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105 96 97 98 96 94 947 97 94 1063 98 10 113 152

106 19 2 99 100 101 99 1 102 100 94 614-615 101 94 274-275

107 102 103 104 102 94 226-229 103 94 241-242 104 94 617-619

108 19 2 105 106 105 94 127-128 106 94 264-268

109 107 108 109 110 107 10 175 108 82 356 109 7 171-172 110 10 830

110 19 2 111 111 10 175

111 Funeral and Burial Rituals in the Pre-Ch in Confucian Thought Su-ying Lin * Abstract Funeral and burial rituals, like death, are a necessary part of life. The Pre- Ch in Confucian school of thought always wholeheartedly carried out funeral and burial rituals to ensure that complex ceremonies would be completed smoothly. Through these rituals, the Pre-Ch in Confucian people hoped to teach how to temper emotions with reason after a loved one had recently deceased. After grieving due to the passing away of a loved one, human beings would steadily become emotionally stronger. The most important scriptures on funeral and burial rituals are the Book of Ritual and the Book of Rites. This article combines the ideas from these two works with archeological findings to make the following conclusions. First, funeral and burial rituals stem from the customs of primitive societies. Second, the funeral arrangements were made with the same love and respect for the deceased as if they were still alive. The delicate mourning clothing system was designed to unite the family organization and to improve humanity. Third, by comparing the concept of funeral and burial ritual in the Mohist, Daoist and Confucian schools of thought, one finds that the concepts of funeral and burial rituals in the Confucian school of thought are the most * Su-ying Lin is a professor in the Department of Languages and Education at National Hualien Teachers College.

112 19 2 reasonable and suitable for human beings. Keywords: Pre-Ch in, Confucianism, funerals, the Book of Rites, the Book of Ritual