Study on China’s housing policy implementation of process control

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Study on process control of China s housing policy implementation 我国住房政策实施的过程控制研究 Perspective on China's implementation of housing policy from Singapore "Flat" plan 从新加坡 组屋 计划透视我国住房政策的实施 Tianjin urban planning &design institute 天津市城市规划设计研究院 Zhang limei 张丽梅

1 Forward The existence of the possibility space is the origin of control theory. 可能性空间的存在是控制论研究的原点 Process control is the core of control theory. 过程控制是控制论的核心内容 To achieve the control, it leads object to move towards some certain direction within the space of possibility by setting internal and external environment or changing implementation conditions. 通过内外部环境的设定以及实施条件的改变, 使事物沿着可能性空间中某种确定的方向发展, 实现控制 Bad egg 坏鸡蛋 chicken 小鸡 Egg 鸡蛋

1 Forward It is necessary to control the implementation of housing policies. 有必要对住房政策的实施进行控制 Accordance with the intention of Government 按施政意图执行 Deviate from the intention of Government 偏离施政初衷 Housing Policy 住房政策 It is the successful process control that leads the achievement of Flat Plan in Singapore, which has realized the "Home Ownership" goal and been praised for the people in the world. We should learn from it. 新加坡 组屋 计划的成功实施, 正是对于住房政策实施的过程控制到位, 使 居者有其屋 的目标成为现实, 为世人所赞誉, 其住房政策实施的过程控制值得我国的住房政策实施的借鉴和学习

2 The shortcomings of the implementation of our housing policy( based on process control theory) 基于过程控制论审视我国住房政策实施的弊病 At present, China has established a housing security system consists of affordable housing, low-rent housing and housing fund. The real estate market has kept being more and more strictly supervised and controlled. However, our housing policy still has some following drawbacks in the process of implementation. 目前我国已建立了经济适用房制度 廉租房制度 住房公积金为主要内容的住房保障体系 并不断加强对房地产市场的监管与控制, 尽管如此, 我国住房政策在实施的过程中仍存在以下弊端 Implementation deviated from intention 上有政策下有对策, 偏离政策制定初衷 Process control of implementation is not so strict and there are not enough precise regulations 政策实施过程控制不严, 实施细则不够精准

3 Enlightenment of the process control during housing policy implementation in Singapore 新加坡住房政策实施的过程控制启示 Government-led, agent of implementation is clear 政府主导, 实施主体明确 HDB-provide cheap house 建屋发展局 提供廉价住房 Government-land supply 政府 土地支持 -capital input 资金支持 Family housing demand Housing constructing Plan ability Control ability HDB funnel model control chart

3 Enlightenment of the process control during housing policy implementation in Singapore 新加坡住房政策实施的过程控制启示 Closely supervision and distinguished target 适时跟进, 实施目标明确 In order to achieve the home ownership scheme (HOS), Singapore Government has input substantial manpower and resources into the analysis of public housing usage, future trends and requirements. The supervision is close and the standard of public house building has kept being promoted. 为了实现 居者尤其屋 的目标, 新加坡政府投入了大量的人力 物力对公共组屋的现状使用情况 未来发展方向及需求进行分析, 适时跟进, 不断提升公共组屋建设的标准 并根据国人的生活水平和消费水平, 不断的提升和改进

3 Enlightenment of the process control during housing policy implementation in Singapore 新加坡住房政策实施的过程控制启示 Significant way of process control 过程控制, 实施措施得力 1.Periphery first strategy 先外围后中心的开发策略

3 Enlightenment of the process control during housing policy implementation in Singapore 新加坡住房政策实施的过程控制启示 Significant way of process control 过程控制, 实施措施得力 2- Quantity first strategy 先数量后质量的动态跟踪 In the early year of independence, the Housing and Development Board could only offer 10% of the flats. After 40 or 50 years of efforts, the coverage of the plan has achieved 85% or above. The bottom line for application has raise from $ 800 to $ 8000-12000. Nevertheless, public facility is also very adequate. 在建国初期, 建屋发展局仅能提供 10% 的组屋, 经过四 五十年的努力, 组屋的保障面已达到 85% 以上, 申请底线也从家庭月收入 800 新元, 不断的提升至现在的 8000-12000 新元, 而且配建设施非常的完善

3 Enlightenment of the process control during housing policy implementation in Singapore 新加坡住房政策实施的过程控制启示 Significant way of process control 过程控制, 实施措施得力 3- Entity first strategy 先整体后局部的整体规划 The success of Singapore "flats" projects benefit from that there is a common goal and the plan is made comprehensively but implement one by one. 新加坡 组屋 计划的成功得益于首先有一个国人共同追求的目标, 并围绕目标的达成, 整体规划 逐个实施

4 The process control strategies during the implementation of China s housing policy 我国住房政策实施的过程控制对策 Strengthen process control of policy implementation, build up supervision and feedback mechanism 加强政策实施的过程控制, 建构监督与反馈机制 The theory of process control suggests that the control procedures must rely on the information to be transited. To achieve process control in the housing policies implementation, supervision and feedback mechanisms must be built up to ensure the effect not to deviate from the initial goals. 控制论认为 控制过程必须依赖信息的传递, 在住房政策实施的过程中, 要实现过程控制, 使实施效果不至偏离于最初设定的发展目标就必须建立监督与反馈机制 只有通过监督与反馈机制的建立, 才能使政府根据政策在实施的过程中出现的新情况不断调整具体的实施方案

4 The process control strategies during the implementation of China s housing policy 我国住房政策实施的过程控制对策 Strengthen process control of policy implementation, detail the comprehensive development goal 加强政策实施的过程控制, 细化总体的发展目标 To strengthen the process control of policy implementation of, government should detail the comprehensive development goal. According to different place, sub-target should be made to meet local characteristics, through the implementation of which, overall goal could achieve. 加强住房政策实施的过程控制, 应具体细化总体发展目标, 根据各地方政府及地区提出可操作性强 符合地方特色的分目标 通过分目标的实施来达成总体目标的落实

4 The process control strategies during the implementation of China s housing policy 我国住房政策实施的过程控制对策 Strengthen process control of policy implementation, set up precise implementation plan 加强政策实施的过程控制, 制定精准的实施规划 Housing policies are made for every citizen s immediate economic interests. So in the process of space resources relocation, each citizen s need should be considered to set up precise implementation plan. 住房政策的出台, 所面对的是每一个城市居民切身的经济利益, 因此在空间资源从新分配的过程中应充分考虑每一个居民的实际需求, 精准规划

5 Conclusion 结论 Different background means different housing policy. Nevertheless, the consistence and smooth during the housing policy making and implementation should be studied. 国情不同采用的住房政策必然不同, 但新加坡从住房政策的制定, 到住房政策的实施以及目标的达成, 贯彻之彻底 衔接之顺畅确实值得国人思考, 学习