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2004 5 113 ~ 156 * *

114 Pomegranate Flower in the Dream of the Red Chamber: A New Interpretation of Jia Yuan-chun Ou, Li-chuan * Abstract This paper identifies the flower symbol of Yuan-chun to be the pomegranate flower. Starting from this, I explore and analyze the meaning nexus of many elements related to the figure of Yuan-chun. First, the bright redness of the pomegranate flower is a simile of the majestic status of Princess Yuan. Second, the pomegranate flower always blooms after spring, which hints that the untimely princess-appointment of Yuan-chun further worsens the economic status of the Jia family and thus hastens its decline. Third, the pomegranate flower fully blooms in mid-summer and then declines in the fall, forming a sharp contrast that intensifies a theme of Yuan-chun: After peak comes trough. This paper also discusses the mother-goddess status of Yuan-chun. It is first of all expressed in Yuan-chun s initiation of the establishment of Prospect Garden and her right to nominate locations wherein, thus giving a symbolic structure (a nomos-morpholism) to Prospect Garden. It also expresses itself in her choice between Bau-chai and Dai-yu. Last but not least, under the discipline of palace life ( distinguishing right from wrong, proper from improper for twenty years ), Yuan-chun has cultivated both the talent of objective appreciation and the virtue of sympathetic leniency. She embodies both the individuation principle of natural idealism and the universal principle of rational realism. This exemplifies the complementary dualism of the Dream of the Red Chamber. * Associate Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Taiwan University.

115 Keywords: the Dream of the Red Chamber, Jia Yuan-chun Chia Uan-ch uen, pomegranate flower, Prospect Garden, mother-goddess worship, right to nominate, choice between Bau-chai and Dai-yu


117 1 2 1 2002 4 38 2 2003 2 58-59

118 3 4 5 3 1999 1 307 4 2 23 5 27 42 58 78 26 27 76

119 6 63 Henry James1843-1916 7 8 6 5 1986 10 127-128 7 2001 5 17 18 8 1989 10 3 286

120 9 10 1 13 11 5 12 9 63 65 10 11 2000 4 27 12 1963 2 2 1461

121 13 31 媠 14 13 1968 12 28 672 14 1990 2 615 7095

122 15 4 4 5 16 15 5 1 16 5 116

123 6 27 13 5 31 18

124 17 18 76 22 28 18 19 17 2001 12 281 18 1998 4 1586 17961 19

125 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2002 4 488-490 20 1970 2 2 978 21 1970 2 2 978 22 1970 2 2 971 23 1999 1 186 24 2001 2 2 68 25 2001 2 21 26 1992 4 201-203 27 1994 6 270

126 daughter girl 28 29 30 31 32 33 18 28 14 2001 5 205-207 29 1993 10 9 30 28 1997 7 202 31 1998 98-99 32 1977 5 386-388 33

127 34 35 36 34 2000 6 229 35 27 36 1995 8 287

128 37 38 39 40 41 37 1985 1 238-239 38 1998 3 382 39 1983 9 2047 40 1984 3 12 233 41 1984 3 25 576

129 42 43 45 44 46 47 48 49 50 51 42 2002 6 593-594 43 1990 2 468 5328 44 1990 2 494 5595 45 1983 11 55 46 1990 2 613 7071 47 1990 2 624 7176 48 1970 2 5430 49 1970 2 5427 50 2002 6 367 998 51 1998 3 7 160

130 52 53 5 54 52 613 7074 53 1984 3 25 576 54 1981 4 3198

131 55 56 57 58 55 1990 2 824 9289 56 2002 6 159 1995 12 9 410 680 7794 57 1977 6 190 4983 58 1992 10

132 59 60 2 77 2 74 媠 271 59 1987 5 3 1968 12 28 673 60 1991 8 173 1963

133 53 28 6 72 2 53 72

134 72 5 61 62 61 1983 143 10 1983 8 405-412 62 18 1997 4 133 11 29

135 22 13 63 5 64 65 63 26 507 64 1998 12 3521 42054 65 2002 6 60

136 5 62 2

137 66 67 2 16 68 18 18 66 3 133 67 2001 12 257 68 1998 1 116-126

138 69 70 71 23 69 2000 8 101 70 2000 8 107 71 73 690

139 72 73 74 75 76 72 1997 4 205-206 73 1996 10 164-175 74 1996 2 45 75 23 451 76 1999 3 95

140 77 78 1. 18 2. 76 77 Michel Foucault L archéologie du savoir 1998 4 78 46-47

141 18 79 80 intertextuality 17 79 2003 7 48-49 80 Jacques Lacan phallus The Law of the Father 1998 12 115

142 81 82 5 83 81 18 345 82 2000 12 86-87 83 5 114

143 18 3 84 56 85 86 87 18 84 28 1 1999 6 215-220 85 56 86 3 211 87 3 149-150

144 22 88 37 89 18 88 18 340 89 4 2001 1 56-58

145 90 91 5 75 92 90 3 211 91 1983 142 2001 7 63 92 1997 8 5 435

146 93 18 94 36 93 5 115 94 1991 12 150

147 95 5 22 18 37 30 30 36 simulacra 96 95 18 349 96 3 138

148 97 18 23 18 28 29 97 2001 9 299

149 98 harmony integration 99 unity 100 101 5 102 98 囇 1986 99 1995 133 100 1986 10 8-17 101 22 430 102 5 114

150 28 the rites of passage 103 polyphony 104 105 103 20 1 2002 6 104 1989 10 3 286 105 1994 12 14-15

151 Andrew H. Plaks allegory 106 106 Andrew H. Plaks 1996 3 5 160

152 18 107 108 1 107 14 108 5

153 109 110 A NSC 91-2411-H-002-058 1980.9. 1983.9. 1963.2. 1990.2. 1997.8. 1998.3. 109 1 4 110

154 1995.12. 1984.3. 2002.6. 1992.10. 1983.11. 1998.3. 1998.4. 1981.4. 1977.6. 1987.5. 2002.4. 1968.12. 2001.2. 2001.2. 1970.2. 1993 1986.10. 1989.10. 1991.12. 1994.12. 1995.8. 1996.2. 1996.10. 1997.4. 2000.4. 2000.12. 2001.1. 2001.7. 2001.9. 1986.10.

155 1992.4. 1994.6. 1997.7. 1998 1998.1. 1998.12. 1999.1. 1999.3. 2000.6. 2000.8. 2001.12. 2003.7. Henry James 2001.5. Andrew H. Plaks 1996.3. 1977.5. 1983 10 1983.8. 1985 1 囇 1986 1995 Michel Foucault L archéologie du savoir 1998.4. 1999.1.

156 28 1 1999.6. 14 2001.5. 20 1 2002.6. 2003.2.