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第16卷 第2期 邯郸学院学报 年6月

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2012 /04 12 JOURNAL OF ETHNOLOGY DOI 10. 3969 /j. issn. 1674-9391. 2012. 04. 002 F127. 8 A 1674 9391 2012 04 0009 12 09&ZD011 11SZYQN76 2012XWD - S0301 610041 9

JOURNAL OF ETHNOLOGY 2012 /04 12 1 1 2 1 1 1978 1985 1990 1995 1999 2005 2008 2009 2010 1978-2010 301. 0 666. 00 1155. 0 2863. 03 4770. 53 9136. 79 14432. 55 15849. 19 17698. 15 58. 80 100. 30 360. 41 607. 15 1208. 38 2002. 93 2988. 87 4656. 18 4937. 80 5529. 59 55. 13 319 735 1314 4163. 44 5319. 76 7990. 15 11432. 10 12257. 52 13643. 77 42. 77 199. 17 394. 30 683. 47 1136. 45 1473. 17 2482. 15 3502. 90 3883. 10 4642. 67 23. 31 565 984 1613 4000 6908. 67 9431. 18 12481. 51 13544. 41 14980. 47 26. 51 175 352. 97 649. 71 1200. 31 1309. 46 2077. 90 3175. 82 3531. 72 4138. 71 23. 65 455 683 1448 4791. 87 5619. 54 9286. 70 14146. 04 15451. 48 17063. 89 37. 50 119. 50 302. 96 639. 45 1446. 14 2048. 33 2494. 67 3690. 34 3980. 44 4543. 41 38. 02 464 735 1421 3382. 81 4472. 91 8093. 64 12931. 53 14024. 70 15344. 49 33. 07 115. 90 321. 17 578. 13 998. 75 1754. 15 2508. 89 3681. 42 4048. 33 4674. 89 40. 33 343. 3 739. 1 1510. 2 4283. 0 5854. 0 10493. 0 15780. 8 17174. 7 19109. 44 55. 66 133. 6 397. 60 686. 31 1577. 7 2210. 3 3254. 9 4760. 6 5153. 2 5919. 01 44. 30 10 1978 1978 2010 2010

2012 /04 12 JOURNAL OF ETHNOLOGY 2 GDP 1 3 1 2 3 4 3 4 5 11

JOURNAL OF ETHNOLOGY 2012 /04 12 2 4 1980 55. 01 64. 89 57. 3 60. 8 57. 3 63. 5 57. 33 76. 52 56. 9 61. 78 1985 45. 69 62. 99 46. 8 57. 9 55. 45 68. 40 56. 6 62. 2 47. 13 57. 83 52. 20 57. 78 1990 48. 25 59. 16 47. 8 53. 7 66. 27 73. 12 58. 6 64. 4 52. 72 56. 60 54. 25 58. 81 1995 48. 41 59. 70 44. 8 50. 1 57. 64 74. 36 51. 0 61. 3 46. 44 57. 54 49. 92 58. 62 1999 37. 59 50. 51 38. 6 53. 5 49. 85 69. 24 44. 3 58. 3 38. 77 52. 85 42. 1 52. 6 2005 31. 43 43. 10 36. 37 41. 80 44. 45 68. 75 42. 5 50. 5 34. 80 44. 05 36. 7 45. 5 2008 32. 82 41. 01 37. 32 42. 60 51. 21 52. 44 42. 4 53. 4 35. 08 41. 63 37. 9 43. 7 2009 30. 5 39. 8 36. 3 41. 5 50. 7 49. 6 39. 9 48. 7 33. 4 41. 7 36. 5 41 2010 30. 09 37. 55 36. 23 40. 32 50. 05 49. 71 38. 05 48. 49 33. 24 38. 42 35. 7 41. 1 1990 93. 4 128. 4 4. 85 152. 29 32. 80 7119. 6 1995 410. 8 477. 2 19. 70 735. 50 115. 19 29662. 3 1999 797. 6 824. 7 36. 82 1257. 26 211. 60 59621. 8 2000 875. 7 908. 5 40. 48 1374. 42 229. 35 64332. 4 2001 986. 7 994. 3 50. 2 1538. 6 258. 0 73762. 4 2002 1137. 9 1137. 6 70. 4 1733. 5 306. 8 86910. 7 2003 1335. 5 1371. 8 91. 9 1971. 7 377. 7 103617. 7 2004 1603. 9 1534. 7 107. 5 2240. 1 425. 5 119555. 4 3 5 1978 2. 5 6. 99 0. 33 0. 89 210. 6 1985 21. 0 33. 5 1. 60 34. 23 8. 04 1622. 6 2005 1973. 6 1816. 4 123. 1 2561. 3 509. 5 141051. 0 2006 2271. 4 2035. 6 139. 8 2946. 2 581. 1 161587. 3 2007 2541. 9 2054. 9 159. 6 3185. 3 614. 0 172534. 2 2008 3211. 7 2553. 0 184. 9 3852. 0 794. 1 217885. 4 2009 3914. 0 3050. 8 226. 4 4686. 2 967. 7 260771. 7 2010 4618. 1 3713. 5 267. 1 5702. 4 1170. 3 303302. 2 4 6 1999 1999 1999 2010 2010 2010 79760000000 23620000 3250 461810000000 24706321 18692 5. 75 82470000000 17740000 4649 371350000000 21813334 17024 3. 66 3682000000 2560000 1438 26710000000 3002166 8897 6. 19 125726000000 47130000 2668 570240000000 46026629 12389 4. 64 21160000000 5430000 3897 117030000000 6301350 18572 4. 77 5962180000000 1259090000 4735 30330220000000 1339724852 22639 4. 78 12

