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度 身 體 活 動 量 ; 芬 蘭 幼 兒 呈 現 中 度 身 體 活 動 量 之 比 例 高 於 臺 灣 幼 兒 (5) 幼 兒 在 投 入 度 方 面 亦 達 顯 著 差 異 (χ²=185.35, p <.001), 芬 蘭 與 臺 灣 幼 兒 多 半 表 現 出 中 度 投 入 與 高 度


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36 一 前 言 教 育 翻 译 和 语 言 原 本 是 三 个 不 同 的 学 科 然 而, 在 人 口 流 动 和 全 球 化 等 诸 多 社 会 因 素 的 推 动 下, 不 同 的 学 科 出 现 交 叉 点 语 言 和 教 育 的 关 系 比 较 密 切 人 们 从 小 学 习 语 言,

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58 特 殊 教 育 與 復 健 學 報 壹 研 究 動 機 與 背 景 教 育 成 敗, 繫 於 師 資 之 良 窳 教 育 部 於 2010 年 8 月 召 開 第 八 次 全 國 教 育 會 議 中, 師 資 培 育 與 專 業 發 展 為 一 項 重 要 的 討 論 議 題, 其 中 研 修


82 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3.

The development and reflections of elementary school grade three number and operation problem-posing curriculum and instruction Abstract This study focuses on the result of problem-posing teaching, covering units on number and operation on third grade elementary school students. The problem-posing teaching method incorporates: teacher formulating problem, discussion and debate, problem-solving activities, and problem-posing activities. This researcher was also the one who carried out teaching. The teachers guide was adapted from the teaching goals of textbook published by KNSH in 1993 and the researcher selected the units on number and operation from the fifth and sixth volumes. We used the teacher s math diaries, videotapes of actual teaching sessions, observation notes on teaching records, students feedback surveys, and interviews of students. The objectives of this study are: 1. developing and integrating problem-posing into mathematics curriculum; 2. promoting students ability in communication; and, 3. reflecting upon practice on problem-posing instruction through action research. There results are three results. First, when comparing performances of experimental class to control group, 5 out of 9 units were having statistical significance and 4 were not. Second, students ability in communication improved after problem-posing instruction. Third, two challenges were identified when teachers implemented the problem-posing activities. Keywords: Elementary school grade three, Number and operation, Problem-posing teaching, Development of teaching materials, Reflections

---------------------------------------------------------------------------1 ------------------------------------------------------------- ------1 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---4 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---4 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------6 ------------------------------------------------- ------------6 -----------------------------------------------------------------6 -----------------------------------------------------------------8 -----------------------------------------------------------------9 --------------------------------15 ------------15 ------------------------------23 ---25 ----------------------------------------------- --28 ------------------------------------ --31 ---------------------------------------------------31 ---------------------------------------------------35 ---------------------------------------------------37 --------------------------------------38 ---------------------------------------------38 ---------------------------------------------40 ------------------------------------------42

---------------------------------------45 ---------------------48 ------------------49 ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------52 ------------------------------------------ --52 --------------------------------------------------- -----54 -------------------------------------------------------------------54 -------------------------------------------------------------------57 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---63 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---68 ------------------------------------------------ ---70 -------------------------------------------------------------------70 -------------------------------------------------------71 -------------------------------------------------------- ----------83 --------------------------------------------- ---83 -------------------------83 -------------------------------------------85 -------------------------------------------87 ---------------------89 ----------------------------------------90 -------------------------------------98 -------------102 -------------------------------------------------------------103

----------------------------------------107 -------------------------------------111 --------------------------122 ----------------------122 ----------------------123 ----------------------125 ----------------------------------------------------------------125 ------------------------------------------------------------------- ----126 ----------------------------------------------------------------- -126 -----------------------------------------------------------------127 -----------------------------------------------------------------128 ----------------------------------------------------------------------129 -----------------------------------------------129 -----------------------------------------130 -----------------------------------------------130 --------------------------------------------------------------------------131 --------------------------------------------------------------------------137 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------140

