序 考核 号 环节 1 理论课 期末笔试 60% 考核方式一览表 考核项目及比重考核目的考评标准 平时成绩 10% 专题讨论 10% 2 实验课实验设计 (20%): 设 计能力 实验问题的解 决能力 实验操作 (60%): 动 手能力 操作练习 实验分析 (20%): 实 验问题的解决能力 创 新

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土木工程材料 考评方式与标准 Assessment Method and Standard of Civil Engineering Materials 土木工程材料 课程根据学生学习全过程的综合表现, 从课堂课 ( 含课堂讨论 ) 实验与实训三个环节进行考核, 各环节所占权重分别为 80%( 其中, 期末笔试 60%, 平时 ( 作业 ) 成绩 10%, 专题讨论成绩占 10%)10% 和 10% 一. 理论课 1. 考试方法 : 期末笔试 课堂讨论和平时成绩 2. 考评内容 : 本课程教学大纲的课堂教学知识模块中要求熟悉和掌握的知识点 期末笔试主要考核学生对基本知识基本理论的掌握程度, 英文试题量约占 50%, 题型有名词解释 选择题 填空题和问答题等, 占总成绩的 60% 平时( 作业 ) 和专题讨论是锻练学生运用理论分析问题解决问题的能力的重要环节, 专题讨论课还能够培养学生英语交流的能力 ; 其中, 平时 ( 作业 ) 包括开放式作业和研究型专题作业, 学生可以自主选择习题, 英语作业量不少于 50%; 作业和专题讨论各占总成绩的 10% 二. 实验课 1. 考试方法 : 实验设计 实验操作和实验分析 2. 考评内容 : 本课程实验教学大纲中规定的材料基本技能的训练以及分析问题 解决问题的能力和创新能力训练完成情况 实验成绩占总成绩的 10% 三. 实训 1. 考试方法 : 实训报告 平时表现和现场提问 2. 考评内容 : 本课程实训教学大纲中规定的, 培养学生在实际工程中合理选材 正确用材的基本专业技能, 以及综合运用知识的能力和创新意识训练完成情况 实训成绩占总成绩的 10%

序 考核 号 环节 1 理论课 期末笔试 60% 考核方式一览表 考核项目及比重考核目的考评标准 平时成绩 10% 专题讨论 10% 2 实验课实验设计 (20%): 设 计能力 实验问题的解 决能力 实验操作 (60%): 动 手能力 操作练习 实验分析 (20%): 实 验问题的解决能力 创 新意识 实验报告等 3 实训 实训报告 (70%) 平时表现 (20%) 现场提问 (10%) (1) 考察学生对基本 知识的掌握程度 (2) 培养 激发工程意 识 (3) 培养创新意识与 自主学习能力 (1) 考核实践动手能 力 (2) 考察对材料测试 技术的掌握程度 (3) 考核创新意识 (1) 考察学生对实训 项目的了解程度 (2) 考核综合运用知 识的能力 (3) 培养工程意识 激 (1) 对主要的考核内 容能熟练掌握 灵活运 用者成绩为优 (2) 对主要考核内容 能熟练掌握 运用者成 绩为良 (3) 对主要考核内容 能较好掌握 运用者成 绩为中 (4) 对主要考核内容 能基本掌握 尚能运用 者成绩为合格 (5) 对主要考核内容 未能掌握 运用者成绩 为不合格 发创新意识通过采取多元化的考核方法, 使学生成绩考核遍布整个教学过程, 促使学 生重视每一个教学环节, 使学生的学习过程变成循序渐进的过程, 避免了学生 突击应付考试的现象, 提高了学生平时学习的自觉性和主动性, 激发了学生学 习和参与工程训练的兴趣, 充分调动了学生的主观能动性, 锻炼了学生的实践 动手能力, 培养了学生的创新意识和能力, 课程整体教学质量明显提高

Assessment Method and Standard of Civil Engineering Materials According to the students general performance, the assessment of Civil Engineering Materials will be made from the following three aspects: classroom performance (including class discussion), experiment and practical training, which weighs 80% (containing 60% of final examination, 10% of usual presentation (homework) and 10% of seminar grades), 10% and 10% respectively. Ⅰ Theory Courses 1.Assessment Methods: final examination, classroom discussion and usual presentation. 2.Assessment Contents: the main points that students should acquire and be familiar with as requested by the pedagogical knowledge module in the course syllabus. The final examination mainly assesses students mastery degree of the basic knowledge and basic theory. The numbers in English makes up about 50% in the final examination, and the types include terminology, multiple choices, gap filling, Q&A and so on, which altogether takes up 60% in the final score. Usual presentation (homework) and seminar are important steps to exercise students ability to analyze and solve problems by using theory. Seminar could also improve students competence to communicate in English. Usual presentation (homework) includes open homework and research-based project assignment, which can be chosen independently by the students and whose English assignments are not less than 50%. Homework and seminar account for 10% of the final score respectively. Ⅱ Laboratory Courses 1.Assessment Methods: experimental design, experimental operation and experimental analysis. 2.Assessment Contents: the training of basic skills about the materials requested in the experiment teaching syllabus, the ability of analyzing and solving problems, and

the ability of innovation. The experiment score makes up 10% in the final score. Ⅲ Practical Training 1. Assessment Methods: training report, daily performance and questions. 2.Assessment Contents: according to the training teaching syllabus, the basic professional skills of choosing the proper materials and using them correctly in practical engineering, the ability of comprehensive application of knowledge and the ability of innovation are required. The training score weighs 10% in the final score. Assessment Method List Numbe Assessment Assessment Project and Purpose Standard r Step Proportion 1 Theory Final Examination 60% (1) To assesses students (1) Excellent: students Courses Usual Presentation10% mastery degree of the who are familiar with Seminar 10% basic knowledge the assessment (2) To cultivate and stimulate contents and can use the engineering them flexibly consciousness (2) Good: students (3) To cultivate the who are familiar with consciousness of innovation and and can use them autonomous learning (3)Average: students ability who could master the 2 Laboratory Experimental Design (20%): the (1) to assess the practical contents preferably and Courses ability to design and solve the operation ability use them. problems in the experiment (2) to assess the mastery (4)Poor: students who Experimental Operation(60%): degree of the material test know the basic the ability to operate and the skills information about the operation practice (3) to assess the Experimental Analysis (20%): the consciousness of and can use them yet ability to solve the problems in innovation (5)Failed: students the experiment and the who do not know the consciousness of innovation and the lab report, etc. and can not use them. 3 Practical Training Report (70%); (1) to assess students Training Daily Performance (20%) comprehension degree to Questions (10%) the practical training (2) to assess the ability to use the knowledge comprehensively

(3) to cultivate consciousness of engineering and to stimulate consciousness of innovation By using multiple methods to assess students, the assessment spreads all over the whole teaching procedure, which will make students attach importance to every teaching step, make them learn progressively, and avoid students coping with the examination by studying for only a few days. This assessment can also enhance students consciousness and initiative in their daily studies, inspire their interest in studying and taking part in engineering training, arouse their subjective initiative thoroughly, train their abilities of practical operation, cultivate their consciousness and ability of innovation, and improve the overall teaching quality significantly.