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3 1 2003 7 43-67 43

44 Vince Carter, Michael Jordan, Andre Agassi, Tiger Woods icon swoosh Fowles, 1996 44

45 John B. Thompson Thompson, 1995 Lull 2002 196 commodity sign (Jean Baudrillard) symbolic consumption object form (commodity form) (sign form) Baudrillard, 1981 product equivalence 2001 45

46 2000 Baudrillard, 1981 Harvard Business Review Phil Knight Jordan Donald Katz 1999 29 cultural icon Fowles Fowles, 1996 2001 109 46

47 McCracken 1989 2001 swoosh Phil Knight Bill Bowerman 1962 Blue Ribbon Sports Onitsuka Company 1971 Eugene Donald Katz 1999 Katz 1999 80 47

48 Phil Knight Donald Katz 1999 190 1987 Reebok Bo Jackson Michael Jordan 1991 1999 Michael Jordan David Robinson Andre Agassi Tiger Woods Michael Jordan Air Jordan 2001 2000 HBL 61.0 Adidas 8.6 New Balance 6.4 162 30 48

49 Fiske 1995 Stuart Hall 1973 encoding/decoding model preferred reading negotiated reading oppositional reading 1994 125 49

50 12 12 12 25 24 8 16 3 5 10 6 24 20 4 1996 Patton 1990 12 NBA Super Sonic Artis Gilmore SHOX Vince Carter Tiger Woods 50

51 HBL High-school Basketball League 2002 Keep that Funk Alive NBA ABA ABA NBA Funk Rucker Park 51

52 Vince Carter Jerry Stackhouse Jermaine O Neal ABA Rucker Park HBL - fans Phil Knight Donald Katz 1999 5 Bocock 1993 52

53 Jordan Carter mark Jordan Jordan NBA conspicuous consumption 53

54 2000 New Balance / 22 23 MVP 54

55 MVP MVP F4 22 ZUCCA polo 55

56 T NBA Air Jordan Jordan Pippen Rodman Jordan Oh God Jordan is my god Air Jordan Jordan 17 99 Reebok Adidas 56

57 Allen Adidas Adidas Reebok 57

58 NBA Reebok 58

59 GUCCI 59

60 Adidas Reebok Mizuno Air Max Adidas a3 acushion so so Reebok MIZUNO MIZUNO 60

61 feedback 61

62 Just do it 62

63 fans Reebok Adidas Michael Jordan Just Do It 63

64 No.10 No.8 & No.24 64

65 No.10 1995 pub 65

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67 Hsin-hong Lin ABSTRACT Advertising is the major source of revenue for a highly market-oriented television system. To be efficient, more and more ads impress the consumers with symbolic feelings instead of functional explanation. Among them, the ads that feature celebrities are the typical case. In the past, consumption means owning the things or taking advantage of the things under the rule of supply-and-demand in a market. However, the use-value or the exchange-value of the things has been gradually replaced by their symbolic value in contemporary societies. Symbolic consumption thus becomes the characteristic of consumer behaviors. Taking as an example, this study interprets the response of the audiences after viewing the ads to explore the symbolic consumption in the TV ads of. Keywords: advertising, celebrity endorsement, symbolic consumption * Hsin -hong Lin received his master s degree in 2003 from the Institute of Communication Management, Nanhua University. 67

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