2012 /04 12 JOURNAL OF ETHNOLOGY 2010 50. 05% 20% - 40% 5 37. 55% 38. 42% 40% - 50% 5 7 1999 1999 1999 2010 2010 2010 % 4770. 53 3468. 99 1301. 54 17698. 15 13994. 62 3703. 53 284. 5 2002. 93 1533. 72 469. 21 5529. 59 4460. 83 1068. 76 227. 8 5319. 76 4163. 98 1155. 78 13643. 77 10197. 09 3446. 68 298. 2 1473. 17 1282. 49 190. 68 4642. 67 3457. 88 1184. 79 621. 3 6908. 67 5309. 12 1599. 55 14980. 47 9685. 54 5294. 93 331 1309. 46 767. 14 542. 32 4138. 71 2666. 92 1471. 79 271. 4 5619. 54 4587. 22 1032. 32 17063. 89 11490. 08 5573. 81 539. 9 2048. 33 1457. 43 590. 9 4543. 41 3455. 29 1088. 12 184. 1 4472. 91 3547. 99 927. 92 15344. 49 11334. 43 4010. 06 432. 2 1754. 15 1269. 68 484. 47 4674. 89 4013. 17 657. 72 135. 8 5854. 0 4615. 91 1238. 09 19109. 44 13471. 45 5637. 99 455. 4 2210. 3 1577. 42 632. 88 5919. 01 4381. 82 1537. 19 242. 9 13

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2012 /04 12 JOURNAL OF ETHNOLOGY 48860 2. 74 18292 2. 67 53127 18330 2. 90 1. 5 98092 20238 4. 85 1. 88 71685 3. 45 17799 4. 03 60153 17023 3. 53 1. 71 3. 23 1. 62 2. 22 1. 4 1. 4 1. 4 1. 60 10 7 2010 35211 18292 42248 30024 48860 24946 39991 37530 24342 21335 21732 18984 24905 20510 25842 25124 22546 22297 19376 19159 1. 62 0. 96 1. 70 1. 46 1. 89 0. 99 1. 77 1. 68 1. 26 1. 11 32003 20022 47805 31588 43855 28908 45572 43124 32343 21954 20017 15992 27739 19534 18301 23718 20096 15730 17910 15665 1. 60 1. 25 1. 72 1. 62 2. 40 1. 22 2. 27 2. 74 1. 81 1. 38 49898 20238 26315 26984 41225 27908 39032 51682 39462 22090 37166 20940 71685 29560 55543 25284 36498 42469 29497 17799 19775 13180 21136 20176 16097 20519 18397 17185 17818 16825 1. 88 1. 59 3. 39 1. 47 3. 45 1. 23 1. 98 2. 47 1. 66 1. 06 30673 17023 28708 26179 39264 27688 33697 42633 26093 17211 17931 14143 16859 17026 15187 19533 20605 14958 17816 16130 1. 71 1. 20 1. 70 1. 54 2. 59 1. 42 1. 63 2. 85 1. 46 1. 07 36539 16717 44196 30916 47309 27529 40466 64436 33635 23382 20759 16370 20981 20090 18834 22228 21989 31226 19928 17531 1. 76 1. 02 2. 11 1. 53 2. 51 1. 24 1. 84 2. 06 1. 69 1. 33 15

