Kaakinen, Hyona,& Keenan, ) 2) Hyona, Lorch, & Kaakinen, 2002 e.g., Hyona & Olson, 1995; McConkie, K

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94 47 4 381-398 Chinese Journal of Psychology 2005, Vol. 47, No. 4, 381-398 04038 2004 10 2 2005 1 31 2005 5 10 320 E-mail: hwawei@cc.ncu.edu.tw word cognition Adams, 1990; Perfetti, 1985 Morris & Williams, 2003 processing model Reichle, Pollatsek, Fisher, & Rayner, 1998 Rayner & Juhasz, 2004 Ko & Tzeng, 2000 word boundary 1998 Inhoff, Liu, & Tang, 1999 Yang & McConkie, 1999 NSC92-2511-S008-001

382 1989 1981 1981 1989 1998 1974 2002 2004 Kaakinen, Hyona,& Keenan, 2003 1) 2) Hyona, Lorch, & Kaakinen, 2002 e.g., Hyona & Olson, 1995; McConkie, Kerr, Reddix, & Zola, 1989; Rayner & Duffy, 1986; Schmauder, Morris, & Poynor, 2000 content word function word Carpenter & Just, 1983

383 16 2000 1001 1025 25 41 25 24 24 8 1 Dell OptiPlex Gx260 EyeLink II SAMSUNG SyncMaster 191N 250HZ 250 0.2 velocity 30 deg/sec acceleration 8000 deg/sec 2 CPM characters per minute FD fixation duration FD FFD forward fixation duration BFD backward fixation duration FFD FFD FSL forward saccade length pixel 6 1. CPM 2.5 2. FFD first reading 3. 4. FFD 100ms 1000ms 5. 17 6. FFD FSL 535.83 FFD 210 2.9 2000 2000 535.83 (200.44) 520.94 210 (23.00) 226 (34.00) 2.9 (.71) 2.9 (0.83)

384 2000 10 2000 1000 400 420 25 8 9 24 24 48 8 1 Y X Y 400 200 Kaakinen et al., 2003 200 200 200 200 200 24 24 48 8 180 90

385 26 11 200 1999 16 851 916 11 2004 1998 1) 2) 1998 t 759 785 t (1542) = 1.10, SE = 1.48, p =.27 60 CPM FD FD FFDBFD BFD re-fixation FD non-refixation FD Rayner, 1998 12 12 1) 2)

386 CPM 485.09 SD = 54.32 CPM 622.28 SD = 92.63 t(14) = 3.61, SE = 37.96, p <.01 MFD FFD t (14) = 3.63; 3.41, SE = 2.96; 4.27, p <.01 t (14) = 1.22; -.02; 1.12, SE = 4.64; 4.99; 4.84, p >.01 p <.05 p <.01 M SD M SD N 224.52 7.42 213.75 3.88 14 230.74 7.81 216.19 9.22 14 225.71 10.62 220.03 7.72 14 230.02 7.46 220.11 11.98 14 222.50 10.76 217.16 8.46 14 M SD M SD t (14) SE 91.66 9.60 71.23 13.61 3.47** 5.89 39.14 3.59 35.45 3.35 2.12* 1.74 52.52 8.53 35.78 13.36 2.99** 5.60 19.19 4.69 11.16 6.52 2.83** 2.84 35.33 3.96 25.92 7.13 3.27** 2.88 0.56 % 0.04 0.49 % 0.07 2.46** 0.03 *p <.05, **p <.01.

387 first gaze Rayner, Warren, Juhasz, & Livesedge, 2004; Starr, & Inhoff, 2004 136 77 return gaze 44 5 6 7 8 9 -.10 -.11 p.0001 -.01 -.002 p.05 / 11 function word content word 1992 Rayner, 1998; Williams & Morris, 2004 52% 67% Just Carpenter 1980 33% 50 1/44 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 9/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 136/114 77 156/ 136/ 128 118 316/ 289 233

388 60% 2004 2 = 900.49; 35.32, df = 11, p.001 (%) (%) % of Total (%) (%) % of Total 51 0.91 40.80 0.47 74 1.42 59.20 0.68 523 9.29 53.15 4.83 461 8.85 46.85 4.25 44 0.78 68.75 0.41 20 0.38 31.25 0.18 246 4.37 59.42 2.27 168 3.23 40.58 1.55 190 3.38 51.21 1.75 181 3.47 48.79 1.67 1250 22.21 39.25 11.53 1935 37.15 60.75 17.86 262 4.66 54.24 2.42 221 4.24 45.76 2.04 127 2.26 64.14 1.17 71 1.36 35.86 0.66 516 9.17 61.72 4.76 320 6.14 38.28 2.95 1045 18.57 42.99 9.64 1386 26.61 57.01 12.79 95 1.69 53.98 0.88 81 1.56 46.02 0.75 1279 22.73 81.46 11.80 291 5.59 18.54 2.69 Total 5628 100.00 51.93 51.93 5209 100.00 48.07 48.07 (%) (%) % of Total (%) (%) % of Total 16 0.21 80.00 0.14 4 0.11 20.00 0.04 484 6.38 62.78 4.27 287 7.64 37.22 2.53 170 2.24 71.43 1.50 68 1.81 28.57 0.60 26 0.34 61.90 0.23 16 0.43 38.10 0.14 396 5.2 66.90 3.5 196 5.22 33.11 1.73 2561 33.78 66.48 22.59 1290 34.35 33.50 11.38 230 3.03 63.21 2.03 134 3.57 36.81 1.18 45 0.59 52.32 0.40 41 1.09 47.67 0.36 428 5.64 64.13 3.77 240 6.39 35.93 2.12 1921 25.34 67.63 16.94 919 24.47 32.36 8.11 339 4.47 66.63 2.99 170 4.53 33.40 1.50 966 12.74 71.16 8.52 391 10.41 28.81 3.45 Total 7582 100.00 66.68 66.87 3756 100.00 33.13 33.13

