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44% 18% + + + 70% 57%


1 misconception Anderson Smith1987

2 misconception naïve theory noncanonical theory

3 alternative frameworks

Driver Easley meta-research 1 1 4

... 5

Clement 85 6

? concepts Klausmeir et al.1974 82 Vygotsky 88Reif1987 Reif 82 88 Ausubel 1968 88 82 84 88 89? Anderson1990 7

88 Ausubel 1968 Ausubel Wittrock1985 88 88 90 Bar& Zinn Carry Kuhn Piaget Levine,2000 Niaz Cartwright ChristieFrickeLakatos Rocke Niaz,2000 Piaget Gagne Ausubel assimilation accommodation equilibration 2 8

sensorimotor period preparationalthought period concerte operation period formal operation periodmintzes & Wandersee,1998 Concept Structure Diagram Clinical Interview Gagn e,m. hierarchy of learning concept learning positive transfer Words Association Interview AboutInstances Thinking Aloud Protocols Stimulated Recall Ausubel, D.P.) Educational Psychology : A Cognitive View 9

rote learning advance organizer super-ordinate learning subsumption integration recilliation progressive differentiation meaningful learning Vygotsky Varelas & Pineda,1999 3 10

7778 78 : : : : : 1. 2. 3. 4. 83 79 11

12 Osborne1980 83 conceptual change 79 Strike & Posner 1 2 3 Mortimer,1995

13 Duit Hasweh1988 89 Mintzes, Wandersee & Novak

Pfundt & Duit 83 Posner, Strike, Hewson & Gerzog1982 82 83 86 14

82 Driver Oldham1986 88 15

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18 83 Kuethe Hashweh1988 82 Anderson1990 82 Anderson

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: 20

21 Driver : 1994 Driver 1985 : : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

22 Novak1988 78 : Gilbert1982 : : : : : :

23 85 : Piaget Ausubel Vee Gagne 89 82 : Gagne Paradigm Ausubel Paradigm Piaget Paradigm V 90 1990 :

1. 1 2 3 4 Venn 5 6 A. B. Waern C. 2. 1 2 3 3. 1 2 3 thinking aloud Treagust, Duit Fraser1996 : 90 24

Zietz : : Ausubel V :. Osborne & Gilbert, 1980Watts, 1981. : 90 Novak1988 25

83 26


28 85 130

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Willian Holliday 82 52



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115 44% 26 26% 18% + + + 70%

116 / 33 56% 2 18% + 45%

Driver & Oldham, 1986Longden, Black & Solomon, 1991 Hart, Mulhall, Berry & Gunstone2000 Gilbert, Osborne & Fensham1982 / 2000 117

82 84 88 89 U 118

: 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 119

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139 4.













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155 85






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176 2. 1. 2.


178 Andersson






184 1. 2.






36 190











ANCOVA 124 201

40 192 202

203 110 ( ) 111 120 121 130 131 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 230 231 310 320 330 410 411

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