RTS2138 Introduction to the Reading of Chinese Religious Texts

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80 温 州 大 学 学 报 社 会 科 学 版 (2012) 第 25 卷 第 1 期 构 混 乱 表 意 不 明 不 合 逻 辑 其 中 前 四 种 属 于 结 构 类 语 病, 考 查 几 率 较 高 ; 后 两 种 属 于 语 义 类 语 病, 有 时 会 单 独 出 题 上 面 这 道 题

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前 言 香 港 中 文 大 學 優 質 學 校 改 進 計 劃 ( 下 稱 計 劃 ) 團 隊 自 1998 年 起 積 極 於 本 地 推 動 理 論 及 實 踐 並 重 的 學 校 改 進 工 作, 並 逐 步 發 展 成 為 本 地 最 具 規 模 的 校 本 支 援 服 務 品 牌, 曾 支





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Theory of Groups is another course for undergraduates; and Module Theory will be a basic course of graduates). The main contents include the basic str


CHI 3410 Section Advanced Chinese 1 (N, S) Fall 2016 中文三年級第一學期 Section 04GG Time: MWF 4 th period (10:40-11:30 am) Instructor: Richard G. Wang (Wang laoshi) Office: 359 Pugh Hall Classroom: LIT 219 Credits: 3 Prerequisite: CHI 2231 or equivalent Final Exam: December 16 th, Friday 7:30-9:30 am Telephone: 352-846-2071 E-mail: rwang1@ufl.edu Office hours: Monday & Wednesday 3:00-4:30pm, or by appointment Section 1393 Time: MWF 5 th period (11:45am-12:35pm) Instructor: Han Xu (Xu laoshi) Office: 360 Pugh Hall Classroom: LIT 221 Credits: 3 Prerequisite: CHI 2231 or equivalent Final Exam: December 14 th, Wednesday 3-5pm Telephone: 352-273- 2960 E-mail: hanxu@ufl.edu Office hours: Wednesday 1-2:30pm and Thursday 12-1:30 pm or by appointments. Description: The purpose of this course is to build on the linguistic skills acquired in the first two years of Chinese to further train students in advanced use of the language, including conversation, reading, writing and translation. In the process, students are also introduced to the contemporary Chinese society and cultural developments in its social context. Grades are based on both the level of achievement and the progress made during the course. Students requesting classroom accommodation must first register with the Dean of Students Office. The Dean of Students Office will provide documentation to the student who must then provide this documentation to the Instructor when requesting accommodation. Course Requirements: Attendance in class will affect your grade, but more importantly failure to attend class will seriously impair your ability to learn Chinese. Every five unexcused absences will result in a five percent reduction of the final course grade. Participation in class discussion is important and will affect your overall grade. The vocabulary, grammar as well as the content in the assigned text will be discussed during the lecture. You will be expected to read through the text and the grammar notes before coming to class. You will be asked questions related to what you are supposed to prepare. In order to be well prepared for the next class meeting and fully participate in discussion, you should do the following before the class: Read the assigned text, including understanding grammar notes and examples, and learning new vocabulary;

2 Read the text aloud; Practice writing new characters and phrases; Generate at least one question about the text for discussion in class. Homework assignments (including written exercises and compositions) should be handed in at the beginning of class. Late homework assignments will be corrected but no points will be given. There will be extensive reading, writing and other assignments. Prepare the assigned lessons and materials before each class. If there are audiocassettes for the assigned materials, you should go to the Language Learning Lab to listen to them before class. Dictation: There will be a dictation in the first 5 minutes of every new topic. No make-up dictation will be given. Quizzes and Exams: No make-up quizzes or exams will be given. However, if you must miss a test due to illness or personal emergency, you are responsible for documentation. Term Paper (xueqi baogao 學期報告 ) (3 pages or longer) and Oral Presentation The topic of your choice for your term paper is due October 23; the first draft is due November 16, and the final version December 9. You should relate your topic to materials we have read this semester. The more you use the words and sentence patterns learned from this class, the higher the number of points you will get. Routine Assignments and Expectations: 1. The exercises in the textbook (All Things Considered, revised edition 2011) will serve as your base homework assignments. You are required to do all of them, unless otherwise noted. The exercise has to be submitted on the due date indicated. You are responsible for looking up in the dictionary those characters which you have not yet learned and which do not appear on the vocabulary list. 2. Web surfing and weekly oral reports will be part of your weekly assignments. You need to keep updated on current events by reading or listening to the news daily. At the beginning of some class meeting we will have a few minutes for you to report to the class on current events or interesting news items from Chinese language web sites. Textbook and other materials: 1. Chih-p ing Chou et al. All Things Considered: Advanced Reader of Modern Chinese (Revised Edition) 事事關心 : 現代漢語高級讀本. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2011. 2. Chinese-English, English-Chinese dictionaries The Contemporary Chinese Dictionary: Chinese-English Edition. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2002. Or Rick Harbaugh. Chinese Characters: A Genealogy and Dictionary. Taipei:

3 Zhongwen.com, 1998. Or Far East Chinese-English Dictionary 遠東漢英大辭典. Taipei: The Far East Book Co., 2000. 3. John S. Montanaro. Complex and Simplified Forms of Characters With Conversion Tables. New Haven: Far Eastern Publications, Yale University, 1985. (All textbooks are available in Orange & Blue Textbooks, 309 NW 13 th St.) 4. Others: Supplementary readings Kan Na! 看哪! Authentic Chinese Reading (CD-ROM) Web Sites in Chinese Evaluation and Grading: 1. Class preparation, participation and performance*: 10% 2. Dictation: 10% 3. Homework: 10% 4. Quizzes: 20% 5. Presentation: 10% 6. Term paper and presentation: 10% 7. Mid-term: 15% 8. Final exam: 15% (* The performance consists of all the regular class performance, oral news reports, and the debate.) Grading Scale A=93-100%; A-=90-92%; B+=87-89%; B=83-86%; B-=80-82%; C+=77-79%; C=73-76%; C-=70-72%; D+=67-69%; D=63-66%; D-=60-62%; E=below 60%. S is equivalent to C or better. Passing Grades and Grade Points According to university guidelines, letter grades will convert to GPA as follows: A = 4.0; A- = 3.67; B+ = 3.33; B= 3; B- = 2.67; C+ = 2.33; C = 2.0; C- = 1.67; D+ = 1.33; D = 1.0; D- =.67; E = 0; WF = 0; I = 0; NG = 0; S-U = 0 Passing Grade for the Major, Minor, General Education, and Foreign Language requirements, as well as moving to CHI 3411 Advanced Chinese 2: C

4 中文三年級第一學期進度表 ( 若有需要將適度調整 ) ( 一 ) 8/22 星期一 自我介紹 post on canvas- discussion self introduction 課程介紹及評分標準說明 8/24 星期三學習 : 第一課 剛到中國 時事報告練習 8/26 星期五交第一課作業時事報告學習 : 第一課 剛到中國 ( 二 ) 作業總結 8/29 星期一聽寫第一課查字典, 網站,app 介紹 8/31 星期三學習 : 第二課 租自行車 9/2 星期五時事報告學習 : 第二課 租自行車 ( 三 ) 9/5 星期一 Holiday Labor Day 9/7 星期三交第二課作業學習 : 第二課 租自行車 9/9 星期五 ( 四 ) 9/12 星期一 聽寫第二課作業總結時事報告學習 : 第三課 出了車禍 交第三課作業學習 : 第三課 出了車禍 9/14 星期三聽寫第三課作業總結小考復習學習 : 第四課 旗袍和筷子 學習補充材料: 中秋的傳說 (9 月 15 日是中秋節 )

5 9/16 星期五小考 I: 第一 二 三課 ( 五 ) 9/19 星期一 交第四課作業學習 : 第四課 旗袍和筷子 討論小考 I 9/21 星期三聽寫第四課作業總結學習 : 第五課 一次性產品 9/23 星期五學習 : 第五課 一次性產品 時事報告 ( 六 ) 9/26 星期一 交第五課作業學習 : 第五課 一次性產品 9/28 星期三聽寫第五課作業總結學習 : 第五課 一次性產品 9/30 星期五時事報告學習 : 第二十三課 產品質量與社會道德 ( 七 ) 10/3 星期一 學習 : 第二十三課 產品質量與社會道德 10/5 星期三交第二十三課作業學習 : 第二十三課 產品質量與社會道德 10/7 星期五聽寫第二十三課作業總結期中考試復習學習 : 第六課 防盜和防火 ( 八 ) 期中考 I( 第一 二 三 四 五 二十三課 ) 10/10 星期一 10/12 星期三期中考 II( 第一 二 三 四 五 二十三課 ) 10/14 星期五 Holiday no class-- Homecoming ( 九 ) 10/17 星期一 討論期中考試學習 : 第六課 防盜和防火 Presentation draft due.

6 10/19 星期三交第六課作業學習 : 第六課 防盜和防火 10/21 星期五 Presentation ( 十 ) 10/24 星期一 時事報告聽寫第六課提交學期報告題目學習 : 第七課 我不給乞丐錢 10/26 星期三交第七課作業學習 : 第七課 我不給乞丐錢 10/28 星期五聽寫第七課學習 : 第二十八課 兒童乞丐 ( 十一 ) 10/31 星期一 時事報告學習 : 第二十八課 兒童乞丐 11/2 星期三交第二十八課作業學習 : 第二十八課 兒童乞丐 11/4 星期五聽寫第二十八課學習 : 第八課 打官司 ( 十二 ) 11/7 星期一 交第八課作業時事報告學習 : 第八課 打官司 11/9 星期三小考 II: 第六 七 二十八 11/11 星期五 Holiday -- Veterans Day ( 十三 ) 11/14 星期一 聽寫第八課討論小考 II 學習 : 第九課 電子郵件 交學期報告的草稿 11/16 星期三交第九課作業學習 : 第九課 電子郵件

7 11/18 星期五 No class take-home assignment 完成學期報告定稿 ( 十四 ) 11/21 星期一 No class take-home assignment 完成學期報告定稿 11/23 星期三 Holiday 感恩節 11/25 星期五 Holiday 感恩節 ( 十五 ) 11/28 星期一 聽寫第九課學習:第十四課 寂寞的孩子 11/30 星期三學習:第十四課 寂寞的孩子 12/2 星期五交第十四課作業學習:第十四課 寂寞的孩子 ( 十六 ) 12/5 星期一 聽寫第十四課學期期末報告 12/7 星期三學期期末報告交學期報告的定稿總復習