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1 China NCPA Orchestra 2015/16 PEACE BEYOND MUSIC 国家大剧院管弦乐团微信 China NCPA Orchestra Wechat 国家大剧院管弦乐团微博 China NCPA Orchestra Weibo 国家大剧院微信 NCPA Wechat 国家大剧院微博 NCPA Weibo

国家大剧院管弦乐团 2015/16 宁静致远 2

1 China NCPA Orchestra 2015/16 PEACE BEYOND MUSIC 目录 3 11 59 87 101 105 107 129 致辞交响乐室内乐歌剧艺术体验驻院艺术家客席艺术家乐团 45 77 北国之声 : 西贝柳斯述评 当亲吻成为唾弃的武器

国家大剧院管弦乐团 2015/16 宁静致远 2 Contents 3 11 59 87 101 105 107 129 Address Symphony Chamber Opera Art Experience Artist-in-Residence Guest Artists The Orchestra 52 81 Music of the North: A Review on Jean Sibelius Kisses as a Weapon of Loathing

3 China NCPA Orchestra 2015/16 PEACE BEYOND MUSIC 卷首语 陈平 国家大剧院院长 又是一年春归时 以 宁静致远 为主题的国家大剧院管弦乐团 2015/16 乐季如约开启, 吕嘉大师及乐团的音乐家们又将与您携手踏上新的音乐航程! 在 2014 年北美巡演获得巨大成功之后, 国家大剧院管弦乐团宛如浴火重生的凤凰, 焕发出蓬勃的生命激情, 在艺术上达到了新的境界 在新的乐季中, 乐团的音乐家们将在吕嘉的带领下, 以更加宽广的眼界与精湛的技艺, 为广大观众奉献 安德烈 谢尼埃 等四部歌剧大作以及十几场音乐会, 其中包括莫扎特 贝多芬 舒伯特 舒曼 勃拉姆斯 布鲁克纳 威尔第等古典与浪漫巨擘的音乐作品 乐团还将联手多位重量级的客席音乐家共同演绎马勒 布里顿 西贝柳斯 肖斯塔科维奇 约翰 亚当斯 陈其钢等大师的重要作品 在此过程中, 法比奥 路易斯 列夫 赛格斯坦 克里斯蒂安 雅尔维 郑明勋 陈佐湟 谭盾 张弦 吕绍嘉 张国勇 洪毅全 张艺等中外指挥家, 本杰明 格罗夫纳 卡蒂雅 布尼亚季什维莉 戈蒂耶 卡普松 阿列克谢 沃洛丁 杨天娲等著名独奏家, 以及担任国家大剧院首位驻院艺术家的著名大提琴家王健, 将与乐团携手踏上一整年的音乐旅程 同时, 音乐家们还将在室内乐系列及音乐沙龙中展现优秀的音乐才华并为您带去更加丰富的艺术体验 而由郭文景担任音乐创作的国家大剧院版歌剧 骆驼祥子 赴意大利巡演, 也将是本乐季的重要亮点 特别值得一提的是, 为纪念第二次世界大战胜利七十周年, 国家大剧院管弦乐团将与马林斯基交响乐团在捷杰耶夫大师的指挥下上演联合音乐会 在这个乐季中, 吕嘉大师和乐团的音乐家们将以他们的活力和才华, 将几个世代的音乐作品中对矛盾与和解 战争与和平进行的不懈探究与感受呈现在您的面前, 为您带来无尽的遐想和深刻的启迪, 使我们共同体验 宁静致远 的音乐理想 : 无论音乐 人生, 还是人类的命运, 唯有包容与和解, 才能达到深邃与平和的至臻境界 对这支视艺术为生命的乐团而言, 您的每次感动与赞叹都是他们继续前行的不竭动力! 我相信, 新的乐季必将为我们带来新的收获! 祝国家大剧院管弦乐团 2015/16 乐季圆满成功!

国家大剧院管弦乐团 2015/16 宁静致远 4 ADDRESS CHEN Ping President, China National Centre for the Performing Arts Behind the exciting 2015/16 season lies a grand idea that Maestro LÜ Jia and our dearest musicians at China NCPA Orchestra are committed to: Peace beyond Music. This grand idea comes out with their extraordinary passion and vision of music, which was renewed by the enormous success of their 2014 North America Tour. In this new season, as NCPA s Artistic Director of Opera and Chief Conductor, LÜ Jia will lead the musicians in four of NCPA s exciting opera productions including Andrea Chénier and others, and, at the meantime, bring great music from Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Schumann, Brahms, Bruckner and other classical and romantic giants in some more than ten concerts. The orchestra will also be proud to join hands with a number of prominent names, including Fabio Luisi, Leif Segerstam, Kristjan Järvi, Myung-Whun Chung, Zuohuang Chen, TAN Dun, Xian Zhang, Shao-chia Lü, Guoyong Zhang, Darrell Ang, and Yi Zhang, Benjamin Grosvenor, Khatia Buniatishvili, Gautier Capuçon, Alexei Volodin, Tianwa Yang and et al., and put on stage masterpieces from Mahler, Britten, Sibelius, Shostakovich, John Adams, Qigang Chen and many other great composers. Mr. Jian Wang, one of the finest cellists in our time, will be joining us as the NCPA s 2015/16 Artist-in-Residence, and share with you his world of music in a series of concertos, chamber concerts, talks and master classes. Beyond operas and symphonic concerts, your experience of music will be further enriched by their exceptional chamber series, where they will have a full display of their remarkable virtuosity and artistic exploration. Other highlights will include a tour to Italy with Wenjing Guo s opera The Rickshaw Boy, and two joint concerts with the Mariinsky Orchestra under the baton of Maestro Valery Gergiev to commemorate of the 70th anniversary of the end of the World War II in both Moscow and Beijing. Throughout this great journey, our wonderful musicians and LÜ Jia will share with you all their explorations into all the stories of our world s wars, peace, confrontations and conciliations, which have been told by generations of great composers and their masterpieces, and their belief in the grand idea behind peace beyond music that music, life and the humanity can only prevail with tolerance and conciliation. I wish the NCPA Orchestra 2015/16 Season a great success.

