foreign visitors, and makes up brief self-introductions in Chinese for each of them based on his own impressions. In the process of invasion and simulation of an unfamiliar language, the body fractures into disconnected fragments and drifts in the grey area of a strange lexicon, between a fictional body and fictional narrative. The artist, dressed in black, hides behind the foreign respondent and supplies fictional selfdescriptions; inaccuracies and mispronunciations in the respondent s effort to parrot him repeatedly occur. The two enter into a relationship that almost cooperative but, simultaneously, in opposition. Fissures begin to appear in the single body they inhabit. In Yu s work, the anxieties of history and the subjective body are deftly implanted into the body by using a strategy of possession. Though the image of the body momentarily misses the mark with the mispronounced language and fictional identity, the embodiment of language becomes the unexpected reward in this piece. Language, a tool for conveying information and assisting communication, has become a durable wall in Yu s work. If communication and expression are no longer stable and reliable, what strategies remain for declaring I am here? The young artist Chen Ching-Yuan, who also grew up in the Taiwan of the new millennium, approaches from a different angle in his response to the overriding anxiety in Taiwanese society about history, the collective body, and society itself. Chen explains that the title of the work, Staggering Matter, refers to enormous, shocking events and objects that are also a metaphor for the other side of the object, which is unsteady and without a point of support. Staggering Matter is the title of a video work, the subject of a 53-page comic book, as well as the title of a solo exhibition that includes sculpture and painting. This repetition of a phrase does not circle a central theme, but rather enacts a counter-narrative that is without a center. Through scattered broken narratives, or a secondary narrative derivative of a rhizomatic sub-narrative, a huge fabled forest for the work is constructed. The comic book Staggering Matter tells the story of Juan, a child addicted to the internet who accidentally comes across a set of enchanted headphones from The Land of Heavenly Dragons (a derogatory term for affluent selfimportant Taipei urbanites) and thus bears witness to world s end: an unidentified flying object strikes a 700-story tower that is wrapped beneath layers of fabric and bound with rope. The video work of the same title Staggering Matter depicts a group of people of different races living together. One woman among them discovers with some excitement that she is pregnant, but eventually suspects that there is something unknown growing in her belly, and is consumed by fear. The video ends without explanation, as an expressionless woman saws off the legs of a table. Chen s work is a response to the blockage caused by discussions of history and the collective that permeates society. Only this response is not achieved through a continuous narrative, nor constructed using systems of signs or existing symbols, but rather, through the creation of a broad and multifarious fable, creating a new mythical realm. Visual artifacts created from the artist s own exuberant creativity ultimately points to the conflicts and obstructions that exist between the individual artist and the society at large. What remains is an intransitive narrative, an intransitive resistance, an intransitive critique; therefore a near intransitive body. This is similar to the anonymity of the online world, a certain signal from an unknown location; distant, and unstable. In retrospect, the corporeal consciousness in the works of these four artists and the explorations and questions they raise about the body brings us to an implosive, intransitive cycle. But whether the phenomenological corporeal consciousness suppresses or supports the experience emphasized by positivism, do possible paths exist for breaking through the systems that surround the body? There is an awareness that the body is not an empty transparent vessel, but one that constantly carries temporal and spatial scars. The situated system simultaneously calls to the body, and the flesh body stands in wait for that call. The question remains: how does the flesh body return to its resident location? The work of these four artists provides a path between the individual and the system for contemplation, and gives a microcosmic view of the larger response from Taiwan s contemporary art to the societal anxieties at large.

