Chin J Intern Med, J uly 2004, Vol 43, No ( ), 14, 0177 %, 0161 % (019 % 017 %, P = 01013) 1219 %,6512 % 2119 %, (1211 % 213 %, P <

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491 ( ), 14, 0177 %, 0161 % (019 %017 %, P = 01013) 1219 %,6512 %2119 %, (1211 %213 %, P < 0101) 117 %, 3719 %, 3719 %, 2416 %,,,, ; ; An epidemiological survey of atrial f ibrillation in China ZHOU Zi2qiang 3, HU Da2yi, CHEN Jie, ZHA N G Ren2han, L I Kui2bao, ZHA O Xiu2li1 3 Bejing Cardiology Depart ment of People s Hospital, Peking U niversity, Beijing 100044, China Corresponding authors : HU Da2yi, Em ail : heart @gw2icc1 org Abstract Objective To know the current prevalence of atrial fibrillation (AF) in China and contribute to further Chinese studies on AF in future1 Methods We chose 14 natural populations from 14 different provinces across China1 Using international standardized methods, we performed an epidemical study which was mainly on AF1 Results The crude rate of prevalence of AF in China is 0177 %, which would be 0161 % after being standardized1 Also, it is increasing with aging1 The prevalence is higher in men than in women (019 % vs 017 %, P = 01013) 1 Among all the AF cases, valvular, nonvalvular, and lone AF were 1219 %, 6512 %, and 2119 % respectively1 Ischemic stroke was the most frequent type seen among AF cases and the stroke rate among cases with AF was significantly higher than that without (1211 % vs 211 %, P < 0101) 1 Conclusions The prevalence of AF in China, whether classified by age, gender or cause, is similar to the results from other countries, especially North America and Europe1 The incidence of stroke among AF cases is rather high in China1 However, patients with AF would not like to take the necessary medicine1 Therefore it is advisable to enforce the control of AF1 We will continue to do the follow2up in these populations1 Key words Atrial fibrillation ; Epidemology ; Cerebrovascular accident [3 ( ), ] [1 ],,,, 014 % [2 ],, 220 : ( WKZ2200121208) :100044 ( ), ( ) ; ( ) :,Email : heart @gw2icc. org 1. : 14 ( ),,

492, 41 : Borland Delphi 6, 30 (1962 ) 85 SPSS 1115 2000, 2. :,,, : 14 29 079, 224, : 0177 %, 1990, 0161 % 1, P < 01001, 2 ( P = 01013), 1,,,,, 100,,,,,, 2,3, ( P < 0101) ; 3. : (1) :, : ( P = 01071), ; 1219 % Holter ; 6512 %2119 %, Holter : 017 %,, 110 %, P = 01001, Holter (2) 216 %, : 017 %, P < 0101 140 mm Hg (1 mm Hg = 01133 kpa) () 90 mm Hg, 2 ( %) :,, (3) : ( ) ( ) [ ( ) ] : ( ) ( ), Pearson 300 0 0 0 0 0 4010 0. 3 8 0. 2 18 0. 2 5019 0. 5 24 0. 6 43 0. 5 6041 1. 4 34 1. 1 75 1. 3 7041 3. 6 25 2. 6 66 3. 1 8012 7. 5 10 7. 4 22 7. 5 123 0. 9 101 0. 7 224 0. 77 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 6 0. 07 7 0. 09 5 0. 06 18 0. 2 50 15 0. 18 15 0. 18 13 0. 15 43 0. 5 60 5 0. 08 54 0. 92 16 0. 27 75 1. 3 70 2 0. 09 53 2. 50 11 0. 52 66 3. 1 80 1 0. 34 17 5. 78 4 1. 36 22 7. 5 29 0. 10 146 0. 50 49 0. 17 224 0. 77 224

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