5 China NCPA Orchestra 2015/16 PEACE BEYOND MUSIC 首席指挥 : 吕嘉 Chief Conductor: LÜ Jia 音乐中充满矛盾和斗争, 但我们却用它来寻找永恒的宁静! 其实, 人类社会何尝不是如此 : 我们从未远离战争与冲突, 但却从不放弃对和平的执着求索 无论是我们在音乐中迷人的戏剧冲突后感受到的平和, 还是我们基于对战争之反思而对人类和平做出的畅想, 都堪称人类在其精神世界中能够创造出的最美时刻, 也是我们向着永恒的宁静不断行进的动力和勇气! 所以, 在人们同心追忆上世纪那两次大战时, 我们将邀您深入瑰丽深邃的音乐世界, 从音乐中捕捉和反思战争与和平的故事 : 从个体心灵的纠结挣扎, 到彼此之间的紧张, 到人与自然及众神的对抗, 到族群或国家间的暴力战争 其实, 广义战争在音乐中无处不在, 伟大的音乐更几乎都是艺术家试图去探究和解决某种矛盾与斗争的产物 为此, 我们将携手众多优秀客席艺术家, 与您共赴这段引人入胜的音乐旅程, 去观照和抚摸战争与和平在我们心间的烙印与痕迹 : 在歌剧院上, 我们将在 安德烈 谢尼埃 中感叹个体命运在法国大革命的风起云涌中的跌宕起伏, 让 西蒙 波卡涅拉 带我们温故文艺复兴时热那亚的阶层对抗和爱恨情仇, 随 玫瑰骑士 返回十八世纪安逸繁荣的维也纳去看看贵族们充满喜感的爱情战争, 更要随 日出 和 方志敏 重访旧时代中国人的压抑与挣扎和他们由此做出的不同抉择 : 或从沉默中消沉堕落, 或在抗争中彻底自新 在音乐会中, 我们将聆听莫扎特 贝多芬 舒伯特和布鲁克纳等古典巨人, 感受他们在挫败和抗争中对心灵之安宁的追问 ; 我们将走进肖斯塔科维奇的 战争三部曲, 直面他沉默的人生抗争和动荡的战争岁月 ; 适逢西贝柳斯诞辰 150 年, 我们将随他冷峻凝重的 绝对音乐 感受奔涌在北欧宁静大地中的热情与力量 ; 我们还有幸邀请王健作为驻院艺术家, 与他呈现海顿 圣桑和舒曼的大提琴协奏曲, 在他低沉优雅的大提琴声中寻觅我们的宁静之途 所有音乐都是一段挣扎的心路或一部艰难的历史 乐至终章, 我们总期待一份永恒的宁静, 也常会留下永恒的悬疑 不论如何, 我们在此中感受到的一切, 对黑暗的厌倦, 对光明的渴望, 都将让我们有动力和勇气去无限走近那永恒的宁静 我期待用我们的音乐为您带去一份 宁静致远 的力量! Music is often a product of dramas with conflicts, while it is through music that we desire to seek for eternal peace. The same is also true to the history of humanity: we have never been away from wars and conflicts, but we have never abandoned our desire for eternal peace. From the peace that we imagined throughout the dramas of music, from the peace that we aspire upon reflections of wars, we have created some of the most beautiful moments that we have ever had in human history, and turned them into our great source of courage to move on towards the destiny of peace. Therefore, while the world is in memorials of the two great wars in the last century, we turn to the world of music and explore the grand story of war and peace: from the self-struggle any of us could have, the tension between any individuals, the confrontation between human, nature and even gods, to the warfare between nations or even civilizations. In fact, war, in a broader term, as a process from confrontation to reconciliation, is omnipresent in music, while great music always comes out as a product of artists commitment to explore or resolve some forms of conflicts or contradictions. We are thrilled to have you on board and start this great journey of music to explore the traces of war left in our hearts and souls. In the world of opera, we will lament life s contingency and littleness in the darkness and turmoil of the French Revolution through Giordano Umberto s Andrea Chénier, revisit the Renaissance Genoa to experience the fierce confrontation among social classes and their stories of love and hatred through Verdi s Simon Boccanegra, return to the lavished Vienna in the 18th century to see how nobles have waged a comic war of romance in Richard Strauss s Der Rosenkavalier, and, with The Sunrise and Fang Zhimin, share our compatriots agony and yearning before 1949 and their motives of different choices: either to fall or corrupt in the long silence, or get the world revolutionized with resistances. In the world of symphonies, we will join Mozart, Shubert, Beethoven and Bruckner to resonate with their searching of inner peace amid frustrations and resistances, walk into Shostakovich s sensational war trilogy and share his secret resistance among the turmoil of life, celebrate Sibelius 150th anniversary of birth and his grand idea of absolute music with the incredible passion hiding beneath the cold Nordic world. We are also deeply privileged to have Jian Wang, one of the finest cellists in our time, to join us as the NCPA 2015/16 Artistin-Residence, play the great cello concertos from Haydn, Schumann and Saint-Saëns, and find our ways to our own inner peace with the shining elegance of his music. All music is somehow a reflection of inner struggles of hearts or complex histories of hardships. When the music comes to its finale, we often aspire to an eternal peace, but were more often left alone with questions unanswered. Whatever you would have, everything that we would feel from the experience of music, from our aversion to darkness to our yearning to brightness, will turn to our great source of courage on our way to the eternal peace. I believe, with our music, you will find your way to your eternal peace.

吕嘉 国家大剧院管弦乐团 2015/16 宁静致远 6

7 China NCPA Orchestra 2015/16 PEACE BEYOND MUSIC

国家大剧院管弦乐团 2015/16 宁静致远 8 王健 Jian Wang 国家大剧院 2015/16 乐季驻院艺术家 Artist-in-Residence, 2015/16 NCPA 国家大剧院非常荣幸地邀请到享誉世界的大提琴家王健先生担任国家大剧院 2015/16 乐季驻院艺术家 作为国家大剧院的老朋友, 王健每年都会到访国家大剧院, 不仅为广大乐迷带来了饕餮音乐盛宴, 而且不遗余力地推动古典音乐的普及传播 作为 2015/16 乐季的驻院艺术家, 王健不仅将与国家大剧院管弦乐团上演海顿 舒曼 圣 - 桑的三部大提琴协奏曲, 还将与众多到访国家大剧院五月音乐节的艺术家合作呈现精彩的室内乐作品, 更将通过大师课 公开排练 艺术沙龙及多媒体平台等一系列艺术普及活动, 把音乐无穷的玄妙传递给您! The National Centre for the Performing Arts is deeply honored to have Jian Wang, one of the finest cellists in our time, as our 2015/16 Season s Artist-in-Residence. For many years, Mr. Wang, as an old friend of us, has been continuously making contributions to the future of classical music in China through not just many of his brilliant concerts but also his enthusiastic involvement of arts education. As the NCPA 2015/16 Artist-in-Residence, he will play the three beautiful cello concertos from Haydn, Shumann and Saint-Saëns with the NCPA Orchestra, and appear in two chamber concerts during the May Festival with great visiting artists. In addition, in a series of events at the NCPA, from masterclass, open rehearsal to music talks, and through some of NCPA s digital platforms, you will be able to share with him many of his stories and visions that has defined him as a true musician.

9 China NCPA Orchestra 2015/16 PEACE BEYOND MUSIC 宁静致远 从 1914 年第一次世界大战爆发, 到 1945 年第二次世界大战结束, 世界秩序在炮火和杀戮中被摧毁和重构 : 世界的政治版图和经济格局被空前改写, 人们的现实生活和精神世界被强力重塑 在肉体对抗和军事冲突的表象下, 战争的本质似乎更多有关人心深处的自我挣扎和人性之间的彼此争斗 身为后辈, 我们未曾亲历乱世, 却不得不承认关于战争的集体记忆早已烙入我们的血脉 : 不只是对苦难 黑暗与人性之恶的恐惧, 也有对光明 和平与人性之善的无尽渴求 若干年后, 当我们去重沐那些血与火的洗礼时, 并非只能借助貌似直观真实却常会令人失却想象空间的影像和文字 音乐, 作为叔本华眼中人类意志直接表达的最高艺术形式, 或许能为我们开辟一条更具心灵启示魔力的静谧小径, 帮助我们去更好地反思那段不堪的岁月, 更好地观照那些心灵挣扎和人性争斗 为此, 我们希望将这个乐季献给 战争与和平 这个宏大话题, 也希望借音乐的力量去重新阅读战争在人类心灵和记忆中留下的深刻痕迹及其无尽余波 这个希望的实现, 首先离不开我们对战争与音乐之关系的沉思 战争与音乐, 在我们看来, 从来不是擦肩而过或不相往来, 而是彼此血肉交织的如影相随 当我们谈论战争时, 我们并非只去谈论作为人类战争巅峰的两次大战, 而是谈论一种标示着个体内在和群体关系之冲突状态的广义战争 这样的广义战争, 在人类由古至今的生活中其实无处不在, 而音乐对它的介入与呈现同样随处可见 : 作为传统政治意义上 矛盾斗争和暴力手段之最高形式 的战争, 可以包括肖斯塔科维奇笔下惊心动魄的战争回响和他终其一生默默的坚守与抗争, 包括德沃夏克和斯美塔那心中波西米亚芬芳的祖国热土, 和为抢夺或保护她而起的暴风雨般的族群对抗, 包括约翰 亚当斯眼中原子博士试图以炽热的科学情怀辅佐正义却最终落入人类自我毁灭陷阱的疯狂与惊悚 ; 作为广义上用以标示一种对抗状态的战争, 则可以发生在布里顿与柴可夫斯基内心弗洛伊德式的 本我 与 超我 的自我斗争中, 发生在令西贝柳斯无限神往的北欧音诗中那些伟力无边的众神之间, 发生在马勒 贝多芬和布鲁克纳为追问存在意义而在现实生活与超验世界的夹缝间做出的关于挣扎与救赎的人生素描中 无论是何种战争, 我们似乎都能在其中捕捉到音乐的介入 : 从它对躁动与恐怖岁月的兆示, 到它为压抑的人们发出的怒吼, 以及它对每颗孤寂心灵的慰藉和每个逝去灵魂的超度 音乐或许不是让战争最为栩栩如生的艺术, 但却让人对战争的罪责和苦难更加望而却步, 也对和平的光明和美好更加珍惜向往 当我们谈论音乐时, 音乐也并非静态和单维的事物, 而是不同特质的多种事物之间动态复杂的互动关系 从对构筑音乐的不同元素的矛盾与存亡关系 对话与相处方式的研习中, 我们仿佛能感知到一种深植于音乐肌理之内却 肉眼无法可见的战争的存在, 更能从中参悟到有关内心和人间的战争与和平的许多玄妙 : 从乐理层面看, 所有音乐皆诞生于声响与寂静的对抗, 而所有音乐的美学呈现也取决于这种对抗的过程和结果 演奏和倾听的过程也由此升华为人生体验的一种映射 : 通过对音响与寂静之抗争关系的感知和控制, 我们似乎能感触到一种在生活常规中很难体会到的生与死的抗争 一个音符归于静寂时, 常会让人感念生命之远去, 而正是通过无数音符的生死过程, 我们才得以从音乐中收获超越现实的情感生死之顿悟 巴伦博伊姆在其书作 音乐的力量 中提出, 音乐正是由此帮助人们感受到一种 内在的宁静与平和 从审美层面看, 最美的音乐应当是智识 情感和气质的完美平衡, 即所有音符和不同情感都要建立彼此的尊重 倾听 理解与回应, 并由此达成音乐中内在的宁静 平和与终极和谐 在巴伦博伊姆看来, 如果这种音乐的终极和谐能扎根人类社会的话, 则人与人 国与国便能彼此待以更多的宽容与和谐, 而我们也将获得音乐的力量和启示, 绘出一幅美好乌托邦的理想图景 巴伦博伊姆正是在此理念鼓舞下创办了东西和平交响乐团, 让巴勒斯坦和以色列的音乐家朝夕相处, 并共同追寻内心和音乐的宁静与平和 在历经战争苦楚之后, 和平早已是人类重要的终极梦想 而在我们不懈求索和平梦想的路上, 音乐当然早已是我们的力量和启示的重要来源 这也正是我们对 宁静致远 的思考与解读 : 没有内在的宁静与平和, 我们就不会有最美的音乐 平衡的人生与和谐的世界 三者之中, 音乐又可能是一切宁静与平和的最初启蒙者 : 音乐启发着每个人内心深处的宁静与平和, 也因此让世界的宁静与和平变得愈加可能 由此, 我们将怀着谦卑之心去开启这段 宁静致远 的音乐旅程 : 凭着音乐赋予的力量, 我们不仅想去感知和表达, 更想去追问和反思 ; 凭着音乐赋予的力量, 我们将直面无情的苦难, 感念逝去的灵魂, 追忆英雄的牺牲, 也将分享令我们骄傲的人性光芒 ; 凭着音乐赋予的力量, 我们将再次努力平抚从未平静过的内心, 努力忘却那些我们无法忘却的画面, 但我们终将举目前望, 找到新的启示和信心 ; 凭着音乐赋予的力量, 我们将再次去找寻心灵深处的宁静与平和, 并让它带着我们走向无尽的远方和未来! 任小珑国家大剧院管弦乐团总经理

