Final Status Report Jing Zhao School of Education Pace University December 18, 2008

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The Thinkfinity Center for Innovative Teaching, Technology and Research Cornerstone 2 Reports : Community Outreach and Empowerment Through Service Learning and Volunteerism Pace University Year 2009 Final Status Report [ Thnkfinity Website Translation] Jing Zhao School of Education, Pace University This paper is posted at DigitalCommons@Pace.

Final Status Report Jing Zhao School of Education Pace University December 18, 2008

Original goals: Do some assistant work for my professors on their research and academic project provided by Thinkfinity foundation ( Translate the Thinkfinity website into Chinese ( and translate the Chinese learning materials at into English Learn more about Thinkfinity and make full use of the resources supported by Thinkfinity into teaching practice Improve my translation ability Learn more about how to work in a diverse cultural background environment Learn more about how to use the various Internet-based ways to teach languages Try to make more Chinese English teachers and learners know about Thinkfinity, and use their free on-line resources

If Verizon is going to do marketing in China, provide some relative information and prepare some typographic if necessary The progress and activities completed towards original goals: 1. Finish collecting and organizing the English versions of the four main Chinese traditional festivals 1 2. Add word-building section to the Chinese learning website provided by Thinkfinity 2 3. Keep doing the word-building section for the website 4. Collecting teaching and learning material for the website 5. Learned more about Thinkfinity 6. Finish translating the main part of homepage of 7. Keep doing assistant work for my professors 1 Verify with Professor Xiaolei Wang 2 See the appendix

Unfinished part: None of the original goals are finished yet, because more cooperative instruction is needed. Some outcomes: I found more interesting language learning materials and improved my writing and translating ability through doing this assistant job. Besides, I developed deeper interest in my learning area. These outcomes, whether received as a result of my work or unintended, benefit my studying and living here. They also reflected the change I was hoping to feel and see. What to do next: When the future instructions for the related program are set up, this project will keep going further. My plan is to do my best for the project with my increasing understanding and ideas about it, so that the original goals can be achieved as much as possible. I will also pay more attention to the Chinese language teaching

and learning forms and put more effort into practicing translating and writing.

Appendix: Thinkfinity, brought to you by the Verizon foundation Thinkfinity, 由 Verizon 提供赞助基金 FREE educational resources for everyone 人人共享的免费教育资源 my Thinkfinity 我的无限畅想, 我的 Thinkfinity Thinkfinity 畅想无限 The Verizon Foundation About Thinkfinity Literacy Network Contact Us Free Thinkfinity Training Verizon 基金 Thinkfinity 畅想工程简介读写信息联系我们免费 Thinkfinity 培训 New to Thinkfinity? Learn more about our FREE tools and educational resources. 还不知道 Thinkfinity? 赶快来更多了解我们的免费工具和教育资源 New User? 新用户? Search for lesson plans, interactives &more 搜索教案, 课堂游戏, 以及其它更多教学资源 Enter keyword: 请输入关键字 Subject: 主题 Grade: 年级 Resource type: 资源种类 Content partners: 合作网站 Go: 开始搜索 Browse: subject keyword 浏览 : 主题 关键字

Features: 特别报道 1. Thinkfinity's Race to the White House 2008 Election Resources 2008 大选, 谁将入主白宫 点击这里 2. Cast Your Vote in YLI's Mock Election The 2008 Mock Election, hosted by The Youth Leadership Initiative at the University of Virginia Center for Politics, is the largest secure, student-only, online mock election in the nation! Mark your calendars now and plan to join YLI and millions of students nationwide October 20-30, 2008! read more >> 在 YLI s 模拟大选中投你的一票 2008 大选报道 : 谁将入主白宫 由弗吉尼亚大学政治中心 Youth Leadership Initial 举办的模拟选举是美国最大的, 仅有学生参与的, 有可靠安全保障的网络选举 现在就开始行动, 在 2008 年 10 月 20 日到 2008 年 10 月 30 日与 YLI 以及成千上万的美国学生一起投票吧! 更多 阅读 3. Introducing Smithsonian's History Explorer Your gateway to exciting and innovative resources about American history, designed and developed by the National Museum of American History as part of the consortium. visit Smithsonian's History Explorer >> Smithsonian's History Explorer 简介 关于美国历史第一手资料的门户网站, 由 Thinkfinity 的合作伙伴美国国家历史博物馆设计运行 与 Smithsonian's History Explorer 携手开始一次激动人心的探索发现之旅! 点击访问 Smithsonian's History Explorer

4. Back to School with Thinkfinity The beginning of a new school year brings so much excitement, not only in the classroom, but also online. Start the year off right with collection of interactive activities, podcasts and more, which will be a hit with teachers, students and parents. read more >> archive >> 带上 Thinkfinity 去学校新学期伊始, 万分激动 除了在教室中学习的欣喜之外, 还有在上网冲浪的乐趣 现在就开始用 Thinkfinity 的网上资源, 互动游戏, 播客, 应有尽有 还有更多惊喜等待着老师, 学生, 家长的发现! 阅读更多

