A Study of the Educational Thoughts of Wang Lung-Hsi Wen-Shu Huang* Abstract Wang Lung-Hsi( ), the leader of the Wang School in the central Ch

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A Study of the Educational Thoughts of Wang Lung-Hsi Wen-Shu Huang* Abstract Wang Lung-Hsi(1498-1583), the leader of the Wang School in the central Chekiang, who was very much concerned about the principle of Yang-Ming, had given lectures for more than forty years. Many scholars gathered in his forums in Nanking, Peiping, Wu, Chu, Fukien, Yueh, Kiangsu and Chekiang. He could be considered as an enthusiastic "traveling teacher" who devoted himself to education. In respect to educational thoughts, Wang Lung-Hsi was well known for his "four voidance" and "existing consciousness" which argued that everything shall be rooted in the innate mind. He emphasized that the pursuit of knowledge lay in "awakening," and also promoted the theory of "anatman" for seeking a sort of transcending and free personality. This conception caused a breakthrough and impact on the middle & late ming dynasty. Key words: Wang Lung-Hsi, educational thoughts, academy, forum. *Wen-Shu HuangAssociate Professor, Teacher Education Center, Shu-Te University.

1498-1583 (1) 1525 (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 5 3 12 283 26 70 63 11 88 60 283 7 86 5 450 86 130 58 26 25 59 25 5

(9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (9) 76 388-404 (10) (11) 3 224 (12) 2 217 (13) 12 1

(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (14) 19 (15) 24 (16) 12 2-3 (17) 3 (18) 5-6 (19) 20 (20) 15

(21) 1509 (22) (23) (21) 76 10-11 (22) 1992 7 253 (23) 231 13

(24) 14 34 2 187 100 17 1200-1204 411-452 226-229 17 18 1329 247 36 1350 16 1116 245 11 83 18 269 5 367 7 486 (24) 57 81 1783

(25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (25) 1998 514 (26) 1998 517-519 (27) 519-520 (28) 520-521 (29) 1998 731-732 (30) 2 162-163

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13. 10 9 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.

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(38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (38) 1 111 (39) 9 642 (40) 7 483-484 (41) 12 3 (42) 80 288 (43) 290-299 (44) 1492-1563 118 279

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(48) (49) (48) (49) 1 89

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(72) (73) (72) 15 1061-1062 (73) 89 98

(74) (75) (74) 2 199-200 (75) 10

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(92) (93) (94) (95) (96) (92) 32 62 (93) 2001 167 (94) 160 (95) 283 7-8 (96) 273

1992 1970 1997 1984 1976 1996 1984 1960 1993 1999 2000 97-134 1969 1997

1971 1968 1998 2001 161-200 1971 21 1986 1991 1974 1987 1974 1965 1994 1970 188 1968 1994 91 165-183 1986 1998