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前 言 一 場 交 換 學 生 的 夢, 夢 想 不 只 是 敢 夢, 而 是 也 要 敢 去 實 踐 為 期 一 年 的 交 換 學 生 生 涯, 說 長 不 長, 說 短 不 短 再 長 的 路, 一 步 步 也 能 走 完 ; 再 短 的 路, 不 踏 出 起 步 就 無 法 到 達 這 次


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Perspective on Conflict between Israel and Palestine: An Approach of Jewish Insular Culture FENG Jihua Abstract: The insular psychology and insular culture stemmed from the sufferings of the Jewish people in the Diaspora for about two thousand of years have affected the Jew s perspective on security and existence for a long time, and made the Israeli government too sensitive and bigoted to issues of conflict between Israel and Palestine. Israel fell in isolation in the Middle East and international arena by its hard-line position, and lost opportunities for peace again and again. The insular psychology and insular culture defined the Middle East peace process as a complexity, twisted and long-time way. Key word: Insular Psychology; Insular Culture; Perspective on Security; Conflict between Israel and Palestine 30