形勢中的身體 文 郭昭蘭 表演即使在最令人目眩的身體親近性當中, 他乃是漂浮在過去與現在, 在場與不在場, 意識與記憶之間 如果我們這樣理解, 那麼每一個表演都鑲嵌崁著性別習俗, 種族歷史, 美學傳統這些有意或無意的政治 與文化的包袱 1 身體總是鑲嵌著與集體記憶有關的圖騰, 這些烙印在身體上卻總是看不見的圖騰, 有時與時間有關, 有時與地方有關 身體行為藝術簡單的來說如果是身體的行動與展演, 其表演者的身軀, 一方面在與他身體的記憶對話, 揮舞著他身上的圖騰, 另一方面, 常常也在試圖透過身體這個體與集體的交界地帶進行一種練習, 渴望最大程度掏空那不能自己的控制 本展覽邀請四位藝術家的影像作品, 雖然一般不會以身體行動藝術界定他們, 但是由於他們作品中身體展演的特質, 以及個別藝術家的創作脈絡屬性, 這些影像中的身體顯影, 折射表演者鑲嵌於其身體的時間或空間圖騰的問題 展覽以 形勢中的身體 試圖回答 "How Can I Tell You Who I Am? " 並從藝術家的作品中投射的關於身體處境的身影, 勾勒出一個文化情境中的身體論軌跡 這個軌跡一方面反應藝術家如何在作品中處理著個體與集體 歷史 系統之間的交涉 迂迴 協商 阻滯, 並將這樣的身影置身投射於更大的歷史 記憶 場所 政治以及交流之中 也可以說, 他們的作品張開了交錯在身體周圍的時間 空間 語言 文化 系統的軸線, 並以某種視覺的形式使之可見 姚瑞中的錄像新作 萬歲 延續了他稍早的 歷史幽靈 系列, 並且進一步將 強人神話 的集體記憶朝冷戰時期全球地理政治的佈局反思邁進 拉開 萬歲 片頭的是金門海灘上的 軌條砦 戰爭建築工事 823 砲戰後, 為了有效防堵中國軍隊的登陸, 台灣軍方在海灘上設立這種 50 度傾斜的鋼鐵橫條, 讓有意藉著潮水漲潮搶灘的船艦, 卡在 軌條砦 上 在這裡, 軌條砦 成為思考這一切歷史荒謬與地理事實的起點 影片第一段是金門常見的戰爭工事 : 戰車, 碉堡, 避難的地下通道等廢墟, 接著畫面移到全球最大的北山心戰播音塔 影片此時發出巨大的防空警報聲響, 這個包圍觀眾身體全部的巨響, 是足以喚醒人們所有隱藏于 軍事化 肉體之內緊張神經的巨響, 隨時準備被動員的肉身即刻進入戰爭想像的例外狀態 然而, 鏡頭此時切斷了聲音的去向, 反而轉身向喇叭的深處, 尋找聲音的源頭 : 陽明山中山樓旁廢棄的青邸營區的介壽堂 只見藝術家彷彿被獨裁者附身一般地在破敗的廢墟大會堂中高喊著 萬歲! 接著, 影片出現第二次逆轉, 拉遠的鏡頭交代了大會堂的位址不過是廢棄電影院螢幕上的虛幻影像, 電影院門板被風掀起的重擊聲, 還有窗外射出的兩道光線, 將這如夢的幻影鎖在螢幕的薄膜上 萬歲 影片可以說透過一個象徵獨裁者的口號 萬歲 將兩個不同空間 : 金門與台北陽明山的中山樓 意象給並峙起來 金門, 對生活在台灣的人來說, 既熟悉又陌生 ; 金門的地理政治就是其他不是生活在 金門的台灣人的軍事化心理結構圖 金門作為台灣最後 ( 直到 2005 年 ) 一個解嚴的地區, 指明敵對的想 1 Elin Diamond: Performance and Cultural Politics, Rutledge, London and New York, 1996, p.1.

