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1 Constructing the Taiwanese Landscape : A Preliminary Study into the History of Photography during the Japanese Colonial Era page. 121 Constructing the Taiwanese Landscape : A Preliminary Study into the History of Photography during the Japanese Colonial Era Chang Shih-lun Ph. D. Candidate, Centre for Cultural Studies, Goldsmiths College, University of London.

2 33 The Age of Photography: Japanese Colonial History and Taiwan Photography page. 122

3 Constructing the Taiwanese Landscape : A Preliminary Study into the History of Photography during the Japanese Colonial Era page. 123 Abstract This paper tries to investigate how the emerging idea of Taiwanese landscape was imagined and constructed by the gradual intersection and continuous interaction between photography and tourism during the Japanese colonial era. The argument mainly consists of four aspects: I will first delve into several Taiwan-related photographic albums and travel guides either heavily supervised or solely published by the renowned photographer-cumprintmaker OGAWA Kazumasa around the turn of the 20th century. Then the focus will be on the gradual evolution of the Eight Views of Taiwan activities and how these campaigns intersected with the practice of photography. The third part will involve an in-depth reading into The Photographic Album of the National Parks in Taiwan by Japanese photographer OKADA Koyo, analyzing both its visual achievement and cultural limitation. The conclusion of this paper will draw attention to the popular phenomenon of railway tour during the colonial era, stressing how its cultural significance towards the construction of the idea of landscape was related to its full exploitation of photographic images in various publications. Keywords: photography, history of photography, landscape, tourism, Japanese Colonial era

4 33 The Age of Photography: Japanese Colonial History and Taiwan Photography page

5 Constructing the Taiwanese Landscape : A Preliminary Study into the History of Photography during the Japanese Colonial Era page tourist gaze John Urry Michel Foucault gaze visible Urry Osborn 2000: 83 reproduced recaptured Urry 1995: 133 the other Sturken & Cartwright 2001: colonial gaze :

6 33 The Age of Photography: Japanese Colonial History and Taiwan Photography page. 126 doubly colonial situation Allen 2015: 26 comparative Herbert Ponting

7 Constructing the Taiwanese Landscape : A Preliminary Study into the History of Photography during the Japanese Colonial Era page George Uvedale Price Reminiscences of North Formosa 写真界の先覚小川一真の生涯 東京 : 日本図書刊行会 1994 Joseph R. Allen, "Picturing Gentlemen: Japanese Portrait Photography in Colonial Taiwan", The Journal of Asian Studies, 73:4 (2014), pp

8 33 The Age of Photography: Japanese Colonial History and Taiwan Photography page Fraser Souvenirs de Formose et des I les Pescadores Souvenirs de Formose et des I les Pescadores 6 William Kinninmond Burton Burton Burton 7 Burton

9 Constructing the Taiwanese Landscape : A Preliminary Study into the History of Photography during the Japanese Colonial Era page Souvenirs de Formose et des I les Pescadores

10 33 The Age of Photography: Japanese Colonial History and Taiwan Photography page ( ) 5 ( ) tour narrative The Charming Views in the Land of the Rising Sun The Charming Views in the Land of the Rising Sun 174 halftone collotype Allen

11 Constructing the Taiwanese Landscape : A Preliminary Study into the History of Photography during the Japanese Colonial Era page. 131 The Charming Views in the Land of the Rising Sun OSK Line Allen

12 33 The Age of Photography: Japanese Colonial History and Taiwan Photography page 眞

13 Constructing the Taiwanese Landscape : A Preliminary Study into the History of Photography during the Japanese Colonial Era page ( )1896 7( ) ( )

14 33 The Age of Photography: Japanese Colonial History and Taiwan Photography page 晩 淸 淸

15 Constructing the Taiwanese Landscape : A Preliminary Study into the History of Photography during the Japanese Colonial Era page

16 33 The Age of Photography: Japanese Colonial History and Taiwan Photography page

17 Constructing the Taiwanese Landscape : A Preliminary Study into the History of Photography during the Japanese Colonial Era page

18 33 The Age of Photography: Japanese Colonial History and Taiwan Photography page

19 Constructing the Taiwanese Landscape : A Preliminary Study into the History of Photography during the Japanese Colonial Era page

20 33 The Age of Photography: Japanese Colonial History and Taiwan Photography page

21 Constructing the Taiwanese Landscape : A Preliminary Study into the History of Photography during the Japanese Colonial Era page timeless

22 33 The Age of Photography: Japanese Colonial History and Taiwan Photography page

23 Constructing the Taiwanese Landscape : A Preliminary Study into the History of Photography during the Japanese Colonial Era page categorization tourist knowledge 1937

24 33 The Age of Photography: Japanese Colonial History and Taiwan Photography page Harry A. Franck Glimpses of Japan and Formosa: With Some Kodak Snapshots By The Author 1924 Franck 1924: Owen Rutter Rutter

25 Constructing the Taiwanese Landscape : A Preliminary Study into the History of Photography during the Japanese Colonial Era page Harry A. Franck, Glimpses of Japan and Formosa, overview accessibility 湾 The Lure of Taiwan 30

26 33 The Age of Photography: Japanese Colonial History and Taiwan Photography page 湾

27 Constructing the Taiwanese Landscape : A Preliminary Study into the History of Photography during the Japanese Colonial Era page

28 33 The Age of Photography: Japanese Colonial History and Taiwan Photography page. 148 monolithic :

29 Constructing the Taiwanese Landscape : A Preliminary Study into the History of Photography during the Japanese Colonial Era page. 149 写真界の先覚小川一真の生涯 日本図書刊行会 カメラで見た台湾 / Allen, Joseph R. Picturing Gentlemen: Japanese Portrait Photography in Colonial Taiwan. The Journal of Asian Studies 73(4): Colonial Itineraries: Japanese Photography in Taiwan. Japanese Taiwan: Colonial Rule and its Contested Legacy. Ed. Andrew D. Morris. London: Bloomsbury, Franck, Harry A. Glimpses of Japan and Formosa: With Some Kodak Snapshots By The Author. New York: The Century Co., Fraser, Karen. Ogawa Kazumasa ( ), Encyclopedia of Nineteenth-Century Photography. Ed. John Hannavy. London: Taylor & Francis,

30 33 The Age of Photography: Japanese Colonial History and Taiwan Photography page. 150 Kazumasa, Ogawa. Souvenirs de Formose et des I les Pescadores. Tokyo: K.Ogawa, The Charming Views in the Land of the Rising Sun. Tokyo: K.Ogawa, Osborne, Peter D.. Traveling Light: Photography, Travel and Visual Culture. Manchester: Manchester University Press, Picard, D. & Robinson, M.. The Framed World: Tourism, Tourists and Photography. London: Routledge, Price, George Uvedale. Reminiscences of North Formosa. Yokohama: Kelly & Walsh, Sturken, M. & Cartwright, L.. Practices of Looking. London: Oxford University Press, Urry, John. The Tourist Gaze: Leisure and Travel in Contemporary Societies. London: Sage, Consuming Places. London: Taylor & Francis, 1995.


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