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A study On Calligraphy Style of Chin Non

Abstract A study On Calligraphy Style of Chin Non The purpose of this thesis was to explore the calligraphy style of Chin Non. Based on the analysis of traditional discourses, visual perception psychology, aesthetics, and artistic sociology, the researcher investigated the modernity of Chin Non's artistic calligraphic forms. Chin Non's early works of calligraphy followed the style of past master calligraphers; he was also influenced by the li-shu (clerical script) of his contemporary Cheng Fu (). However, preventing himself from simply imitation, Chin Non turned to learn from the works of epigraph of Han and Wei Dynasty, as well as religious scripture calligraphers. He figured out from kai-shu (standard script), xing-shu (semi-cursive script), and li-shu, the nature of simplicity to be the key element of his works. He practiced the principles of repetition, balance, proportion, contrast, and unity of aesthetics to form and design the whole picture. He thereby fused them to actualize his unique style of calligraphy. Chi-shu ( ) is the famous characteristic of Chin Non s calligraphy. He pressed the brush point in a planiform way, tilted the brush on his side, and moved the brush ruggedly. In this way the strokes were rough and complanate, with broad dash but linear perpendicular downstrokes. They appeared to be the mass in Modern Arts. His strokes with strong contrasts of big and small, long and short, and angularity and blade, betray the traditional fen-shu ( ) and li-shu (clerical script), which were round and blunt. Generally speaking, strokes written in black inks are apparent in Chin Non s representative calligraphic works. Even so, the significance of light side of the brushwork is highlighted. The characters of the brushwork of Chin Non are independent and with equal importance, achieving a visual beauty of counting the light side as heavy side in places. Practicing the interchangeable relationship of figure and ground between dots and space, and/or lines and characters, he constructed his calligraphic works

with senses of tension between zoom-in and zoom-out, mobility and inactiveness, fake and truth, convex and concave, upward and downward, thus revealing a sense of power. Time plus the tri-dimensional space of figure, background, and perspective become a quad-dimensional visual space. This is one of the main artistic characteristics of Modern Arts. It reflects the depth and truthfulness of the spatiotemporal conceptions of modern Capitalism. In other words, Chi-shu, the unique calligraphic form of Chin Non, represents its artistic sense of semi-modern Arts. Reflecting on the calligraphic concepts in modern times, the researcher wished that each calligrapher could free from the calligraphy standards, develop his or her own personal style, originality, and create an unique style of calligraphy to represent the spatiality of our time, for space is the constitution of artistic form. Key words: calligraphy of Chin Non, eight eccentrics of Yangzhou, Modern Art, style, space

1 1 176 1994 85112

2 1996 344 3 1984 91 4 3 1987 60 1992

5 鱓 6 7 8 5 1997 34 6 钵 鱓 7 5 37 8 5

9 9 1990 91

10 10 1993 19

11 1979 1990 1981 1991 辩 1992 1995 1999 1999 2001 1980 1981 1990 1989 1999 1996 11 辩 1996 249

1993 2002 2003 2003 12 12 1 39 2 40 50 3 50 65 4 65 77

1990 1990 Modern Arts 値

Modern Arts (modern art) 1880 13 modern art (shape or form) 14 15 Gestalt Gestalt form shape configuration structure 13 1880 14 1998 19 15 1995 6