Educator: 教育工作者 Educator 教育资 源 Resources Hundreds of teachers use Thinkfinity. Here's why: 有很多老师利用 Thinkfinity 的资源 原因在于 : Free, exciting, top-quality materials 高质量并且免费的教学资源 Quick, accessible and easy to use 使用快捷方便简单 Content created by trusted experts and leading educators 专家以及学科带头人撰稿 Thousands of standards-based lesson plans 标准化教案数以千计 Valuable professional development opportunities 高价值的职业发展机会 GAMES & ACTIVITIES 游戏和活动 Interactive Games > 互动益智游戏 Activities > 活动 FEATURES 新闻专栏 Thinkfinity's Race to the White House 2008 Election Resources 2008 大选, 谁将入主白宫 read more >> 阅读更多 更多新闻

LEARN MORE >> 了解更多 MORE GAMES & ACTIVITIES >> 更多游戏和活动 MORE FEATURES >> Student 学生 Student 学习资源 Resources Thousands of K-12, college and adult learners use Thinkfinity to: 众多的初高中学生, 大学生以及成人学习者使用 Thinkfinity: Link to amazing facts about everything 衔接查询所需一切事实 Find whatever they need to complete assignments 找到完成作业所需的资料 Try out entertaining games to help them study and learn 利用益智娱乐游戏帮助学习 Enhance literacy, GAMES & ACTIVITIES Interactive Games > Activities > FEATURES Thinkfinity's Race to the White House 2008 Election Resources read more >>

problem-solving and critical thinking skills 加强文字学习, 解决问题和批判性思考的能力 LEARN MORE >> MORE GAMES & ACTIVITIES >> MORE FEATURES >>

Parent: 家长 Parent 家长手册 Resources Thinkfinity helps you help your student... Thinkfinity 帮助你帮助你 的孩子 This new Parent/Caregiver section provides you with the same access that Teachers have to valuable educational information that can help your Student strive. Use it for helping a child with homework, or educating yourself on subject matter to better help your family, 新的家长手册提供宝贵的实用信息帮助孩子的成长 使用这些免费信息帮助孩子做作业, 或者你的自我教育和学习家庭新课题, GAMES & ACTIVITIES Interactive Games > Activities > FEATURES Thinkfinity's Race to the White House 2008 Election Resources read more >> LEARN MORE >> MORE GAMES & ACTIVITIES >> MORE FEATURES >>

Afterschool: 课外 Afterschool Resources 课外学习资源 Thinkfinity is here to help outside the classroom, too... Thinkfinity 也提供课堂之外的帮助 This new Afterschool section provides you with information to help students outside of the classroom. Many of our content partners have valuable programs and resources to help students and teachers extend the school day, making "out of school" time a productive learning. 新的课外资源板块提供课堂之外帮助学生的信息 许多我们的合作伙伴的优秀项目和丰富资源库能帮助老师和学生丰富校园之外的生活, 使校外时间同样高效学习 GAMES & ACTIVITIES Interactive Games > Activities > FEATURES Thinkfinity's Race to the White House 2008 Election Resources read more >>

LEARN MORE >> MORE GAMES & ACTIVITIES >> MORE FEATURES >> Consortium Partners: 合作伙伴 : ARTSEDGE ReadWriteThink EconEdLink Science NetLinks EDSITEment Smithsonian's History Explorer Illuminations Literacy Network Xpeditions Verizon Foundation Delivering high quality educational resources free for everyone 输送人人共享的高质量教育资源 Tap into free top-quality resources quickly and easily 轻松快捷点击免费优质信息资源 Check what you need to do school work 完成作业所需信息, 即刻查询 Use this wealth of free materials to help your children 利用大量免费教程帮助你的孩子 Jump-start learning anywhere anytime 随时随地, 想学就学 Thousands of lesson plans, educational games, activities and more 海量教案, 益智游戏, 课堂活动

News & Events 新闻 Follow the Race for the White House with Thinkfinity Election resources 和 Thinkfinity 一起关注 08 大选 Thinkfinity and the American Library Association join forces to support Library Media Specialists @ your library. Thinkfinity 和美国图书馆协会强强联手打造你的网上图书馆 Library Media Specialists Go back-to-school with Verizon Thinkfinity resources! 和 Verizon Thinkfinity 一起去学校

Thinkfinity calendar Thinkfinity 日历 view full calendar > 详细日历 new resources 新资源 view resources > 浏览

Message from the President At the Verizon Foundation, we have a long tradition of supporting programs that strengthen lifelong learning and individual achievement so that each of us can lead fulfilled, rewarding lives. We're providing to help educators and parents put children and adults on track for success. READ MORE >> 总裁寄语为了使我们每一个人的生活充实精彩,Verizon 基金历来有支持终身学习和自我提升项目的传统 我们启动 的项目以便帮助教育工作者以及家长引领学生学习者和成人学习者进入通向成功的跑道 阅读更多