389 p.05 p.05 p <.05 p <.05 p <.05 2 = 844.38, df = 1, p <.001 2 = 1.21, df = 1, p >.05 F (11,923) = 4.92, MSE = 5.12, p <.01 F (11,683) = 1.92, MSE = 10.46, p <.05 (%) (%) % of Total (%) (%) % of Total 1718 57.67 30.53 15.85 1261 42.33 24.21 11.64 2631 41.84 46.75 24.28 3657 58.16 70.21 33.75 1279 81.46 22.73 11.80 291 18.54 5.59 2.69 Total 5628 51.93 100.00 51.93 5209 48.07 100.00 48.07 (%) (%) % of Total (%) (%) % of Total 1634 65.4 21.6 14.4 86 34.6 23.0 7.6 4982 66.6 65.7 43.9 2500 33.4 66.6 22.0 966 71.2 12.7 8.5 391 28.8 10.4 3.4 Total 7582 66.87 100.00 66.87 3756 33.13 100.00 33.13

390 N N M SD M SD 239.05 62.19 11 247.58 78.18 11 211.58 45.34 89 214.01 71.05 65 185.03 29.52 5 352.67 177.59 3 237.68 85.97 36 189.07 63.72 25 228.86 52.09 34 230.91 93.18 25 229.02 51.73 282 234.30 78.98 234 234.28 54.83 43 212.31 79.67 34 238.27 109.22 16 218.70 59.17 10 210.27 44.15 69 216.57 80.10 47 222.06 54.58 216 224.25 74.27 172 213.96 35.79 17 218.48 79.23 14 192.10 56.71 117 219.49 79.50 55 N N M SD M SD 219.80 60.00 258 213.48 77.30 184 226.06 52.69 560 230.16 77.93 456 192.10 59.87 117 219.49 79.50 55 N N M SD M SD 269.31 114.99 211 231.78 116.31 130 267.60 101.35 632 245.59 129.67 362 264.34 92.60 102 260.29 140.54 63 N N M SD M SD 244.00 50.91 2 143.00 26.87 2 275.55 101.77 66 223.15 122.90 44 287.49 140.51 19 239.66 109.83 11 232.75 11.76 4 257.33 113.44 3 264.13 90.95 47 258.66 160.71 31 271.36 104.81 320 241.36 128.45 188 253.73 154.36 33 220.70 97.96 18 341.22 91.80 8 200.00 61.38 4 261.68 93.04 57 233.12 115.78 34 260.72 96.86 244 261.10 133.32 128 279.03 125.82 43 207.11 75.12 29 264.34 92.60 102 260.29 140.54 63 F (10, 695) = 1.29, MSE = 13.71, p <.05; F (10,544) = 1.76, MSE = 1.76, p <.05 F (11,933) = 0.78, MSE = 10.27; F (11,543) = 0.91, MSE = 16.14, p >.05 F (10,712) = 1.08, MSE = 15.90; F (10,403) =.74, MSE = 22.53, p >.05 F (2,932) = 17.99, MSE = 5.15; F (2, 692) = 3.15, MSE = 10.50, p <.05 F (1, 704) =.08, MSE = 2.55; F (1,541) = 3.15, MSE = 4.10, p >.05 F (2,942) =.08, MSE = 4.39; F (2,552) = 1.13, MSE = 16.12, p >.05 F (1, 720) = 2.20, MSE = 4.55, F (1,411) = 1.49, MSE = 7.10, p >.05

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398 Frequency Effect, Word Class and Eye Movements: Evidence from Text Reading Hwa-Wei Ko, Ming-Lei Chen, and Chia-Ning Liao National Central University, Graduate Institute of Learning and Instruction Eye movement pattern has shown how words are identified in reading. The purpose of the present study was twofold: (a) to examine the influence of word frequency and word class while online reading Chinese, (b) to explore the eye movement pattern during text reading process. The results have shown in expository text reading, there was word frequency effect and word class effect on fixation duration and fixation pattern. However, there were no frequency and word class effect in narrative text reading. The results are discussed in the light of a processing model. Keywords: word frequency, word class, eye movements, text reading, expository text, narrative text