Cruickshank 1990 Danielson(1996) (Garland & Shippy, 1995, pp.15-17). () 1. (component) (element) 2. () (What the teacher knows) Shulman

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8 21-45 93 8 Yu Da Academic Journal No.8, pp.21-45. August 2004 * ** *** (value-added) (Thomson, 1992) Danielson(1996) Schmoker(1999) 400 367 91.75% Schmoker Lortie 323 88.01 (Schmoker, 1999) Goodlad 1970 (Schmoker, 1999) 4 3 2 1 200 50 ( 85) NSC 90-243-H-004-002 * ** *** 21 22

Cruickshank 1990 Danielson(1996) (Garland & Shippy, 1995, pp.15-17). () 1. (component) (element) 2. () (What the teacher knows) Shulman 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Shulman (personal characteristics) (mental abilities) () (What the teacher teach) (process- product) () (How the teacher teaches) 1. ( 87 89 86 85 85 86 ) 2. 23 24

3. ( components ) ( domains (planning and preparation) ( the classroom environment ) ( instruction ) ( professional responsibilities ) ( elements () (How the teacher reacts to pupils) Danielson 1 : 1. 2. () (What the teacher expects) () (How the teacher manages the classroom) 1. 2. 1987 (Educational Testing Service) ( The PRAXIS Series ) Danielson(1996) (Enhancing professional practice: A framework for teaching) Danielson 25 26

2. () (Stronge2002) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Danielson,1996,pp.3-4 Stronge( 2002) : () ( ) ( ) 1. 27 28

7. () 2. 3. 1. 2. ( 92) 3. 4. () Benson(2000) (formative evaluation) (National Board of Professional Teaching Standards) (self-evaluation) (self-critique) () (students of learning) (a culture of constructivist teaching) 1. () (Images of teaching) 29 30

( a vision of critical Likert-type 5 4 3 reflection) 2 1 17 17 16 () 20 20 400 () 6 1 Benson(2000) (partnership class) SPSS for windows 10.0 400 367 91.75% Danielson(1996) 323 88.01 2 31 32

5..216.388.559 -.012 8..196 -.096.126.765 9.. 10..196.441.304.535 () 1. 2. 1 17 1% 2.5 3.98 4.54 13..763 0.065.186 -.067 15..754.141.161.151 14..748.293.123.167 12..700.117.175.145 17..660.281.151.297 16..591.279.093.343 11..371.187.281.175 2..229.782 -.061.173 1..134.692 -.026.319 4..303.365.311.230 3..314.378.363 -.216 7..199 -.019.817.194 6..213.147.751.236 131514121716 11 12 34 567 0.56 0.78 8910 60.33% () 0.45 1. 0.69.54 34 1.2%.76 3.99 4.54 33 34

.54.73 ().001 1. 0.3% 0.45 37.29.49 2. 1 2627282129 25 30313233 2. 34 18192223 64.756% 27..763.280.103 28..746.277-0.09 26..694.116.257 29..593.360.202 21..541.183.387 25..442.383.412 24..415.311.304 30..230.762.071 33..125.742.283 31..278.719.262 32..274.625.367 34..249.540.126 22..279-0088.743 19. -.067.279.719 18..139.349.673 23..496.085.579 20..292.385.465 1 43425044414950 47484546 3536 373839 61.88 % 43..731.194.249 42..719.119.183 50..694.364.156 44..672.393.132 41..625.323.264 49..615.390.230 40..564-0.04.482 47..157.816.292 48..156.795.185 45..431.678.114 46..420.671.187 37. -.009.309.687 35. -.090.365.669 36..322.120.638 39..481.106.621 38..547 -.017.577 35 36

() 1. 69..030.529.653.238 0.3% 67..234.192.649.379 53 70 4.58.75 52..507.030.561.151 68..196.263.524.393 60..256 -.073.215.796.53 59.. 61..397.139.182.637.74 58..200.399.254.498 2. 1 5455535756 66 Crobacch α.90.92 63656264.92.94 705169675268 606961 58 64.75 54..767.198.166.263 55..757.169 -.058.218 53..646.149.281.235 57..591.287.183.388 56..586.316.203.213 66..460.325.385.282 63..247.795.162 -.063 65. -.071.758.186.272 62..434.654-0.06.189 64..459.609.221 -.050 70. -.040.387.736.314 51..355 -.035.730 -.080 62 4.5 4 5 21 40 44 55 56 58 60 0.7 42 44 58 60 44 37 38

1 58 60 () 1 2 3 4 Danielson (components) () () 7 () () 1 4 3 2 1 200 50 2 1214.70 1214353537 4.5.70 12 14 39 40

() 323 1 2 3 4 3 1 2 1 200 50 2 3 1 2 3 () 1 Danielson 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 () () Cruickshank () ShulmanDanielson Stronge () () 41 42

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The Construction of Teaching Inventory of Teacher s Effectiveness for Junior High and Elementary Schools Chin-Chang Chiu * Fang-Lang Fang ** Shu-Yu Chang *** Abstract Both investigating the effectiveness of primary and junior high school teachers in order to develope a proper teaching checklist is the main point of this research. In first stage, we adopted the teaching professional scheme of Danielson(1996) to prepare teaching checklist. And then used this checklist to inquire 400 teachers of 20 primary and junior high schools. The respond rate and effective rate of this survey are 91.75and 88.01 % respectively. Moreover, item and factor analysis be used to modify this checklist. During second stage, we invited 12 experts to examine and modify this checklist by 2 rounds. After two stages procedure have mentioned above, this checklist includes 4 categories and 50 items. There are a teaching plan and preparation, b teaching knowledge and skills, cclassroom environment operation, and d)professional responsibility and growth. This checklist not only can be a useful tool to review intern and beginning teachers of primary and junior high school but self-evaluation of veteran teachers. Key words: teacher effectiveness, teaching checklist * Professor, Department of Child Care and Education ** Assistant of project, National Cheng-Chi University Candidate of Doctor Program *** Assistant of project, National Cheng-Chi University Student of Master Program 45