AP Chinese Language and Culture Sample Student Responses and Commentary from the 2018 Exam Administration: Interpersonal Speaking - Conversation

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1 2018 AP Chinese Language and Culture Sample Student Responses and Scoring Inside: Interpersonal Speaking Conversation RR Scoring Guideline RR Student Samples RR Scoring College Board, Advanced Placement Program, AP, AP Central, and the acorn logo are registered trademarks of the College Board. AP Central is the official online home for the AP Program: apcentral.collegeboard.org

2 2018 SCORING GUIDELINES Interpersonal Speaking: Conversation 6 EXCELLENT Demonstrates excellence in 5 VERY GOOD Suggests excellence in 4 GOOD Demonstrates competence in 3 ADEQUATE Suggests competence in 2 WEAK Suggests lack of competence in 1 VERY WEAK Demonstrates lack of competence in 0 UNACCEPTABLE Contains nothing that earns credit TASK COMPLETION DELIVERY LANGUAGE USE prompt and provides a very thorough and appropriate response; includes elaboration and detail Smoothly connected sentences prompt and provides a thorough and appropriate response; may include elaboration and detail Connected sentences prompt and provides an appropriate response Sentences may be loosely connected prompt and provides a basic but appropriate answer Disconnected sentences prompt and provides an appropriate but incomplete answer Fragmented sentences Addresses prompt minimally or marginally Very disjointed sentences or isolated words Natural pace and intonation, with minimal hesitation or repetition Accurate pronunciation (including tones), with minimal errors Consistent use of register appropriate to situation Smooth pace and intonation, with occasional hesitation and repetition Occasional errors in pronunciation (including tones) Consistent use of register appropriate to situation except for occasional lapses Generally consistent pace and intonation, with intermittent hesitation and repetition May have several errors in pronunciation (including tones), which do not necessitate special listener effort May include several lapses in otherwise consistent use of register appropriate to situation Inconsistent pace and intonation, with hesitation and repetition that interfere with comprehension Errors in pronunciation (including tones) sometimes necessitate special listener effort Use of register appropriate to situation is inconsistent or includes many errors Labored pace and intonation, with frequent hesitation and repetition Frequent errors in pronunciation (including tones) necessitate constant listener effort Frequent use of register inappropriate to situation Very labored pace and intonation, with constant hesitation and repetition Frequent errors in pronunciation (including tones) necessitate intense listener effort Constant use of register inappropriate to situation Mere restatement of the prompt Clearly does not respond to the prompt I don t know, I don t understand, Please repeat, or equivalent in Chinese Not in Mandarin Chinese Blank (although recording equipment is functioning) or mere sighs Rich and appropriate vocabulary and idioms, with minimal errors Wide range of grammatical structures, with minimal errors Appropriate vocabulary and idioms, with sporadic errors Variety of grammatical structures, with sporadic errors Mostly appropriate vocabulary and idioms, with errors that do not generally obscure meaning Mostly appropriate grammatical structures, with errors that do not generally obscure meaning Limited appropriate vocabulary and idioms, with frequent errors that sometimes obscure meaning; intermittent interference from another language Mostly simple grammatical structures, with frequent errors that sometimes obscure meaning Minimal appropriate vocabulary, with frequent errors that obscure meaning; repeated interference from another language Limited grammatical structures, with frequent errors that obscure meaning Insufficient, inappropriate vocabulary, with frequent errors that significantly obscure meaning; constant interference from another language Little or no control of grammatical structures, with frequent errors that significantly obscure meaning

