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C J. C. Caldwell 訛 輯 輥 訛 輰 輥 Victor Nee 1 輥 輱 訛 ~


2007 3 143 178 1 1 20 2002 3 11-112 2002 22-180 -143-

2 3 4 2 1985 160-179 3 2004 192-210 4 14 1999 3 223-255 -144-

(1622) 5 6 (1715) 1703 7 5 1992 135 6 1969 3 1a-b 7 [1897] 6 3 5 195b -145-

8 9 (1756-1766) 10 (1777) 11 8 2001 4 6 2a-3b 9 36 2003 1 794 10 1982 157 11 1989 227 1 1a -146-

12 13 (1683-1754) 14 12 4 2a-3b ISBN, 1995 83 13 [1833] (1725-1806) [1907] 1974 109 14 1987 396-397 -147-

15 (1783-1785) 16 17 18 15 1969 [1877] 2 2 728-730 16 2 1988 24 17 27 18 44-45 -148-

1779 (1622) 19 (385-437) 19 1985 1-106 1982 560 1999 18 811 (1602) -149-

1774 20 21 (1810) 22 (385-431) 20 2004 981-983 21 5 46 22 186-150-

23 24 23 1980 594 745 885 24 1999 38-151-

25 26 25 12 2006 1 103-135 26 2004 42-152-

27 (1573-1620) 28 29 30 27 42-50 28 1995 1340 29 2001 742 30 49-153-

31 32 (1707-1708) (1703) 33 (1711-1718) 31 1976 3 23b 32 2004 3 6 1850 33 1997 271 41 1b -154-

34 (1751) 35 36 37 34 1982 47 35 1993 763 36 4 34 37 40-155-

38 39 40 41 38 6 39 1960 5 107 40 2 1039 41 1986 143-156-

42 (1756-1766) 43 44 45 42 157-158 43 1990 147-163 44 1987 31-35 45 1984 264-157-


46 47 48 49 46 30-31 47 1986 328-339 48 1968 2 11 3b 49-159-

50 51 (1795) 52 50 1998 3 120 2560 353 2793 556 2996 51 2005 3 6 3 175-178 4 247-250 11 4 197-206 52 1971 293-160-

53 (1709) (1712) 54 (1775) 53 4 1 4a 1a 139-140 54 47 108 1997 59-161-

+ + + + + 55 1. 56 57 (1) 58 (2) 55 118-133 56 1998 37 57 37-44 58 1999 619-162-

2. + (1) 59 A (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) X ( ) B C D 60 B C D X B C D (2) A B C A A 61 A 62 (3) A 59 60 1998 53 61 159 62-163-

63 (4) (5) A (6) 3. + 64 65 63 64 3 65 624-164-

4. + 66 5. + 6. + (1) + + (2) + 66 619-165-

24 23 67 (3) + (4) + 67 23-166-

(5) + (1904-2000) 68 69 68 1996 9-10 69 1982 94-167-

70 71 (998-1064) 72 73 70 79 71 1984 72 15-29 73 25-26 -168-

74 75 74 289-292 75 1992 155-221 -169-

(1) (2) + (3) + + (4) + (5) + -170-

76 77 78 79 76 1993 87 1036 77 11 3b 78 111 79 1990 164-174 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) -171-

(6) (7) (8) -172-

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) -173-


A New Look at the Bangzi Qiang TSENG Yong-yih In addition to discussing the meaning of the term bangzi qiang (Qin qiang ), this paper also shows that its origin is not, as is commonly assumed, the Shaanxi bangzi, but rather the Western Qin qiang ( ). Based on this finding, the transmission of the bangzi qiang is also traced. This paper draws the following conclusions. First, the Shaanxi-Gansu region, being under control of the Qin during the Warring States period, developed local Qin sheng, orqinqiang based on local dialect pronunciations, as early as the pre-qin period. Second, Qin qiang, as used to indicate a region, had found its way to the Jiangnan area prior to the middle or the end of the Ming dynasty. Originally, it was sung in the Western diao using zaqu or xiaodiao, from which it developed into the qupai ti. At this point, it also absorbed material from local performances of cihua or luogu zaxi to develop as a banqiang ti. By the end of the Qianlong emperor s reign, the Qin qiang had merged with the kun i. Third, Taiwan s luantan, the gulu xi, originates from the Western Qin opera and makes use of the Western Qin qiang. Fourth, the bangzi qiang used in Taiwan s luantan xi is in fact the original form of the Qin chuiqiang (before the introduction of the bangzi). The fact that the bangzi was a later addition to the Qin chuiqiang can be proven by looking at the chuiqiang yuanban in Anhui and the chuiqiang zhengban of the Hui opera. Fifth, during the reigns of the Qianlong and Jiaqing emperors, the Qin qiang on the one hand further developed the shizan already in use, while on the other developed the now characteristic three-five-seven character format. Sixth, the remarkable vitality of the Qin qiang saw it spreading to all of China s eighteen administrative units and Taiwan, making it the mother of all local opera in modern China. Seventh, the Qin qiang is found appearing in opera by itself and with other qiang in various different forms. Keywords: Bangzi qiang Qin qiang Western Qin qiang Western diao chuiqiang qiangdiao -175-

67 68 1971 1984 1985 1987 ISBN 1995 1995 1999 1987 1989 1960 1993 1980 1982 1982 2004 1982 1988 1985 1990 2005 1969-176-

1996 1988 1987 1984 1986 2004 2004 1968 1998 1999 2001 14 1999 3 223-255 1982 1986 1992 2002 271 1997 2003 2004 1992 3 1998 1997 1990 1969 12 2006 1 103-135 1976-177-

1993 1998 4 2001 70 1974 3 1897-178-