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Community-based education for Taiwan s aboriginal schools Tian Ming Sheu, Associate Professor Graduate Institute of Compulsory Education, National Hualien Teachers College Chi-Chi Chang, Teacher Dar-Nan Elementary School, Taitung Abstract Through literature review, we have found that community-based education (CBE) has effectively solved problems for aboriginal education in western countries. Is the CBE good for the aboriginal schools in Taiwan? This paper aims to answer that question through interviewing a focus group, comprised of Taiwan s practitioners in aboriginal education. Members of focus group recommend that the aboriginal schools in Taiwan should implement CBE immediately. Taking Taiwan s educational context into consideration, they suggest that educators in aboriginal schools should first proactively invite parents and community members to involve in the design of school curriculum. Then, educators should combine traditional tribal education and mentoring system in school education. They also make recommendations for school management and educational administration in implementing CBE in Taiwan s aboriginal schools. Keywords: aboriginal education, community-based education, focus group interview 2

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