象曾經如何在 以金門為前線, 台灣島為後方 的關係, 落實在實體的空間當中 然而, 萬歲 影片中荒煙漫草的破敗戰事工地, 如今已然從軍事基地轉換為前進中國的資本通商口港, 成了兩岸三通的最前線 而同樣的, 中山樓曾經是前國民大會的專屬議場,2005 年廢除國代以前, 這裡是來自中國的國大代表以外來政權的形式, 行使其憲政任務的地方 這兩個場所的廢墟化, 就是集體記憶與場所記憶的最大諷刺 姚瑞中的作品向來針對二戰以來台灣國家地位不明, 以及國民黨對歷史與法統所執行的神話操作, 進行嘲諷 他最常被引用的一句話是 人類歷史無可救藥的荒謬性, 這是一個個體在歷史面前無力招架, 卻擺脫不去的無力感 從 1949 年起, 台灣社會進入了人類歷史上最長的戒嚴時期, 隔年, 韓戰爆發, 台灣確立它在美蘇為首的冷戰局勢中隸屬美國資本主義自由陣營的位置 直到今天, 那個在 1987 年被蔣經國宣佈解除了的戒嚴狀態, 以及那整個夾雜著冷戰時期的時間 / 空間印記, 事實上, 然仍以某種形式滯留於個體的身體之中 似乎, 過去不是用來解釋現在的合理化材料, 反而是深刻在身體意識上不可見但也不易除去的鑿痕 -- 以空間及時間的形式 影片的結尾處從門外射入的光線, 以及將門板撼動而發出重擊聲響的一陣強風, 終將這歷史幽靈鎖在 柏拉圖的黑洞 之中, 一個不斷在 過去與現在來回地自體循環 的牢籠 如果姚瑞中的 萬歲 觸及的是集體記憶的附身形式的話, 那麼吳天章的 瞎子摸巷, 同舟共濟 系列攝影則是從 感受性分配政體 (regime of the distribution of the sensible) 中被壓抑的身體感為基礎, 來進行壓抑者的反撲 這一系列的影像是以擺拍攝影的方式進行 ; 藝術家親自設計道具與服裝, 讓演員在相機前擺出設計好的動作, 最後才以電腦進行影像後製完成 吳天章這一系列攝影瀰漫著詭異, 怪誕, 荒謬, 俗艷, 甚至是死亡與變態的詭譎氛圍 其中的人物角色不是身體不全就是肢體殘障, 在現代社會中, 這些人物恐怕是被隔離在醫院或精神病院的邊緣人物 但是在吳天章的影像世界裡, 他們全部詼諧登場, 向行禮如儀的社會禮教, 向戒備森嚴的官方世界, 以曖昧的笑, 表明自己的存在 從吳天章創作的脈絡來看, 這批幻想人物系列, 發展自早期批判家國與歷史的系列畫作, 並將他在 春秋閣 與 春宵夢 中向 情慾 展開的身體世界, 再進一步向鬼怪, 瘋癲, 丑怪, 異人的賤斥感性 (abject) 推進 吳天章攝影中俗艷與詭態的視覺形式與他自身經驗有關, 他曾經在訪談中表示, 自己在高中的時期被同學取笑為 台客, 台客 這個標簽在戒嚴時期, 就像是白人對黑人的敵意稱呼 negro 一樣帶有貶義, 是一個族群歧視的標簽 雖然, 隨著時間推移, 經歷幾次政黨輪替之後, 台客 一詞進入消費文化的層次, 成為推動商品潮流的語彙, 藝術家本人如今也樂於以台客藝術家為榮 但是作為台客被排擠的身體經驗, 終究透過賤斥身體的展演, 以及那些高度人工化, 假假的 俗艷的配件與衣物, 讓那些壓抑的肉身透過象徵性的方式, 重新獲取位階意義上的逆轉 上述兩位藝術家活躍於解嚴後的台灣當代藝術, 在年齡上與接下來的兩位年輕藝術家有 15--25 歲的差距 這中間, 社會變化劇烈, 全球化的現象帶來了勞工的移動, 外籍新娘參與台灣社會 ; 網路世界密集的交流, 取代過去訊息單向的輸送 藝術世界中, 官方美術館設立, 南北兩大藝術學院, 成為催生年輕藝術家的主要搖籃 當代藝術從此確立它的體制化 台灣與中國的海峽兩岸關係, 繼續成為每次總統大選的議題,

全球化現象導致的產業外移與經濟板塊移動, 使得經濟發展成為決定海峽親疏關係的另一個變數 附身 聲 者: 介紹 是余政達在台北街頭拍攝的一組錄像, 他找來台灣短期旅行的外國人, 將自己藏在這些對中文不熟悉的異鄉人背後, 依照他們給自己的印象, 編造每一段的自我介紹 身體在陌生語言的模擬與入侵的過程中, 裂化成不連貫的片段, 同時漂泊在陌生語言, 虛構身體與虛構敘述之間的灰色地帶 當藝術家以黑衣人的方式躲藏在受訪的異鄉人背後, 提供虛構自我介紹的文本, 而受訪者在鸚鵡般仿聲的過程不斷 失準, 走音 的時候, 兩者於是進入一種近似合作的卻又相互對峙的關係之中 所謂寄居於單一身體的主體, 在此裂化 歷史與主體的焦慮在余政達的作品中, 被輕巧地以附身的策略, 進行身體置入的動作 ; 荒腔走板的 語言 與虛構的身分, 雖然令影像中的身體頓失坐標, 但是語言的身體化現象, 反而成了這件作品意外的收獲 語言這個本來用來傳達訊息與協助溝通的工具, 在余政達的作品裡變成一道堅固的城牆 如果溝通表達不再穩固牢靠, 存在將以怎樣的方式繼續表明 我在這裡 呢? 同樣成長於千禧年後的台灣, 年輕藝術家陳敬元, 從另一個不同的角度, 回應歷史 主體 社會這個台灣社會中的大焦慮 根據陳敬元的說明, 作品標題 Staggering Matter 是指 巨大 驚人的事件( 事物 ), 但同時亦隱喻了此 物體 的另外一面, 是為動蕩且無支撐點的 Staggering Matter 既是錄像作品的標題, 也是一部 53 頁漫畫的主題, 更是包含了雕塑與繪畫在內的整個個展的展覽名稱 這樣的 同語重複, 並不圍繞一個中心題旨, 反而是演繹了一個去中心性的反敘述, 由散置的破碎敘述, 或是某種敘述的衍生物蔓延而成的次敘述, 構成作品龐大的寓言森林 大事件 漫畫敘事的是一個沈迷於網路的小孩小杰, 因為意外獲得 天龍國 ( 一種對住在台北都會, 生活優渥, 自視甚高者的貶義稱呼 ) 的魔性耳機而目睹末日景象 : 不明飛行物襲擊七百層樓的高塔, 高塔也被繩索和巨大布幔層層包裹 另一件同名作品 Staggering Matter 錄像中, 則出現了幾個不同種族的人, 匯聚一堂, 其中一名懷孕女子從一開始的興奮, 到後來發現肚中物有異而心生恐懼 最後錄像莫名地以面無表情的女子鋸斷桌腳結束 陳敬元作品回應了瀰漫於社會中有關歷史 主體的討論所引發的閉塞狀態, 只是這個回應並不以連續的敘述方式來完成, 也不架構在既有的象徵與符號系統, 而是透過創造星羅棋布的複雜寓言, 重新建立了一個神話的世界 因而藝術家以其自身旺盛的創造力所衍生而出的視覺產物, 終究指向藝術家個體與龐大社會之間的衝突以及阻滯, 其中僅剩不及物的敘述, 不及物的反抗, 不及物的批判, 所以也幾乎就是不及物的身體 這彷彿是匿名於網路世界, 不明位址中的某個訊號, 遙不可及, 搖搖欲墜 回望這四位藝術家在作品中張開的身體意識, 這個與身體相關的探問, 將我們帶到了內爆, 不及物的迴圈 那麼, 現象學式的身體意識, 抑或是實用主義所強調的經驗, 還有可能是衝破這些圍繞在身體周圍系統的途徑嗎? 意識到身體並不是一個清空的透明容器, 而是一個隨時背負著來自時間與空間的刻痕, 形勢系統又同時對身體進行召喚, 令肉身隨時供系統候傳, 如何返回肉身居所是下一個待解的提問 四位藝術家的作品, 至少提供了一條思索個體與系統之間的可能途徑 同時這也是台灣當代藝術回應其社會大焦慮的一個小縮影

