僱員關係及發展 Employee Relations and Development 僱員關係及發展 Employee Relations and Development 扶康會已建立全面的人力資源管理政策 程序及制度 人力資源部在人力資源委員會的領導下, 負責制訂人力資源政策, 確保有關政策 程序

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本會為回應智障人士高齡化問題, 特別舉行生死教育及智障人士高齡化系列 疾病篇 照顧篇等培訓, 共 196 人次出席 本會有一位員工遠赴南韓出席有關社會企業的國際會議及共資助兩位員工到北京出席國情研修班, 吸收海外經驗 本會亦會推薦合資格的員工參與專業資格的課程, 目前共有三名員工正參與社福界登記護士訓練課程, 並獲本會提供培訓津貼 其他專業培訓課程包括 : 臨床心理學家為職員舉辦 壓力管理 課程, 令他們妥善管理自己的工作壓力, 提升工作效能 為提升護理專業團隊的護理知識, 年內舉辦 智障人士高齡化護理基礎課程 醫療應變小組培訓 及 心肺復甦法 課程, 加強 心肺復甦法 與急救器材配合使用技巧訓練 急救及感染控制講座 敍事治療中級課程 互動餐單分享會 員工溝通扶康會著重與員工溝通, 過去一年由總幹事與員工直接溝通場合包括 : 三次全體員工分享大會共 258 名員工參加 五次聚焦小組共 98 名員工參加 兩次跨專業會議超過 200 名員工共同參與討論本會年度計劃 及四次職員事務諮詢及發展委員會會議, 與員工代表共同商討會務發展 有關政策修訂 員工福利檢討 職級架構檢討等議案推出前, 也會舉行員工諮詢, 收集員工意見以協助推行新修訂議案 職員事務諮詢及發展委員會活動 員工關懷 / 獎勵扶康會已踏入 35 周年 ; 過去一年, 獲頒 30 年長期服務獎的資深員工共兩名 ;20 年長期服務獎的資深員工共 10 名 ; 及 15 年長期服務獎的資深員工共 35 名 本會關懷員工, 於每位員工的生日月份致送生日禮物, 亦會致送禮物恭賀員工添丁 嫁娶及慰問支取長期病假及工傷假的員工 落實機構核心價值 實踐專業精神 提供卓越服務 達碑立神父服務智障人士的熱誠和投入, 孕育了扶康會機構文化機構文化影響著機構的發展和質素,55 年前意大利的達碑立神父眼見香港智障人士的艱苦境況, 便組織義工團去探訪他們, 並為他們安排社交及宗教聚會 達碑立神父以無私 超越種族及宗教的精神去關心智障人士, 而他的信念和堅持亦喚醒了大眾對智障人士的關愛 扶康會的成立, 正是要延續達碑立神父的精神 以實際行動回應殘疾人士的需要, 以他們的需要作為服務的發展導向 因此, 達神父不僅是扶康會的啟蒙者, 其精神亦同時在機構文化中擔當著極重要的角色 115

機構 核心價值 關懷尊重 專業精神 協同效應 熱誠主動及持續改善配合機構文化的持續發展, 扶康會於 2009 年訂立五項機構 核心價值 : 關懷尊重 專業精神 協同效應 熱誠主動及持續改善, 推動扶康會實踐願景 致力成為香港最優質的殘疾人士服務機構 第三屆 好人好事表揚計劃 本會本年度舉辦了第三屆 好人好事表揚計劃, 目的是嘉許各服務單位員工在日常工作中體現機構 核心價值 的好人好事, 使機構的好人好事得以分享及傳揚, 持續改善服務 ; 與此同時, 透過嘉許員工的好人好事, 提高員工的士氣及對機構的歸屬感 是次活動共收到 71 份提名, 由評審委員郭鍵勳博士, J.P. 及冼權鋒博士評審及選出 15 份入圍的 好人好事, 計劃由全體員工以一人一票方式選出冠 亞 季軍和最高榮譽大獎, 投票率達 89.9%, 反映員工積極參與推動機構文化 扶康會將上下一心, 繼續透過各項活動和措施, 推動全體員工共同實踐 核心價值, 提升服務質素, 致力將扶康會建立成為香港最優質的殘疾人士服務機構 長者住屋清潔隊 第三屆 好人好事表揚計劃 專業精神冠軍暨最高榮譽大獎康融服務有限公司 ( 扶康會成立的社會企業 ): 房屋署天水圍天悅邨長者住屋清潔隊 悲情城市生長的太陽花由心出發綻放共融色彩 康融服務有限公司清潔隊的七位女同工, 在房屋署天水圍天悅邨長者屋承接外判清潔工作, 她們雖只能受惠於法定最低工資的保障, 擔任著最不顯眼的清潔工作, 卻要面對來自不同背景的獨居長者住客的需要, 包括 : 長期病患 精神紊亂 失禁 隨處便溺等問題, 更不時要處理失救發臭的屍體 與此同時, 他們肩負起教導清潔隊殘疾同工的職責, 希望能透過工作, 發展他們的潛能, 建立自信, 實踐職業康復的理念 基本上, 這班婦女同工之前並不認識殘疾人士的特殊需要, 要與殘疾同工溝通, 指導他們, 並一起工作, 絕對是愛心與耐性的表現 他們的付出改變了不少殘疾人士的人生, 同時感染區內人士重新認識殘疾人士, 締造了一個充滿傷健共融的小社區 116

