2 漢學研究第 27 卷第 4 期 Mary Douglas, Purity and Danger: An Analysis of the Concepts of Pollution and Taboo (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1966) 200

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BIBLID 0254-4466(2009)27:4 pp. 1-34 漢學研究第 27 卷第 4 期 ( 民國 98 年 12 月 ) ** * 2008 3 7 2009 10 21 * ** NSC 96-2411-H-006-007-MY3 1

2 漢學研究第 27 卷第 4 期 1 2 1 Mary Douglas, Purity and Danger: An Analysis of the Concepts of Pollution and Taboo (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1966) 2001 186-193 1995 322-330 2004 206-212 2 8(1994.4): 32-53 4(1994.10): 184-207

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6 漢學研究第 27 卷第 4 期 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 9 1993 29 1840 1. 2. 3. 8 397 10 37 433 439-440 11 47 561 37 435 12 41 484 13 38 452 14 2001 14 2 480 38 450 8 390 397 1997 255-260 15 37 434 439 8 401

林素娟 / 喪禮飲食的象徵 通過意涵及教化功能 7 16 17 2. 1 18 16 27 519 41 483 8 151 2007 11 556-557 17 483 29 545 483 44 761 8 150 18 7 127 35 410 8 395 93-99

8 漢學研究第 27 卷第 4 期 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 19 9 168 20 36 421 21 2001 20 316 41 727 22 13 367 23 7 113 16 253 J. G. Frazer The Golden Bough 1991 597-630 611 24 1995 93-109 Klas Bernhard Johannes Karlgren Johan Gunnar Anderson 1(1954): 373-401 25

林素娟 / 喪禮飲食的象徵 通過意涵及教化功能 9 2 26 27 1999 549-551 2 1990 67-80 1983 355-387 26 37 425 434 439 39 463 27 Claude Levi-Strauss Claude Levi- Strauss2007 2004 86-89 211-238 21 419

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16 漢學研究第 27 卷第 4 期 62 63 庿 64 62 42 500 43 512 42 742 63 10 532-534 64 42 493 500 庿

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18 漢學研究第 27 卷第 4 期 71 72 73 71 6 119-120 72 46 550 73 43 509-512 2 39

林素娟 / 喪禮飲食的象徵 通過意涵及教化功能 19 74 75 76 77 78 凷 74 56 946 75 44 771 76 57 955 77 28 339 2001 17 158 78 44 771

20 漢學研究第 27 卷第 4 期 79 80 81 82 83 84 79 57 955 80 1990 44 1172 81 57 955 45 782 82 43 513 2000 208-209 83 45 782 84 1970 29 2005 133 2007

林素娟 / 喪禮飲食的象徵 通過意涵及教化功能 21 85 86 87 88 1988.3(1988.5): 99-102 85 39 462-463 86 1995 2005.2(2005.5): 28-33 2 1996 48-55 2003.9: 49-59 87 8 142 88 2003 2000

22 漢學研究第 27 卷第 4 期 89 90 91 92 93 89 57 955 44 772 90 43 1157 91 30 354-356 92 33 391 93 45 783 30 354

林素娟 / 喪禮飲食的象徵 通過意涵及教化功能 23 1. 94 95 96 97 94 7 127 10 201 95 13 364 96 3 54 97 7 128 30 566

24 漢學研究第 27 卷第 4 期 98 2. 99 98 44 772 42 740 99 1984 11.4(1936.10): 1007-1063 2002 145 Pierre Bourdieu 2003 177-192 193-215

林素娟 / 喪禮飲食的象徵 通過意涵及教化功能 25 100 101 102 100 1973 32 919-924 136 49 1974 19 581 101 1998 16(2002.6): 1-48 20.1(1990.6): 83-123 23.4(1993.12): 401-428 2003 102 George Herbert Mead 1995 Erving Goffman 2004

26 漢學研究第 27 卷第 4 期 103 104 105 24.2(2006.12): 71-103 103 1965 42 1426 50 1671 45 1525 104 1981 19 7 105 53 1750-1751 70 2262 37 1260 81 2682

林素娟 / 喪禮飲食的象徵 通過意涵及教化功能 27 106 107 106 83 2773 107 1993 727 49 1361 119-120 48 1233

28 漢學研究第 27 卷第 4 期

林素娟 / 喪禮飲食的象徵 通過意涵及教化功能 29 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

30 漢學研究第 27 卷第 4 期

林素娟 / 喪禮飲食的象徵 通過意涵及教化功能 31 1981 1970 1965 1974 1973 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 1996 2007 2002 1993 1990 1999 2003 2000 J. G. Frazer 1991 The Golden Bough Pierre Bourdieu 2003

32 漢學研究第 27 卷第 4 期 Levy Bruhl 1997 1993 2001 186-193 2004 86-89 2004 206-212 2005 Claude Levi-Strauss 2007 1994 4(1994.10): 184-207 1994 8(1994.4): 32-53 1996 211-238 2000 1995 Victor Turner 2006 Erving Goffman 2004 1954 1(1954): 373-401 1995 1990 2 67-80 1995 93-109

林素娟 / 喪禮飲食的象徵 通過意涵及教化功能 33 1997 2002 16(2002.6): 1-48 1996 2 48-55 2003 2003.9: 49-59 1988 1988.3(1988.5): 99-102 1990 20.1(1990.6): 83-123 1993 23.4(1993.12): 401-428 2003 1993 1936 11.4(1936.10): 1007-1063 1996 Mary Douglas 1995 322-330 2002 2007 133 1984 2006 24.2(2006.12): 71-103 2005 2005.2(2005.5): 28-33 1998 1999 549-551 Douglas, Mary. 1996. Purity and Danger: An Analysis of the Concepts of Pollution and Taboo. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.

34 漢學研究第 27 卷第 4 期 The Symbolism, Significance as a Rite of Passage, and Civilizing Function of Funeral Food: A Discussion Focusing on the Han Dynasty and Books of Rites Lin Su-juan * Abstract This paper intends to explore from the point of view of its significance as a rite of passage, the role food played in funeral rites in symbolizing the change in the state of being of the deceased, and the transition and transformation of the mind and body of the living. In ritual food offerings, the location of the ritual, the handling and dividing up of the sacrifice, the parts of the sacrificed animal, the order of the process, the presentation and arrangement of the food, raw and cooked, whole and part, all present an abundance of symbolic differences and meanings. These both signify the transition in the deceased s state of being and also reflect the attitudes towards death of the people of the time, at the same time serving to help the living readjust. The meals eaten by mourners especially reveal a mysterious transitional and affective function. Apart from this, with regard to food s civilizing function in family and society, how differences in food could be used to determine ethical gradations, and how behavior could be re-educated through redefining ethical relations, frequently became the focal points of politics and education. Keywords: funeral, food, symbol, rite of passage, books of rites * Lin Su-juan is an associate professor in the Department of Chinese Literature at National Cheng Kung University, Tainan.