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20 30 20 30,,,, 20 30,,,, (1994 ),1930 1939 25, 1900,1921,,, 1926 1952,1966 10 111

2002 2,,,,,,, 1928 1933,,,,,,,,,, 1907,1925,, 1927 1,, 2 1952 1966 6 1985, 1928,1934,1934 5,, 1935 1933,, 1941 10 9,,,, 1949 7 7 112

20 30,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ;,, :,:, 1984,310 :,,90,,78 :,1998,150 113

2002 2,,,,, ;,,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :,,115 :,657 686 114

20 30,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :,,,,,,,,,,,,, :,575 576 115

2002 2,,,,, : :,,,,,,,,,,,, :,,,,,,, ;,,,,,,, :,3 4 :,1 2 116

20 30,,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :,1 :,2 :,7 8 :,2 117

2002 2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,60,, 67 20,,, 20 :, 3 3,1934,523,30 20 118

20 30,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :,3 :,45 57 54 61 63 74 89 119

2002 2,,,,,,,;, ;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 17, 17,,,,,,,,,, :,13 18 19 24 :,150 143 178 144 150 218 120

20 30,,,,,,,,,,,, (),, ( ),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:,, :,47 48 65 68 58,, 121

2002 2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :,222 231 240 242 253 327 122

20 30,,,,,,,,,,6 11 9 20,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :,104 :,485 468 486 123

2002 2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :,154 156 161 162 :,501 557 124

20 30,,,,,,, 1911,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :166 167 165 :,593 607 619 626 627 125

2002 2,,, :,,, :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :,, :,218 212 208 218 219 126

20 30, ( ),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :,,,,, :,763 127

2002 2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1932, :,241 243 1939 1939,, 128

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2002 2,,,,,,,,,,,, :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :,218 :,794 :,435 436 654 132

20 30,, : (),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,, 245 270 305 322 350 370 382 435 437 568 573 593 626 654 656 668 703 800, :,245 :,63 242 372 737 133

2002 2,30,,,,,,,,,,,, ;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :,45 134

20 30,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 30 1929 1930, :,,,,, :, 1, 1985,100 :,,1985,1 :,,72 : ( ),,1930 :,,60 :,,1986,86 135

2002 2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :,,243 :,,,,,,, :,298 303 :,249 :,248 136

20 30, 30,, : (1) 2000, ; (2) ; (3),,, ;,,,, [ ],,,,,,,, :,10, :,1999,123 127 137

2002 2,, 1930 1931 (R. H. Tawney),,, :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,30, ( H. B. Morse),,,,,,,,,:, 1937,1 138

20 30, 20,,1922,, : (1) ; (2) ; (3),1929 1930,,, 1931 11,,,,, ;,,,,,,,, (currency),,,,,,:,1996,192 :,, 1932 139

2002 2,,,,,,, ( The International Relations of the Chi nese Em pi re), ( The period of conflict, 1834 1860), ( The period of submission, 1861 1893) ( The period of subjection,1894 1912),,,,,,,,,,, 1956,, :,131 13 167 113 211,:1,2000,285 286 358 :,,1956 140

20 30, 1934,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:????,;,,,,,,,,, :,, :, 3 2,1934 : (),, 1985,202 :,1939,3 141

2002 2,,,,,,, 1928, 1923 1925, :,,,,,,, :,,,, :,1983,106, 2001 2,,1926, 1998 6 142

20 30,,,,,,,,,,,, :,,,,, ( ),, :,,,,,:,1929,249 252 (1927 5 13 ),,1980,857 850 : (1927 5 ),, 863 143

2002 2,,,,,,,,,,1928 1929 1926,1927, 1929,,,,,,, :,10 :, 144

20 30,, (Decablist) ( ),,,,,,,,,,,,, ( ) () (),,,,,,,,,,,, ;,, :,180 :,162 :,182 183 198 199 145

2002 2,,, 1928,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :,184 :,,, [ ],,,,,,197 1927 5 3,,,,,1928,,,, 146

20 30,,,,,, 1928,,,,, (,,, ),,,,,, :,,,,,,,,,,,,, (1927 5 13 ),,850 147

2002 2, ;,;, ( ),,,,,,,,,,, 30,,,,,,, 2 ( ),1928 (, ), 5 35 :,44 148

20 30, 1949,,,, 1949,,,,20 80,,30,, 30,70,,,, 100084 : 149

they are sufficient nevertheless to reveal the inherently predatory nature of the opium dealers and the interest groups which backed them. The Stat us of Vernacular Chinese in Literary History and t he Vernacular Trend in the New Literature : The Debate among New Literature Advocates during the Post May Fourt h Movement Period L uo Zhitian (74) In the early 1920 s, some Shanghai members of the Literature Studies Association vigorously echoed Hu Shi s call to put the nation s literary heritage in order. However, they had many differences with Hu over specific ideas. These differences mostly related to vernacular literature. Yan Jicheng, a member of the Literature Studies Association, criticized Hu Shi for a tendency toevaluate old verse by vernacular standards. Both sides argued over this point, focusing on what was the mainstream of literary history. When vernacular literature showed a tendency towards Europeanization, and people complained that they could not understand it, most members of the Literature Studies Association held that readers should change their ideas to adapt to the Europeanized style of writing. Some members argued that vernacular literature should be open to both Europeanizationand classical literature. But Hu Shi sharply disagreed with this view ; he thought it should only strive to appeal to the masses. A Comparative St udy of Two Different Discourses of Modern Chinese History in the 1930s O uyang J unxi (111) There were two different discourses of modern Chinese history in the 1930s. One was modernization discourserepresented by Chen Gonglu s Modern Chinese History ; another one was revolution discourse represented by Li Dingsheng s Modern Chinese History. These two discourses had different, even opposing views about the basic concepts, theoretical framework and narrative methods of modern Chinese history. On the one hand, this was because they represented two different political tendencies. On the other hand, they drew upon different Western intellectual sources. Is Rabe s DiaryBaseless Fabrication? A Scrutiny of The Scruti ny of John Rabe s Diary Cheng Zhaoqi (150) 2