国家大剧院管弦乐团 2015/16 宁静致远 10 PEACE BEYOND MUSIC The two World Wars from 1914 to 1945, amid staggering violence and ruthless killings, had the world s original order fiercely destroyed and reshuffled, resulted in unprecedentedrewriting of the world s landscape of politics and economy and drasticremodeling of people s spiritual world and reality of life. Beneath theappearances of physical confrontations between individualsand nations, the war, in its essence, should, after all, be more about a condition of struggle that deeply resides within andbetween individualities. Though we have not been through that darkness, the war and its profound influenceis in everyone s blood as a way of human being s collective memory: not just a fear to agony, darkness and some worst aspects of humanity, but also a yearning to light, peace and some finest elements of humanity. Images and words, which seem to be direct and real but often providelimited space for imagination, are not the only thing that could brings us back to those days of blood and fire. Music, the highest art form and a direct copy of mind in Schopenhauer s eyes, can possibly serve as a secret path torevelation, through which that dark era can be better reflected and those struggles better observed. That is why we decide to dedicate this music season to a grand story of War and Peace, and wish to rediscover the war s print and aftermath in our hearts and souls with the courage and wisdom that we could borrow from music. Without a proper interpretation of the interaction between war and music, the wish could never come true. War and music, in our eyes, are never strangers but closely intertwined in many ways. When we talk about war, we do not merely talk about these two massive wars in the twentieth century, but rather, in a broader picture, a human condition of confrontation that widely exists in our life: from the self-conflict within one s heart and soul, to the warfare between individuals, institutions, nations and even civilizations. From this sense, since we were born to this world, our life has never been away from wars, while music s involvement with the war in this sense is also everywhere. The war, in a political perspective, as the highest form of struggle, can be reflected through Shostakovich s music in the shocking resound of warfare and the secret resistance throughout his life, through Dvorak and Smetana in the fragrance and sweetness of motherland and the storm of confrontations between those who try to protect or destroy it, or in the terribletragedy of John Adams Doctor Atomic where the titan of science desires to restore justice with technology but only finds trapped by the human being s crazy inclination of self-destruction. On the other hand, the war representing a form of mental struggle could arise from Tchaikovsky and Britten s lives and their music as a result of the fight between what Freud calls id and super-ego, from the wild wars between the gods and devils on the Nordic mountains which fascinated Sibelius like poems, from Mahler, Beethoven and Bruckner s eternal asking about the meaning and purpose of life and their music as a way of struggle to redemption between the reality and the transcendental world. No matter in what form the war is presented, the trace of music s involvement can be often detected here and there: when it heralds the arrival of a war and the era of darkness and chaos, when it potently speaks for those who are under sufferings, and when it tries to comfort each lonely heart and soul and memorize those who are fallen. Music is never born to create presentations of war that must look real and vivid, but serves as a potent reminder of our fears to the agony of war and our yearnings to the sweetness of peace. When we talk about music, we actually talk about the music as a complex of relationships among things with different natures. By looking into the dialogue and struggle of life and death among the elements of which music is composed, we could somehow feel the existence of an unusual and invisible form of warfaredeeply within the essence of music, which often in many ways reminds us of the delicate contrast of war and peace in real life. From a musicological perspective, all music comes out as a result of the war between sound and silence, which is how the beauty of music is cultivated. By perceiving or controlling the subtle interaction between sound and silence, the process of performing or hearing music can sometimes create a transcendental access through which wecould experience the struggle between life and death. We could lament the littleness and arbitrariness of life when a note of music dies away into silence slowly and peacefully. It is from this sense that the experience of music often becomes a unique process where our ideas about life can be expressed, contested and reflected. In Daniel Barenboim s eyes, as what he discusses in his book The Power of Music, this is how music would help people gain an access to the inner peace. From an aesthetical perspective, the greatest music should be built with a perfect balance of wisdom, emotion and individuality. All the notes and other elements within the music need to respect, listen to, get to understand and well respond to each other in order to achieve an internal peace and harmony. Barenboim believes that, if we could expand the peace that we achieved in music into a broader society, we could have more tolerance and harmony between peoples and nations. It is through this point that music becomes a celebration of humanity and makes us believe that peace, at the end of the day, will come to us, even it is just an illusion in a utopian way. Encouraged by this belief, Barenboim created the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra, where he brings together musicians from Palestine and Israel, asks them to make music and peace together, not just the peace from music but also the peace from inner psyche. After so many sufferings and miseries, peace has long been our ultimate dream, and music is always one of our greatest sources of power and inspiration to achieve that dream. This is how we interpret the idea of peace beyond music : without the inner peace, we will see no beauty in the music, no balance in one s life and no harmony in our world, and music, as a powerful enlightener, is always there to lead us the way to that inner peace: it inspires the inner peace of every heart and soul, and thus makes the peace in our world more achievable. Therefore, we are humbled to embark on this journey to achieve the peace beyond music. With the power of music, we will not just explore and express, but also question and reflect. With the power of music, we will face all the agony that we have had, remember those who are fallen with great sacrifice and heroism With the power of music, we will look back with the sadness that has never passed, try to forget what we have never forgotten, but will ultimately look ahead, seeking inspirations and reassurances. With the power of music, we will once again set off to embrace our inner peace, and let it take us afar. Xiaolong Ren Managing Director, China NCPA Orchestra

11 China NCPA Orchestra 2015/16 PEACE BEYOND MUSIC

国家大剧院管弦乐团 2015/16 宁静致远 12

13 China NCPA Orchestra 2015/16 PEACE BEYOND MUSIC 2015 04.18 音乐厅 Concert Hall 吕嘉 LÜ Jia Chief Conductor 伟大 : 吕嘉演绎贝多芬与舒伯特 国家大剧院管弦乐团五周年音乐会 吕嘉 本杰明 格罗夫纳 The Great: Lu Jia Conducts Beethoven & Schubert China NCPA Orchestra 5th Anniversary Conductor: LÜ Jia Piano: Benjamin Grosvenor Beethoven: Piano Concerto No. 1 in C major, op.15 Schubert: Symphony No. 9 in C major, D 944 ( The Great C major ) Benjamin Grosvenor operaomnia.co.uk

