World Congress of Partisans of Peace World Peace Council The Social Function of Science 1949 The Freedom of Necessity 19 Scie

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1 John D. Bernal X 1934 X 1937 Birkbeck College Frédéric Joliot-Curie Sage of Science 1920 Ogden's Bookshop [Goldsmith 1980, p. 27]

2 World Congress of Partisans of Peace World Peace Council The Social Function of Science 1949 The Freedom of Necessity 19 Science and Industry in the Nineteenth Century Science in History [ ] 1939 [Bernal 1939, pp ] Science and Civilisation in China [ 1996] 1982

3 [ 2006a ] 5 9 [ 2004a 539] [ 2006b 443] Charing Cross, Denmark St. Universal Restaurant Prof. J. D. Bernal Birkbeck Colledge Bernal Ministry of Work visible school 18 J. B. S. Haldane L. Hogben H. Levy J. Needham 2010 Science

4 Froth Concrete Physical Science Social Function of Science [ 2006c ] 20 Garston [ 2008] [ 2002] Bernal [ 2004a 693] [ 2006d ] Bernal, British Association [ 2006d 522]

5 The Freedom of Necessity [ 2004b 23-25] Joliot-Curie Bernal Crowther [ 2006d 527] J.D.Bernal The Freedom of Necessity [ 2006d 572] [ 2007a 3] The Freedom of Necessity [ 2006d ] Central Theme( ) [ 2007a 51]

6 Birkbeck College B. C. Anita Rimel Y Y-11

7 Y Y-11 Andrew Brown J. D. Bernal: The Sage of Science

8 10 2 X [Brown 2005, pp ] :

9 1949 [Brown 2005, pp ] [Brown 2005, pp ] [Brown 2005, pp ] [Wright 2010, pp. 412]

10 X X X Y X Nature Y-11-05

11 Higher Education Quarterly [Bernal 1956] Y-11-05


13 Martin G. Bernal Black Athena

14 10 [Brown 2005, pp ] Margaret Gardiner, [Brown 2005, pp ]

15 [ ] 989 X Y Y-11

16 Y-11 Brown 20 [Brown 2005, pp ]

17 9 1/4 11

18 [Brown 2005, pp ] [Brown 2005, p. 469] G G


20 1956 Bernal, J The Social Function of Science. London: George Routledge & Sons Ltd. Bernal, J The Freedom of Necessity. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd. Bernal, J Science and Industry in the Nineteenth Century. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd. Bernal, J Science in History. London: Watts, Cameron Association. Bernal, J Science and Technology in China. Higher Education Quarterly. 11(1): Bernal, J., Mackay A Towards a science of science. Warsaw: Congress of the History of Science : : :. Brown, A J. D. Bernal: The Sage of Science. Oxford: Oxford University Press (6). Goldsmith, M Sage: A Life of J. D. Bernal. London: Hutchinson A J. D... (11): Mackay, A., Goldsmith, M The Science of Science. London: Souvenir Press : / (2): Swann, B., Aprahamian F J. D. Bernal: A Life in Science and Politics. London: Verso. Wright, P Passport to Peking: A Very British Mission to Mao's China. Oxford: Oxford University Press : [ 2004b ]

21 2004a. (2). :. 2004b. (3). : (6). :. 2006a. (8). :. 2006b. (9). :. 2006c. (10). : d. (11). :. 2007a. (12). :. 2007b. (13). :. J. D. Bernal and China QIAN Wei, LI Xinxin Abstract: J. D. Bernal is a famous British left wing scientist and the pioneer and founder of Science of Science. Via consulting relative literatures and archives, this paper showed the intercourse between J. D. Bernal and Chinese government and scholars, in order to illustrate an outline of the Sage of Science in the background of the science and culture in modern China. Shortly after J. D. Bernal s The Social Function of Science was published in 1939, it was learnt and cited by some Chinese scholars like CHU Co-ching. He was invited as a VIP for the fifth and the tenth anniversary celebration of the foundation of New China in 1954 and 1959, and was met by the main leaders of this country. During his stay in China, he visited many scientific institutions and plants, and made lots of speeches. J. D. Bernal gave out the sincerest help to the development of science in New China, and became a real friend of the developing country. But the situation was changed soon with the complicated international relations in 1960s, he was regarded as an enemy of the country and was not got the same praise as his old friend Joseph Needham. Key words: science of science; J. D. Bernal; Chu Co-ching; history of the Chinaforeign communication of science and technology; World Peace Council

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~ ~ ~ 36 4 2015 385 ~ 397 The Chinese Journal for the History of Science and Technology Vol. 36 No. 4 2015 1951 ~ 1956 100049 100190 1951 ~ 1966 1951 ~ 1956 N092 P62-092 A 1673-1441 2015 04-0385-13 1951 ~ 1966

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