dynamic 16 17 18 1 2 3 4 19 16 1998 215 17 1990 112 18 1984 195 19 1997 26

20 21 20 1980 453 21 22 2001 5

23 24 23 24 1999 5557

歳 25 1981 11 26 1992 2

歳 歳 27 2001 107159 28 1992 3 29 1981 138

歳 30 http://www.aerc.nhctc.edu.tw/8-0/lz/feature-1.htm

34 35 31 1996 86 32 86 33 1996 86 34 1996 159 35 1987 65 36 1990 4142

37 38 39 37 4142 38 1990 11563 39 1987 166 40 1995 23

16821756 42 41 1995 3 42 1999 2326

16951765 43 44 1996 91 45 2002 50

48 49 46 1996 179 47 1947 156 48 1979 180 49 1996 39

50 51 52 53 50 1999 1920 51 52 1993 515 53 1987 1

54 55 54. 55 1993 6769

57 56 1988 117 57 1987 4 58 1997 128

59 1990 5560

60 60 1996 104

61 1988 142145


2-3 2-3 63 RArnheim 64 65 66 63 2001 17 64 1991 128 65 132 66 1988 146150

67 1988 146150 68 1994 1024 69 1024

70 1994 1023 71 1988 147

73 72 1988 161162 73 1988 118

74 75 76 74 2001 3 75 1985 181 76 1992 295304

77 78 79 80 77 1986 5759 78 1982 103105 79 1994 1314 80 2000 26

81 2-4 2-5 81 2002 1036 82 1986 217

83 1991 128132 84 1986 23 85 2000 124

86 2001 162

87 1999 311 88 1985 5 89 2001 158163

90 91 90 1013 91 1999 123

92 93 94 92 93 2002 1037 94 http://www.guoxue.com/jjyj/more/txt.asp?id=244 20031112

95 96 95 1987 3237 96 97 1978 14

98 2001 5256

99 100 101 99 119 1997 84 100 119 1997 84 101 87 102

104 105 103 1994 156 104 1766 157 105 156

107 108 106 1993 1923 107 1991 333 108 1968 45

109 110 111 112 109 198012 78 110 2002 128 111 128 112 1893 323

113 114 113 60 1994 80 114 1991 342343

1996 128 115 1998 219 116 2002 128130

117 117 1998 219225

118 119 120 118 1991 332 119 1999 2 6 120

121 122 121 1991 259 122 2002 142

124 123 1992 100101 124 Lester CThurow 1998 13

125 126 125 1991 3334 126 22 127 56

128 1993 58 129 1992 96

131 130 1993 67 131 136 2003

132 133 鱓 134 135 50 132 1998 229 133 1997 6768 134 1998294295 135

136 136 1993 62

137 -- 138 139 137 138 1993 60 43 64

140 141 142 140 6675 141 2000 6263 142 1993 452453

143 144 145 146 143 2002 125 144 2002 158 145 159 146

147 147 2000 38

1 2 3 148 148 2001 24

149 150 151 爲 爲 152 1 149 1996 12 150 1989 9 151 2001 79 152 1315

2 3 姹 153 153 1994 3136

154 1 1990 2 1989 154 2001 4662

1 2 155 155 1990 2731

1 2 3 156 157 156 2001 225235 157 1990 3442

158 45 32 1989 158 2001 243247 159 1990 5860

160 160 2001 359

161 逬 162 161 361387 162 1990 8187

55 1989 163 163 1990 68

164 165 164 1998 10 165 278 1998 468

166 167 168 166 5194 167 19 168 278 1998 469

169 170 16051691 169 170 1985 74

171 172 173 174 175 171 278 1998 472 172 173 1990 155 174 278 1998 484 175 1991 50