国家大剧院管弦乐团 2015/16 宁静致远 14 本场音乐会要演奏的贝多芬 C 大调第一钢琴协奏曲作于 1796 到 1797 年, 作品题献给他的学生伯拉第斯拉瓦伯爵夫人,1798 年首演于布拉格, 由贝多芬亲自担任独奏声部 这部作品虽然是贝多芬公开出版的第一部钢琴协奏曲, 但却是作曲家在继一部未发表的降 E 大调钢琴协奏曲与降 B 大调第二钢琴协奏曲 ( 创作于 1787 到 1789 年 ) 之后在这个体裁上的第三次尝试 与第二钢琴协奏曲一样, 该曲既反映了作者对海顿 莫扎特音乐风格的继承, 而那些突如其来的和声转换也显露出贝多芬独特的音乐风格 今晚担任钢琴演奏的是年轻的英国钢琴演奏家本杰明 格罗夫纳 2012 年当他拿到英国皇家音乐学院学士毕业证书的同时, 还因为卓越的表现而被授予该年度的女王嘉奖 近年来, 格罗夫纳已经与英国皇家爱乐乐团 苏格兰弦乐重奏组 纽约青年交响乐团 伯恩茅斯交响乐团 巴西交响乐团等乐团合作, 演奏了莫扎特 格里格 拉威尔 布里顿和肖邦等人的作品 舒伯特是贝多芬之后, 德奥一派在浪漫主义时期的继承者 他的 C 大调第九交响曲被命名为 伟大, 起初的原因是与作曲家的 C 大调第六交响曲相区别, 但是现在 伟大 这一标题则常常被理解为该曲的一种 威严 的气质 Ludwig van Beethoven's Piano Concerto No. 1 in C major, which was written during 1796 and 1797. Dedicated to his pupil Countess of Bratislava, its premiere was in Prague in 1798, with Beethoven himself playing the piano. Although this was Beethoven's first piano concerto that had been published, it was, in fact, his third attempt at the genre, following an unpublished piano concerto in E-flat major and the Piano Concerto No. 2. As with the Piano Concerto No. 2, this C major concerto reflects Beethoven's assimilation of Mozart and Haydn, while its abrupt harmonic shifts demonstrate Beethoven's musical personality. British classical pianist Benjamin Grosvenor will play piano in this concert. At his graduation as BMus in 2012 he received the Queen s Award for Excellence for the best all-round student of the year. Grosvenor has performed with orchestras such as the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Scottish String Ensemble, Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, and Brazilian Symphony Orchestra, playing works by Mozart, Grieg, Ravel, Britten and Chopin. Franz Schubert, as we all known, is the continuator of Beethoven. His Symphony No. 9 in C major, D. 944, originally called The Great C major to be distinguished from his Symphony No. 6, which is in the same C major. The subtitle is now usually taken as a reference to the symphony's atmosphere of grandeur and majesty.

15 China NCPA Orchestra 2015/16 PEACE BEYOND MUSIC 2015 06.06 音乐厅 Concert Hall 西贝柳斯的北欧音诗 : 吕绍嘉演绎西贝柳斯与布鲁克纳 吕绍嘉 杨天娲 Sibelius' Nordic Poetry: Shao-Chia Lü Conducts Sibelius & Bruckner Conductor: Shao-Chia Lü Violin: Tianwa Yang Sibelius: Violin Concerto in D minor, op.47 Bruckner: Symphony No.4 in E-flat major, WAB 104 Shao-Ch ia Lü Jian-Chung Chenu

国家大剧院管弦乐团 2015/16 宁静致远 16 西贝柳斯是芬兰民族乐派的代表作曲家, 他和格里格的存在让北欧音乐在欧洲有了一席之地 音乐会要演奏的西贝柳斯 d 小调小提琴协奏曲不像他的名作 芬兰颂 的历史沉重感, 人们的关注点更多在独奏小提琴的技巧上 也正因为它艰深的技巧, 这部作品从问世到被演奏家接受, 颇费了一番周折 担任独奏的是青年小提琴演奏家杨天娲, 她曾以 神童 著称 13 岁灌录帕格尼尼 24 首随想曲全集, 成为世界上灌录此套作品最年轻的演奏者 如今已是成熟独奏家的她, 唱片获得过古典音乐界最重要的奖项之一 回声奖 下半场我们将欣赏到台湾爱乐乐团 (NSO) 音乐总监吕绍嘉先生为我们带来的布鲁克纳降 E 大调第四交响曲 这部作品有个别名, 叫 浪漫 它并非指现在我们通常认为的与爱情相关的 浪漫, 而是指如瓦格纳在他的歌剧 罗恩格林 与 齐格弗里德 中描绘的那些中世纪传奇故事 在 1890 年给保罗 海泽的一封信中, 布鲁克纳表达了他对第四交响曲的构思 : 法国号宣告了小镇上白天的到来, 一天的生活开始了 第二主题是小鸟在歌唱 第二乐章是歌曲 祈祷者 小夜曲 第三乐章说的是打猎的事情, 在午饭时间的森林里, 一个手摇风琴筒风琴在演奏 As an icon of the national music school, Sibelius, together with Grieg and several other composers, has in many ways defined Nordic music s exceptional position in the music history. Unlike his masterpiece of Finlandia, Sibelius Violin Concerto in D minor, op. 47 was never created as a lament of historic events, but rather an exploration of the virtuosic technique that the violin offers. Because it is too difficult, it was not accepted as a standard concert repertoire by many soloists after many years since it was born. The soloist of this concert, Tianwa Yang, the world s youngest violinist to record Paganini s complete 24 caprices, has recently become an ECHO award winner. The second half will feature Bruckner s Symphony No.4 with Mr. Shao-chia Lü, Artistic Director of Taiwan Philharmonic (NSO). Though the symphony has had Romantic as its title, it does not necessarily refer to the modern conception of romantic love as what we understand, but rather a kind of spirit that prevails in Wagner s medieval legends like Lohengrin and Siegfried. In a letter from the composer to Paul Heyse in 1890, Bruckner once talked about the ideas behind its Fourth Symphony: The arrival of the day is announced by the French horn, which unfolds the life of the day in the town. The second motif gives a picture of a singing bird, while the second movement depicts a scene of songs, prayers and serenade, and, in the third movement, and a barrel-organ playing in the forest during lunch time creates a scene of hunting. Tianwa Yang

17 China NCPA Orchestra 2015/16 PEACE BEYOND MUSIC 2015 06.28 音乐厅 Concert Hall 蝶恋花 : 张弦演绎陈其钢与柴可夫斯基 张弦 陈小朵, 卢思嘉 孟萌 王楠 李佳 常静 Iris Dévoilée: Xian Zhang Conducts Qigang Chen & Tchaikovsky Conductor: Xian Zhang Soprano : Xiaoduo Chen, Sijia Lu Tsing Yi: Meng Meng Erhu: Nan Wang Pipa : Jia Li Guzheng : Jing Chang Mengneng Li: Manjusaka [YCP/World Premiere] Qigang Chen: Iris Dévoilée Tchaikovsky: Hamlet Overture-Fantasia, op. 67 Tchaikovsky: Francesca da Rimini, op.32 Xian Zhang Nora Roitberg

国家大剧院管弦乐团 2015/16 宁静致远 18 本场音乐会将为观众带来三首充分表达人性本真情感的作品, 张弦, 作为为数不多的女性指挥家中的佼佼者, 此次将以细腻的声音演绎不同人物的不同故事和情绪 当代音乐大师梅西安曾这样评价 : 陈其钢的作品表现出一种真正的创造和极高的才能, 以及中国人的思维方式与欧洲音乐构想的完美融合 蝶恋花 正是这样一部作品 陈其钢用纯洁 羞涩 放荡 敏感 温柔 嫉妒 多愁善感 歇斯底里 情欲九个片段直白而又真实地展示了作曲家心中 女人 纯洁的精神世界 在音乐形式上, 作曲家以管弦造心境, 以腔韵生心情, 穿梭于中西两种表达方式之间, 游刃有余地描绘了情感变化的逻辑进程 由张弦来演绎这部在细微与飘渺之中描写女性的作品, 必将令观众沉浸在巧妙的氛围中 第二首作品是柴可夫斯基创作于 1888 年的幻想前奏曲 哈姆雷特 整部作品一直被笼罩在描写埃尔森纳充满沉思的气氛中, 其中爱情的主题与用双簧管演奏的代表奥菲莉娅的悲伤的旋律显得特别明显 我们要欣赏到的第三部作品是柴可夫斯基的交响诗 里米尼的弗兰切斯卡 弗兰切斯卡 是但丁 神曲 中的一位获得永生的美人, 因为爱情被打入地狱 柴可夫斯基表现出了对女主人公及她悲惨命运的深切同情 As one of the most successful female conductors around the world, Xian Zhang will be the conductor for this concert, and bring us three works that deeply interpret human emotions. The great contemporary composer Messiaen once praised Qigang Chen s work shows high creative genius as well as a perfect combination of Chinese way of thinking and western musical concept. Iris Dévoilée for tonight is such a work in which Chen directly conjures a pure spiritual world of woman by using nine episodes of ingenious, chaste, libertine, sensitive, tender, jealous, melancholic, hysterical and voluptuous themes. Structurally, Chen s adept skill of orchestration vividly depicts the logical progression of a person s feeling. Tchaikovsky wrote the Hamlet Overture-Fantasia, op. 67, between June and 19 October 1888. The essence of the work is the brooding atmosphere depicting Elsinore, but there is an obvious love theme, and a plaintive melody on the oboe representing Ophelia. Tchaikovsky's symphonic poem Francesca da Rimini presents a symphonic interpretation of the tragic tale of Francesca da Rimini, a beauty who was immortalized in Dante's Divine Comedy. In the fifth canto of Inferno, Dante the narrator met the shade of Francesca da Rimini, a noble woman in love with the brother of her cruel husband. After the lovers were discovered and killed in revenge by the husband, they were condemned to Hell for their adulterous passions. In writing Francesca da Rimini, Tchaikovsky expressed a poignant identification with the heroine and her tragic fate. Xiaoduo Chen Sijia Lu Meng Meng Nan Wang Jia Li Jing Chang