2-1-1 Reitman --------------------------------------------------10 2-1-2 -----------------------------------------------14 3-2-1 82 --------58 3-2-2 82 --------59 3-2-3 ----------------------------------------- --60 3-3-1 ----------------------------------------------66 3-5-1 -------------------------------------------------70 4-1-1 -------------------84 4-3-1 18 -----------------------------------------------103 4-3-2 -------------------------------------105 4-3-3 -------------------------------------------108 4-3-4 ----------------------------------109

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1996 1997 1997 2000 - (NCTM 1989) (NCTM1991)- 2

82 3

1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4


1980 1993Borba1994Leung & Silver1997Silver & Cai1993 Schloemer1994Winograd1990 problem posing Dillon1982 Dillon 6

Stovanova Ellerton1986 Stovanova Ellerton Silver1994 Silver1994 1994 7

1994 before during after problem solving 1 10 1 10 10 1 10 10 idiosyncratic plausible reasoning What if What if not 8

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1994165 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Silver Silver1994 11

1. 2. Stovanova Ellerton Stovanova Ellerton1996 1. structure 2. semi-structure 3. free 1997 1993 12

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 13

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Reitman Stovanova & Ellerton Skinner1990 What s your problem 15

Tsubota1987 Tsubota 1997 Test of General Mathematical Problem PosingTGPP Leung & Wu1999 16

17 Leung & Wu2000 Van den Brink1987 1997 2002 14

2003 24 English1998 54 18

2000 2004 Winograd1990 19

Winograd 1996 104 40 2002 20

21 1996 English1997 Cohen Stover1982 1999 Cai1998 181 223

2002 Keil1965 2005 22

2006 Brown Walter1983 The art of problem posing what-if-not Ellerton1986 English1997 23

1997 1999 2003 Borba1994 24

Van den Brink1995 1993 18-1994 1995 25

65 127 Silver Mamona-downsLeung Kenney1996 53 28 IP PS AP Leung Silver 1997 TAPPTest Arithmetic Problem Posing 63 26

Schloemer 1994Brown Walter 1983 what-if-not 2002 2000 2004 27

Polya1945 How to solve it 2-3-1 Undertand? Plan Carry out Look Back 28

29 2-3-1 Polya1945 1995 1995 Polya 2-3-2 2-3-2 1994p.159 Look Back Plan Carry out Pose

30 2003 Polya1945 1995 2-3-3 2-3-3 2003p.15 2003

Dillon1982 making mathematicspolya1945 82 82 1. 1000 2. 10010 1 1000 3. 4.2000 31

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6. 12 1 10 100 7. 20100 1000 205 200400 1000 8. 1000 5 1000 9. 72 12 10. 20100 5 11. 12. 13. 1. 100 33

2. 1000 3. 2000 4. 2000 5. 6. 10 100 7. 10 100 8. 9. 1000 10 2000 10. 11. 50 15 34

12. 13. 50 15 14. 200 35 15. 16. 17. 35

1. 6.8.9 10 2. 5.7 3. 4. 8 1 9 1 10 1 3 2 3 3 5 2 5 3 5 4 7 2 7 3 7 4 7 5 7 6 1. 2. 1 3. 1 2 3 12 4. 3 121 2 1. 1 36

2. 1 1 1. 0.1 10 0.1~0.9 2. 1. 1 2. 1 37

82 2000 10000 2-4-1 38

39 2-4-1

1000 2000 2000 2000 2000 10000 10000 10000 10000 2-4-2 40

41 2-4-2

2-4-3 42

43 2-4-3

0 1 44

2-4-4 45

46 2-4-4


48 2-4-5 2-4-5

--2000 10000 2-4-6 49

50 2-4-6

2-4-6 20 20 20 1/100.1 0.1 1 1 1 1 0.1 0.1 51

85 9 87 1024 89 52

53 1218 91 91 92 93 93 2003 2003 1997

35 21 14 54

55 7 7 18 10

3-2-1 56

82 3-2-1 3-2-2 57

3-2-1 82 1. 2000 2. 3.2000 2000 4.2000 5. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 0 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 20 4. 5. 10 58