about the curator Jan-lan Guo Independent curator and art critic Jau-lan Guo was born in Taiwan and lives in Taipei, Taiwan. In 2006 she completed her Ph.D from the Graduate Institute of Fine Arts, National Taiwan Normal University. Guo taught in the Department of Fine Arts, Huafan University from 1996 to 2008 and was adjunct associate professor in the Department of Fine Arts, National Taiwan University of Arts from 2008 to 2011. She taught history of modern art and contemporary art. Her Doctoral Dissertation "Robert Rauschenberg's Art in the 1960s: Toward Postmodern" examines how the American postmoderntheorists and art critics transplanted French theories through analyzing Rauschenberg's art. Trained as an art historian, Guo s studies and projects have extended to the visual culture related issues in contemporary art. So far she has curated seven major exhibitions, they are: 1. Polyphonic Mosaic: CO6 Avant-Garde Documenta (National Taiwan Museum of Arts, Taichung, Taiwan), 2006 2. Exercise of 0 and 1, 2008 3. Anti-type: Floating over the Stereotype, 2008 4. Nostalgia for Future, 2009 5. Somnambulism: Phantasmagoric Fugue, 2010 6. Paradise: Under RE-Construction (ISCP, New York), 2011 7. Taiwanese Contemporary Art (TCA Project) (ISCP, New York), 2011 In 2011 Jau-Lan Guo was selected by Taiwan s Council for Cultural Affairs for curator-in-residence in New York, an exchange program with ISCP(International Studio and Curatorial Program). During the four months of her residency, she organized the Taiwanese Contemporary Art (TCA Project), an experiment of performative curating which approached the limitations of curatorship as well as the effectiveness of identity through borrowing the authorship from the participating artists. Jau-lan Guo and independent curator Amy Cheng will co-curate Melancholy in Progress, 2012 Taiwan International Video Art Exhibition. Melancholy in Progress is to examine the pursuit of progress and its various manifestations in modern life, including medicine, sanitation, technology, speed, mobility and growth. Melancholy implies the collective psychological reaction and un-happiness of Modernity. 郭昭蘭, 出生於台灣, 是獨立策展人兼藝術評論者, 目前生活於台灣台北 2006 年於台灣師範大學西洋藝術史研究所取得博士學位 1996 年至 2008 年間, 她曾任教於華梵大學美術系 ; 2008 年至 2011 年間, 於台灣藝術大學美術系擔任兼任副教授, 教授現代藝術史與當代藝術導論 她的博士論文 1960 年代的羅森柏格的藝術 : 朝向後現代 從酷兒研究, 後現代, 跨領域, 等面向探測羅森柏格藝術與 1980 年代的美國後現代評論之間的交匯 雖然接受的是藝術史的訓練, 郭昭蘭的研究對象逐漸朝向當代藝術的領域, 特別是與視覺文化相關的當代藝術研究 他策劃過的展覽包括 : 1. CO6 前衛文件展中的 複音馬賽克 ( 台中國家美術館,2006) 2. 0 與 1 的練習題 ( 台北 e-2000 茶館,2008) 3. 非典 : 漂浮於典型之上 ( 台北,2008) 4. 未來的鄉愁 ( 台中,2009) 5. 離魂症 : 幻影神遊者 ( 台北,2010) 6. 樂園 : 重建中 (ISCP, New York,2011) 7. 台灣當代藝術 (TCA 計畫 ) (ISCP, New York,2011) 2011 年郭昭蘭獲選文建會視覺暨表演人才出國駐村暨交流計畫, 於紐約 Iscp(International Studio and Curatorial Program) 藝術村進行為期 4 個月的駐村計畫, 並完成 台灣當代藝術 (TCA 計畫 ) 這是一個以展演性的策展行為 (performative curating) 探測策展疆界的實驗性展覽, 試圖透過藝術家作者權的借用, 探討身分認同的界限 2012 年郭昭蘭與鄭慧華共同策劃第三屆台灣國際錄像藝術節 憂鬱的進步, 試圖探討現代社會所追求的科技 速度 移動 成長 醫療 衛生等等 進步 概念, 並重審 進步 與其帶來的 憂鬱 心理狀態

