,, (, 1996 ;, 1999),,,, :,,?,,,, (, ), (, ),, :,, ;,,, (,1994 :33-34),, ;, (,1991 ;,1992), 166

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Abstract : As a highly stigmatized social illness, AIDS has caused tremendous social fears and consequent practices of social exclusion and social discrimination all over the world, simply because it s three widely recognized qualities, that is, high mortality, multi2 channel contagious, and very limited chance of being cured. Based on empirical survey data gathered from two specific groups the AIDS patients, and the ordinary villagers in two Chinese rural communities, this article gives out a quantitative analysis of the relationship between local AIDS epidemiology and level of social discrimination against AIDS patients and their family members within local communities. The author not only presents descriptive data of the forms and levels of locally embedded social discrimination against AIDS victims, but also brings out two regression models to explain levels of social discrimination that reported by AIDS patients and the ordinary villagers respectively. In the first two parts of this article, the author has traced relevant literatures regarding two topics : first, the rise of AIDS as a social illness and the responses of global social sciences towards it ; and then, the current status of Chinese academic efforts on AIDS. Review on A Preference of Son Wang Wenqing & Pan Suiming 165 Abstract: In this article we review the previous studies on preference of son in the mainland of China and find that there is a gap between macro2 and micro2perspective or between structure and individual, for which the research methods employed by the researchers must take part of responsibilities. In order to understand the childbearing practice of Chinese people we draw much on P. Bourdieu, who tries hard to transcend the dichotomy of structure and individual, and conduct fieldwork in the concrete cultural context. We find that although in the last 100 years or so China, not only its urban areas but also its rural areas, has witnessed great changes in many aspects of life, in some villages the habitus of peasants, as far as childbearing practice is concerned, has changed little. It is because that the social trajectory of those people, which silently shapes and is shaped by the habitus, has been kept fairly intact even after going through so long a period of time. REVI EW Review on Chinese Village Community Centered on the Debate Kainou2Hirano Li Guoqing 194 Abstract: In China s rural areas, the tension between village cadres and villagers has been increased, due to the intensified social stratification. However, the root of this social phenomenon runs deep into Chinese history that we can only sort it out by examining the basis on which the rural societal structure has so far been formed. Is a village of such type an association composed of only spontaneous activities purely for self2interests of the individuals, or a community ruled by commonly agreed social regulations? This question 245