Fu Hong Society has established a comprehensive set of human resources management policy, procedures and system. Under the leadership of the Human Resources Committee, the Human Resources Department is responsible for formulating policies on human resources, and ensuring that such policies, procedures and system are effectively implemented in a fair, just and open way. The Human Resources Department provides comprehensive human resources management and related services to near 1,000 full time and part-time staff. These include staff recruitment, salary and benefits management, staff training, staff communication, staff work performance management, as well as advising all service units on matters related to Labour Legislation and other relevant laws, staff discipline and staff relationship. Work Priorities The staff force of Fu Hong Society has increased from last year s 977 to this year s 996 staff. As an employer who cherishes equal opportunities, Fu Hong Society has provided job opportunities for 22 persons with disabilities through both direct employment and contract out work. To cater for the needs of this group of employees, our Society has introduced adaptive measures. Our Society has also received the 18 Districts Caring Employers Award in three consecutive years, to affirm our effort in assisting persons with disabilities to work. Moreover, to protect the safety of service users, potential employees are required to go through sexual offenses records checks. In the year that past, Fu Hong Society faced serious challenges in staff recruitment; there were difficulties in recruitment from frontline position to professional position. To improve the situation, the following measures have been introduced: Salary and Benefit Management Our Society has just finished the review on the managerial structure of service units, the rank senior manager is recommended to be added as a result. Reviews on other ranks are also scheduled to provide staff with better work arrangement and promotion ladder, the goal is to further promote the quality of service. Apart from that, the Council s Task Force on Organisational Structure Review has also started to review on our Society s senior management structure. In order to attract suitable personnel to join our Society and retain existing staff for service units and ranks that have difficulty in recruitment, various types of allowances such as monthly allowance and annual special bonus are provided. In an attempt to further promote staff s retirement protection, staff who have joined the MPF scheme are entitled to a one-time employer voluntary contribution this year. Moreover, review on staff s paid annual leave and paternity leave has also been completed and benefits for staff in these respects are further enhanced. Regarding medical benefit, allowance for outpatient consultations will be converted to medical allowance which allows greater flexibility for staff. To solve the difficulty in recruiting occupational therapist and physiotherapist, subsidies are received from the Social Welfare Department for enrolling in a master degree programme respectively in occupational therapy and physiotherapy. The two subsidised students are required to join our Society and provide professional services for persons with disabilities after graduation. 117

Staff Training Last year, our Society has organised three Orientation Workshops for new staff, providing employment training for more than 130 new staff. Apart from that, respective service units have also conducted at most three months training for their new staff. Meanwhile, our Training Department has completed reviews on the staff training policy and new staff orientation manual that provide better training guidelines for staff. A total of 57 sessions of training on different themes were organised by our Training Department with 2,722 attendances. New staff orientation workshop In response to the ageing problem of persons with intellectual disabilities, our Society has organised training series on the themes of life and death education as well as ageing of persons with intellectual disabilities illness and care, with a total attendance of 196. Moreover, to gain overseas experience, our Society has sponsored one staff to attend International Conference on Social Enterprises held in South Korea, and two staff to attend national study programme in Beijing. In addition, qualified staff are also recommended by our Society to attend courses on professional qualifications. There are currently three staff attending the enrolled nurse training programme for welfare sector with training allowance provided by our Society. Other professional training courses include: Stress Management course organised by clinical psychologist, helping staff manage their work stress properly and enhance work efficiency To enhance knowledge on nursing care, Foundation Course on Ageing Care for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities, Emergency Response Team Course and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Course, skill training on CPR and the use of first aid equipment, as well as talks on first aid and infection control were organised for our Healthcare Professionals Narrative therapy intermediate course Interactive exercise menu sharing workshop Narrative therapy intermediate course 118