19 China NCPA Orchestra 2015/16 PEACE BEYOND MUSIC Darrell Ang 2015 07.17 音乐厅 Concert Hall 洪毅全的丛林幻想 洪毅全 Darrell Ang's Forest Fantasia Conductor: Darrell Ang Xipeng Lin: Flowers and Birds in the Greenwood [YCP/World Premiere] Ravel : Mother Goose Sibelius: Spring Song, op.16 Stravinsky: The Firebird Suite (1919 version)

国家大剧院管弦乐团 2015/16 宁静致远 20 本场音乐会为我们带来 丛林幻想 的是新加坡指挥家洪毅全 洪毅全非凡的音乐才能在他四岁学习小提琴和钢琴时开始显现, 他天生的对于艺术的好奇心好像永无止境 自从在第 50 届贝桑松国际青年指挥比赛上获得三项最高奖 特等奖 观众选票奖和管弦乐指挥奖之后, 洪毅全正式开始了他的指挥生涯 今晚他为我们带来的 丛林幻想 包含四首色彩斑斓的乐曲 鹅妈妈 组曲最初是拉威尔为好友高迪斯基夫妇的两个孩子作的钢琴四手联弹,1911 年, 经由作曲家亲自配器, 成为今日流传更广的作品 春之歌 是芬兰作曲家西贝柳斯 1894 年所作的作品 起初, 该作品是在 D 大调上为乐队而作的一首即兴曲 次年, 作曲家在 F 大调上改写了这部作品, 加上了 春天的忧愁 这一副标题 直到 1902 年, 临时的修订稿中, 该作品才最终变成现在这个样子 芭蕾舞组曲 火鸟 取自俄国作曲家斯特拉文斯基于 1910 年为同名芭蕾舞剧而作的音乐 芭蕾舞剧内容取材于俄罗斯的民间传说, 说的是一只能给它的主人带来幸福也能给它的主人带来诅咒的火鸟的故事 Darrell Ang, a rising star on the podium from Singapore, will bring us his Forest Fantasia tonight. Darrell Ang's extraordinary talent in music was discovered at the age of four when he began to play the violin and the piano. His natural artistic curiosity had no bounds, and soon he was inspired to study composition. Darrell Ang's triumph at the 50th Besançon International Young Conductor's Competition, where he took all three top awards - Grand Prize, Audience Prize and Orchestra Prize - launched his international career as a conductor. The performance of Forest Fantasia consists of four colorful pieces. Ravel originally wrote Ma Mère L'Oye as a piano duet for the Godebski s children. He dedicated this work for four hands to the children. In 1911 Ravel orchestrated the five-piece suite which is most frequently heard today. Spring Song is a piece composed in 1894 by the Finnish composer Jean Sibelius.The piece was initially composed as Improvisation for Orchestra, in the key of D major. Sibelius recast it in F major, and retitled the work in 1895, appending the subtitle The Sadness of Spring to that (unpublished) version, and then made the final, pre-publication revisions in 1902. The ballet suite Firebird is based on Russian folk tales of the magical glowing bird that can be both a blessing and a curse to its owner. When the ballet was first performed on 25 June 1910, it was an instant success for both audience and critics.

21 China NCPA Orchestra 2015/16 PEACE BEYOND MUSIC 2015 08.07 08.08 音乐厅 Concert Hall 吕嘉 LÜ Jia Chief Conductor 吕嘉与乌拉贝克演绎彼得 西伯恩与布鲁克纳 吕嘉 安德烈 乌拉贝克 Mozart & Bruckner with Lü Jia and Vrabec Conductor: LÜ Jia Horn: Ondrej Vrabec Peter Seabourne: Double concerto for Horn and Orchestra [China Premiere] Bruckner: Symphony No. 6 in A major (WAB 106) 吕嘉与乌拉贝克演绎理查 施特劳斯与布鲁克纳 吕嘉 安德烈 乌拉贝克 R. Strauss & Bruckner with Lü Jia and Vrabec Conductor: LÜ Jia Horn: Ondrej Vrabec R. Strauss: Horn Concerto No.1 in E-flat major, TrV 117 Bruckner: Symphony No. 6 in A major (WAB 106)

国家大剧院管弦乐团 2015/16 宁静致远 22 在这两场音乐会中, 圆号独奏家安德烈 乌拉贝克将演奏莫扎特和理查 施特劳斯的两首圆号协奏曲 乌拉贝克是捷克最为炙手可热的音乐家, 不仅是顶级圆号独奏家, 也是一位出色的指挥家 音乐会的下半场我们会听到奥地利作曲家安东 布鲁克纳为我们带来的 A 大调第六交响曲 吕嘉对布鲁克纳有着深刻的挚爱, 并形容布鲁克纳的音乐是一个 通透的世界 尽管这部作品具备了布鲁克纳交响曲的许多特点, 但与作曲家其它的交响乐作品相比较, 它仍然显得与众不同 根据罗伯特 辛普森的观点, 尽管该曲不常被演奏, 并在布鲁克纳的交响乐作品中常被视为是一首 丑小鸭 式的作品, 但第六交响曲会因为它丰富且个性化的表现力立刻给你留下深刻的印象 : 它的主题异常优美, 和声中不乏大胆与精巧的进行, 它的配器展示了布鲁克纳在此领域所达到的最高境界, 同时, 它还拥有一个可能曾经给勃拉姆斯留下深刻印象的精巧的古典形式 Ondřej Vrabec In this two concerts, one of the most seasoned Czech artists Ondřej Vrabec will play two horn concertos of Mozart and R. Strauss. In the second half of the concert, we will embrace Anton Bruckner s great No. 6 Symphony in A major (WAB 106). Though it has been regarded as a work with very strong Bruckner styles, it in many ways stands out from the rest of his symphonic works. According to Robert Simpson, though not commonly performed and often thought of as the ugly duckling of Bruckner's symphonic works, the Sixth Symphony nonetheless makes an immediate impression of rich and individual expressiveness: Its themes are exceptionally beautiful, its harmony has moments of both boldness and subtlety, its instrumentation is the most imaginative one Bruckner had yet achieved, and it possesses a mastery of classical form that might even have impressed Brahms

23 China NCPA Orchestra 2015/16 PEACE BEYOND MUSIC 2015 08.29 音乐厅 Concert Hall 安魂交响 : 张国勇与沃洛丁演绎布里顿和肖斯塔科维奇 张国勇 阿列克谢 沃洛丁 Symphonic Requiem: Britten & Shostakovich with Guoyong Zhang and Volodin Conductor: Guoyong Zhang Piano: Alexei Volodin Peilei Shang: Eight Immortals [YCP/World Premiere] Shostakovich: Piano Concerto No.2 in F major, op.102 Britten: Sinfonia da Requiem, op.20 Shostakovich: Symphony No.9 in E-flat major, op.70 Alexei Volodin Marco Borggreve