Yao Jui-Chung Yao Jui-chung was born in Taipei, Taiwan (1969), and received a Bachelor of Arts in Art Theory at the National Institute of the Arts (now Taipei National University of the Arts) in 1994. He currently serves as an associate professor at the Taipei National University of the Arts and the Department of Fine Arts of the National Taiwan Normal University. His work has been collected by Taiwanese museums, including the Taipei Fine Arts Museum, the Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, as well as international collections, such as the Queensland Art Gallery (Australia), the Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art (USA), the Bibliothèque nationale de France. He has represented Taiwan in the Venice Biennale (1997), the Yokohoma Triennale (2005), the Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art (2009), and YES TAIWAN: 2010 Taiwan Biennial (2010). Most recently, his works have been on view in the solo exhibitions Honeymoon at MOT Arts, Taipei, Taiwan (2011); Dreamy at Goedhuis Contemporary, London, United Kingdom (2010), and Honeymoon, Hanart TZ Gallery, Hong Kong, China (2010); as well as in group shows, including Dual Senses and Dynamic Views Contemporary Art Exhibition across the Taiwan Strait of 2011 at the National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China (2011) and Gazing the coastlines at the Local Contemporary Art Space at Xiamen, China (2011). 姚瑞中 1969 年出生於台北,1994 年畢業於國立藝術學院 ( 現國立台北藝術大學 ) 美術系, 目前任教於國立台北藝術大學美術系及國立臺灣師範大學美術系 作品曾被台北市立美術館 高雄市立美術館 國立台灣美術館 澳洲昆士蘭美術館 美國康乃爾大學美術館 法國國家圖書館以及許多國內外私人單位典藏 曾代表台灣參加 1997 年威尼斯雙年展 2005 年橫濱三年展 2009 年亞太三年展 2010 年台北雙年展聯動計劃及 2012 年上海雙年展, 海內外聯展百餘次, 也曾從事過小劇場 電影 美術史教學 藝術評論 策展等工作 近年個展包括 :MOT Arts 甜蜜蜜 (2011) 倫敦葛豪士畫廊 如夢令 (2010) 香港漢雅軒 甜蜜蜜 (2010) 台南加力 恨纏綿 (2009) 以及新苑藝術 歷史幽魂 (2008) 等 Long Live 5min 30 sec, Single-channel video, colorful, with sound, 2012 about the work Having lived through Taiwan s recent turbulent political and social changes, Yao offers a discerning perspective when considering the marginalization of Taiwan s political status and the ambiguity of a collective subjective consciousness. He culls from these experiences in his new video Long Live (2012), building upon the historic phrase Long Live (wansui), which holds political and cultural significance in addressing a leader and wishing for his long life and reign. In light of the Republic of China s centennial, Yao is critical of the national spirit of Taiwan, as he contemplates whether the island has moved beyond its past, or if it remains haunted by the ghost of history only to continue and repeat itself. 