176 176 28 485 177 119 1997 96

178 179 180 178 2001 452 179 1999 50 180 愼

181 182 181 19922 80 182 82

183 184 183 1998 78 184 278 1998 468

185 珏 垨 竒 185 1999 7576

竒 186 187 186 1999 67 187 68

188 189 188 278 1998 488 189 190 1994 53

个 191 119 1997 94 192 119 1997 94 193 41 2003 1819

194 1998 7

195 迹 爲 195 1998 1726

196 197 196 1035 197 1996 3839

198 198 60 1994 80

200 199 1996 10 200 19902 72

16931765 201 201 19902 76

202 202 19902 76

203 终 204 鱓 203 79 204 2003 132133

咤 205 206 207 205 19902 82 206 199334 56 207 19922 86

208 208 1997 62

209 2002 114

210 1997 17

17241806 213 214 211 1997 17 212 17 213 18 214 1994 4

215 215 1997 18 216 1618 217 1997 1819 218

20 1988 219 1999 898 220 2001 136156

221 1997 19 222 1996 163 223

224 2003 163 225 1997 15 226 1988 6 227 1996 451 228 17 19

1997 缚

値 229 230 1996 352

231 1996 433 232 1987 171 233 234 1996 11

235 1996 11 236 1996 474

眞 1996 1977 1961

237 1997 105106 238 35 36

1996 239 1997 291


41 1989

2003 1996

240 1997 291

241 1778 530 1965 530 531 532 530 1989 531 532 1996 241 1997 15

242 1997 301

243 1986 219

244 1996 474

245 2001 141


1 2 3 246 1997 291 247 2001 376

4 値 248 249 2001 353363

250 1996 913

産 爲 爲 産 産 衆 爲

251 252 253 251 1987 63 252 1990 5 253 129

61 1990 254 1988 6 255 1986 216

256 1991 150

257 硏 257 1992 105

258 1999 183196 259. 2002 2931


261 1 2 261 1999 34 262 263

265 264 265 1992 107

1 産 爲

266 268 266 2003 224 267 268 2003 133 269 1993 38 270 1982 258

2 273 271 1992 83 272 1 2 3 1991 139140 169170 273 2 142

274 274 1990 2762 275

麽 277 1 276 http://www.aerc.nhctc.edu.tw/8-0/lz/feature-1.htm 20031112 277 1996 10

2 278 278 1997 181183

279 280 279 1992 3839 280 1994 789790

281 282 283 爲 281 1981 4143 282 1981 41 43 283 2001 5860

285 287 288 284 1964 285 1992 3435 286 1999 28 287 1987 146 288 1961 5

289 290 爲 爲 尗 289 2001 117118 290 1981 29

2000 57 2003 256 尗 291 2000 57 292 韵 韵 1992 574584

啓 礴 爲

293 294 295 293 http://article.chinavisual.com/1601-0.html 2003 1110 294 1990 112 295 113

53 1989 55 1989 21 1988 懐 296 297 6 296 297 1992 3839

298 298 1990 8283 299 84 2003 http://www.moniquearts.com/culture/criticis/cursile.htm

300 1990 86 301 1998 207209 302 1985 233

303 304 305 303 1998 227 304 Chiang YeeChinese Calligraphy Harvard University PressCambridgeMassachusettsThrid Edition 1973Prefaceix 305 199924 51

306 1990 5053 (mass) (volume)

307 307 2001 212 308 1997 3 309 2001 113120 310 136156

鹗 鹗

311 2003 95 312 2001 381

313 314 315 313 1990 100 314 315 1990 54

1961 316 316 317 1996 4

318 319 321 318 1996 94 319 1990 103109 320 1990 50 321 5051

踈 踈 踈

爲 323 322 65 1997 122 323 1988 90

爲 324 325 爲 326 327 328 324 1988 211 325 208 326 1988 25 327 1996 5 328 1993 46

329 1993 63 330 2001 165 331 1997 105106

332 1985 189 333 2000 25 334 LucioMeyer Visual dialogue Visual communication 343

335 336 335 1984 605 336 1984 188190 337 1990 66

韮 韮 级 级 338 1984 197 339 1985 9293

1996 2 340 1996 31

1996 1961

341 1984 204206 342 1991 47

1991 47 343 1985 80

344 2001 165

345 1991 125160 346 1984 198


1985 28 347 1985 28 348 1991 128 349 1984 198

硏 350 1996 31 351 1985 434 352 2002 131

354 眞 353 1996 437 354 196

texture 355 356 眞 355 1990 105106 356 1990 106

1987 1961 47 1989

357 1984 2829 358 2000 36 359 610

360 1992 1113 361 1984 50

362 4 xyzt 3 xyz 4 t 4 xyzt 364 362 1996 363 1990 8 364 25

365 365 1990 8 366 1987 151152 367 1993 2324

368 1987 81

1999 369 1999 128140 370 125160

371 1990 100

372 1990 5960 373 1998 177

374 119 375 1985 257

376 1990 76 眞 376 1990 76

377 漴 378 379 380 377 1990 103 378 379 105 380 105106

381 2003 8688

382 384 31 385 2002 129133 386 134140

387 18391914 388 387 1996 90 388 1997 20 389 12 1965 379 390 1997 357 391 1995 22