JOURNAL OF ETHNOLOGY 2012 /04 12 45588 26475 31840 40047 27729 39550 43397 38375 37805 40338 23777 22980 19750 22528 20156 20121 19546 21273 20407 1. 92 1. 15 1. 61 1. 78 1. 38 1. 97 2. 22 1. 80 1. 85 53127 23005 22517 38593 25575 18330 35016 32323 32609 35950 25756 21626 18659 24757 16366 15435 17542 20149 17101 2. 06 1. 06 1. 21 1. 56 1. 56 1. 19 2. 00 1. 50 1. 91 98092 43451 27828 63810 32464 44509 52781 48293 50858 54848 53674 28610 26137 36666 25155 23356 35785 31896 34118 33119 26271 24984 20830 21657 16330 18331 16513 17148 13568 2. 04 1. 15 1. 25 1. 69 1. 54 1. 27 2. 17 1. 86 2. 51 60153 27597 25994 36182 20150 21791 32182 33100 32141 33864 18618 24814 18884 23219 15236 17164 16962 19297 14538 3. 23 1. 11 1. 38 1. 56 1. 32 1. 27 1. 90 1. 72 2. 21 70146 35870 39566 56376 25544 28206 38968 40232 41428 38242 30513 23228 23879 28886 19607 18350 21862 21571 20012 8900 2. 30 1. 54 1. 67 1. 95 1. 30 1. 54 1. 78 1. 87 2. 07 46677 2010 19986 2. 34 54799 8 4784 11. 45 43644 22431 1. 95 37255 37428 21943 1. 70 20620 1. 82 8 瑏瑡 2010 37255 29287 22204 28740 30927 33710 21943 29001 32218 1. 70 31006 31249 42582 33115 29660 46677 19986 25443 31311 2. 34 51420 16206 15588 44520 54799 4784 11. 45 35330 38127 32641 26298 43644 30318 22431 25821 34545 1. 95 32587 21533 28627 21839 27668 32784 21767 20620 37428 1. 82 38359 24010 30271 33939 32799 44118 25253 31983 41739 1. 84 16

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2012 /04 12 JOURNAL OF ETHNOLOGY 1 1978-1995 1978 2001 1978-1990 2008 1978-1990 50 1978-1990 2011 1978-1990 2011 1996 2000 2006 2009 2010 2011 22011 11 29 2010 19

JOURNAL OF ETHNOLOGY 2012 /04 12 1274 2300 13982 2020 2011 3 瑏瑤 59% 50% - 59% 40% - 50% 20% - 40% 20% 瑏瑥 = / 100% 4 1999 2000 2006 2009 2010 2011 2011 2004 6 2000 2010 2 2011 4 29 7 2000 2011 8 2011 21 2011 2011 2011 1Amartya Sen. A Sociological Approach to the Measurement of Poverty A Reply to Professor 9 2011 Peter Townsend D. Ox ford Economic Pa- 1985 669-670. pers. 2TIAN Fanping. On the Concept Conversion and System Construction of the Coordinated Development of the Economy and Environment in 10 2011 瑏瑡 2011 瑏瑢 2010 2011 1. 38989 6198 瑏瑣 2011 5 2001-2010 2010 12 Western Ethnic Minority Areas J. Journal of Ethnology2011 1. 18809 2012-02 - 12. J. 20