關於作品 萬歲 系列則以冷戰前線的金門為切入點, 充滿著肅殺氛圍的古寧頭三角堡地雷滿佈, 蕞爾小島下的地底隧道綿密交織, 全球最大的北山心戰播音塔不斷地朝中國大陸發出 萬歲! 之聲; 穿透喇叭, 只見陽明山中山樓 ( 曾召開國民大會會議 ) 旁廢棄的青邸營區介壽堂內, 獨裁者 ( 姚瑞中扮演 ) 不斷地對著空無一人的禮堂高喊著 萬歲!, 平板的低沉嗓聲迴盪在滿目瘡痍的空間內, 昔日歌功頌德的標語掉落滿地 ; 隨著高舉的手臂與不絕於耳的萬歲聲, 鏡頭逐漸拉遠, 場景慢慢地轉換到廢棄的金門金沙電影院內, 電影螢光幕上正播映著這場荒謬的獨白劇, 在夕陽餘暉的照射下, 空蕩的電影院只留下飄盪著灰塵的觀眾席, 萬壽無疆的口號, 似乎已成為歷史宿命的永劫輪迴...

Wu Tien Chang Born in 1956 Taipei, Taiwan. Wu Tien Chang graduated from Chinese Culture University in 1980. He was one of the founding members of the "Taipei Painting Association." The style of his art has changed from irony to black humor. In the late 1980s, Wu s "Trauma Syndrom reflected the social issues of concern. In 1990s, Wu employed image into his creation. Besides of photography, he also pays special attention to the frame and material used. He often used artificial flower, sequins, velvet, cord and leather, imitating the "Salon photography" which was popular in Taiwan in the 1950s. These techniques and materials present the main theme of the works of this period, "Pretense. " Wu participated in the Venice Biennale and that of Fukuoka Asian Art Museum in Japan. 吳天章生於 1956 年台灣台北 早年是 台北畫派 的創始成員 1990 年他以四張嘲諷政治強人的戲謔肖像, 崛起於台灣藝壇 他的作品從早期的諷刺慢慢走到後來的黑色幽默 對於政治與社會議題的關注一直是吳天章藝術的重要課題 吳天章總是巧妙的在他的作品裡面放進屬於台灣民俗的元素, 例如道教的信仰, 以及那些塑膠花, 絨布, 流蘇, 羽毛等等 他的擺拍攝影 (Set-up Photography) 融合了攝影, 道具, 舞台以及繁複的電腦後置技術 吳天章曾經參加威尼斯雙年展以及日本福岡雙年展 about the work I have integrated some elements of Taiwanese local particularly religious folk culture into the creation of my artworks. Besides, because I love watching acrobatics, magic and circus shows, my works can be viewed as a combination of those elements. In my opinion, the costume and performance of acrobatics, magic and circus shows seem glamorous, but some things that are dark, rotten, and dead in life are covered by this gorgeous surface. Therefore, the contrast is sharp and has a weirdness with sexual desire that is hard to explain. I also use such a striking contrast dialectics among the superficial and hidden, the real and unreal, or the fiction and fact to explore the spiritual dimension of human life, to continue trying to "translate the untranslatable", and to express weirdly ambiguous aesthetics. 關於作品承襲我一貫的主張, 我的美學來自我的母體文化 - 漢民族有關 魂 魄 的生命信仰 魂 即是精神性, 也就是思想和記憶 而 魄 就是物質性, 也就是人的身體和器官, 漢民族堅信完整的生命具備 三魂七魄 當死亡來臨, 魂 魄 要被迫離, 萬般的無奈和離情依依, 對所謂婆娑的花花世界眷戀不已 - 即 戀陽世情結 正所謂 奈何橋上嘆奈何, 忘卻故鄉淚漣漣 影像設計完全採用重彩色製作 ( 不同以往黑白彩繪 ) 幽黯的畫面, 配合個人獨特的重飽和對比色彩, 和矯飾的姿體設計, 特別加入了道具和服裝設計, 類似 馬戲團 魔術團 特技團 那種煦爛華麗, 充滿情恣的 異樣感, 傳遞出獨特. 耐人尋味的 曖昧性 美學興味, 既 優雅 又 猥褻 既 警世 又 敗德 的臨界 "Luan" 15min20sec, single channel video, 2010 Be In the Same Boat 120x250.4cm, digital print, 2002