3 Interpersonal Speaking: Conversation 1 Note: Student responses are quoted verbatim and may contain grammatical errors. In the transcripts of students speech quoted in the commentaries, a three-dot ellipsis indicates that the sample has been excerpted. Two dots indicate that the student paused while. Overview This question assessed ability in the mode of communication by having students respond to a series of questions in a simulated conversation. The task comprised a statement identifying an interlocutor and conversation topic followed by six questions. Students were allotted 20 seconds to speak at each turn in the conversation. Students should demonstrate the ability to interact appropriately, given the specified cultural context, in an unrehearsed, spontaneous fashion, and the responses should reflect the integration of a variety of critical thinking skills such as analyzing, synthesizing, comparing, and evaluating in the process of meaning negotiation. Score: 6 我跟她說, 讓王奶奶壽比南山, 希望她能注意健康, 身体健康, 並且我跟她說就是有什麼問題都可以來找我, 因為我是她的鄰居, 隨時願意幫助她 然後希望她能 sh- The response addresses the prompt directly and provides a very thorough and appropriate answer with minimal hesitation or repetition. Pronunciation is accurate. Rich vocabulary and idioms are used ( 壽比南山, 身体健康, 並且, 隨時 ). A wide range of grammatical structures is used. ( 能, 並且, 什麼問題都可以來, 因為, 然後 ) Score: 3 老師好! 我去 uh uh 去, 我先送跟她說 uh 生日快樂, 我再給她我買給她那個禮物和一 uh The response addresses the prompt and provides a basic but appropriate answer ( 我先送跟她說 uh 生日快樂 ). Sentences are disconnected with limited appropriate vocabulary. Pace is inconsistent with hesitation. Score: 1 Uh 我跟她我问她.. 她的.. 她 The response minimally accomplishes the task, with a very labored pace, constant hesitation, and repetition. The vocabulary is insufficient with little control of grammatical structures.

4 Interpersonal Speaking: Conversation 2 Score: 5 我們都聊了 uh 我學校 [xiao2] 的事情, 比如明天我有非常大的 非常重要的考試 [shi2], 所以我們說是誰的考試 而且她做了非常好的菜, 所以我們說了菜的事情 The response directly addresses the prompt and provides an appropriate answer that includes elaboration with some detail ( 比如明天我有非常大的 非常重要的考試 [shi2], 所以我們說是誰的考試 ). Sentences are connected with occasional hesitation and repetition. Pronunciation is not error-free, but the pace of delivery is smooth. Use of vocabulary and grammatical structures is very appropriate. Score: 4 我和她聊 [liao4] 很多東西, 我聊.. uh 北京的文 [wen4] 化和吃的東西 The response directly addresses the prompt and provides an appropriate, but not thorough, answer. The response is relatively short but contains generally consistent pace and intonation with intermittent hesitation and repetition ( 我和她聊很多東西 ; 我聊... 吃的東西 ). Use of vocabulary and grammatical structures is mostly appropriate. Score: 2 他們都給奶奶禮物,uh 給她最喜歡的食品, 比如說蛋糕 uh uh 告訴她祝你生日快樂 The response addresses the prompt and provides an appropriate but incomplete answer. The response describes what people did at the birthday party ( 給奶奶禮物,uh 給她最喜歡的食品 ) but not what people talked about. The pace of delivery and language use might be appropriate, but the answer suggests the respondent is weak in.

5 Interpersonal Speaking: Conversation 3 Score: 5 Uh 我今年給王奶奶買了一條絲巾, 因為我覺得 uh 挺適合她的 然後 um 我其實也想不出來什麼好的禮物, 但是就在街上看到這條絲巾, 覺得挺適合她的 The response directly addresses the prompt with good elaboration ( 我其實也想不出來什麼好的禮物, 但是就在街上看到這條絲巾, 覺得挺適合她的 ). The pace and intonation are both smooth. The register is appropriate to the situation and consistent. The vocabulary and grammatical structures are appropriate. Score: 3 Uh.. 因為我覺我覺得她 uh.. 她不要什麼事, 我買了一 uh 一些 uh 衣服給她, 因為衣服 uh 每個人幾嵗都會 uh 穿 Although the beginning of the response is somewhat confusing ( 因為我覺我覺得她 uh.. 她不要什麼事 ), the response does address the prompt and provide a basic answer. The pace and intonation are inconsistent with intermittent hesitation. The use of vocabulary and grammatical structures are limited and simple. Score: 2 Uh.. 我就我就 uh 給她買了一些 uh uh um 讓她運動的東西, 她她就把手抓住東西, 然後可以運動的 The response directly addresses the prompt ( 買了一些 uh uh um 讓她運動的東西 ) and provides an appropriate but incomplete answer without mentioning the reason for giving the gift. The pace is inconsistent with intermittent hesitation. The use of vocabulary and grammatical structures are simple and limited.