2012 /04 12 JOURNAL OF ETHNOLOGY RESEARCH ON INDUSTRIALIZED EVOLUTION AND STRUCTURAL CHANGES IN CHINESE MINORITY ETHNIC REGIONS ZHENG Changde School of Economics of Southwest University for NationalitiesChengduSichuan610041China JOURNAL OF ETHNOLOGYVOL. 3NO. 401-082011 CN51-1731 /C in Chinese DOI 10. 3969 /j. issn. 1674-9391. 2012. 04. 001 Abstract This article analyzes the industrialized evolution of the routeprocess and industrial structure in the minority ethnic areas. The author states that the industrialization of transplanted type and grafting type are two basic routes for the industrialization in minority ethnic areas. The two types of industrialization have jointly promoted the industrialized process of the minority ethnic areas through their mutual complementation and support. This article divides the industrialization since 1949 into four periods and each period had its own characteristics. The author states that along with the promotion of industrialization in minority ethnic areas the industrial structure produced major changeshence the evolution and characteristics of industrial structure in minority ethnic areas have been analyzed from the perspectives of the structure of light and heavy industryscaleeconomic type etc. The article especially points out that at present the dependence on the resource type industry is increasing in minority ethnic areas. Key Words minority ethnic areas industrialization of transplanted type industrialization of grafting type industrial structure RESEARCH ON THE INSTITUTIONAL CONSTRAINTS ABOUT THE DEVELOPMENT OF ECONOMY AND THE IMPROVEMENT OF CIVIL INCOME IN NATIONAL AUTONOMOUS AREAS TIAN Fanping Law School of Southwest University for NationalitiesChengduSichuan610041China JOURNAL OF ETHNOLOGYVOL. 3NO. 409-202011 CN51-1731 /C in Chinese DOI 10. 3969 /j. issn. 1674-9391. 2012. 04. 002 Abstract In this article the author thinks that in recent years the civil actual payment capacity has been promoted greatly in minority autonomous regionsbut this capacity is obviously lower than that of the national average level. The root causes leading to the big gap lie in the relationssuch as the structure of output value of primary industry and the structure of employment the household contract responsibility system and the management of agricultural industrialization and scaleand ecological protection and the farmers incomewhich have not been well dealt with. Under the constraint of natural geographical environment and historical developmental level the government in national autonomous areas can not practically perform and undertake the duties to promote the balanced development of regional economy. This is another primary root of the big gap. Besides the lack of reasonable distribution system the national welfare policies for the specific group and the implementation of different salary system under the industry vertical management are also the main reasons of the big gap. According to these reasonswe should take the corresponding counter- 91

JOURNAL OF ETHNOLOGY 2012 /04 12 measures to promote the improvement of civil income in national autonomous areas. Key Words national autonomous areas development of economy improvement of civil income institutional change RESEARCH OF THE EASTWARD FLOATING OF TIBETAN POPULATION AND THE RECONSTRUCTION OF ETHNIC RELATIONS ZHENG Zhou Institute of Nationality StudiesSouthwest University for NationalitiesChengduSichuan610041China JOURNAL OF ETHNOLOGYVOL. 3NO. 421-322011 CN51-1731 /C in Chinese DOI 10. 3969 /j. issn. 1674-9391. 2012. 04. 003 Abstract At present the academic circles have already focused on the phenomenon of the floating population from mainland to the Tibet autonomous regionbut they haven t concentrated so much on the opposite onewhich is the breakthrough studied by this paper. Firstthis paper analyses the intrinsic rationality and historical inevitability of the floating population from Tibet autonomous region to the east. On that basis this paper analyses the features and the type of this phenomenon. Then it studies the actual effect of the flow. According to the research the author thinks that it has an obvious and positive effect on the flow of the population from the Tibet autonomous region to the eastwhich plays an important role in constructing the harmonious ethnic relations. In view of these central government and the local governments at various levels in the Tibet autonomous region should create good conditions actively for the floating population of Tibet to the east. AKey Words ATibet autonomous region movement of population ethnic relations THE CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN LEGAL ANTHROPOLOGY STUDIES LI Lei 1 WU Wenying 2 1. Law School of Sichuan UniversityChengduSichuan610064China 2. Sichuan UniversityChengduSichuan610041China and Southwest University for NationalitiesChengduSichuan610041China JOURNAL OF ETHNOLOGYVOL. 3NO. 433-402011 CN51-1731 /C in Chinese DOI 10. 3969 /j. issn. 1674-9391. 2012. 04. 004 Abstract In this article the author thinks that legal anthropology suggests that law is local knowledge through the vivid stories. Local customs is regarded as the embodiment of local cultures and effective order. Based on the idea of non - centralized legal institutionslegal anthropology emphasizes to implant cultural particularism and local exceptionalism into legal prospect. Howeverbecause of breaking through the geographical isolationcultural communication and competition formed powerful extrusionwhich leads to doubt concerning cultural relativism and local exceptionalism. In turn the cultural equality supports the cultural repulsion the cultural collective cognition threatens the individual selection the mechanism of localized dispute resolution challenges the procedure justice and the legal pluralism challenges the universal valuesall of which show that contemporary issues become more and more intractable. It is argued that le- 92