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96 7 Research on the Crucian Lake and its Classic Poetry in Taiwan (Qing Dynasty) Yu-Huei Zeng* and Xiao-Yi Chen** *General Education Center of the Kun Shan University **General Education Center of the Kun Shan University ABSTRACT In Qing Dynasty, the Crucian Lake was one of the eight traditional sceneries in Taiwan County (equal to Province today). From Kanshi to Jiachin (both were the emperor in Qing Dynasty), the literati and poets were lingering on this scenic spot, and left about 22 classic verses. The first part in this essay is to discuss and compare the record of Crucian Lake in the Taiwan Chorography written in Qing Dynasty with the classic verses taken Crucian Lake as its subject, looking forward to describing an appearance of the well-known lake in Qing Dynasty. The second part is taking the 22 verses as the researching text, analyzing their creative implication and performance. We expected, through this essay, to find out the described difference between the chorography in Qing Dynasty and the verse in terms of Nature and Real Object, as well as the role acted by natural scenery in poets creative process, so as to analyze works performing form and have a further understanding about the classic poet in Taiwan. Keywords: Qing Dynasty; Crucian Lake; Taiwan County 142