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Abstract Abstract Kendzaburo Oa and Mo Yan are the writers from Japan and China who have great literature influence and strongly hometown sick in their creations. There are many places that communicate in their creations on hometown imagination and article symptoms, which we can find in Kendzaburo Oa Football Team in WanYan Primary Era and Mo Yan Red Sorghum Clan during their numerous works. In the two works, writers respectively set their literature hometown forest and canyon and high and dense Northeast as the background, and vividly depicted the violence death and sex entangled in their individual hometown, figuring complex characters full of conflicts, so as to manifest the subjects of profound life beings and spiritual conflicts. This paper chooses the works of Football Team in WanYan Primary Era and Red Sorghum Clan as the author s perspective, and parallel research as the research method, and tries to grasp the essence of the two writers hometown imagination and article transcendence in their literature world. From the whole composition of this thesis, three parts take equivalent. Concrete frame is as follows: The first part: make a general survey of the two writers literature journey; make clear the importance of literature hometown in their literature world, and followed with the exploration on the impacts of their respective growing environment and the upsurge of hometown literature brought by Faulkner. The second part: from three aspects of violence sufficiency death intention and sexual revel, to analyze relations of hometown features and literature characters; Find the respective essence of the two writers living sense of worth and characters literature world by parallel comparison. The third part: from aspect of the nationalism, explores their living and art trace of from hometown-back to literature hometown-get to the identity of hometown on art; Survey the breakout and transcendence of Kendzaburo Oa and Mo Yan in aspects of history philosophy society and lives, and considering the dilemma of that time, derive active life attitude and strong social mission. Kendzaburo Oa and Mo Yan derive nutrition from their respective nation and hometown, merging with history literature and life experiences, by their depictions of humanity conflicts, to express their deeply thinking of lives and culture. This thesis analyzes the two writers art elements of hometown imagination, and explores the purpose of such literature characters, so as to survey the transcendence of literature creations from a more widen literature significance, and to understand similar art world by writers of different nations and countries from a new aspect, and to catch the mutual spiritual dilemma and spiritual power of breakthrough from different culture background. Keywords: Kendzaburo Oa; Mo Yan; home imagine;forest and canyon; high and dense Northeast; artistic construction II




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