18251884 392 1984 613615 393 12 1965 382 394 395

398 396 1997 20 397 398 1985 14

399 眞 399 1982 117

400 1999 126 401 1997 476479 402 1997 197 403 1996 560569 404 1999 132141

405 405 1982 183

406 407 406 1997 78 407 1982 183

408 値 爲 爲 408 1990 297

409 1995 3132

410 410 1990 114

411 1994 524

412 412

413 衆 爲 413 288 1995 13

414 415 416 414 31 415 288 1995 16 416 13

1991 2000 1993 1989 1993 1982 1996 1996 2 1992 1964 1993 2002 1998 1985 1991 1987 229

1997 1981 1982 RArnheim 1985 1980 1979 1893 2000 1987 Lester CThurow 1998 2001 1990 1 1983 1987 1990 1978 2001 1985 1998 1968 1996 1981 1982 2002 230

1995 1999 1987 2001 1985 12 1965 1999 1993 1997 1998 1993 2000 1992 1990 2001 2003 1996 2001 1994 1985 2001 1994 1992 231

1987 1985 1997 1998 1994 1997 1987. 2002 2002 2000 1998 1984 1984 1997 1993 1947 1961 1991 1986 1971 1991 1999 1985 1984 232

2001 1996 2001 1997 1994 2003 1992 1996 1990 1998 1994 1994 1992 1993 1988 1988 辩 1996 248251 1987 1994 1987 1998 1999 233

1991 2002 1987 1986 1998 2003 1999 1989 2001 1990 2001 2002 1995 1996 1997 2001 1980 2000 1994 1992 1986 1996 1990 234

1982 2002 1999 2003 2002 1998 2000 1992 35 36 288 1995 1021 1 2001 278 1998 468473 1992 1990 163262 34 19934756 1995 41 2003 1 20 235

1990 6472 1987 1992 574584 1995 199924 51 135 1998 8893 136 2003 5055 http://www.guoxue.com/jjyj/more/txt.asp?id=24420031112 http://article.chinavisual.com/1601-0.html 20031110 176 1994 85112 http://www.aerc.nhctc.edu.tw/8-0/lz/feature-1.htm 20031112 1996 1984 179221 60 1994 80 4 2001 236

119 1997 84 101 1992 7992 1998 291298 Chiang YeeChinese Calligraphy Harvard University PressCambridge MassachusettsThrid Edition 1973Prefaceix 1977 1961 1 2000 4 2000 1961 1 1990 2 1989 4 1989 20 1988 21 1988 32 1989 41 1989 237

47 1989 53 1989 55 1989 55 1989 238



877 18 1718 41 40.7 1720 1721 1721 1724 26 14 1725 98.5 41.2 1726 1727 78.6 56.7 1730 27 16 1730 24.5 13.7 1732 96.8 35 1733 22.6 32 1734 1734 102.1 56.5 鉁 1734 21 33 1735 61 43 1737 102.8 47 229

1738 95.5 31.5 1738 123 46.7 1739 27.5 13.5 1740 67 22 1740 115 35.5 1741 27 24.1 1741 1742 122.35 50.57 1742 1743 1743 1744 103.5 35.4 1744 63.5 14.5 1744 133 28.5 1745 119 48 1745 170.2 48.2 1745 67.5 87 229

1746 1751 32.8 969.3 31 921 1751 1751 116 127 1752 156 37 1752 26 13 1752 30 19.5 1752 1752 130.5 50 1752 125.9 21.1 1756 1757 1757 1757 90 49 1757 1757 132.3 43.3 1757 108 47.2 230

1758 30.3 33.4 1758 1758 194.8 56.8 1759 1760 21 8.6 1760 9.4 19.2 1761 128.2 28.4 1762 29 111.5 1762 1762 22 13.5 1762 149.3 62.1 165.2 58.1 88.8 15.3 181 43.2 32.5 144.5 42.8 42 57.5 231