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2014 SCORING GUIDELINES Presentational Writing: 6 EXCELLENT excellence in 5 VERY GOOD Suggests excellence in 4 GOOD 3 ADEQUATE Suggests 2 WEAK Suggests lack of 1 VERY WEAK lack of 0 UNACCEPTABLE Contains nothing that earns credit TASK COMPLETION DELIVERY LANGUAGE USE Narration includes a thorough and detailed beginning, middle, and end that tell a logical and complete story consistent with stimulus Well organized and coherent, with a clear progression of ideas; use of appropriate transitional elements and cohesive devices; well-connected discourse of paragraph length Narration includes a beginning, middle, and end that tell a logical and complete story consistent with stimulus Well organized and coherent, with a progression of ideas that is generally clear; some use of transitional elements and cohesive devices; connected discourse of paragraph length Narration tells a complete story consistent with stimulus but may lack detail or elaboration or have minor inconsistencies in its logical progression from beginning to end Generally organized and coherent; use of transitional elements and cohesive devices may be inconsistent; discourse of paragraph length, although sentences may be loosely connected Narration tells a basic story consistent with stimulus but may have inconsistencies in its logical progression from beginning to end Portions may lack organization or coherence; infrequent use of transitional elements and cohesive devices; disconnected sentences Response characterized by description or listing, with little narration; may be inconsistent with stimulus Scattered information generally lacks organization and coherence; minimal or no use of transitional elements and cohesive devices; fragmented sentences Response incomplete and difficult to follow; lacks narrative elements; may be inconsistent with stimulus Lacks organization and coherence; very disjointed sentences or isolated words Completely irrelevant to the stimulus Not in Chinese characters Blank Consistent use of register Consistent use of register except for occasional lapses May include several lapses in otherwise consistent use of register Use of register is inconsistent or includes many errors Frequent use of register in Constant use of register in Rich and appropriate vocabulary and idioms, with minimal errors Wide range of grammatical structures, with minimal errors Appropriate vocabulary and idioms, with sporadic errors Variety of grammatical structures, with sporadic errors Mostly appropriate vocabulary and idioms, with errors that do not generally obscure meaning Mostly appropriate grammatical structures, with errors that do not generally obscure meaning Limited appropriate vocabulary and idioms, with frequent errors that sometimes obscure meaning; intermittent interference from another language Mostly simple grammatical structures, with frequent errors that sometimes obscure meaning Minimal appropriate vocabulary, with frequent errors that obscure meaning; repeated interference from another language Limited grammatical structures, with frequent errors that obscure meaning Insufficient, inappropriate vocabulary, with frequent errors that significantly obscure meaning; constant interference from another language Little or no control of grammatical structures, with frequent errors that significantly obscure meaning

Sample: A 有一天我偶然路过一个街角, 那里有好多垃圾和废弃物, 墙上还画着一些乱七八糟的图, 然后我回到学校, 告诉了同学们这个角落, 也告诉他们我的想法, 那就是把这个没用的不好看的垃圾角落改造成一个小小的公园. 他们都同意我的想法了并且去帮助我一起去改造这个垃圾角落. 我们在墙上画了彩虹和大树, 在地上种植了好看的草坪和几棵树, 还放了一张长椅供人们休息, 经过我们的辛苦工作, 一个垃圾角落就这样被我们改造成了一个漂亮的小公园. 小公园改造好之后有很多人来这里玩儿, 有小朋友来这里玩儿游戏, 有人来这里溜狗, 有人在这里看书, 有人在这里休息, 还有人带小孩子来玩儿. 我们非常有成就感, 很开心的看着人们在我们改造的小小公园里面快乐的玩耍.

Sample: B 小明是一个学生. 有一天下学以后他看到一个地方. 他觉得这个地方很不好看, 所以明天他去学校问他的同学帮他洗一下. 他想做一个公园. 下个月他们都做这个公园. 做完了以后小明问别的人来. 每个人说, 噢很漂亮. 小明听, 很高兴.

Sample: C 我的朋友, 你只到嗎? 我和住旁邊的人把赴近的空地變成了一個大家都可以玩的地放了. 真是痲繁呢.

Presentational Writing: Note: Student samples are quoted verbatim and may contain grammatical errors. Overview This task assessed ability in the mode of communication by requiring students to narrate a story, depicted in a series of four pictures, to a friend. Students were allotted 15 minutes to write the narration. The response received a single holistic score based on how well it accomplished the assigned task. The purpose of the task was to determine how well students can write a coherent story with a clear progression of ideas including a beginning, middle, and an end based on the picture sequence. The task also allowed students to demonstrate their ability to produce paragraph-level discourse using appropriate transitional elements and cohesive devices. Sample: A Score: 6 The response includes a detailed beginning, middle, and end that tell a logical and complete story consistent with the stimulus. The narrative is substantiated with concrete and specific details responding to most of the hints given in the picture prompts (especially those in pictures 3 and 4). The narration is well organized and coherent with a clear progression of ideas. Its use of transitional elements and cohesive devices is adequate, appropriate, and effective ( 有一天, 偶然, 还..., 然后, 也..., 那就是..., 并且, 经过, 就这样,... 之后, and 有,..., 有..., 有人..., 有人..., 有人..., 还有人 ). In general, the response demonstrates command of a rich appropriate vocabulary and a considerable range of grammatical structures ( 把... 改造成, 被... 改造成了, and verb + 着 ). There are only minimal errors ( 了 in 他们都同意我的想法了, and 快乐的玩耍 ). Sample: B Score: 3 The response tells a basic story but fails to adequately and properly describe some of the most important hints given in the picture prompts, people's activities in the park, for example. The limited appropriate vocabulary and simple sentence structures used in the response lead to inadequate and unclear narration of the story. For example, the response does not have enough vocabulary to describe the scene in the first picture and simply states 他看到一个地方. 他觉得这个地方很不好看 ; apart from 洗一下 and 做公园, it does not have any verbal phrase to describe the activities seen in picture 3. Sample: C Score: 1 The response is incomplete and is hampered by insufficient and inappropriate vocabulary ( 只到, 赴近, 地放, and 痲繁 ). The scarce information provided does not constitute a coherent narrative.