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113~136 97 3 Journal of Kun Shan University, Vol.5, pp.113~136 (Mar, 2008) 1 2 ヽ - 113 -

97 3 ヽ 3 4 5 6 ヽ 7 8 9 ヽ ヽ ヽ 10 ヽ - 114 -

11 4 1650 12 ヽ ヽ ヽ 13 ヽ ヽ - 115 -

97 3 14 ヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ 16 17-116 -

ヽ 19 20 21-117 -

97 3 ヽヽヽヽ ヽ ヽ ヽヽ ヽ 90ヽ 177 ヽ ヽ ヽ 22 23 24 25 26-118 -

27 5 2 2 3-119 -

97 3 28 29 30 31 32 33 鈎 34-120 -

36 37 38 39 ヽ 100ヽ ヽ 85ヽ ヽ 85-121 -

97 3 102ヽ ヽ ヽ 顋 99ヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ 40 ヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ 85 ヽ - 122 -

ヽ ヽ 171 112 41 42 ヽ ヽ - 123 -

97 3 79 84 ヽ 43-124 -

105 ヽヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ 44 101 ヽ ヽヽ ヽ ヽ 45 ヽ - 125 -

97 3 115 168 ヽ ヽ ヽ 169 ヽ - 126 -

- 127-46 47 48 49 50 51 ヽ 趗 壻 75

97 3 ヽ ヽ 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59-128 -

60 61 62 11998 291-129 -

97 3 1998 1994 1992 1992 1997 1999 1990 1990 2 3 105 20 4 567 5 60 8 371 6 1 77 105 20 7 58 8 105 19 565 9 8 10 6 26 11 60 3 116 12 126 8 13 25 43 105 19 568 14 1971 103 15 2004-130 -

16 91 17 8 18 1997 72 ヽ 19 1991 --- 134 20 87 21 76 22 1997 318 ヽヽ 23 1998 --- 16 ヽ - 131 -

97 3 24 1984 83 25 1984 55 26 2 27 1994 1-2 28 1981 89-90 29 149 30 2004 4 131 45 31 1997 5 74 32 1993 400 33 1981 89 34 1993 401 35 1995 1 86 36 1997 5 74 37 2004 4 131 46 38 26 9 39 2000 622499 40 --- 37 ---... ---... --- 41 2007 ( ) 26 1 24 42 1991 --- 125 ヽ - 132 -

43 2000 115 44 2001 ---- 33 45 1993 135 46 2004 1 185 47 2000 664 48 46 185 49 46 186 50 2005 74 51 50 75 52 282 34 284 : 53 156 9 285 54 2007 26 8 104 55 ヽ ヽ 1993 56 1991 64 57 56 55 58 2007 4 194203 59 2006 --- 23 4 22 60 1995 1 87 61 2005 : 130-133 -

97 3 62 2000 97 1991 55-67 2005 20 5 78-80 2005 咏 咏 2 75-77 2004 4 131 45-4761 1997 5 74-80 2007 26 1 24-27 1998 5 41-46 1997 35-85 1993 146-200 1995 1 86-92 2004 1 185-187 2007 26 8 104-105 2007 4 194203 2006 --- 23 4 212284 2003 咏 5 64-68 2005 74-81 2-134 -

1 126 1993 2001 ---- 2004 1 60 1984 156 1997 ヽ 1993 105 282 44 1991 --- 25 1971 1998 1981 2000 2000 : 2 1994 1984 1990 1984-135 -

97 3 Analysis for Female Visualization in Jheng Jing s Poetry Works Yu-Huei Zeng General Education Center of the Kun Shan University ABSTRACT Nowadays, studies in Manchurian Taiwan classic literary works within Taiwan academia are thriving with plenty of scholars delving into these subjects. These studies produced numerous writings and publication, still, most studies in regards to Manchurian Taiwan Female are confined in the domain of historical and sociological profiling. Thus, as far as the female descriptions in the literary works and relevant discussions are concerned, it has room for further developments. (Note 1) At the transitional periods between Ming and Manchurian dynasties, Jheng Jing s poetries had more female relevant descriptions than those poets of the same era. So as the historical recollections also reflected the abundant recordings for those females surrounding Jheng Jin. Hence, this thesis plans to adopt his poetries as the research foundation and proceeds analyzing female visualization accordingly. The first part of this thesis addresses the Jheng s timelines and introductions of relevant females, primarily focusing on relative side of Jheng s family. The second part is composed of literary works analyses. It bases upon the quantity and subject or theme to further classify into for categoriespoetries in remembrance of females, poem inscriptions and recitations of renown females of both past and present, recitations and laments for then female beauties and critiques of the then jealous females. The third part is the conclusion to summarize the female standings reflected in Jheng s works, and the constraints and predicaments a male poet could be facing in faithfully writing about female subjects. Keywords: Manchurian Dynasty, Taiwan, Female visualization (images) - 136 -