1. 2. 3. 4. 3-2-2 82 1. 10000 2. 10000 10000 3.10000 4. 5. 10000 6.10000 1. 2. 10000 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 59

1. 2. 3. 4. 82 82 1987 19971999 3-2-3 60


1995 2000 62

3-3-1 63

3-3-1 3-3-1 3-3-1?????? 3-3-1 3-3-2 64

65 3-3-2

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20 40 20 3-4-1 68

3-4-1 69

2003 coding 3-5-1 RT S S1S2 RT RT-- 1 2 70

S S-- 910101 001 91 01 01 910101 91 01 01 910101 001 91 01 01 910101 91 01 01 categories themes patterns categories themes patterns triangulation patterns 20 15 71

24 4? 72

RT 36 54 5 30 42 18 Kitty 6 Kitty Kitty 6 36 2 73

Kitty 6 36 1. 366303062424618 186121266660 6 24 6 18 6 6 6 2. 36 66 6 36 6 6 6 74

7 RT Kitty 6 42 75

Kitty 6 42 42636 36630 30624 24618 18612 1266 660 7 6 36 7 24 7 76

7 7 6612 12618 18624 24630 30636 36642 7 6 6 12 6 18 7 42 7 6 530 423012 1266 660 527 7 5 6 530 30 42 12 2 12 7 42 67 7 42 6 7 77

RT S RT S RT S15 6 RT S15 78

RT S15 Kitty 6 RT RT 15 S20 54 69 30 65 18 63 5 3 9 79

91 10 6 911006 80

1. 2. 81

3. 1. 2. 82


t 4-1-1 4-1-1 t t 78.64 81.22 t=.366* 80.24 85.47 t=.807* 80.23 79.49 t=.116 p=.751 82.24 82.65 t=4.465 p=.102 79.92 83.21 t=.013* 80.37 84.79 t=.061* 82.08 82.36 t=.105 84.62 84.66 t=.024 p=.545 81.44 82.13 t=.969 p=.381 p=.685 81.27 81.62 t=.047 p=.639 81.53 86.25 t=2.044* 81.06 84.97 t=2.207* 82.23 82.34 t=.007 p=.089 82.04 82.64 t=1.001 p=.181 83.62 85.47 t=.153* 81.97 85.76 t=.255* 79.97 83.66 t=.907* 79.34 84.82 t=1.182* * p.05 4-1-1 84

t t t 4-1-1 85





82 1. 2. 245 368 3. 245 368 1. 90

179 214 378 2000? 2. 2000 1. 120 3 2. 3 151 3. 6 5 91

4. 7 49 1. Kitty Kitty 1 120 3 300 4 25 10 Kitty 0 Kitty! 2. 01 92

--- 1.25 3 2.32 4? 3. 45 5 24 4 53 8 1. Kitty 29 8 7 Kitty? Kitty? 2. 93

1. 38 25 2. 163 147 3. 3280 5620 1. Kitty 230 350 198 450 Kitty 94

Kitty 2000 2. 10000 1. 125 6 2.3 5 3. 28 3 4. 82 8 1. Kitty 13 Kitty 95

6 125 8 10 Kitty Kitty? 2. 1. 3 4 2 2. 3 4 84 3. 15 3 5 96

4. 8 7 15 5. 45 10 4 5 1. SOGO 2. 97

82 1. 5 2.10 4 1.? 4?! 2. 98

10 2 3 4 1. 10 ---? 2. 99

1. 0.4 0.3 2. 0.7 0.3 3. 10 0.8 0.2 4. 1 0.7 5.10 1.2 0.5 100

1. 10 3??? 2. 10 10 10 101


91 10 21 92 5 30 18 18 4-3-1 4-3-1 18 91.10.21 91.10.23 91.10.28 91.10.30 91.12.17 91.12.18 91.12.23 103

91.12.25 91.02.18 92.02.19 92.03.20 92.03.21 92.04.09 92.04.10 92.05.04 92.05.05 92.05.28 92.05.30 18 ---- 38-6=32?--- 3 104

