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0 8 No. 0 Vol. 8 ABSTRACTS Historical Consciousness in the Great Transformation A Comparison Between Modern China and Germany from Perspective of Genesis of Historical Jurisprudence Xu Zhangrun From viewpoint of historical jurisprudence this article provides a comparative analysis about historical consciousness during the period of Great Transformation between China and Germany in the modern era. It argues that historical consciousness would be an important element of ideological mainstream when the history comes to a turning-point in the late th century and early 0th. By embracing both of cultural nationalism and political liberalism legal theory dedicates intently to a sophisticate political nation in which historical and political consciousnesses grow up interactively. In specific the version of an ideal country in eyes of modern Chinese lawyers is a dual structure of cultural China-nation state and political China-democratic state. The Double Reversal The Similarity Between Marx and Kant Kojin Karatani Kojin Karatani talks about his transcritique through reading Marx via Kant and Kant via Marx. The kernel of transcritque is the double reversal which can be seen in Marx s critique of Hegel one is a reversal of top and bottom or looking at Hegelian system from economic base the other which is not usually recognized is a reversal from post-factum to ante-factum or returning to Kant s ante-factum view from Hegel s post-factum view. By introducing the second reversal Karatani opens up a new possibility for reexamining communism its failure and possibilities. In this paper Karatani also introduces mode of exchange to substitute mode of production in order to reconstruct Marx s historical materialism. The Criticism and Causes of Wen Yiduo Criticized on the The Pre-Raphaelites Li Leping To pursuit both theory analysis and practice which are courted a poem painting congenial Wen Yiduo a paper about The Pre- Raphaelites in 8 which was the art of Dutch act for Painting-in-poetry and there is poetry in a painting. He stressed the painting the beauty of their own especially criticized the artistic creation of painting thoughts showing his reflects the extreme pursuit of aestheticism and confrontation of utilitarian value orientation of art. At the same time through the criticism on the confusion of The Pre-Raphaelites about religion and moralism he also indirectly and implicitly criticized the left-wing literature advocated the revolutionary utility to replace the orientation of literary value. Playing with Japanese Words Studies of Cao Yin s The Joyous Japanese Songs Tang Quan The Joy in the Time of Peace and Prosperity by Cao Yin 658-7 is a drama of uniqueness involving foreign subject matter. Its 8th Act entitled Japanese Poems on Lanterns talked about King of Japan paying tribute to Chinese emperor and most parts of it were written in Chinese characters carrying only sounds. Cao Yin called them woyu the Japanese language. But what does this kind of unprecedented woyu intend to convey And what is the historical background behind these imaginary woyu This paper attempts to interpret this work based on results from the Japanese scholars on Chinese-Japanese vocabulary compiled in the Ming Dynasty studies and to research into Cao Yin s knowledge about Japan through text analysis. Country Women s Daily Space the State of Modern Southeast China Xiao Tian In the farmer household life of modern times women need to keep constant contact with some economic centers in a definite region mainly a town and some holy spots to satisfy the life appeals such as livelihood and belief along with visits leisure and so on forming a corresponding livelihood radius and a belief radius between the farmer household and the above-mentioned centres and spots. The country woman daily space which just grows through this regular contact develops their ideal type which takes the influence area and its daily state of five kilometers away from country women s home as the best. Considering the correlative factors of its epoch and region the actual conformation of modern country women s daily life in the southeast China is more substantial and vivid than the 5

ideal type. Daily space concerns the virtual scope of country women s life. Many former theories about community and such-and-such circle can be used for reference but we may continue to study down the train of thought of taking country women as centre as well. The American Academic Origin Formation of Sociological Theoretic System in the Period of the Republic of China Yan Shuqin The core of the sociological theory in period of Republic of China is that sociological researching object is social behavior sociological studying basis is social cultural analysis. This sociological theory was advanced by the sociologists who had studied sociology in USA basing on synthesizing the American newborn sociological theories such as social behavioral analysis cultural sociologists. The theory of social behavioral analysis whose researching base is University of Chicago advocates that sociology should investigate people s exterior behavior. Cultural sociology whose studying center is Columbia University advocates that sociology should investigate social culture borrowing the method of American cultural anthropology. Although there are many American academic impressions in sociological theory in period of Republic of China the sociologists strived to improve American sociological theories so as to form Chinese own sociological theoretic system. A Compare of Learning Succeeding Between the Zi and Jing Li Rui It seems like the learning of Jing and Zi are two idea resources which are not correlative each other so that some people said that the Zi Epoch had gone into Jing Epoch in the Han Dynasty. However there is a relationship between the Zi and Jing. Every Zi has its own Jing and many schools study the Poems books and Liyue too. We should coequally look on the Zi and Jing then. Many idea schools succeeded Jing which are the results of the development of Zi especially in the aspect of attaching importance to the succeeding of a school. Only to the Han Dynasty the Jing and Zi come to have discriminations gradually after the court mounting the Doctors of Five Jing. It looks like the schools of Ru succeed when the court mounting the Doctors of Five Jing for they think much of the Poems books and Liyue but they lost to puesue the Tao as a school of Zi. Languages and Texts Buddhist Sūtras in Transformation and Translation Wang Bangwei Scholars have discussed a lot on the translations of Buddhist text. For those studying in Buddhist history and literature the discussions mainly focus on the way and technology in which the texts being translated or the words and terms which the translators used. For those interested in theory of translation the discussions are somehow of macro-orientations to investigate the topic with the perspective of culture and literature comparison. Being different from these discussions this paper will not focus on any translator or text or any theory which assumed to apply in translation but just to raise a few questions related to Buddhist languages texts and try to answer them through tracing their origin transformation and translation at various stages. By this way a clearer picture may be gained for us to understand the process of the translation of Buddhist texts which happened continuously in last two millenniums. The Third Urban Aesthetics Heterotopology or the Mirror of Cities Gao Xiaokang Lefebvre s theory on three spaces and Foucault s talking about Heterotopology are significant for researching on urban aesthetics. Contemporary urban aesthetics mainly research in dualistic ways urban construction and abstract cultural studying. The common presupposition of the dualistic researches is spatial uniformity. The third urban aesthetics come from the concept of Lefebvre s the third space has broken the traditional aesthetic idea about unified space and led the researching of urban aesthetics to research on Heterotopology. This study has broken the utopian imagine of cities found the existence of backstage of cities and helps to deepen the understanding of the cultural characteristics of urban spaces in modern China. Literature Criticism and University Cao Li This paper taking literature is a criticism of life as a point of departure reviews and analyzes the British humanist tradition of criticism as represented by Matthew Arnold and F. R. Leavis. It then illustrates the social function and cultural mission of literature and literary criticism in particular historical moments in order to reveal that criticism is bound up with not only literature but also culture and education it is part of modern life. The paper finally concludes the critical tradition formulated decades ago in Britain is of useful reference to the present course of literary criticism cultural renewal and higher education in contemporary China. 60