95 12 Lightfoot Willie 2002 Baroody Children s Mathematical Thinking 2000 116

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3 3. 91/09/13 1 2 3 91/12/04 11-2 10 50 24-3 92/01/06 10 92/01/06 5-1 650 593 80 80 3 96.4 1. 1-1 95.2 1-2 95.7 1-3 10 95.5 86.7 2. 2-1 10 90.2 2-2 84.1 87.3 3. 3-1 94.3 3-2 86.5 123

95 12 90.6 4. 4-1 93.6 4-2 89 4-3 81.8 88 5. 5-1 88.3 5-2 90.6 93.7 1. 1-1 95.5 1-2 84 1-3 87.6 1-4 92.8 90.7 2. 2-1 84.6 2-2 94.7 2-3 92.5 94.5 1. 1-1 94.3 1-2 91.1 92.3 2. 2-1 94.3 2-2 90.5 2-3 92.3 90.1 3. 3-1 80.5 3-2 83.4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 26 124

1999 1999 2001 1999 -- 1999 http://www.epa.ncnu.edu.tw/indicator/indicator-1.html 1999 1991 1989 2000 2001 1987 1993 39 9-10 35-38 1999 http://www.trd.org.tw/dresource/nine/main.htm 2001 1990 2002 Cvetkovic, Nikki F (1989). The Selection of Data Recording Procedure and Its Effect on the Assessment of Baseline Performance Levels in Stereotypic Behavior. Ann Arbor, Mich. : UMI. Department for Education and Employment (1997). Excellence in Schools. London: The Stationery Office. Department of Employment, Education, Training and Youth Affairs, DETYA (1999). The 125

95 12 Adelaide Declaration on /National Goals for Schooling in the Twenty-grist Century. Canberra, Australian: Department of Employment, Education, Training and Youth Affairs. Gardner, H. (1983). Frames of mind: The theory of multiple intelligence. New York: Basic Books. Leonard M. K. & Steve T.1997Mathematics Today for Elementary Schools. Guiding Children s Learning of Mathematics. 8 th ed. Ministry of Education, New Zealand (1999). Developmental Forecast Report, 1999/2000. Auckland, NZ: Ministry of Education. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. (2001). Curriculum and evaluation standards for school mathematics. NCTM: Reston, VA. Piaget J.1952Child s conception of number. LandonRoutledge & Kegan Paul. Robert E. Reys1998The Changing Elementary School Mathematics Program. Helping Children Learn Mathematics. 5 th ed. Thomas R. Post1992Planning for Mathematics Instruction. Teaching Mathematics in Grades K-8 : Research-Based Method. 2 nd ed. 126

Construction of mathematics learning outcomes indicators for 5 years old children Liang-Chen Sun* and Mei-Kuei Lu** *Lecturer, Early Childhood Care and Education, King Ling Junior College of Medical Care and Management **Professor, Early Childhood Educare, Wu Feng Institute of Technology ABSTRACT This study apply document analysis, concept mapping, focus discuss group, and questionnaire to construct about mathematics learning outcomes indicators for 5 years old children. Study team invited scholars and experts to hold over ten times seminars, then take many advices. Questionnaire was developed according to importance and suitability of indicators and considering about implementable and measurable of operation definition. Analysis of 593 questionnaires, set agreement percentage lower 80are deleted, find that mathematics learning outcomes indicators will discriminate three items. First, number and amount include 5 sub-items. Second, geometric and spatial include 2 sub-items. Third, logical reasoning include 3 sub-items. Overall 9 sub-items have 26 indicators. Results in this study can provide a valuable reference for pertinent authorities in education decision-making. Keywords: 5 years old children, mathematics, learning outcomes indicators 127

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