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Abstract Zheng Huan who was born in 1925, grew up in the rural areas, educated in the agricultural school and personally engaged in the farming. He has the very profound experiences of the farmers lives. His work is rooted in the land that has significantly created a pure agricultural literature and made Zheng Huan a writer with characteristics in the cross- language generation. Compared to the other his contemporaries, his striking Writing of Death combined with snakes, land and revenge to express the distinctive thinking and value which has formed a very unique work of literature. This dissertation is written to focus on Zheng Huan s Writing of Death, which is divided into seven chapters: The chapter 1 unfolds the introduction of the research motivation, research purpose, research area, research methods, the related research achievement, the current status and the explanation of death. The chapter 2 focuses on the background of Writing of Death. It describes Zheng Huan s personal experiences and the literature creation originated from the surrounded creative environment which serves as the foundation of this chapter. The details also have respectively revealed Zheng Huan s personal history, creative writing process, background, and the literary and artistic field of Writing of Death. The chapter three explains the types and formation of deaths of the characters illustrated in the Writing of Death. It has analyzed the four different types of death inclusive of the natural death, accidental death, committing suicide and the war. The death of the characters is derived from the traditional fatalism, crime and punishment, human stain, disillusion of love and relentless dream.

The chapter four interprets the implicit meaning behind the Writing of Death which has characterized the naught, weakness of life to signify the tragedies of migrants indignities and death, and to manifest the sufferings for a living as well as to reflect the truth of the era for standing out the value and attitudes towards to life. The chapter five describes the creative writing skills shown in the Writing of Death. Its looks into the six respective aspects of the narrating form, the narrating viewpoint, the scenario arrangement, the contextual depiction, the portrayed characters and the languages management for observing the art performance of Writing of Death. The chapter six synthesizes the exploration of Zheng Huan s creative writing spirit, the features, the meaning and value of the book. Zheng Huan s creative literature embedded in the land and inherited the traditional realistic writing spirit that has given a significant quality by its revelation of the contextual gloominess and darkness, and its style of grotesque and mystery. The chapter seven concludes the essential thoughts of each chapter in which the researcher has exhibited his personal reflection. Zheng Huan perceives the in- depth understanding of life through the panoramic view of the realistic society and observation of the death. The significance has reflected the background of history and implied Zheng Huan s personal attitudes towards life and death, which has led us to get a deep thought of the essence of human being s existence and the value of life. Keywords: Zheng Huan, Agricultural literature, Writing of Death, Cross- language creation


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