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On the Chinese Pop Music within the Context of Culture Industry Keywords: Culture Industry Pop Music Pop Music Industry Abstract: Within the context of culture industry, the thesis conducts a thorough survey and analysis of the popular music industry of China, through both macro and micro researches, using methods of theoretical analysis as well as field investigation. Firstly, the article analyzes the features of pop music industry as a culture industry, which includes: a standpoint of the mass, urban style of consumption, mass media communication form, and commercialized production mode. These features make up of the premise and guarantee of pop music industry. The article also studies the relationship between artistry and industrialized features of pop music, and maintains that artistry is only ONE factor of the pop music industry chain. As pop music industry endows popular music with double-layer value in both commercial and art area, the artistry of popular music should not be an interference or even obstacle of the industrialization of pop music. Secondly, the article trims the development course of Chinese pop music industry through detailed survey and interviews, and divides it into three periods: mythological period, romantic period and epic period. The linear transition of the tree periods outlines the thread of the rational development of Chinese pop music industry. The article summarizes the production flow and distribution channels of pop music products, and discusses the key factors of the vertical development and all possibilities of horizontal exploitation of pop music industry, so as to take a trial step in the development of its value chain. Finally, the article discusses about the managing mode of Chinese pop music industry, and analyzes the managing tactics and measures of this industry. It puts forward that pop music industry is an integrative usage of brand strategy, product strategy, marketing strategy and star system, and it needs comprehensive implementation of star building, consumption survey, deciding on target market, making media planning, using promotion means, building distribution channels and so on. Using these managing tactics and measures, the article also studies some cases of music production corporations and disc companies that are influential in the contemporary pop music industry of China. 2

1. 1 1 1 1987 19861996 1997 283 3

2 3 4 5 2003 1 2 2002 228 3 1994 2 4 < > 1995 3 5 1990 3 4

2 1996 1995 38 400 1994 12.42 57520 4930 18730 2000 3 10 1997 6 206 1996 5

8916 1.46 1.36 12.5 919.36 9.67 10 5500 2. 20 60 80 6 6 1964 Centre for Contemporary Cultural StudiesBirmingham University 6

7 1979 8 1986 9 1984 3. 7 2003 350-351 8 < > 1995 4 70 80 9 1992 122-123 1986 5 9 1986 1996 1997 1986 7

4. 8

10 21 2000 22.3 91.9 20.2 118.9 11 2003 2003 2002 8 GDP 10 5500 12 10 2002 11 21 11 WTO 2001 12 1926 20 1947 9

13 mass culture 14 Culture Industry 1963 13 14 1991 141 10

1. R. 15 Popular Music 16 17 15 Raymond Williams, Keywords : a vocabulary of culture and society, Oxford University Press, c1983, p237. 16 1991 174-175 17 11

18 Blues Boogie-Woogie Jazz 20 40 1969 Woodstock 50 OK 20 60 70 20 30 19 20 70 80 18 < > 1996 3 19 2002 37 12

20 21 22 2. 23 20 < > 1995 4 21 2002 35 22 23 < > 1997 1 13

24 25 1990 26 24 25 2001 114 26 2002 50-51 14

27 28 3. 27 28 < > 1997 1 15

1897 20 20 1908 3040 5070 80 90 29 20 80 CD VCDDVDMD DAT 1923 90 29 2002 60-61 16

1980 25 Disc Jockey 30 1958 MTV MTV MTV MTV MTV MTV 31 30 2002 61 31 1997 11 17

1984 32 20 90 33 34 32 2002 76 33 2000 2000 7 Napster MP3 34 BMG MP3.COM BMG 18

4. 35 1876 1887 1905 1927 1948 1950 80 35 < > 1994 6 19

80 36 36 2002 64 20

1. 37 37 < > 1994 4 21

38, 38 22

2. MTV 20 20 50 23

20 50 39 3. 39 2002 67-81 24

40 packaging branding warranties 40 9 1999 401 25


1. 1 20 1984 20 1908 1917 1927 1930 EMI EMI 300 EMI30 27

EMI 1941 EMI 3040 EMI 1951 1953 2 41 1950 1954 1955 1 1 1958 1963 1964 1976 1978 1979 1983 15 1984 41 1952 1 1952 3 101 1953 3 28

1979 1979 5 1982 1982 11 1985 2 1979 10 1980 1982 1982 42 2 1984 1995 1984 1985 1986 1986 1986 42 29

1987 CD 43 1988 1989 OK OK 1989 1990 44 1992 1994 3 43 2002 119 44 30

1995 1995 1996 100 1997 2000 2001 11 WTO 31

2. CD VCD OK 1992 11 45 2001 2002 2 49% 45 1971 44 32

95% 15-30 40 15-30 20 CDVCD 3. 33

46 Artist Producer Songs Arrangement Recording 1 st Audition Pre-mixing Mixing Mastering DAT 2 nd Audition 3 rd Audition DAT Digital Audis Tape Hit SongMTV 45 10 20 2 10 3 46 34

4. 47 DAT MTV 35 47


1. 1988 1987 1988 1990 1993 F4 F4 37

2. = + + 2002 38

10 IDG 200%2003 20 2005 92.6% 90 48 3. IT 48 < > 2003 2 24 A7 39

1. 40

49 Universal Warner EMI BMG Sony Hollywood 49 2000 432 41

2. 42

MTV 2000 RAP/HIP HOPPOP R&B/URBAN 64% 26%RAP/HIP HOP 14%POP 12% 12%R&B/URBAN 10% 3% 15-24 25.4% MTV 43

18% 30% 3. 44

2000 2000 8 12 2002 5 2000 80% 20% 15-30 2002 1 10 2002 2 49% 1994 45

2000 22 2002 24 1 160 46



1 19861996 1997 2 2003 3 2002 4 < > 1994 2 5 < > 1995 3 6 1990 7 < > 1995 4 8 1992 9 2003 2003 10 < 21 > 2003 1 11 WTO 2001 12 < > 1996 13 2003 14 < > 1992 15 1991 16Raymond Williams, Keywords : a vocabulary of culture and society, New York: Oxford University Press, c1983 17 1991 18 19 < > 1996 3 49

20 < > 1997 1 21 2001 22 < > 1994 6 23 < > 1994 4 24 2002 25 9 1999 26 < > 2003 2 24 A7 27 2000 28 2001 29 1998 30 2002 31 1999 32 2001 33 2002 50