国家大剧院管弦乐团 2015/16 宁静致远 24 Guoyong Zhang 本场音乐会始自肖斯塔科维奇于 1957 年为他儿子马克西姆 19 岁生辰而作的 F 大调第二钢琴协奏曲 该曲也是由马克西姆在莫斯科音乐学院毕业期间首演 本场音乐会为我们担任钢琴独奏的是阿列克谢 沃洛丁, 他曾在 2003 年荣获苏黎世第九届盖扎安达国际钢琴比赛首奖 接下来, 我们将欣赏到布里顿在 1940 年, 他 26 岁时创作的 安魂交响曲 这是日本政府为纪念日本帝国建国 2600 周年而向不同作曲家委约创作的几部作品中的一部 当时该部交响乐作品因为满篇的阴郁气质而遭到了驳回 在作品中, 布里顿正是用这种哀鸣的方式向和平发出呐喊 音乐会的第三部作品我们将回到肖斯塔科维奇, 欣赏他的降 E 大调第九交响曲 1945 年, 当卫国战争进入尾声, 苏军已把战线推移到国境线以外, 破坏空前的第二次世界大战就要以全世界和苏联的反法西斯人民的伟大胜利而告终时, 作为当时在国际上已名声显赫的交响乐大师, 肖斯塔科维奇自然被希望能写出一部与历史上众多 第九交响曲 一样弘扬正义 胜利, 气势雄伟的第九交响曲, 事实上第七八九交响曲形成了 A B A 结构的 战争三部曲 The concert will start from Piano Concerto No. 2 in F major, op. 102, by Dmitri Shostakovich, which was composed in 1957 for his son Maxim's 19th birthday. Maxim premiered the piece during his graduation at the Moscow Conservatory. Russian pianist Alexei Volodin will play the piano part tonight. He was the 2003 winner of the 9th Concours Geza Anda in Zurich. Next, we will hear Sinfonia da Requiem, op. 20, for orchestra, which is a symphony written by Benjamin Britten in 1940 at the age of 26. It was one of several works commissioned from different composers by the Japanese government to mark the 2,600th anniversary of the founding of the Japanese Empire. The Japanese government rejected the Sinfonia for its use of Latin title. Britten wrapped his appeal for peace in this peace. The third work tonight will bring us back to Shostakovich, and enjoy his Symphony No. 9 in E-flat major, op. 70. In 1945, when the Great Patriotic War came to an end with the Soviet force already putting battle fronts outside the national boundary, and the unprecedentedly devastating World War II was to end with the victory of the justice, Shostakovich, already a composer with a worldwide reputation, was naturally expected to write a majestic Ninth Symphony which was intended to laud justice and victory like many previous Ninth Symphonies did, and which could structurally form an A-B-A trilogy together with his Seventh and Eighth Symphonies.

25 China NCPA Orchestra 2015/16 PEACE BEYOND MUSIC 2015 10.06 音乐厅 Concert Hall 吕嘉 LÜ Jia Chief Conductor 国家大剧院管弦乐团与澳门乐团吕嘉演绎马勒第三 吕嘉 国家大剧院合唱团 China NCPA Orchestra and Macao Orchestra Lü Jia Conducts Mahler Symphony No.3 Conductor: LÜ Jia China NCPA Chorus Mahler: Symphony No.3 in D minor Macao Orchestra

国家大剧院管弦乐团 2015/16 宁静致远 26 本场音乐会中, 吕嘉将带领国家大剧院管弦乐团和澳门乐团为我们带来古斯塔夫 马勒的第三交响曲 作为两个乐团的首席指挥和音乐总监, 此次吕嘉与两个乐团组成的联合乐团共同演绎这部巨擘之作, 对于中国的观众是一次难得的音乐体验 马勒第三交响曲写于 1893 到 1896 年间, 是标准交响曲曲库中最长的一首, 它的经典演出版本往往会持续到 90-100 分钟 这部作品的长度 难度和庞大的编制, 以及作曲家容纳在作品中 包容一切 的精神, 使得如今的交响乐团在演奏时更像一场令人瞩目的盛会 在最终版本中, 作品共有 6 个乐章, 可以被分为两个部分 因为乐章数量多, 且性格和结构各异, 这部交响曲常被视为是一首特殊的作品 据说, 马勒原本是想写一个第七乐章 天堂的生活 或者 孩子告诉我, 但最终还是放弃了, 并把这一想法实践到了第四交响曲的末乐章 其实, 第三交响曲第五乐章 ( 合唱 ) 中的某些音乐动机正是来自于原来构想的那个第七乐章 天堂的生活 Our Chief Conductor Mr. LÜ Jia will lead the NCPA Orchestra and Macao Orchestra in a program of Symphony No. 3 by Gustav Mahler. LÜ Jia, as the NCPA s Chief Conductor and Macao Orchestra s Artistic Director, will lead the joint-orchestra in this interpretation of Mahler s monumental piece. Mahler s No. 3 Symphony, written between 1893 and 1896, has become a piece, in the world of standard concert repertories, with the longest running duration lasting around 90 to 100 minutes. The symphony, particularly due to the extensive number of movements and their marked differences in character and construction, is a unique work. In its final form, the work has six movements, grouped into two parts: the first movement alone, with a normal duration of a little more than thirty minutes, sometimes forty, forms Part One of the symphony. Part Two consists of the other five movements and has duration of sixty to seventy minutes. In its previous form, the program consists of a title for each of the six movements. It is said that Mahler originally envisioned a seventh movement, Heavenly Life (alternatively, What the Child Tells Me ), but he eventually dropped this, using it instead as the last movement of the Symphony No. 4. Indeed, several musical motifs taken from Heavenly Life appear in the fifth (choral) movement of the Third Symphony.

27 China NCPA Orchestra 2015/16 PEACE BEYOND MUSIC 2015 10.17 10.18 音乐厅 Concert Hall 西贝柳斯的北欧音诗 : 赛格斯坦演绎马勒与西贝柳斯 列夫 赛格斯坦 安娜 丹尼克 Sibelius' Nordic Poetry: Segerstam Conducts Mahler & Sibelius Conductor: Leif Segerstam Mezzo-soprano: Anna Danik Sibelius: In Memoriam, op.59 Mahle: Rückert Lieder Sibelius: Symphony No.2 in D major, op.43 西贝柳斯的北欧音诗 : 赛格斯坦演绎勃拉姆斯与西贝柳斯 列夫 赛格斯坦 Sibelius' Nordic Poetry: Segerstam Conducts Brahms & Sibelius Conductor: Leif Segerstam China NCPA Chorus Sibelius: In Memoriam, op.59 Brahms: Schicksalslied Sibelius: Symphony No.2 in D major, op.43

国家大剧院管弦乐团 2015/16 宁静致远 28 The performance will start by Sibelius: In Memoriam, op.59 and Symphony No.2 by Sibelius as recapitulation. The middle part is Brahms: Schicksalslied, op.54 (Song of Destiny). Leif Segerstam, a Finnish conductor, violinist, pianist and a productive composer, will conduct the whole concert. In 2004, he was given the annual Finnish State Prize for Music and in 2005 the highly esteemed Sibelius Medal. In the first decade of the 20th century, Finland was still a grand duchy of the Russian empire, On 16 June 1904 a young patriot named Eugen Schauman earned himself a place in the history books by shooting the despised Russian governor-general, and then committed suicide. In 1905 Sibelius claimed that he was planning a requiem for Schauman, and drew on this source of inspiration for the funeral march In Memoriam. Leif Segerstam kasvotht 这两场音乐会乐团将在交响曲之余, 演奏交响乐与声乐合作的经典之作, 分别是马勒的 吕克特之歌 和勃拉姆斯的 命运之歌 芬兰指挥家 作曲家列夫 希尔格斯坦将担任本场音乐会整场音乐会的指挥 希尔格斯坦是一位卓有成就的指挥家 小提琴家 钢琴家和多产的作曲家 他曾获得北欧音乐委员会奖和 西贝柳斯勋章, 表彰他 不遗余力地推广斯堪的纳维亚的音乐 20 世纪的最初 10 年, 芬兰臣属于俄罗斯帝国, 一位爱国青年射杀俄罗斯总督后自杀, 西贝柳斯为他酝酿了一部安魂曲, 并把当中的素材运用到了作品 纪念 中的葬礼进行曲中 吕克特之歌 是古斯塔夫 马勒根据弗里德里希 卢克特的诗为人声与乐队或人声与钢琴而作的声乐套曲, 是马勒艺术歌曲中流传最广的之一 在本场演唱此曲的女中音歌唱家是安娜 丹尼克 勃拉姆斯的 命运之歌 是他根据弗里德里希 荷尔德林的诗作而编配的一首交响合唱 与 德意志安魂曲 一样, 命运之歌 被认为是勃拉姆斯最杰出的合唱作品之一 西贝柳斯的 D 大调第二交响曲就像一个大的再现, 照应开头的 纪念 这部在芬兰广受欢迎的作品经常与芬兰的独立斗争联系在一起, 甚至还被冠以 独立交响曲 的名称 Rükert-Lieder is a song cycle of five Lieder for voice and orchestra or piano by Gustav Mahler, based on poems written by Friedrich Rückert. Anna Danik will be the mezzo-soprano for this work. The Schicksalslied (Song of Destiny), op. 54, is an orchestraaccompanied choral setting of a poem written by Friedrich Hölderlin. Schicksalslied is considered to be one of Brahms s best choral works along with Ein Deutsches Requiem. Jean Sibelius's Symphony No. 2, op. 43 in D major correlates with In Memoriam. The piece, finished in 1902 in Finland, with its grandiose finale, was often associated by some with the struggle for Finland's independence, even being popularly dubbed the Symphony of Independence, as it was written at a time of Russian sanctions on Finnish language and culture. Anna Danik