Yu Cheng-Ta Yu Cheng-Ta was born in Tainan, Taiwan, in 1983. He received his BFA from the Taipei National University of the Arts in 2006 and continued to pursue his MFA there. In 2008, Yu has participated in The sixth Taipei Biennial and received the First Place of Taipei Arts Award. In 2009, his work was presented in Taiwan Pavilion at the 53rd Venice Biennale, later in Biennial Cuvée 08 at OK center for Contemporary Art. Yu s works are held in the 2008 collection of Ventriloquists: Introduction and She is My Aunt, at the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts in Taichung, Taiwan. The artist is based in Taipei. 余政達畢業於國立台北藝術大學美術系, 並隨後繼續與同校研究所取得碩士學位 他曾經參加第六屆台北雙年展 也曾獲得台北市立美術館的台北將首獎 2009 年他的作品在第 53 屆威尼斯雙年展的台灣館展出, 後有參加奧地利 OK 當代藝術中心的 Biennial Cuvee 他的作品 附身 聲 者 : 介紹 由台中國家美術館典藏 about the work Ventriloquists: Introduction is a series of works filmed on the streets of Taipei, with the participation of foreigners who are on short-term travel excursions in Taiwan. In each video I hide behind a tourist who is not particularly familiar with the Mandarin language, and began to voice made-up and stereotyped self-introductions for them, based on the impressions they gave me. For someone from a different land, the voice is a tool for conveying information and communicating, but in this circumstance, it becomes a towering wall. The many different tiny fissures of dissonance and misunderstanding begin to create an interesting and ridiculous adverse relationship between myself and the person in front of me. 關於作品 附身 聲 者: 介紹 是在台北街頭拍攝的一組作品, 找了來台灣短期旅行的外國人, 我藏匿在這些對中文不甚熟悉的人身後, 開始依照他們給我的印象, 刻板的編造出每段自我介紹 對異地人來說語音這原是傳訊與溝通的工具, 此時卻反而變異成一道高聳的牆, 其中那些 走音 與 失誤 的種種細縫, 便開始產生有趣與荒謬的對照關係 "Ventriloquists-Introduction" Video Installation, dimensions variable, 2008

Chen Ching-Yuan Chen Ching-Yuan was born in Tainan, Taiwan, in 1984, graduate from the Fine Arts program of the Taipei National University of the Arts. Chen was awarded the Outstanding Art Prize from the Taipei National University of the Arts (2009) and the Kaohsiung First Art Prize from the Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts (2009). Notable exhibitions include: the LiQUiD STATE at VT Artsalon in Taipei, Taiwan (2009) and STATE OF_Chen Ching-Yuan s Solo Exhibition at the Taishin Bank Foundation for Arts and Culture in Taipei, Taiwan (2010). the work of Chen, articularly in regards to self-knowledge and the imagining of the body. Through his installations, videos, paintings, and drawings, he moves the oppressed and restrained body through various forms, personalities, and perspectives in an effort to extract himself from his work. When one is emptied of reality and history, no matter the sense of fearlessness or failure, the result is helplessness when coping with the weight of history. This sense of history is transformed, by the digital age s speed and large amounts of information, into a vast imaginative space. 