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Factors Related with Quality of Life in Epileptic Patients Ju Hwa Lee, Yong Won Cho, M.D., Sang Do Yi, M.D., Jeung Geun Lim, M.D., Hyung Lee, M.D., Jun Lee, M.D., Hyon Ah Yi, M.D., Young Sung Suh, M.D.*, Mi Young Lee, M.D. Department of Neurology, Family Medicine, and Preventive Medicine, Keimyung University School of Medicine, Taegu, Korea Abstract :

51 Key Words

52 啓 明 醫 大 學 術 誌 第 22 券 1 號 2003

53 Table 1. Demographic and disease characteristics Parameter Number (%) Mean ( SD) Age (year) Gender Male Female Education (year) Below high school High school Above high school NA* Marriage Never married Married Divorced or widowed NA* Economic status Middle <Middle NA* Age at onset of epilepsy (year) Duration of epilepsy (month) Number of antiepileptic drugs One Two Three Type of seizure Generalized Partial seizure frequency < 3 per year 3 per year NA: not available; SD: standard deviation. 31.0 ( 10.1) 11.5 ( 2.9) 20.1 ( 8.8) 10.9 ( 6.8) 2.1 ( 1.1) 2.5 ( 0.9) 102 (50.5) 100 (49.5) 55 (27.2) 47 (23.3) 35 (17.3) 65 (32.2) 102 (50.5) 84 (41.6) 7 (3.5) 9 (4.5) 100 (49.5) 79 (34.1) 33 (16.3) 84 (41.6) 52 (25.7) 66 (32.7) 64 (31.7) 138 (68.3) 110 (54.5) 92 (45.5)

54 啓 明 醫 大 學 術 誌 第 22 券 1 號 2003 Table 2. Comparisons among subscale scores of QOLIE-31 by demographic characteristics Parameter Age Gender Male Female Women Child-bearing (18-35 years) No child-bearing ( 36 years) Education Below high school High school Above high school Marriage Never married Married Economic status Middle class < Middle class Seizure worry 0.161 QOL 38.7 17.6 49.0 12.6 46.3 18.2 51.7 10.7 42.1 17.6 42.8 19.1 45.3 21.2 38.9 13.6 41.4 15.9 42.8 18.7 39.6 16.1 39.1 17.5 44.0 17.4 0.049 49.3 12.6 51.5 10.3 51.3 11.1 49.6 12.6 Emotional well-being 0.188 Energyfatigue 52.2 9.3 38.6 18.3 49.9 19.4 47.3 11.5 44.5 18.6 56.4 19.3 Cognitive functioning 38.4 15.9 47.9 17.4 30.8 15.3 44.4 20.7 55.7 21.9 31.9 15.4 41.0 18.8 42.1 18.4 48.5 12.9 44.4 19.7 51.0 8.7 43.7 16.4 52.0 7.0 36.6 15.2 43.0 18.6 38.0 17.0 0.128 50.3 20.6 54.3 19.0 54.1 22.7 55.0 15.2 50.0 17.9 54.0 19.9 49.1 18.3 0.160 31.2 15.9 30.8 14.9 35.9 16.4 31.7 15.5 24.1 13.2 32.3 14.3 29.7 16.9 29.8 13.3 33.4 18.3 Medication effects -0.088 57.2 17.6 52.6 18.3 54.9 17.8 54.7 18.7 53.2 19.6 59.3 14.4 56.2 19.8 54.4 19.6 56.2 16.4 56.6 17.8 54.7 17.3 Social function 0.111 35.8 14.5 37.0 17.1 36.2 15.8 36.3 16.1 health -0.137 38.3 16.5 57.7 18.6 41.2 15.7 58.3 16.3 31.5 14.5 59.8 18.4 39.0 16.6 35.6 15.5 38.3 14.6 34.8 17.4 62.5 17.8 55.5 20.5 60.8 16.8 56.5 22.5 57.9 19.1 60.9 18.1 62.7 17.3 53.3 19.5 P <0.05 in t-test; P <0.05 in ANOVA; Values of age are Pearson's correlations and the other values are mean score standard deviation.

55 Table 3. Comparisons among subscale scores of QOLIE-31 by epileptic characteristics Parameter Age at onset of epilepsy Seizure worry 0.083 QOL 0.080 Emotional well-being 0.100 Energyfatigue 0.079 Cognitive functioning 0.049 Medication effects -0.064 Social function 0.003 health -0.182 Duration of epilepsy 0.118 0.015 0.145 0.086 0.133-0.071 0.117-0.012 Number of antiepileptic drugs One Two Three 40.4 16.7 44.9 20.2 43.0 18.1 51.1 10.4 51.0 11.5 48.6 13.4 38.8 17.6 51.7 21.3 40.2 18.1 52.6 20.1 46.1 19.5 51.7 18.3 28.6 14.9 31.0 15.4 34.1 15.7 55.0 19.7 55.9 18.5 53.6 15.7 34.7 16.4 36.6 16.5 38.1 14.6 60.5 19.0 55.0 24.2 59.9 15.2 Type of Seizure Generalized Partial 43.7 18.4 41.9 18.2 50.9 10.8 50.1 12.2 40.8 19.5 41.6 18.3 53.6 20.6 50.9 19.9 30.1 15.8 31.9 15.2 53.7 19.5 55.5 17.4 32.3 15.8 58.4 20.1 38.3 15.5 59.3 19.2 seizure frequency < 3 per year 38.1 15.5 50.3 11.2 37.6 17.6 49.0 19.0 28.1 14.4 56.4 19.1 37.3 16.1 60.3 19.5 3 per year 47.6 19.8 50.0 12.4 46.2 18.8 55.4 20.7 34.7 16.0 52.9 16.8 35.0 15.6 57.5 19.3 P <0.05 in t-test; P <0.05 in ANOVA; Values of age at onset of epilepsy and duration of epilepsy are Pearson's correlation coefficient and the other values are mean score standard deviation.

56 啓 明 醫 大 學 術 誌 第 22 券 1 號 2003 Table 4. Multiple liner regression analysis for QOL subscores and its related factors Dependent variable Independent variables P value Seizure worry QOL Emotional well-being Energy-fatigue Cognitive functioning Medication effects Social function health Sex (reference: male) female Age Economic status (reference: middle class) < middle class Sex (reference: male) female Economic status (reference: middle class) < middle class Number of antiepileptic drugs (reference: one) three Age seizure frequency (reference: < 3/ year) 3/ year Education (reference: below high school) above high school Sex (reference: male) female Education (reference: below high school) above high school Sex (reference: male) female Economic status (reference: middle class) <middle class 0.321 0.204-0.235 0.287 0.246 0.212 0.227 0.222-0.273-0.213-0.268-0.219-0.311 4.978 0.019-8.232 ~ 1.624 0.094 ~ ~ -15.704 ~ -13.729 ~ -15.562 ~ -13.712 ~ 16.671 0.368-1.017 4.268 ~ 16.665 2.822 ~ 15.556 ~ ~ 14.728 0.745 1.775 ~ 15.283-3.378-1.201-3.214-1.605-17.323 ~ - 4.940

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