29 China NCPA Orchestra 2015/16 PEACE BEYOND MUSIC Fabio Luisi BALU

国家大剧院管弦乐团 2015/16 宁静致远 30 2015 10.25 音乐厅 Concert Hall 法比奥 路易斯演绎玫瑰骑士与马勒第五 法比奥 路易斯 Fabio Luisi Conducts Der Rosenkavalier & Mahler Symphony No.5 Conductor: Fabio Luisi R. Strauss: Der Rosenkavalier Suite, TrV 227 Mahler: Symphony No.5 in C-sharp minor 担任本场音乐会的指挥的法比奥 路易斯是格莱美奖获得者, 他现任纽约大都会歌剧院首席指挥 苏黎世歌剧院音乐总监, 今晚他将为我们带来德奥一派的两部作品 : 理查 施特劳斯的 玫瑰骑士 管弦乐组曲 马勒的第五交响曲 玫瑰骑士 管弦乐组曲起自同名歌剧的管弦乐序曲 马勒的第五交响曲源于他差点失去生命的痛苦和遇到爱情时的幸福两个相对立的主题, 是作曲家从绝望走向希望的过程, 也充满了作曲家曲折的自我救赎, 绝望与希望 黑暗与光明 沮丧与期待, 这些对立的情绪在作品中频繁的冲突 马勒的前四部交响曲都与声乐有着很强的联系, 相比之下, 自第五交响曲之后的这三部中期作品, 在马勒的标准中显得更器乐化也更集中和纯洁 另外, 自第五交响曲起, 对位法 也在马勒的作品中扮演越来越重要的角色 Fabio Luisi, a Grammy Award-winning Italian conductor, is currently the Principal Conductor of the Metropolitan Opera and Music Director of the Zurich Opera. Tonight he will bring us two compositions of German-Austrian style: R. Strauss s Der Rosenkavalier op.59 and Mahler s Symphony No.5. Richard Strauss s Rosenkavalier Suite, depicting a night of passion (vividly portrayed by whooping horns) between the Marschallin and Octavian, will be followed by Mahler s Symphony No. 5, composed in 1901 and 1902, which is renowned for its most distinctive features of the trumpet solo opening the entire piece and its frequently performed Adagietto. The pain of losing life and the happiness of encountering love are the two themes that inspire Mahler throughout this work. It presents the path from despair to hope, and is fulfilled with composer s redemption. Symphony No.5 has much in common and is markedly different from the first four, which all have strong links to vocal music. After Symphony No.5, three symphonies in his middle time, by contrast, are pure orchestral works and are, by Mahler s standards, taut and lean. Counterpoint also becomes a more important element in Mahler s music from the fifth symphony onwards.

31 China NCPA Orchestra 2015/16 PEACE BEYOND MUSIC 2015 11.22 音乐厅 Concert Hall 吕嘉与卡普松演绎德沃夏克与勃拉姆斯 吕嘉 戈蒂耶 卡普松 吕嘉 LÜ Jia Chief Conductor Dvorak & Brahms with Lü Jia and Capuçon Conductor: LÜ Jia Cello : Gautier Capuçon Dvorak: Violoncello Concerto in B minor, op.104 Brahms: Symphony No.2 in D major, op. 73 Gautier Capuçon

国家大剧院管弦乐团 2015/16 宁静致远 32 本场音乐会中, 首席指挥吕嘉将带领我们的管弦乐团, 为大家带来德沃夏克的 b 小调大提琴协奏曲与勃拉姆斯的第二交响曲 德沃夏克 b 小调大提琴协奏曲的诞生过程非常有趣, 他曾认为大提琴不适合作为协奏曲中的独奏乐器出现, 所以拒绝创作大提琴协奏曲 1894 年, 一位作曲家维克多 赫伯特把他的 e 小调第二大提琴协奏曲搬上了舞台, 德沃夏克受到启发, 写下了本首作品 第三乐章狂欢的结尾前的那一段缓慢的 充满怀念的音乐取材自德沃夏克的声乐套曲 丝柏树, 这是他刚过世的嫂子瑟麦克娃生前最喜欢的作品, 德沃夏克借此以表达对她的缅怀 这次为我们担任大提琴独奏的是当今年轻一代最为杰出 最炙手可热的大提琴家, 戈蒂耶 卡普松 下半场的曲目是勃拉姆斯的 D 大调第二交响曲 与第一交响曲 15 年的创作周期相比, 这部交响曲的创作周期显得很短 音乐中愉悦的具有田园气息的情绪常常被拿来与贝多芬第六交响曲进行比较 勃拉姆斯曾略带调侃地跟他出版商说道 : 我以前从未写过如此忧伤的作品, 这种情绪你们肯定忍受不了, 以致出版它的时候你们得披麻戴孝 该曲最为我们熟悉的应该是第一乐章的旋律, 因为它是基于勃拉姆斯的著名声乐曲 摇篮曲 的基础上发展出来的 In this concert, LÜ Jia and Gautier Capuçon, our Chief Conductor, will present you with music of Dvorak and Brahms. Dvorak once believed that, though as a fine instrument, cello can never be an ideal solo instrument for concertos, and thus refused to work on any cello concerto. However, later in 1894, Dvorak was unexpectedly inspired by another composer in his time, Victor Herbert, and his Cello Concerto No. 2, which he finished and premiered in 1894. Victor Herbert s work offered Dvorak an opportunity to re-recognize the potential of cello as a solo instrument and finally resulted in the arrival of Dvorak s sensational Cello Concerto in B minor. The slow and extremely lyrical part with a strong sense of melancholy and nostalgia right before the celebration-styled finale of the third movement was composed on the melodies from his vocal suite The Cypresses, a most beloved piece of his late sister-in law. As one of the finest cellists in our time, Gautier Capuçon, will join the orchestra and LÜ Jia to present his interpretation of this splendid piece. In the second half, we will hear Brahms Symphony No. 2 in D major. The pleasant atmosphere and the pastoral mood of the symphony often invites comparisons with Beethoven's Sixth Symphony, but, perhaps mischievously Brahms wrote to his publisher that the symphony is so melancholy that you will not be able to bear it. I have never written anything so sad, and the score must come out in mourning. The melody of the first movement is the most familiar one to us, because it develops from Brahms s Lullaby.

33 China NCPA Orchestra 2015/16 PEACE BEYOND MUSIC 2015 12.12 音乐厅 Concert Hall 国家大剧院八周年庆典音乐会声音地图 丝绸之路 谭盾 NCPA 8 th Anniversary Concert Sound Map Silk Road Conductor: TAN Dun 丝绸之路是一条世界的文化之路, 从几千年的过去, 一路延伸到我们面前 在国家大剧院八周年庆典之际, 我们联手国际知名作曲家兼指挥家谭盾, 在国家大剧院推出 声音地图 丝绸之路 微音乐节 在音乐节的 声音的过去与未来 非遗音乐论坛中, 我们将与来自丝绸之路沿途七个城市的活化石艺术家面对面, 通过近距离的聆听与接触, 感受他们的历史与文化传承 在 声音地图 丝绸之路 音乐会上, 谭盾将带领乐团, 把源自罗马 土耳其 波斯古国 哈萨克斯坦 印度 新疆 长安及日本奈良的多种古乐器及音乐形式融入西方交响乐, 展开探索交响乐与丝绸之路音乐未来的 声音地图 The Silk Road is a world cultural road that connected the past thousand years and the future. On occasion of celebrating the 8th anniversary of NCPA, we will present Sound Map Silk Road Mini Festival featuring the world renowned composer and conductor TAN Dun. In the symposium Listen to the Sound: Past and Future, we will have the chance to get to know the artists from cities along the Silk Road, to understand the historical perception and the culture inheritance by listening in intimacy. While in the symphonic concert, TAN Dun and the orchestra will present his ingenious original works exploring the future of Silk Road. Varies of music forms from ancient Rome, Turkey, Persia, Kazakhastan, India, Xinjiang, ancient Chang an and Nara will melt into the symphonic music, unfolding the sound map of the Silk Road.

国家大剧院管弦乐团 2015/16 宁静致远 34

35 China NCPA Orchestra 2015/16 PEACE BEYOND MUSIC 2015 12.08 音乐厅 Concert Hall 国家大剧院 2015 青年作曲家计划终评暨颁奖音乐会 NCPA 2015 Young Composer Program: Award Concert Conductor: Yi Zhang Yi Zhang Qigang Chen Head of Adjudication Committee NCPA Young Composer Programme 青年作曲家计划 是中国管弦乐音乐创作的基础工程, 它的宗旨绝 不仅仅是出一两部好作品, 更重要的是在遴选和演奏的过程中给年轻人创 造聆听自己的机会 通过这个工程, 让年轻作曲家建立经验, 引发思考, 磨炼意志, 开拓未来 音乐会将演出本届青年作曲家计划的 6 部决赛入围作品, 并于当晚评出最终的获奖者 The NCPA Young Composer Programme is a fundamental project in China s orchestra music composition. Its mission is not merely to produce several outstanding pieces of music. More importantly, it gives young people the opportunities to listen to their own works during the selection and performance process. Through this project, young musicians will gain experience, be inspired, toughen their willpower, and develop in the future. The concert will present 6 selected new works and the final award winners.