陳敬元,1984 年生於台南, 目前就讀於台北藝術大學美術創作研究所, 曾獲 2008 年 臺北藝術大學美術創作卓越獎 及 2009 年 高雄美術獎 首獎 2009 年於非常廟藝文空間發表 液態島嶼陳敬元個展 ; 2010 年於台新銀行文化藝術基金會 STATE OF_ 陳敬元個展 藝術家試圖將自己抽離, 以不同的形式 分裂的個性以及多重觀點的描述角度, 表現出存在於當代的無形龐大壓力之下, 被擠壓 綑綁的身體 身處在數位時代, 網路平台產生出不同以往的 歷史感, 當一切現實與虛幻的 歷史感 被架空, 無論無畏還是挫敗, 展現的即剩對於現況的無力感 而這歷史感也因網路平台瀏覽量高 訊息快速更換, 形成一個充滿想像的遼闊空間 Left: "Staggering Matter" colorful video, 67 min51sec, 2012 Right: "Staggering matter (comic book)" Booklet, poster, 12.5x18cm, 2011 about the work Art-Creating is my way to express and describe things. I want to catch the subtle feelings under the atmosphere of my own generation with my art creations. In our living surroundings, the feeling of Hurt is no more that strong and sharp, it has become an weak, un-perceivable feeling. This kind of change forces us to turn our postures towards our environment and our land. Our expression to Freedom has also become an even subtle politic. It is a vague, fading feeling of lack of body. My works mainly focus on the pressure and unstable weak perception generated when one has to face an uncontrollable tremendous object or event. It is an ambiguous embarrassment which is a dilemma that we cannot move forward nor move back. It is a delusion which breaks out when one has to face the extrusion of great desire. In my work, images with fable implications are often seen, a plane artwork spreads out by the deeper meanings of the images. That makes the viewers feel unconnected and smashed when trying to seek or reorganize the visual experience. 關於作品創作是我用來進行表達即描的方式, 我希望透過創作來捕捉我所處的世代氛圍之下更細微的感受 ; 在我們生長的環境中, 痛 對於我們似乎不在是強烈而清楚, 他變成了一種更細碎 無法察覺的感覺, 而這樣的轉變卻影響我們以另一種姿態來面對我們的環境與土地, 對於以自由為題的表達也轉變成另一種更微妙的政治關係, 一個關於模糊, 淡忘 缺乏身體感的感受! 我的創作主要想探討的是主體在面對一個無法掌握的巨大物體或是事件之下, 所形成的壓力與游移不定的細微感性, 一種無法前進也無法後退的曖昧與尷尬! 在自我面對強大慾望擠壓下所爆發出來的妄想 ; 在我的作品中, 常出現許多帶有寓言性質的圖像, 平面的作品當中因為意義的不斷蔓延, 使的觀者在搜尋或重組畫面意像時感到斷裂及破碎

Cómo puedo decirte quién soy? How Can I Tell You Who I Am? Curator/Curatora de la exposición Jau-lan Guo 郭昭蘭 Artists/Artistas participantes Wu Tien Chang 吳天章, Yao Jui Chung 姚瑞中, Yu Cheng-Ta 余政達, Chen Ching Yuan 陳敬元 Coordinator/ Coordinación Yang, Lun 楊侖 Date/Fecha 2 May, 2012 31 May 2012/Del 2 al 31 de maya de 2012 Venue/Lugar Adora Calvo Galería Address/Ubicación: Calle Esperanza C/ San Pablo, 66. 37008. Salamanca, Spain Opening / Curator and Artist Talk/Inauguración / Diálogo con la curatora y los artistas 19:00 pm, 3 May, 2012 /19:00pm, 3 de mayo de 2012 Organizer/Organiza Adora Calvo Galería, Hub A( 哈柏安身體藝術實驗室 ) Sponsor/Patrocina 新北市文化局 文建會 /Departamento de Asuntos Culturales del Ayuntamiento de Nueva Ciudad de Taipéi, Consejo de Asuntos Culturales de la República de China (Taiwán) Special thanks 林明慧 吳燦政 李瓊蝶 Traductora Yining Shen 沈怡寧, Ching Yu Lin 林青俞, Ya-ju Shin 石雅如, Yang, Lun 楊侖