Staff Communication Fu Hong Society values communication with staff. In the past year, occasions with direct communication between the Executive Director and staff included: three staff sharing sessions with a total of 258 staff attended, five focus groups with 98 staff participated, two multi-professional meetings where more than 200 staff took part and deliberated on the annual programme plan of the Society, and during the four meetings of the Staff Consultative Committee where discussion among staff representatives regarding the Society s future development took place. Activity of Staff Consultative Committee Before the implementation of any policy amendments, reviews of staff benefits and reviews of rank structure, our Society would carry out consultations among staff to collect their opinion on the proposed revisions and amendments. Care / Awards for Staff It has been 35 years since Fu Hong Society s establishment; in the year that past, two staff were granted the 30-year long time service award; 10 staff got the 20-year long time service award and a total of 35 staff got the 15-year service award. To show the Society s concern, each staff will receive a birthday present during the month of his or her birthday; gifts will also be given to celebrate staff s new-born and marriage, as well as express concern over staff who apply for long sick leave and leave from work accidents. Implementation of Agency Core Values, Practice of Professionalism, Provision of Excellent Services Fu Hong Society s Agency Culture grows on the enthusiasm and commitment of Father Tapella in serving persons with intellectual disabilities Agency culture influences the development and quality of an organisation. Witnessing the hardship of persons with intellectual disabilities 55 years ago, Italian Father Enea Tapella organised a group of volunteers to visit them and arranged social and religious gatherings for them. Being selfless and endowed with a spirit that goes beyond race and religion, Father Tapella rendered care for persons with intellectual disabilities, his beliefs and perseverance have also aroused our care and love for this group of persons. The establishment of Fu Hong Society is an attempt to follow the steps of Father Tapella and continue his spirit responding to the needs of persons with disabilities with practical actions, and to steer our service development based on their needs. Hence, not only does Father Tapella enlighten us, his spirit also plays an extremely important role in the nurture and development of agency culture. Agency Core Values Care and Respect, Professional Spirit, Synergy, Pro-activeness and Continuous Improvement In order to facilitate the sustainable development of agency culture, Fu Hong Society has laid down its five core values in 2009, including: Care and Respect, Professional Spirit, Synergy, Pro-activeness and Continuous Improvement. The goal is to enable the Society to realise its vision: to become the best organisation for persons with disabilities in Hong Kong. 119

The 3rd Good Staff and Good Event Recognition Scheme This year, our Society has launched its 3rd Good Staff and Good Event Recognition Scheme. Through recognising the good events that our staff carried out in their daily routines to realise the core values, the Scheme aims to share and spread our Society s good staff and good events, facilitate continuous improvement of our services, as well as boost staff morale and their sense of belonging. A total of 71 nominations were received this time, among which 15 nominations of good staff and good events were shortlisted by Dr. Joseph Kwok, J.P. and Dr. Kenneth Sin after initial adjudication. It was followed by voting from all staff to select the winners for the respective awards as well as the highest honour award. The event attained a voter turnout rate of 89.9%, reflecting staff s active participation in promoting agency culture. With great concerted effort, Fu Hong will continue to encourage all its staff to practice the core values through a great variety of programmes and measures, enhance the quality of service and turn Fu Hong Society into the best organisation for persons with disabilities in Hong Kong. The 3rd Good Staff and Good Event Recognition Scheme Professional Spirit Award Champion cum Highest Honour Award Hong Yung Services Limited (Social Enterprise of Fu Hong Society): Tin Shui Wai Tin Yuet Estate Senior Housing Cleaning Team Seven members of the Cleaning Team from our Hong Yung Services Limited took up the cleaning work of Tin Shui Wai Tin Yuet Estate Senior Housing contracted out by the Housing Department. Being paid with statutory minimum wage and assigned the most inconspicuous cleaning work, team members have to cater for the needs of seniors living alone with different backgrounds and problems, including chronic illness, mental disorders, incontinence and defecation in public, as well as handling occasional stinking corpses. In the mean time, they have also taken up the duties to teach workers with disabilities to perform the job, through which the latter develop their potentials, build their self-confidence and practicing the principle of vocational rehabilitation. This team of female workers had no knowledge about the special needs of persons with disabilities before, yet they have to communicate, offer guidance and work with them, which is certainly manifestation of love and patience. Not only has their effort changed the life of many persons with disabilities, it has also enabled members of the community to have a new understanding of this group of persons, and a small community that cherished social inclusion is formed. 120