国家大剧院管弦乐团 2015/16 宁静致远 36 2015 12.31 2016 01.01 音乐厅 Concert Hall 2016 02.06 音乐厅 Concert Hall 2016 北京新年音乐会 吕嘉 2016 Beijing New Year's Concert Conductor: LÜ Jia 龙凤呈祥全球华人新春音乐盛典 2016 吕嘉 The Spring Festival Musical Gala for Chinese around the World 2016 Conductor: LÜ Jia

37 China NCPA Orchestra 2015/16 PEACE BEYOND MUSIC 2016 01.09 2016 01.10 音乐厅 Concert Hall 国家大剧院 2016 新春祝福音乐会 陈佐湟 NCPA 2016 New Year s Wishes Concert Conductor: Zuohuang Chen

国家大剧院管弦乐团 2015/16 宁静致远 38

39 China NCPA Orchestra 2015/16 PEACE BEYOND MUSIC 2016 01.15 2016 01.16 音乐厅 Concert Hall 吕嘉与王健演绎舒曼与贝多芬 吕嘉 王健 Schumann & Beethoven with Lü Jia and Jian Wang Conductor: LÜ Jia Cello: Jian Wang 吕嘉 LÜ Jia Chief Conductor Beethoven: Coriolan Overture, op.62 Schumann: Cello Concerto in A minor, op.129 Beethoven: Symphony No. 2 in D major. op. 36 王健 Jian Wang Artist-in-Residence 吕嘉与王健演绎圣 - 桑与贝多芬 吕嘉 王健 Saint-Saëns & Beethoven with Lü Jia and Jian Wang Conductor: LÜ Jia Cello: Jian Wang Beethoven: Coriolan Overture, op.62 Saint-Saëns: Cello Concerto No. 1 in A minor, op.33 Beethoven: Symphony No. 2 in D major. op. 36

国家大剧院管弦乐团 2015/16 宁静致远 40 在这两场的音乐会中, 我们即将上演的曲目构成了一个 贝多芬 舒曼 / 圣 - 桑 贝多芬 的三部曲式 贝多芬的 克里奥兰序曲 是作者于 1807 年为海因里希 约瑟夫 冯 科林 1804 年的悲剧 克里奥兰 所作 在舒曼短暂的一生中, 写于后期的这部大提琴协奏曲通常被认为是他最深邃的作品 在手稿上, 舒曼用 音乐会曲 的标题代替了 协奏曲, 这也暗示着他一开始就期望与传统协奏曲的做法相区别 圣 - 桑的 a 小调第一大提琴协奏曲, 让法国音乐界提高了对圣 - 桑作品的接受 英国音乐学家唐纳德后来写道 : 至少在这部大提琴协奏曲中, 独奏乐器在所有的音域都能毫无障碍地穿透交响乐队 圣 - 桑打破了协奏曲的传统写法, 用一个连贯的乐章来代替传统的三乐章结构 大提琴家王健将为我们演奏这两部协奏曲中的大提琴独奏部分 王健在当今国际古典音乐领域中的拥有顶级的声望, 并在 2015/16 年度担任国家大剧院的驻院艺术家 在整场音乐会的 再现部 中我们将听到贝多芬 D 大调第二交响曲 这部交响曲是 1801 年到 1802 年间贝多芬住在海里根斯坦时写的 那段时间, 贝多芬的耳疾越发严重, 并且, 他开始意识到这病可能没法治愈 在这部作品中, 贝多芬用 谐谑曲 代替了传统的 小步舞曲 给作品以更大的空间与能量 谐谑曲乐章和末乐章充斥着贝多芬式的音乐玩笑, 这引发了当时乐评界的一阵骚动 These two nights would be a perfect trilogy of Beethoven, Schumann and Saint-Saens The Coriolan Overture, op. 62, is a composition written by Ludwig van Beethoven in 1807 for Heinrich Joseph von Collin's 1804 tragedy Coriolan which is about the ancient Roman leader Gaius Marcius Coriolanus. Written late in Schumann's short life, the Cello Concerto is considered one of his more enigmatic works. On the autographed score, Schumann gave the title Konzertstuck (concert piece) rather than Konzert (concerto), which suggested he intended to depart from the traditional conventions of a concerto from the very beginning. Camille Saint-Saens s Cello Concerto No. 1 was considered a sign of Saint-Saens's growing acceptance by the French musical establishment. Sir Donald Francis Tovey later wrote Here, for once, is a violoncello concerto in which the solo instrument displays every register without the slightest difficulty in penetrating the orchestra. Saint-Saëns broke with convention in writing the concerto. Instead of using the normal three-movement concerto form, he structured the piece in one continuous movement. As this season s NCPA Artist-in-Residence, the world-renowned Chinese cellist Jian Wang will join us and bring you these two great cello concertos. In the second half of both concerts, you will hear Beethoven s Symphony No.2, which was mostly written during Beethoven's stay at Heiligenstadt from 1801 to 1802, at a time when his deafness was becoming more pronounced and he began to realize that it might be incurable. Beethoven wrote the Second Symphony without a standard minuet; instead, a scherzo took its place, giving the composition even greater scope and energy. The scherzo and the finale are filled with Beethovenian musical humors, which shocked many contemporary critics.

41 China NCPA Orchestra 2015/16 PEACE BEYOND MUSIC Kristjan Järvi Franck Ferville 2016 02.19 音乐厅 Concert Hall 克里斯蒂安 雅尔维演绎原子博士与肖七 克里斯蒂安 雅尔维 Kristjan Järvi Conducts Doctor Atomic Symphony & Shostakovich Symphony No.7 Conductor: Kristjan Järvi John Adams: Doctor Atomic Symphony Shostakovich: Symphony No.7 in C major (Leningrad), op.60

国家大剧院管弦乐团 2015/16 宁静致远 42 担任本场音乐会指挥的是生于爱沙尼亚, 而长在美国的指挥家克里斯蒂安 雅尔维 他被纽约时报盛誉为 指挥台上充满动感的能量源泉, 犹如伯恩斯坦再生 一直以来, 雅儿维致力于冲破传统理念对 古典音乐 的束缚, 扩大 古典音乐 的受众群体 本场音乐会, 他将为我们带来美国作曲家约翰 亚当斯的 原子博士交响曲 和肖斯塔科维奇的第七交响曲 原子博士 本是一部亚当斯根据彼得 塞勒斯的剧本所作的歌剧 这部作品着眼于在第一次原子弹试验的准备阶段, 洛斯阿拉莫斯镇的居民所感受到那种强烈的紧张和焦虑状态 2007 年, 这部作品被改编成了 原子博士交响曲 肖斯塔科维奇的第七交响曲是肖斯塔科维奇交响曲作品中最为写实的一部 起初, 作者曾为它的四个乐章都加上了标题, 依次分别为 : 战争 回忆 祖国辽阔的大地 未来的胜利 这些标题后来被取消, 但从仍可看出作者意图用史诗般的笔调来表达他对这场战争的感受与思考 人们很容易将它与苏联在二战时所表现出来的英勇 顽强牢牢捆绑在一起 在战争年代, 它的创作与演出鼓舞着全世界人民反法西斯的勇气与斗志, 而在和平年代, 它又让我们不忘历史珍惜和平, 同时也激起人们在和平时期产生关于战争的狂热且富有英雄气概的联想 The conductor for tonight is Kristjan Järvi, who was born in Estonia and grew up in America. Hailed by New York Times as a kinetic force on the podium, like Leonard Bernstein reborn, Järvi has combined his classical roots and affinity for traditional repertoire with an infectious enthusiasm for creating original programs, propelling classical concert halls around the globe into the 21st century. John Adams opera of Doctor Atomic, with the libretto by Peter Sellars, focuses on the great stress and anxiety experienced by those at Los Alamos while the test of the first atomic bomb was being prepared. In 2007, Adams adapted the opera into the Doctor Atomic Symphony. Seventh Symphony is the most realistic one of Shostakovich's symphonies. At first, Shostakovich gave each of the four movements of the work a title, War, Memories, Our Country's Wide Spaces and Victory in the Future, respectively. These titles were later removed, but the fact that they had once appeared, implies that the composer had intended to use an epic tone to express his feelings and thoughts about the war. However, the music is never difficult to be understood without these titles, and it is never difficult for the listener to associate it with the heroism that the Soviet Union showed during World War II. While its creation and performance in war time inspired all peace-loving peoples of the world with courage and will to fight with fascism, in times of peace the work reminds us to remember history and cherish peace, and evokes associations with war frenzy and heroism.