10?--- --- --- 4-3-2 4-3-2 91.10.21 91.10.23 91.10.28 91.10.30 91.12.17 08 30 01 05 06 14 22 05 08 07 11 26 06 04 05 1/3 12 27 09 03 06 1/3 15 25 11 03 07 09 91.12.18 91.12.23 91.12.25 23 12 18 04 03 07 25 14 16 04 02 05 24 13 18 02 03 06 105

91.02.18 92.02.19 92.03.20 92.03.21 92.04.09 92.04.10 92.05.04 92.05.05 92.05.28 92.05.30 26 11 24 02 02 05 30 08 27 45 01 04 32 05 30 01 01 02 30 06 28 01 00 02 33 05 31 50 00 01 31 06 30 40 00 01 35 03 33 01 00 01 31 06 29 56 00 01 33 05 30 01 00 01 32 06 30 25 00 01 106

8 35 2 70 4-3-3 107

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92.05.30 0 02 06 62 4-3-4 4-3-4 91.10.21 12 10 2 8 4 2 10 91.10.23 91.10.28 91.10.30 91.12.17 91.12.18 91.12.23 91.12.25 91.02.18 14 13 1 9 5 3 11 18 17 1 14 4 3 15 26 24 2 19 7 4 22 25 25 0 22 3 9 16 30 28 2 16 14 11 19 30 27 3 20 10 0 30 38 36 2 32 6 0 38 44 44 0 42 2 37 7 109

92.02.19 92.03.20 92.03.21 92.04.09 92.04.10 92.05.04 92.05.05 92.05.28 92.05.30 39 39 0 38 1 31 8 46 46 0 43 3 36 10 48 48 0 44 4 35 13 51 47 4 50 1 12 39 54 49 5 54 0 21 33 54 54 0 50 4 38 16 56 56 0 55 1 42 14 58 58 0 58 0 54 4 62 62 0 60 2 59 3 91.12.23 91.12.25 110

6 42 6 42 6 7 42 7 S32 6 7 42 S22 6 42 7 S5 S18 7 642 6 742 S22 6 6 7 42 S--- 111

RT 22? S18--- RT18 S18 42 67 S! S18 S27 6 42 S18 RT 6 742? S22 RT22 S22 42 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 6 7 6 742 112

Kitty 29 8 Kitty 6 29837 37 66 1?1 37?2 6?31 113

S26 S27 6 S26? S27? S26 RT 26? S26 RT26 26 S15! 29 64 5 8 61 2 415 S15--- S27 S15 29 6 8 6? RT S3 114

S15 S3 5 2 7 S15 S3 27 RT 27 27 S34 29 8 37 37 6 6 1 RT S RT S RT 15 S15 29 6 4 5 8 6 1 2 415 RT S15 527 115

RT S15 6 7 61 1 1 1 5 6 RT 15 29 64 529 6 4 5 8 61 2 8 6 1 2 415 415 527 7 61 1 1 1 516 6 1 116

Kitty 6 24 3 22 2 Kitty 6 24 372 72 612 22 244 44 67 2 12719 19 2 S29 RT 2! 5 S RT5 S5 24 3 24 372 72 6 12 22 244 RT S5 22 2 RT 2 S 3 117

RT S12 22 366 66 RT 5 22 244 S5 2 2 RT 24 372 72 612 22 366 66 66 2132 132 132 622 6 122234 Kitty 6 34 1 118

12 6 2 12 672 72 236 RT S 36 RT S RT S8 6 S16 2 2 S RT 12 672 72 236 S 119

S 12 672 72 236 2/10 3 0.4 0.2+0.3+0.4=0.9 12-9=3 3 3/12 RT 32 S S3 120

RT S ------ RT S ------ RT S 12 RT S1/12 S0.1 S28 0.1 RT28 0.1 S28 10 0.1 RT28 1/12 S28 12 1/12 RT S15 10 S32 10 1293 1091 1/10 121

RT 10 1/100.1 10 10 - - 10 122









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