6 Interpersonal Speaking: Conversation 4 Score: 5 在生日晚會, 我們吃了奶奶做的飯, 她做了 yan2 [ 鹽? 腌? 煙?] uh 魚還有做了牛肉和青菜, 都特別好吃, 特別是那個魚, 不鹹還不甜 The response directly addresses the prompt and provides a thorough and appropriate answer. The sentences are connected using devices such as 還有. It includes appropriate vocabulary with sporadic errors, such as the use of yan. The pace of delivery is smooth with occasional hesitation. Score: 3 在老奶奶的.. 生日晚會, 我們吃 [chi4 ] 蛋 [dian3] 糕, 這個蛋糕, 這個蛋糕很好吃, 因為是巧克力的, 是奶 [nai2] 奶 [nai4] 最喜 [xi2] 歡的 The response directly addresses the prompt and provides a basic ( 蛋糕, 巧克力的 ) but appropriate answer. It contains mostly simple grammatical structures and limited appropriate vocabulary like 蛋糕. Score: 1 Uh.. 很好吃, 我喜歡吃 cake The response addresses the prompt minimally with insufficient vocabulary. It demonstrates a lack of competence in.

7 Interpersonal Speaking: Conversation 5 Score: 5 Uh 我知道 [dao2] 在中國他們收到禮物以後不不馬上打開 [kai4], 但是在美在美 [mei1] 國我們收到禮物以後就馬上打開 [kai4] The response addresses the prompt directly. It provides an example of what Chinese and American people do when they receive birthday presents: Chinese people do not open them immediately, while American people do. The student could elaborate more about the difference to get a higher score. The response has a smooth pace and intonation with occasional hesitation. There are minor sporadic errors in tones: 知道 [dao2]; 打開 [kai4]. The vocabulary and grammatical structures are all appropriate and accurate. Score: 3 有很 [hen2] 多的不同 一個是他們 uh 沒有 [you1] 唱歌, 祝你生日快樂, 一樣 [yang2] 跟我和我的家人, 有一個不一樣 [yang2] 的歌, 我們唱在我們的家人的生日 The response directly addresses the prompt. It provides a basic but appropriate answer. It says that Chinese people do not sing Happy Birthday at their birthday parties. The response does not give an elaboration on the differences. The response has disconnected sentences. There are frequent errors in grammatical structures that sometimes obscure meaning: 一個是他們沒有唱歌, 祝你生日快樂, 一樣跟我和我的家人, 有一個不一樣的歌, 我們唱在我們的家人的生日 There are several errors in tones: 很 [hen2] 多 ; 一樣 [yang2]; 不一樣 [yang2]. Score: 1 我覺 [ju3] 得中國人.. 不同 [tong1] The response addresses the prompt minimally. It says that Chinese people are different: 中國人.. 不同. Because of the student's limited vocabulary and grammatical structure knowledge, the response does not provide a complete answer. The response has labored pace with constant hesitation.

8 Interpersonal Speaking: Conversation 6 Score: 6 在我們國家呢, 我們, 一般過生日的時候都會邀請朋友來家裏面,j- 舉行派對, 那麼來家裏面之前呢, 你應該準備一些小禮物, 禮物不需要貴重, 但是能代表你的心意就可以了 The response directly addresses the prompt. It is thorough and appropriate by suggesting a birthday party and preparing a present ( 舉行派對, 那麼來家裏面之前呢, 你應該準備一些小禮物 ) with elaboration ( 禮物不需要貴重, 但是要能代表你的心意就可以了 ). The sentences are smoothly connected with words like 一般, 那麼. The response is delivered in natural pace and intonation. The pronunciation is accurate. Rich vocabulary ( 邀請, 舉行, 貴重, 心意 ) is used with no errors. Score: 4 應該注意是 [shi3] 禮儀, 這第一點, 注注意服裝儀容, 還要注還要注意注意行為, 你, 注意你的行為 The response directly addresses the prompt with a few suggestions ( 禮儀, 服裝儀容, 注意行為 ). The sentences are loosely connected. The pace and intonation are inconsistent with hesitation and repetition, but do not necessitate special listener effort. The use of vocabulary is mostly appropriate. Score: 2 我們注意些 uh ting1 [ 聽?] 一 ke [ 些?], 還有吃很多 um 我們去在一個, 還還有我們很喜歡 The response directly addresses the prompt ( 我們注意些, 還有吃很多 ) but provides an incomplete answer. The sentences are fragmented (um 我們去在一個 ). Labored pace and frequent errors in pronunciation ting1, 一 ke necessitate constant listener effort. Appropriate vocabulary and grammatical structures are minimal.


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